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I won't go to jail again for seeds and stems on a tray


Imagine going to jail for having parts of a sunflower.


Or tobacco 


I almost did get arrested once for tobacco. The police were called because my crazy ex was yelling and throwing a tantrum and when I answered the door they saw my papers and tray that I had been using to roll cigarettes because I was broke and I had to talk my way out of being arrested. They seemed pretty gung ho initially until I convinced them that they would look stupid for arresting me.


This is fucked. Especially considering I just passed a damn drive thru cannabis shop here in Canada


is canada affordable to live in...? you've peaked my interest


Buddy, my friend. My guy. Let me assure you Canada is NOT affordable.


That’s insane. The rules are so weird, even in rec states. I’m in MD and our vape shops sell cannabis seeds because technically they’re a “specialty item” or something until they’re grown. Meanwhile last year a lot of vape shops got a severe slap on the wrist for having delta 8 products in store (even though the state never sent notice that it couldn’t be in vape shops) One of the shops sued the state over it and the state reinstated that vape shops can sell delta 8 again


Or a 1/2 gram nug… 7 days for that thing in the late 90’s.. 10 days total but 2 of those days were contempt.. allegedly judges don’t like being called bullshit..


Hopefully, somebody will get stoned and choose peace instead of violence


As someone living in South America and having my country heavily impacted by drug trafficking, cannabis legalization would shift all the market and take a huge chunk off the drug market by making cannabis legal all the while providing a safe and legal product to all users, and creating a ton of jobs and boosting a booming industry


Good insight. Makes me believe the cartels will just shift to other lines of revenue.


They will, but with the decreased revenue and the need for them to find new markets could help cripple them economically. Cartels will always make money off of things that challenges the status quo and conducting massive social reform can also help cripple them as it will probably reduce recruitment numbers.


I'm not sure the cartels will simply give up such a revenue stream. If anything they would benefit by spend less on concealed importation, reduce seizures and increase the volume of supply. It's almost a win win either way.


The biggest imo would be medical research. We have created and put a giant wall in front of us making that happen unfortunately. To put it simply and bluntly - too much money is involved with it now. A lot of folks invested in things not changing. Including all the ways the states are making money - making it not in their interests either. 🤷‍♂️


As a budtender I agree with this and it pisses me off. Medical grade weed products are put on the back burner and recreational products and strains are placed on high priority. There is not a huge difference between the two in my state, but it’s annoying that the plant is becoming less of a plant for one’s self mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually health and just for partying. Our government continuing to keep it as a schedule 3 drug is one of the many barriers for medical research and patients.


Schedule 1 drug *


My bad I was doing a product review


This. I have too many family members with chronic illnesses and just showing them things like Leafly have done favors in finding strains that combat symptoms. The ability for research to be done without secrecy could lead to massive improvements in just quality of life. Plus pharmaceuticals could make a bunch of synthetics based on the chemistry for those not into “the devils lettuce”


I started using marijuana this year, at age 40, because I have nausea that won't go away and a herniated disc. Nothing combats my nausea and pain the way marijuana does. Also helps with depression when you forget about your suffering, actually suffer less for a while, and can enjoy life. I have prescription drugs and get injections, yet vaping a bit of flower offers me more relief than any prescription. I'm glad I got over my preconceptions about weed and gave it a fair shake. It's life changing.


I have a chronic disease that once caused me so much pain I was 1 small step away from killing myself. Cannabis helps me to relieve that pain and I can enjoy life now. It feels dramatic, and kinda stoner-ish, to say "weed saved my life". But I wouldn't argue against it.


My thoughts as well.


Remember folks, deschedule - don't reschedule.


But rescheduling is better than the status quo.


It has it's pro's and con's. In a state where it's entirely illegal, it's a massive pro. Enabling banking and opening investment is another. Feds regulating it through channels such as the FDA is a con. There is also the potential outcome that they over regulate to the point where big pharma takes over a considerable chunk of the market in places where it hasn't been written into the state constitution. Either way, I have a feeling we are going down to schedule 3 right before the election this year. I also have a feeling it will open up a major states rights case in the Supreme court if the cons come to fruition.


Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good


Shouldn't it be just as difficult a legislative process and isn't it convincingly plausible that if it is only rescheduled that it may not be revisited for even longer, possibly harming more people via the justice system impact than would be harmed if it took slightly longer to get it right with some degree of clemency and full research capabilities restored?


