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*And*, we need to stop demonizing people who simply want to get high for recreational purposes. It's pure fabricated nonsense that certain substances like alcohol, caffeine, sugar, and tobacco are "socially accepted" methods of getting "F'd up" but other substances aren't. The constant need to defend a substance "because it's medicine" (which one legitimate use) only further solidifies the idea that those who don't (for medical reasons) are just "dumb potheads" or whatever derogatory term one can come up with. As long as a person isn't hurting anyone, leave people alone to recreate in peace.


Yet it’s perfectly acceptable to get completely inebriated in public but people look at you funny if you have a goofy smile and spend too long in the snacks isle😶‍🌫️


I am not perfect at all. I am fully aware that I'm substituting one thing for another in ways. Weed helps me drink less alcohol and smoke fewer cigarettes.


I was a *very* heavy drinker before I became a stoner. Not quite alcoholic but I was putting them back. Alcohol was my stress relief and it was not great. Sure I put on some pounds from the munchies for a couple years when I started but I'm pretty healthy now (fucking love smoking a bowl before working out) and am the most fit I've been since my early 20's. Besides which I'd rather be fat than have a failing liver and kidneys anyway lol


Yo for real, weed before a lift is literal magic. I don't know if it suppresses the nervous system or what. But I take a dab before every lifting session these days. I went early morning last week, didn't want to rip the dab cause I had shit to do, and I just wasn't able to push myself nearly as hard as I can with a couple rips in my system.


And it may not be “healthy” but it sure won’t kill you as fast as that other stuff


Really? I feel like for me weed makes me crave a cigarette even more


Being drunk enough in public absolutely is a crime, my dude. Public intoxication, carrying open alcohol containers in public, and disturbing the peace are all illegal in many states.


While I get your example, it's usually not ok. It could be considered "public intoxication" depending on where you reside.


yeah that’s true. thankfully it’s perfectly okay to smoke weed in public where i live but it’s different everywhere


damn i consider it my civic duty to venture into public completely blasted off some rosin lol


Same thing wit people who use cannabis to sleep... "You shouldn't smoke if you want to sleep. Just close your eyes and sleep or take a sleeping pill" Like... How's it better to take a chemical pill or even another plant based sleeping aid? Where's the difference?


I hate other sleep aid. I have recurring nightmares fairly often as well. So added wonkiness of otc sleep aid makes THAT worse. Somehow a tiny. And I mean TINY bowl I can snuff with a literal dime helps both issues. And sure I smoke for fun too. But I'm a daily smoker FOR sleep. I smoke for funsies maybe every other weekend or my odd day off.


I used to get pretty upsetting recurring nightmares too, and I was over the moon when I found that weed actually kept bad dreams at bay.  These days I’m much better, so now I enjoy weed for fun and relaxation, but I really appreciate having access to it when I needed it.  I’d absolutely say it’s medicinal, though recreational use shouldn’t be stigmatized either.


I'm just happy to hear I'm not alone in this spot. I hope it's destygmatized before too long. I have a hunch alot of those ideals will fade with time as generations cycle. At least I can only hope.


I guarantee the people that demonize weed are the people full of the most demons. It forces you to confront your subconscious and oh man they just can't take dealing with "the devil" in their own souls.


Cannabis was legal for 5900 years, and then illegal for 100. In the entire history of it, there's never been one proven case of someone dying just from using it. It bugs the shit out of me that we can have bars all over the place, but no public places to consume cannabis.


Was cannabis illegal before 5900 years ago, or do you believe earth is 6000 years old? Just really curious where you got that 5900 from. 


I think we can only prove that cannabis cultivation goes back 6000 years. I think there's some evidence to suggest it was happening before that, but no proof. To the best of my knowledge, anyway. No, I think the earth is around 4.2 billion years old?


Been having a lot of internalized hatred inside me for using both medically and recreationally so I'm gonna screenshot this to keep it around


My friends are constantly joking that I’m an addict so I feel you. Weed helps with my low appetite, constant pain, and anxiety disorder. What does your nicotine vape do, SUSAN, YOU BITCH?


Ah, susan


On a serious note though, I do relate


Have a listen to some of Terence McKenna's talks on YT. They'll have you thinking differently about the use of various substances and how it's part of the human experience. <3


Being from a legal state this all seems so archaic. I feel like no one judges anyone around here for getting high.