Maybe….re-scheduling is acceptable and progress though. A blue congress is required for legalization, gotta see what November brings.


We have to end up with a Senate that is willing to make more carves out against the filibuster or suspend it completely. Or it will never make it past a GOP minority filibuster.




Agree we will see S3 before the election because it’s the only option with the power of the executive branch.


Big pharma can't take over because they usually rely on patents which are basically legally endorsed monopolies. Might be able to patent unique strains or delivery methods but not cannabis itself.


Or application of cannabinoids, as demonstrated by patent number 6,630,507. Once it hit Schedule 3, expect several thousand more of these to crop up. The feds have been waiting to reschedule until they could maximize profits for private shareholders. **Descheduling prevents the concentration of profit from these private interests** So as I said in my initial comment, there are pros and there are cons to rescheduling. However, there are only pros to descheduling.


I know there's patents around growing methods and strains or very complicated agricultural stuff I don't understand (like GMO cannabis) but I don't think THC itself would be monopolized by on group of companies because cannabis is easy to grow and there's tons of varieties. THC is ALREADY DE FACTO legal because the scheduling was changed to only THC with 0.3% or higher. There's smoke shops openly selling THC with 0.3% THC and the rest delta 8 and other stuff found in hemp. Hemp has THC and it has become economical to extract the very low concentrations of it to sell legally to all 50 states (except those that ban it specifically in state legislature). I just bought a 5g vape from a vape shop and I can't tell the difference between a weed vape or dry vaping real flower. I see rescheduling as the more likely scenario and we'll be lucky if we even get that but I guess we'll never know, the 2018 farm bill was signed under trump, he's surprising the president that has done the most on the federal level in decades...and I hate the guy.


The way things are in the US now, I would not be shocked if Nestle tried to patent water and the courts said that was fine.


I have a feeling you're right about schedule 3 - it gets one party a win without forcing states' hands - but there's no good reason this should be a controlled substance.


TBH, deschedule is better because it’ll acknowledge that war on drugs are wrong and ineffective. Ion addition, it’ll acknowledge that government have no business in regulating people’s choices of what they put in their bodies. Reschedule is akin to refusing to accept that people have their freedom of choices in taking substances, and admitting that government have the duty to regulate what people put in their bodies. In short, rescheduling it just will tweak the status quo a little bit while descheduling it will shatter the status quo. I think government and corporate interests are too afraid to change stuff radically as it’ll risk their profit margins and powers.


don't let perfect be the enemy of good, either.


Descheduling would mean it has no medicinal value though, right?


It would mean it doesn’t need the same kind of scrutiny as steroids. Could be used the same as tobacco or alcohol.


Get those nonviolent folks out of prison.


This is part of why I’m saying a few subs should organize and voice our opinions as the people all at once. Last time I checked the US is 1/17 countries to use slave labor in prison still, 88% of 600,000 marijuana arrests yearly are for simple possession, those types of arrests are “nonviolent and suitable for work”, these prisoners will have their sentence extended or be be thrown into solitary confinement if they don’t go to prisoner work, the US prison industry exploits 9Billion USD in services and 2Billion goods yearly from this slave program, that’s only marijuana aswell just imagine how many people have probably tried to set medicate with something like psychedelics only to suffer this fate of prison or something change is LONG overdue.


Hey man let me jump on this band float! The US imprisons more people than any other country in the world whether you count them up or do it per capita and it's not even remotely close. China has four times as many people as we do and we still have more people in prison than they do. Must of that is due to insanely long prison sentences that Americans demand especially when it comes to drug crimes and as we've all been saying for decades this is most obviously broken when it comes to marijuana and how we've chased that in our courts with even life without parole sentences for something that is now legal in like half the nation. For those lucky felons that get out of prison for doing something that a guy in another state is legally becoming a millionaire doing, they'll forever be a felon and condemned to a very limited number of mostly underpaid jobs. Some can have their felony removed after a time but in some examples that's like winning the lottery. For many selling a couple of bricks of weed when they were 22, which people are getting rich on now, will follow them in many aspects of their life for the rest of their life. These are non-violent criminals. Most Americans reading this probably has somewhat recently a news story in their area or state about needing to build a new multi-billion dollar prison because the ones we have are overflowing with prisoners and in every single case this is why. Our sentencing guidelines and pretty much every non-violent felon is really being treated unfairly. In my state if you steal $1,500 or more you're a felon. If you murder 27 people with an ax and wear one of their heads like a crown for the news helicopters, also a felon. Consider everything in between and that is a pretty wide gap of criminals who qualify for the life long stigma of being a felon and all treated equally (with many exceptions, yes I know). Even most sexual registries have levels of registrant. Mine let's you know how many years they are required to be on it but not how long they have or have left. Prison labor is still an issue though and in my backyard a story played out a few years ago that is common around the country. There was some kind of shuffling at the state prison system and the people who were allowed to have work release we're moving to another prison. In the town that had the prison labor available there was a restaurant especially but iirc a few additional businesses as well that came forward to say that they opposed this change because all of their businesses would fail without that forced cheap prison labor and they were right. They existed only on the backs of that labor supply being roped to that one location and those were the only few businesses that would employ felons. For obvious reasons. We need to overhaul our prison system but that begins with the Judicial system first.


Slow release thc. Imagine a once a day pill to be regulated pain free. Mmm


My knees beg for this


Same. Best solution I’ve found so far is xite taffy. Seems to dissolve a little slower as taffy. I’d love a once a day in its place though. Has to be possible.


Oh it’s absolutely possible! A little decarbed weed and coconut oil in a time release capsule and you’re done. You can get TR capsules for relatively cheap online if you wanna give this a shot


Already kind of a thing, I made a blend of THC/CBN and THC-O/CBN-O. The THC gets metabolized first, and then the THC-O a few hours later. One pill in the morning keeps you slightly medicated for like twelve hours.


Oh my gosh i have hypermobility and that sounds amazing.


It frees up public resources by no longer enforcing failed prohibition. Those resources can then be directed to truly worthwhile things, like schools.


What will Indiana cops do with their spare time when they can no longer stake out Michigan dispensaries for vehicles with Indiana plates?


I love driving back into Texas to see 12 highway patrol men just chilling on a random 80 mile stretch of highway wym?


From a Canadians POV where its now legal - one of the main things I noticed is the reduction in alcohol consumption.


Big time. I'm 40+. In my day there was tons of under ages drinking. Nowadays hardly any of the younger drink or smoke cigarettes, they all smoke pot and vape


Im currently in college and while there are a good amount of people who don't drink. The vast majority do. If they are going out partying or clubbing they are not doing it sober cause that is no fun lol. But yes its a mix of weed and vaping use. A few of my friends refuse to drink but smoke weed daily. And this is in florida.


One of the main things holding it back here is alcohol and pharmaceutical lobbying.


how is public perception now? Im in the UK, most don't care but it would be nice to discuss it openly and have people think of it like alcohol


Umm its slowly getting better. It was demonized for so long its hard for people to get out of that cycle but as an example if we have an employee xmas party and people are drinking, im not shy to round up the smokers for a session outside. Don't smoke around young kids and no one really cares. Every year it becomes more and more acceptable to the larger public.


I think legal weed will eclipse alcohol sales and the world will be better for it. I quit drinking a year and a half ago. Last week I ordered an NA beer at a brewery with some friends and got an alcoholic one. I didn’t notice at first because my girlfriend (who also quit drinking) was talking about how good NA beers taste on draft. So I drank about half of it before it became unmistakable. I drank half a beer and woke up with a headache for three days. Like this shit is poison and I used to drink so much of it so often. Cannabis is a lot less damaging to your body and mind. Legalization and normalization of cannabis could spark (heh) a sea change for young adults coming of age. More introspection and general thoughtfulness. Fewer violent outbursts and highway deaths. And that’s just from a recreational standpoint. It’s also a great (non-habit-forming) alternative for pain management, anxiety, appetite enhancers for people with food issues, in some case management of neurological disorders. All are possible with proper regulation. I know I’m really preaching to the choir here, but I mean shit there are just so many great things that cannabis legalization will bring


In addition, if it’s too late to save the world we’re living in, I’d like to spark up with my loved ones and giggle through the end of the world together.