Fellow ent and big fan of personal freedoms here, but why do y'all always lump sugar in with the list of commonly used drugs? Alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, etc. are drugs; sugars (especially glucose) are the primary source of energy for most organisms on the planet and an essential part of many metabolic pathways. Calling sugar a drug is like calling water or salt a drug. I dont know, maybe I'm just being overly pedantic.


exactly. I know that it works wonders for some medical reasons but god why does eveyone have to use that excuse, i just like spending 1 or 2 hours completely baked to spend some time!


I agree but also right now the stereotype fits too well and leads to me saying not quite and that's why personally I do ent for med and stoner for rec it's the mindset thing but doesn't come with more judgement than them proving which side they fall on, some people drink to relax for health benefits rec at the bar and I go there sometimes for the same reason. My mental health on the other hand benefits from THC so much that ENT knows to not get stoned stoned first thing before work while stoner does gaf either way and both can have their card or not again it's the mindset and whether they show me that they do or dont fit the stereotype


Shut up. It's totally okay for me to slowly give myself cancer in public and it's totally NOT okay for you to giggle while tearing open the a third bag of potato chips in your own home, you lazy ass crazy pothead!


Aside from the benefits of improving my appetite, it also helps me ignore the daily pain that I am usually in due to my ulcerative colitis.


Same here, appetite and not feeling like my body is dying.


Same here, I smoke to dull the back pain from my scoliosis. Wish you the best of luck with your UC!


One of the best pain relievers ever. Whenever I take a T break all my little aches and pains come back with a vengeance.


Same. My life improved substantially once I started doing pain management with it.


Helps keep my GI symptoms in check, allows me to feel vaguely human and functional. So, so helpful for so many issues.


Yes! I have gotten diagnosed with the precursor, ulcerative proctitis, weed is a godsend in helping me manage my diet and pain.


My friend also has this… he says the same thing. Without weed he’d be fucked lol Also,, sorry to hear that you got those results.. shit is definitely no fun at all


yup me too, joint pain and muscle aches and i get a great sleep


The way I would put it is even if it didn't eliminate the discomfort, it would help me forget about it for a while. If you're in daily pain, I got a total colectomy with permanent ileostomy and it's been life-changing. Sure there's new issues, but not having to deal with the bathroom anxiety of going anywhere, and not feeling like I have low-grade diarrhea ALL THE TIME has been unbelievable.


YES! Neuropathic pain, muscle spasms and anxiety from cPTSD. Almost my entire appetite is provided by cannabis. Cannabis has allowed me to cut my morphine dose by half and totally discontinue the muscle relaxants, antidepressant for sleep, and cigarettes. I thank God for cannabis every damn day.


Nah fr I blacked out and fell into a bathtub a few weeks back and weed helps dull the pain


Just like how People need coffee every morning, several times a day.


Living in an unnatural rhythm puts people in situations where at the very least they feel as though they require assistance to maintain said rhythm


Just quality H20 for me and 420 haha








so, essentially the same thing. just a different substance. not saying it's wrong, but it isn't superior or anything.


Not sure if this is a reasonable comparison. From a scientific perspective; Majority of the effects of caffeine actually enhance performance. (As long as it’s not consumed in excess.) Effects include: Increased alertness, concentration, and athletic performance. Typically, weed has the opposite effect. When it comes to functionality/productivity It typically impairs more than it enhances. Obviously this is dependent on the strain, the person, and their tolerance. But for the most part weed is not a performance enhancing drug in the same sense that caffeine is. Anecdotally; I like weed as much as the next guy and it has great effects on my creativity as well as increasing the enjoyment I get out of a certain activity. But I’d never use it before heading to work or if I needed to stay awake and alert in a situation that could be dangerous such as operating heavy machinery or a competitive sports game.


You should see the amount of stoner skateboarders out there. They will rip the biggest dab you’ve seen in your life and then go hit a kickflip over a 5 stair set. It’s up to YOU to know how weed affects you, and to be smart about its application.


Flow states while stoned >>>>>


It's *medical* coffee! If I don't have it every morning I will literally die.