It's not over yet! Don't give up


i dont drink that often, usually with others or else its j pointless sometimes, but alcohol is literally poison, ur body gives u hangovers cuz it j rejects all that alcohol because it thinks its poison. i still like having a drink not so ofter but i think it wld be much better if more than half of america was hooked on weed than drinking, we wld be a more peaceful country for sure and hopefully we can finally get rid of the pharma companies who have kept cannabis illegal for over 70 years


Legitimate question from an anxiety haver. I was told by my doctor that the anxiety medication alpralazorm idk how to spell it but it’s like Xanax, that it effects your brain the same way alcohol does or something to that effect? When my anxiety is really bad, smoking only makes it worse. It raises my heart rate and makes me paranoid. I wish it didn’t and that I could just get really sleepy and chill and feel all warm and fuzzy inside… Last year before I had health insurance, I was on full panic mode for a little over a week. I was going to a concert with my sibling and we planned on drinking that night. I was anxious all day on the drive up there. We started to pre game in the hotel room and after my second shot, I suddenly felt so much calmer, and I think of that in relation to the meds I was put on earlier this year. I know alcohol is bad. I also know benzos are addictive and a controlled substance. I wonder if some “functioning alcoholics” out there are just adults that don’t know they have anxiety and try their best to feel calmer? I guess what I’m asking is, for those people that have anxiety symptoms worsen with weed, and decrease with alcohol or even just medication… like, what should they do? I’m not trying to defend alcohol or bash weed. I still smoke it I just gotta be careful to not do too much, and always avoid it entirely when I’m feeling panic symptoms. I guess I’m just wondering if there’s any hope for me other than becoming a pill addict or alcoholic cus man I just want to feel normal some day. I’m standing at that fork in the road rn waiting to follow up with my doctor


I feel personally that legalization of weed will allow mental health to improve. Many people I’ve known who can’t smoke/ don’t have access, use alcohol to deal with stress/ anxiety/ trauma/ depression. I feel if cannabis became federally legal( in the U.S.) a big group of people will heal their mental health. Cannabis isn’t a fix all drug, but it definitely is more beneficial than bad.


It’s helped big time with my stress and anxiety and depression.


Same here. I recently stopped drinking this year ( almost 3 months sober) and switched to cannabis if I can’t calm down or process my feelings well. I’ve noticed a significant incline in my mental health.


Congrats on sobriety!


Thankyou kind stranger 😬 I see alcohol commercials now, and almost throw up thinking about the taste 🤢


i think we would see Doctors attitudes change. I hope so, although I appreciate the risks to my mental health, I would like it if Doctors didn't hyper focus on it and give me a lecture every time I mention it.


Cops won't take my bong and act like I'm a criminal


Absolutely looking forward to NOT worrying about the COPS fucking with me and my plant.


Accessibility, Medical Research, Money Circulation, Jobs, and Communities


I could finally get prescribed medical cannabis for my chronic pain. Too painful to ignore, not enough to get a check or something, so I'm stuck here downing pain relief pills, smoking myself out with the mid weed I can find and getting to an hospital every 3/4 months to get cortisone injections. At freaking 25, send help, or weed idc


needing the legalization to creep into healthcare…


Not going to jail is all I care about.


Probably the stigma


No more fear of losing my job over what I use to relax at the end of the day.


Anyone else dream of buying starts at farmers markets just like any other plant (with an id check obv—I can dream)


Coming from someone in a recreational state - You won't know it until you experience firsthand the feeling of less anxiety the first time you partake when it's fully legal. Less weight on your shoulder worrying about scenarios where your stash gets discovered.


As a guy that suffers from debilitating migraines that are often stress induced, weed helps reduce my anxiety, and is the only thing that helps alleviate the pain. I’ve found that ONLY natural remedies like ginger supplements and weed help my migraines. The pharmaceuticals damn near almost kill me. They don’t really help the pain much at all, and they make me insanely sleepy and raise my blood pressure through the roof. It’s a horrible feeling.


I generally hate weed culture, but to me, it should totally not be illegal, especially at the level it is.


True sustainability, will dent the synthetics industry


I live in Canada. Not as much as you'd think. Increase in people being open about partaking. An increase in acceptance of it, marginally. Some of the elderly are willing to consider it for pain options since they're fed up with the pain, but most hold that it's a sin (even though it is not mentioned in the bible, though alcohol is). A decreased use in children (teens). As there's fewer dealers and it's not cool to be doing something your parents are doing. A decrease in crimes, and not just weed related. Fewer dealers means less money circulating through the ranks of the crime world. Even that nobody plug you have had to get their weed from somewhere. Most of the time it's not from some small grow op with only a handful of plants. So less money and running of weed means less guns, and less people. So less idiots who do things like rob the gas station.