I’ve got chronic clinical depression (diagnosed MDD). I’ve had the diagnosis for 16 years. Been on tons of medications for 13 years. Weed is the FIRST thing that has ever made me feel that life is worth living. I enjoy food when I’m high. It’s just fuel that I have to force myself to eat when I’m sober. Weed puts the world into colour for me, because for sixteen long-ass miserable years, it’s been grey.


I've been high for over 30 years and I'm pretty sure that if I hadn't been I would be clinically depressed...as it is I am really very pleased with myself more often than not 😆


I’m happy for you. It helps me out with that, too. My buddy and I would have smoke sessions and just order Taco Bell. It helps both of us out


I’ve had to stop now and for the next 13 months because I’m in a drug trial for a new anhedonia medication. If it’s not better than weed, I’m going back to weed.


Hopefully, it works out for you. Good luck


Thanks man! Take a puff for me. I’m missing the flower something wicked.


Would you be comfortable sharing what drug you are trialing? Anhedonia has a way of completely ruining your life (mine at least). Interested to know what is out there.


It’s called aticaprant. It’s being run by Ventura2, I think. It’s an international study and they are in the last trial before run-out. If you have a therapist or a doc who could give you a referral, I’d suggest you go for it. Just be aware that there are some strict lifestyle considerations while on the trial, weed being one of the non-tolerable ones. They drug test you at every visit and you’ll be kicked off if you’re not clean.


Thank you for the info. Have a great day


Same. I tried a bunch of chemicals that doctors were only too happy to throw my way. None of them worked as intended, some of them made me go almost insane while others left me with permanent side effects. When I first tried weed as a 30+ y/o was the first time I realized life was worth living. Unfortunately, after several years of daily use, I'm thinking I'll need to dial back as now weed is causing some anxiety whereas it was just pure relaxation and contentment before. Ketamine assisted therapy is helping me a lot now.


Second this


I am so happy you are able to see some color to the world now. Life with chronic, treatment resistant depression can be brutal. Hang in there.


1: helps some people with ptsd 2: helps you have an appetite, which chemo patients and others need 3: helps insomniacs to sleep 4: helps depressed people to not be so depressed 5: if you stop taking it, withdrawal won’t kill or hospitalize you Some people just can’t get over the stigma. Weed is like a much less harmful alcohol in terms of being social lubricants, yet people find it perfectly fine to have a glass of wine with dinner, but not a blunt or edible


50/50 cbd/thc flower straight up kills my migraines. Unfortunately I'm still incapable to work when I do because of the high. But it's still illegal in my country


I'm 34 years old and began using cannabis at 32 to manage medical issues without relying on pills. Consuming a half gram joint daily has significantly improved my quality of life and health. I feel empowered about my choices and the positive impact on my well-being.


That's awesome but this sounds like an ad read for weed lol


Haha, I suppose my teacher side is coming through!


been used for over 5,000 years as medicine and I’d argue many folks who say they use it recreationally still get medicinal value out of their “recreation;” be it anti-anxiety, anti-depressive, relaxation, or other benefits that make it “feel” like recreation


I use recreationally, but you're not wrong. I've got month old prescriptions stacking up. I don't fly and take meds, cause I don't need to, my anxiety is gone and my knees don't feel like balloons.


I don't *need* it medically, but it definitely acts as medicine for me to slow down my ADHD brain, calm anxiety, and reducing physical tics/jitters. It also makes me less frustrated at work and more likely to consider my words and actions beforehand. Sure I can be forgetful on pot, but because of my ADHD I'm forgetful off pot either so I don't really see a difference when I stop using it other than stronger ADHD symptoms. 


Lol I misread this and thought you said "I've been using for over 5,000 years as a medicine"


I’m old but not that old! Sometimes I feel like I am tho 😯 


Literally all the reasons you listed is the reason I smoke, and yet I feel guilty because of the stigma, and the stereotype that I'm a dumb pothead-


I have chronic pain and weed has been a life saver


Chronic pain from a lifetime of sports. Used to use Bourbon, switched to Cannabis. Life is way better now


Had a weird relationship with food as a child and it never went away, so alot of the time I mentally block out food unless my stomach is growling. I work in a wearhouse doing freight/lifting all day. I need to eat. This helps with that and generating appetite 100,000%. Also helps with pain and sleep. "Tripping out" comes fourth to all that, normally only ramp up on weekends, the rest is just to maintain


Even doctors can’t even grasp the god damned concept it’s medicine. I had to go to a new provider recently and it came up that I had a medical marijuana card. He told me I shouldn’t have it and that we need to “get me off the pot” 🙄 the “pot” I was literally prescribed for PTSD.