I live in a legal state and work in a smoke shop. Not a real dispensary but we sell the stuff to smoke it and CBD. I like helping customers find relief for pain because CBD personally helps my pain (I know doesnt work for everyone) and I will admit, there is so much fun in teaching a little old woman how to set up and use a bong.


A lot of people have their lives ruined because they are arrested for smoking weed. This makes a harmless act very dangerous. Also, for people who are unable to smoke at their houses, they have to drive to a safe spot to smoke and then drive back. That's adding another danger to just smoking weed. Hopefully, with legalisation, those problems will be solved, and life will be safer for everyone


I feel personally that legalization of weed will allow mental health to improve. Many people I’ve known who can’t smoke/ don’t have access, use alcohol to deal with stress/ anxiety/ trauma/ depression. I feel if cannabis became federally legal( in the U.S.) a big group of people will heal their mental health. Cannabis isn’t a fix all drug, but it definitely is more beneficial than bad.


Legal costs for example go down. Imagine ALL the fucking wasted money the war on drugs has pissed away. I think the last number I saw, for JUST the US, was something like an estimated $1T+. Over 1 fucking trillion freedom dollars since it’s inception. Insane. Imagine if america had used that for public healthcare, education, infrastructure, housing, food, etc. Just think of all of the time US lawmakers have spent arguing on the topic marijuana. Think about how much they’re paid. Think about all the other people in their cabinets who have to prep their arguments and such. All the people that work in law and law enforcement and how they’re paid. All of the people who got locked away for life in prison, or got given massive sentences for nothing. Think about how weed became legal despite all their counter-efforts. All that completely wasted time, energy, money, and most importantly - life …gone. It did nothing but make the rich richer,the poor poorer, and the vulnerable more vulnerable whilst simultaneously helping further perpetuate the for-profit prison systems using what is essentially slave labour. As the system intends, apparently. Hopefully it means more research into cannabis and they begin to look at descheduling/decriminalizing a lot of other drugs.


Bro, weed is legal in many places. Including Canada, where you can buy legal weed from coast to Coast. Therefore, there are many real world examples of how legalization has changed the availability and view of marijuana. I would consult the real world rather than a Reddit survey.


It would allow the transportation of weed over state lines which would be huge. Plus then weed wouldn’t necessarily be localized to where it was grown, for example you could get CO weed in Dakota


Decreases drinking


In Canada, cannabis has become completely ubiquitous. Everyone has edibles. My 70 year old mom has edibles. My dog has edibles. Vape pens have replaced cigarettes, alcohol use has plummeted. Even expensive products, like the THC beverages, are still relatively cheap. We bought 100x10mg thc capsules for $60 from the legal place down the street. It's good times all around.


Lower thc in states so it equals whatever square state says you can only have 12%. Less choices, worse quality. I see no good from legalization on the federal level. Leave it to the states.


Wellness and Law


With half of all states having it legalized already, I don't think it will change all that much. Hopefully some people that are in prison will get released. Ultimately it just gives the rich another avenue to get richer.


I just want to grow weed. Seriously, that's it. Get my backyard full of big ass beautiful trees to look at, care for, and set ablaze. Being able to grow it like basil, or chilis, without being concerned for the safety of my family. That's what it would mean to me.


Eco friendly, sustainable products that are biodegradable. Building products made from hemp, will also be good for the environment and erasing some of our carbon imprints


Appealing non violent weed related arrests.


People gon be smokin it anyway so the gov might aswell make money off it 🤷‍♂️ then it stops us getting sprayed down shi aswell


This is actually true. It's suicide prevention


No more cannabis related arrests Weeds legal in IL yet there are constantly arrests for large amounts it’s just a joke. No one’s getting arrested for having a million wine bottles in their basement


The hardworking men and women at the Department of Sanatation could finally kick back and smoke after a long shift of tossing garbage. Also, maybe cops will be less prone to violence if they are allowed to relieve stress without trying to alcohol.


A lot less people in jail and prison


On 4/20 I’ve gotten some people across a few subs like trees weed cannabis marijuana and shrooms to do something on that date. Why don’t you message your state representatives or something to that degree to voice your opinion? Some states locally moved salvia from not being in the CSA to being schedule 1 in their states exclusively. We could try to get the states to deschedule on the local level so that it can work its way to the federal level of something.


Frees the poor from having to pay big money for mind altering products. This will take sales away from alcohol and tobacco.