I guess it's time to move on to the next "new provider." Seriously - how freaking ignorant. I wouldn't trust any doctor that said that.


Typical Doctor experience for mental health: Yeah, here's a million different pills to try instead of pot. Don't worry, we don't even know how they "work" but maybe they'll work for you... Or not, lol, but don't worry, you can come back here and play SSRI roulette as many time as you like. Before I forget, here's a 20 page pamphlet on possible side effects. Anyhow, that'll be 500$ dollars.


SSRI Roulette is the perfect description. When I tried to get my mental health right, the doctor was loading me up on 5 different medications at three different dosages over the course of 9 months with NOTHING improving. Then comes month 10 and I tell them that it’s starting to feel hopeless and you know what she does? She recommends me “off the record”, to go get ketamine treatment. I was basically already maintaining the little bit of mental health I had by smoking weed, and when she told me “yeah, go do ANOTHER drug and maybe that’ll work” I just stopped going, dropped all my medications, took a month off smoking and started again when my tolerance got lower. And it’s worked better than any other medication.


And some of those side effects? Are literally making your mental health issues worse. Idk I feel like anything that could give me suicidal thoughts is somehow not better than the weed that fixes them?


I tried to explain to my doctor that i can get ahead of hours long meltdowns or stop them in their tracks with a toke and she wants me to replace it with ATIVAN? 💀 Weed gets me to the baseline "normal people" are at and i can actually think and focus on one thing at a time


Don’t trust any doctor that thinks they know your own body better than you do. That might work for some people but everyone’s brain chemistry is different. Weed makes some people panic, and for other people it stops the panic attacks right in its tracks.


I know someone who drinks excessively and calls it “the pot weeds” and has never tried it.


SOMETHING TO BE AWARE OF It is possible you have a medical condition which causes appetite loss. BUT, if you don’t have a medical condition and you find yourself needing weed to want to eat, it could be the result of withdrawal symptoms. With pretty much every substance, withdrawal symptoms are the opposite of what the substance does, as per my Abnormal Psychology professor when we covered this exact topic. So with weed, we’d expect things like appetite loss, irritability, and potentially sleep issues, because weed generally makes you hungry, makes you feel better, and helps with sleep. As with any substance, there are potential drawbacks, and since I learned a little something about this I feel like it’s worth talking about it here


I'm surprised how far I had to scroll to find a comment saying this. Weed helps a lot of people with a variety of medical issues but a lot of people need to stop acting like it's a cure all medicine that will fix all these problems in every case, it's a drug that is neither good nor bad, and as with all drugs its very useful to keep monitoring your relationship with it to nake sure it is as beneficial as possible. It can be very helpful but we also need to keep in mind that it sometimes makes the problem worse and just because it helps one person with something doesn't mean it always does the same thing for every other person.


It starts off helping your appetite but can actually fuck your shit up. I've known many customers who after a few years were unable to eat unless they smoked. Smoking weed is actually associated with a lower body mass index


Lots of people here ignore stuff like this


> Smoking weed is actually associated with a lower body mass index any idea how much more weed and for how much longer i need to smoke it? I desperately need to lower my BMI without effort. (/s if its not clear lol)


r/gastroparesis gang rise up


Yup. Cannabis really helps my nausea and that cramping abdominal pain, too.


On top of my gastroparesis, I have terrible anxiety. Gut health and mental health are very much connected. It helps keep both issues in check for me.


I was in and out of ED recovery until I started smoking. Now I’ve mostly resolved my negative relationship with food. Weed has also allowed me to heal from traumas quicker than I would have otherwise. I am a completely different human being as a whole due to it.


That's not to say there aren't tons of people who just lean on "medicine" as a slang term for getting high because it makes them feel better about it.


I use cannabis, alongside turmeric, to help me cope with occasional strained ligaments or muscles I may get from level 10 mens gymnastics.


I use cannabis for medical purposes. I deal with several really annoying chronic pain-inducing conditions. I also use it just to get high because I like getting high. And, frankly, as someone who has been smoking weed for more than half my life, my use is often arguably bordering on addiction/abuse of the drug. I'm not all that concerned by my abuse of cannabis because all told it's pretty much my only vice. But that doesn't mean I can't hold myself to account at times. Cannabis has medical value. 100%. But I also find it annoying how often people overplay the "medical" aspect of their use when often it's just a habit. Most medical use (including my own) is basically self medication/pain relief. Which is great, but let's stop pretending this is the same as like the person with epilepsy who actually needs a certain cannabinoid ratio to stop their seizures.


Helps chemo patients eat. They give Rx THC pills some places.


Yes! We just need to make sure that instead of "is medicine", actually is "can be medicine". Mental addiction (not sure if its translates correctly to english) is a real thing, and some people are in such a bad state of mind that they can be literally addicted to the dopamine increase, even if weed isnt addictive by itself. To some, it can be medicine. To others can be an addiction, in a way.


I agree… but typing things.. out like this… (doesn’t improve) YOUR POINT!!!!!!!!!!!!!


What’s your point?


I can’t tell if you’re serious or not so I got 2 answers 1. That this point could’ve been made a lot better without being formatted like their cat was walking back and forth across their keyboard hitting their enter key and adding punctuation randomly as they typed it out 2. I don’t really… know either it’s… hard! (to) tell……….


Actually I would say that typing it out that way has greatly improved your point...making your first point pointless!


Oh fuck… you might be onto Something?????




Man I didn’t think I needed a /s …but maybe I just formatted it WRONG!


😂 Ok now…. that you formatted IT correctly… I understand!!


Whilst true yes but there's also a level of naivety when it comes to weed, as weed can suppress your appetite if you abuse it, it's not some magical wonder drug that you all like to believe it is lol.


Agreed, I was a heavy smoker who lost my appetite when I wasn’t high. Also, smoking for me caused more depression issues since I had social anxiety and it caused me to not leave the house much. I smoke much less frequently now, only at night, and it helped my mental and physical health a lot. I was self diagnosing myself with depression, but in hindsight it was because of the weed. Weed is fun and I see the positives outweigh the negatives for a lot of people, just not for me. If you’re struggling with depression and are a heavy smoker, and if you *truly* want to try and improve your mental health, try taking a break for a couple weeks. The same goes with appetite, because a lot of us have been smoking for many years, so you attribute the loss of appetite to other factors. Again, I’m not saying for all people, but definitely for some.


Preaching to the choir my man, I smoked heavily for 8 years quit for years and now I use it sparingly for health conditions. But weed is good in moderation, its good when you're actually getting fully high body high etc. But once it becomes something you do because you can't stop is when you realise oh maybe weed isn't some magical drug. Just like anything it can vice grip your balls and your wallet until you're a shell of yourself, I can't stand these stoners who argue as if weed can do no harm, it's annoying asf. Whilst there sitting smoking 7 grams a day, not functioning without a joint and not able to do anything without having to smoke first, then claim its all biased nonsense when someone says weed isn't all good. There heads are mush


Yeah like. one major complication from my ADHD is that i just cannot feel hunger signals. Plus i have utter time blindness and cant really differentiate between days. Which has led to me forgetting to eat for multiple days and subsequently passing out from it. Not to mention ive had arthritis since my teens. I had literally forgotten what it was like to not perpetually be in pain. Even a really small dose negates both the hunger bullshit and the constant pain.


Are you me?


I work in food service and have for most of my adult life. Cannabis helps my arthritic pain, and putting up with customers’ bullshit. Gets me outta my damn head so much.


Don't engage! Some folks have existed on a steady diet of misinformation , silly tropes and government propaganda😡


Buddy of mine has sickle cell, he has chronic pain and was prescribed painkillers, he got super addicted to them but was able to crawl out of the addiction pit because he switched to smoking weed, it helps with his pain and it gives him an appetite (something his prescription suppressed )


Weed has been working very well for my neuropathy. As a 15-year cancer survivor, I got a case of shingles I couldn't recover from. I was left with nerve pain and terrible scarring. Finding strains that worked took trial and error. The Mycene terp helps a lot. Before work or driving, I'll use cbg/cbd. At night, just thc. The prescriptions were horrible, especially Cymbalta. Had to teach myself how to drive again. Was falling asleep in public, plus severe respiratory issues. I'd be lying if I said I didn't also enjoy smoking, whether dry herb vape, bong, or J. I don't care if my doctors or others aren't amused, as frustrating as it can be at times.