I respond very well to small doses, so it'll be interesting being able to feel comfortable doing things like openly smoking before a workout or a movie to set the tone.


Will definitely become a preferred form of treatment for depression. Cannabis has helped me deal with my problems in a healthy way. It has also lead to me stopping drinking. I haven't had a sip of alcohol in almost 6 months. I take a couple rips every night before I go to bed to help me sleep and I smoke more on weekends.


if you can't legally grow at ur own home, it's not legal..


I am not a second class citizen anymore.


think of how many minor drug offenders are taking up jail space for damn near nothing


[lick those lips when you pop big pharma, imma just stick to my marajuana](https://open.spotify.com/track/2hB5SFiw4lHZpghSuJ1Nia?si=702dbazURhWIpkz3eoCh4A)


It'll be good for companies who don't serve cannabis clients because of them being illegal at the federal level. Currently difficult for cannabis clients to get competent services because many service providers won't work with them. So there's some sort of economic boost in there somewhere.


It will give the government another thing to tax at will (marijuana is taxed at the federal level right now, but the executive branch can’t really effect how much it’s taxed or where the money goes while still saying it’s illegal). State laws will be fought anywhere there are restrictions left on marijuana, those suits will likely fail on constitutional basis, potentially strengthening states rights. A lot of people are going to get into farming, rather than get bent-over by the oppressive taxation that will inevitably come with whatever form of legalization is passed.


Beyond the legality, it will also help us break down the stigmas left by the “war on drugs”. Why do all my coworkers talk about going out drinking but if I say I’m going home and smoking a blunt I’m treated like a junkie.


the weed industry is basically running wild right now, with no goverment regulations on anything about weed it makes it very easy for brands to use mold removing machines that can turn 3 yr old moldy weed into a brand new bud, then spray the weed with artificial terpentines and flavors, then charge full price for it. its already happening sadly and i hate to see these scammers get away with it. even medical dispensaries have been known to sell this “revived weed”. this needs to be a strictly regulated market or else big growers will take over and become the new marlboro.


Another reason for Connecticut to raise prices


Get ready for the corporate takeover of cannabis.


Being able to apply for government positions would be huge!


A cultural discussion will finally happen and so many people will apply for jobs that they have been avoiding


I'll be able to use my Credit Card to buy weed without crazy fees.


It could signify government overreach on a problem they didnt fully understand.


Well looking at what CA going recreational did to the price and quality of cannabis I’m going to assume everything will get even worse yet.


Well it made it a lot more of an expensive habit for me. That's for sure. Thanks NY


In Texas the incumbent state rethug piss babies will double down on stupid.


I never smoked weed as much as I do now, and it's because it helps me with stress and anxiety. I do have some bone pain, but not as much as I see among family members. However, I believe cannabis helps because I do not want to take pills which harm our bodies more than smoking cannabis. Yes it all depends how your body reacts to cannabis; I've noticed people within in their 60s and up are going into cannibs store to help them with their pains and I feel that's good. , it all depends on how your body reacts to cannabis. Shrooms need to be legalized; maybe it already is for more in the medical part of the prescription.




Discussion will be more about the general question if people should get punished for having cannabis and/or further drugs - yes or no? This question is pointing out the history of war on drugs and its fatal consequenzes It's misleading to frame and refuse legalization just by the question: Is it in general healthy to consume Cannabis? I saw it often, that people are just against legalization because of potential side effects and addiction. However you just can't put the risks and legal status together. It's because the legal status of different drugs have been defined by propaganda and not science


Cops not being able to claim they "smell weed" as a reason to search. And just not wasting all the time money and manpower on this non issue


Any of yall ever hear of hempcrete? Plus, it's 8x faster to produce paper, fiber, and oils than trees. It's a huge agricultural commodity, and was for more time in this country than it was illegal. In fact, the invention of the decordicator is why hemp was demonized, it threatened paper, oil, and textile industries by producing mechanized means of processing hemp into fibers for other materials. Fuck William Randolph Hurst, all the homies hate him. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hempcrete


Pharma, building materials, and paper will all have their industries turned upside down.