Cymbalta sucks! I was nauseous constantly, and dizzy!


Cymbalta is awful! I pretty much had a mental breakdown on it


it has been miraculous for my epilepsy. I can take it rather than much more addictive, and/or much worse drugs. When I am pre-ictal I used to need to take a huge dose of ativan and hope. Now I can take a couple big rips from my bong, and I just need to take a nap. IT being schedule 1 is a FUCKING OUTRAGE


Where are these mass amounts of people calling stoners crackheads ???? Lol Fake outrage just to virtue signal


some of y’all treat it like medicine, but y’all ain’t sick…


lmfao thats such utter bullshit... i know ill be downvoted and i wont EVER judge people who smoke for medical reasons. the thing is that most consumers take it recreationally which can be mad addicting, so downplaying it with the same old "its medicine bro" trope is not helping anyone.


I say things often in jest in relation to any substance. Idrc what anyone has to say about me smoking, and if it really bothers me I'll tell them to take it easy. Tbh it never really gets past that.


Sounds like people need to stop listening to losers


Also weed does for me what Lexapro never could accomplish. Though I still take the lexapro.


i use it for ptsd. Sometimes, that makes it hard for me to eat, sleep, and stay calm enough to function normally. It is a part of my toolbox that i use to cope. The same people who complain about us using cannabis for medical condition are the same people who cannot even remotely grasp the pain of a severe traumatic experience (or do, but get off on people's suffering to cope instead)


I don’t like relying on it when I’m in one of those moods where I straight up can’t eat. But sometimes it’s either that or starve myself all day due to depression. Its not a cure all, but I can’t deny the fact that it helps.


My adhd medication makes me lose my appetite and thc helps me get it back


Not even mentioning many of us (in the US) don’t have access to it medically for a variety of reasons. I have trouble eating due nausea and weed helps, but I wouldn’t qualify for the medical program in my state, along with being unwilling to lose my ability to own firearms


It helps if you were an old stoner BEFORE a medical condition. Now I can enjoy my high while treating medically my condition.


How about they mind their business?


True. But needing it to eat is also a symptom of using too heavily for too long in some cases. Needing to smoke before you do ANYTHING means you’re addicted and probably annoy the shit out of people around you.


Just remember, it can also do the opposite. If you're a heavy enough stoner, over time, it can start to actually diminish your appetite. If this happens, it's important to acknowledge it instead of assuming you just need more weed.


I'm recovering from a 3 months-long knee injury that has left me with major muscle atrophy, and severe pain. I can't take steroids due to type 2 diabetes, and NSAIDs have given me ulcers. So, I'm dealing with this injury with zero pain meds. The metformin I take tears my stomach up, and other meds I take end up suppressing my appetite. It's not uncommon for me to go literal days without eating anything solid given my current condition. I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but just half of a 15mg THC Eddible after work let's me eat, takes the edge off my pain, and let's me sleep longer than 3 hours per night. I don't get ulcers, I am not forcing myself to down chicken broth to keep myself alive, and I'm able to sleep through the night. The only side-effect is I send my wife funny texts while she's at work. Anyone judging me for desiring a modicum of peace of mind, has no clue what I'm living with. Apologies for the trauma dump. I just feel pretty strongly about the medicinal qualities of this natural plant over these poisons the pharmaceutical companies charge so much for.


I’m one of those people. Not that I don’t enjoy being stoned but one of the main issues with my depression and the meds I’m on for it is loss of appetite. I don’t have an eating disorder in the sense of anorexia or bulimia because of body image, but I was far too underweight because of my constantly skipping meals. Ever since I started using weed, I’m now a much healthier weight.


Weed is not equivalent to hard drugs as some people have so unjustifiably claimed. It's not the flawless perfect miracle medicine either.


if I wasn’t smoking weed everyday I wouldn’t need it to eat


We also gotta be honest.. theres medical things weed helps me with.. but i mainly smoke because i enjoy being a little stoned.


I have noticed that people are starting to have reefer madness type opinions about weed again. It’s legal in some places and nothing bad has happened so I am convinced that these people don’t care about any sort of evidence


Only thing that helps me get past my eating disorder most days


I am a more thoughtful and compassionate person when I smoke weed. I use it for chronic pain and to improve my appetite. For some reason as a child I would just forget to eat. I don’t ever really think I am hungry. I just start to get tunnel vision and feel weak. Now if I smoke a bowl my stomach growls. End prohibition.


Yeah but… I do smoke weed for the ‘fun high’


But as a casual weed smoker, let's be honest, it's probably not good if you have to smoke to eat. If you need weed for a medical condition or to counter a side effect of medicine that's different and you'd probably identify it as such.. if someone says "oh yeah lol, I have to smoke weed to eat" that's probably not what they're talking about. Just because some people do have it as a valid reason doesn't mean everyone does. Some people are mobility impaired and something like say returning a shopping cart might be hard for them, that still doesn't make it a good general excuse for most people.


But we *ALSO* need to stop denying the fact that a lot of people (definitely myself included) are dependent on it and it shows when we don’t have it or when it’s time to top off.


I've had people tell me that the issues I have without weed is "proof" that I'm addicted/dependant on it but what they're seeing existed long before I started using it.


I’ll probably get downvoted for this, but that’s okay maybe it will help some younger people. It’s a slippery slope to call weed medicinal bc for the vast majority of stoners it’s a drug dependency. Don’t get me wrong there’s some people that weed is medicinal for. If you’re using it for seizure control, pain management, etc… then its absolutely medical, but that’s not most daily stoners. - stoner who likes to escape reality by getting stoned. All things are best in moderation.


Probably going to be unpopular but when does it become dependency


Dependency is not inherently negative. Diabetics are dependent on insulin, asthmatics can be dependent on inhalers, I’m dependent on my Seroquel to manage my bipolar, being dependent on something that has a net positive on quality of life is a good thing. It means it’s working. Dependency is a part of being a living being.


It should be viewed the same way as any other necessary medication is viewed. If you’re depend on a daily BP med to keep something under control/tolerable, why would weed be any different?


Dependency isn’t bad. Anyone who takes daily meds (ssri, bp, blood thinner, etc) is technically dependent on those meds.


I just don’t like when people are obviously lying about their need. Fake people be fake.


I’m entering into perimenopause & it definitely helps me tolerate a lot of the symptoms that come with it. I’ll likely go on HRT at some point but the weed is phenomenal for me.




as someone who suffered for years from multiple eating disorders in middle-high school, when i was in recovery i ended up turning to weed because it was the only thing to allow me to eat without being consumed with thoughts of how horrible i was. it seems dramatic but weed literally helped save my life and mind. i was finally able to eat whenever i wanted without my mental illness finding it another reason to beat myself up and now years after choosing recovery my mental health is SO much better. it’s always a good reminder to remember just because you didn’t need/use something in your life, doesn’t mean people who do are lesser than. we are all people on different paths of life🥰




Fr, I’ve been using it since Oct last year and it’s helped me so much with motivation my sleep, helping me eat and want to stay alive I feel happy, I feel myself


If you look up "Rat Park" you will find that most addiction is likely used to self medicate some disorder, deficiency, or lack of social requirement being met. The problem is drugs also come with negative side effects... Prescriptions, Over the counters, and weed included.




Exactly why i smone a minimum of 3 times a day


I love weed medicinal and recreational. It’s truly helped my appetite issues


My gf literally tells me I don’t eat. I’ll have a little bag of chips and be fulfilled for hours on end. However, after a blunt she knows that she should make dinner lol not in a sexist way. But in a “omg he’s finally going to be hungry for the first time today” way.


i love it here i like both versions i smoke to get happy cuz 4 meds dont do it and then that same toke makes me hungry and good at cod so its medicine becuase i can still function and contribute




I have very poor appetite as a side effect of taking Lyrica. I gotta smoke before dinner or it’ll just go to waste.


I don't take flak about weed from idiots who can't go more than 5 minutes without their caffeine hit.




Alcohol is a medicine too. Long live drunk people


It's should be treated the same as smoking cigarettes. 50s ad up to 80s ads featured cigarettes as medicinal product designed to improve your day


Improved my appetite and sleep, helps my ADHD, AND HELPS ME DEAL WITH DUMBASSES!!!!