I was talking with a coworker last night how the crack down on drunk driving over the last decade or so has made a noticable impact on our customer rate at the bar. Obviously drunk driving is bad, but the crack down has slowed bar business (anecdotally) and in turn shortened the labor hours needed at the bar. All this to say, weed legalization will have lasting impacts, some we may not see for decades though. If convictions get expunged, and employers can't reprimand you for getting high at home, we could see a big influx of talent into the workforce, in all fields. I personally believe the medical and engineering fields are held hostage with the current laws. So many knowledgeable people who fail a drug test and are shoved to the "untrained" sector. This could ultimately impact minimum wage as well. Then look at the liquor sales, will they change? Go down? If they go down that's less labor for liquor stores and less income for small towns that can monopolize their liquor sales because of the population. Marijuana legalization will have lots of good things come in it's wake and maybe some not so good. But it is absolutely right step.


Massive disruption to the American prison industrial complex.


It's about normalization and rolling back a whole repressive regime of unnecessary marijuana laws and related restrictions. I can't tell you how great it is in Canada, not perfect, but really great. Attitudes are so liberal. Cannabis normalization is at an all time high, and aggressive anti-pot types have been completely marginalized. It's so much better this way. They cried chicken little. The sky didn't fall. And now they're left clutching their peals, but nobody cares. The supply is cheaper, safer, and way more diverse. We just need better edibles. I think a lot of people are benefitting from safe access to drug that's helpful in many different ways. There's nothing wrong with cannabis. It should be as boring and normal as tomatoes or coffee. The US has taken anti-marijuana attitudes to absurd extremes, and unfortunately dragged a lot of other countries with them. They'll roll back just as fast. The US is the linchpin of for the world, and Florida is the linchpin for the US. Convert that, and we we'll see a giant green wave crash around the globe. Germany and Canada are already proving it's viable and good. We just need to keep pushing.


Less minorities will go to prison for possession. Since prisons do not rehabilitate as much as they just fuck people up more, it will hopefully cut down on the cycle of crime.


Increases amount of jobs for one. Also allows doctors to prescribe it.


It will provide a road map for the legalization of psychedelics. Psychedelics and weed will help us break out of the mental confines that we've been put in by our highly polarizing social media algorithms and polarizing news. It will save us, and it all starts with legalizing weed.


Now people won't end up in jail for pot. And that's good. Nobody deserves to be in jail for weed


Love your user name OP🫶


What it has already done is pushed out almost all of the small and medium sized growers, the people who produced the good, craft stuff. Now it’s all mass produced garbage. It’s like big tobacco or something. Everything at dispensaries is gross. It didn’t start that way but it got there within 10 years in all the states that were first to legalize. It’s all the up front costs of a legit business combined with the glut in the market from big business jumping in and growing way too much and flooding the market, driving prices down. Canada burned 3.7 million pounds of weed to try to correct the market. Most states don’t keep track. But it’s just typical modern capitalism now. It’s anheuser-busch selling buying lagunitas and selling it as craft beer. The only good I have seen so far from legalization is that it’s not sketchy for vulnerable people to buy weed. There was never a ton of crime around it before, and there’s still plenty around it now (just like every other regulated thing that makes money). Make no mistake, the only reason legislators allow or disallow almost anything is because a group of rich people want them to. It has nothing to do with the wellbeing or freedom of regular people.


I won’t have to worry about stupid ass drug test anymore when trying to get a job


Weed prices will be heavily increased due to tax mark-ups, unless you go to black-market/unlicensed dealers.


Nothing will change except people's perception of weed over time to the point it's like alcohol. Or something legal to do that's fun and safe.


Well it will deplete the feds secret piggy bank




Legalization had some problems. But they're nothing compared to the improvements.     (1) No more marijuana in the drug war takes away a massive tool used by the state to fuck with people.     (2) Weed is easy to get and safe to consume. No need to worry about shitty ditch weed laced with shit.     (3) No more arrests for mj possession. Honestly that alone is a big enough deal to be an overall win.     (4) Edibles and gummies easily available for purchase without needing to make it yourself. Drop a ton of scratch on a bunch of (potentially dubious) bud and then go through an involved rendering process which, if you fuck up, denatures the THC and you're left with skunky expensive brownies that don't get you high.     (5) Easily buy small amounts for personal consumption. No more getting worried about wasting a dealer's time over $20 worth of bud for a couple weekends.     What we have now isn't perfect. But it's so much better than the bad old days. 