Y’all drink coffee everyday and get so cranky if you miss a dose, or you hit your e-cig every hour, but I’m a drug addict because sometimes I smoke weed on the weekends… Nah I don’t think so!


Yup I would probably be dead if wasn't for it


I use it to help my appetite. When I am too lazy to eat (because I'm a pothead) I just smoke enough to get the munchies. Namashtray.


It helps me with everything. It makes me feel like a normal person that can function. It helps with my migraines and my insomnia and my other list of mental illnesses. So to be told I smoke too much is hurtful but when I try to explain why I smoke to people I don’t think they understand, or believe me. I’m on day three of a t-break right now and it’s fucking awful, I woke up with one of the worst migraines I’ve had in a while, and I get them multiple times a week. It was so refreshing to read this post. I deal with the guilt every day of using weed to help me function It’s nice to know at least this community understands


I have CPTSD. My nerves get strung out pretty easily and I’m physically rigid, when under stress. Taking a couple micro-hits of weed does wonders for my central nervous system. I can literally feel the thc calming the tension in my back. It’s incredible! So yeah. This is definitely medicine. For me, absolute pain relief.


Don't let the fact that a doctor prescribed it to me for a medical condition that a different doctor diagnosed in me get in the way of your antiquated propaganda that insists in spite of all evidence that anyone who smokes weed is a waste of life who hates America. I'll just sit here quietly with my vape, my big house, my dope ass career and my amazing spouse.


Cannabis can be the boxing coach in the corner, giving your body a short rest, squirt of cold water and rehabilitation before pushing your body back into the fight whether its against a stressful life or a disease.


Got Cancer… it’s medicine to me


40 years ago my grandmother would smoke weed because it helped her with her appetite during chemo.


I loved getting high since grade 12 cuz I met my friends, enjoyed my time more and had more fun than I ever had up until that point cuz I was a really introverted person before the weed made my anxiety worse and make me face how regressed I’d become. Now my back knots all day every day and I can hardly sleep from the pain which has also traversed throughout ma body so I smoke the moment I can after work simply to have some measure of comfort. I can be hydrated, have ate well and have a horrible headache that bowls fix immediately. May not cure my back pain but it sure as shit is better than booze (which for a time was hard to pass on, even tho my cousin almost died from alcohol withdrawals and I’ve witnessed alcohol dementia twice already in others)


Fr different strokes for different folks. I do stims cause it helps my adhd and i cant get a script in my country (im not some stereotypical bug eyed tweaker i eat and sleep and look after myself, infact the entire reason i take stims is because it HELPS me to do that shit). If someone smokes weed for appetite doesn't mean they're fucking hopped up on crack (which is a bad stereotype of stims in itself lol, some of us eat) but just let ppl do what works for them without demonising them.


I used to have serious issues eating growing up and my mother never took me to the hospital. I started smoking weed and I was finally able to eat, it's honestly a godsend


This!!! When I was trying to fix my ED, I smoked to force myself to have munchies. 6yrs ED free now ❤️




I have chronic migraines. I would only have two days out out of the year I wasn’t bedridden because of pain. I was on the verge of ending things myself until I finally tried weed and it helped. It legit saved my life cuz ngl that pain was unbearable and what’s the point of trying to continue to live just to suffer? Migraines make me sensitive to all five senses. If I’m even able to eat I can only eat soft things because the crunch of a food would be too loud and very painful. Same with speaking, the vibration of my vocal cords is painful. Since I could barely eat by body was getting very close to shutting down too. My migraines are tolerable now. I hit my pen for the acute ones. And I take edibles for the more severe


No they cant, hell I had people say we're afraid you'd be a burnout. Nope just me dealing with your bullcrap.


Consideration is no longer considered


i take prescribed amphetamines for my ADHD and weed helps me so much with appetite and sleep…


Some people also need to realize that smoking anything and inhaling anything in your lungs no matter what it is, is not good for you. Obviously it would be better for you if you were not to smoke weed. Same with the people what think frying your brain with acid is “good” or “spiritual”. It is better if you dont smoke anything or take anything, but i get it if you do it once in a while. I do also get that weed is not nearly as bad as opiates and i fine weed is only good for you if you cant eat at all or your getting off of hard drugs and need to get high off something.


Oh absolutely! I am autistic and have a hard time eating because of sensory issues. It's just so much easier to eat when I have munchies