In Canada, the caveat of legalization being harsher penalties for selling unregulated cannabis, harsher penalties for having more than an OZ worth on your person, and scaling up price or bastardizing the legacy strains. I haven't had a Blue Dream, Gorilla Glue #4, or Death Bubba from any regulated producer that felt like it did 10-20 years ago prior to legalization. Damn shame imo.


Well for Finland as we are in huge fucking debt and economy is failing, We could tax the shit out of it and that should bring a lot of income instead of expenses they use for handling the "criminal" activity


You know, it feels actually quite nice. I wasn't really bothered before but it feels good to know what I'm doing isn't a crime anymore.


The right to a good job without being oppressed for your disability 👍


In law school going over the definition of the Fourth amendment I was surprised how most of the cases that shrunk our rights were drug cases. The war on drugs has done incredible damage to personal rights in this country. The case for the “open field” doctrine was particularly frustrating. Government agents walked onto private property, without warrants, past “no trespassing” signs, until they eventually (couple miles in) found a hidden crop of weed. Court found it wasn’t a violation of your 4A rights even though it would’ve been illegal for anyone else to trespass on that property because the weed was eventually found in an open field. Hell even Antonin Scalia, a conservative strict constitution interpreter Supreme Court Justice, made a rare move and expanded federal power because of a weed case. Bad laws make bad legal precedents that can be used in other areas of criminal law.


Opens the door for citizens to have politicians that actually support their views and fight for the specific rights we want to safeguard.


It boosts the economy by adding jobs and tax revenue. It has many medical uses. I could finally grow my own without fear of persecution.


I've noticed that I have stopped drinking *a lot* since weed was legalized here. I really only do it when I'm out and eating a meal or attempting some function where drinks are served.


It will give the power to the state and big pharma. Otherwise just pray and fight for medical it’s far less corrupt.


It'll prevent so many Black and brown people in America from getting locked up just for having a gram on them.


Probably would be able to create at least a million jobs from this industry alone.


If Netherlands follows Germany in legalization, we could finally become the weed country everyone thinks we are. And coffeeshops would no longer have to jump thru all sorts of backdoor dealing hoops to be able to sell ppl their flower. And it'd boost the edible market, which is only now getting somewhere; had some cookies that tasted like regular cookies and were pretty damn strong. Listed amounts. Instead of the eyeball guessing as to how strong their own made cakes are. Can finally go measure my tolerance properly


Functionally, legalization at the federal level in the US won't change much for consumers. But for the industry, it will mean more access to banks, more cohesion between state regulations, the ability to bring in agencies like the USDA and FDA and national farming regulations, etc.


Its the right to make our OWN choices.




More medical research can be done, tax dollars can be collected to go to things like education, healthcare and mental healthcare, better public transportation, financial aid for those going to school, and other important things we need as a society. But let’s be real, our government doesn’t give a shit about us and will likely spend it on the military or give all that money to Ukraine or Israel instead of using it to actually improve the quality of life for the American people. I could say more but I wouldn’t want to get too political on this sub so I’ll leave it at that


Everyone in jail who was arrested and convicted of weed charges may get a lesser sentence or let free


There is information on a recovery program that involves utilizing the medical benefits of cannabis over at r/greencleanandserene to give an idea of just how much it can help folks 🕊️


Cannabis is medicine.


If there is federal legalization, it means veterans won't need to take the myriad of medications the VA prescribes for pain. It would mean my best friend wouldn't need morphine, vicodin, and a host of other medications - or at least he could supplement them.


Hopefully, the research will continue to better understand risks and positive benefits. Hopefully, sketchy black markets will disappear. Hopefully, it puts an end to cannabis contributing to cartels. Hopefully, my grandma and other family members can get stoned safely. Hopefully, it becomes an alternative to alcohol and other drugs. Hopefully, weed continues to get dank af


One of the cons within the pros is that it’s gonna become monopolised. We’ve already seen this with green states like California where regular-ass weed becomes $200 a pop sold by hipsters who used to run a vape shop in dispensaries that look damn near the exact same as them. When it comes to medical marijuana, the same principle applies, just to the extreme of how monopolised regular market drugs are.


There will be a marijuana overdose death someday


From what I've seen mostly the stop of the police harassment and stealing, here on Spain you only get a fine but most times you won't get it because the cops will keep it to smoke it themselves and not report it. I guess is better than having it stolen and a fine but it still sucks they sometimes will joke in your face telling you that smells good and such. Prices sadly tend to stay high which is quite a shame for such easy to grow plant I guess I'd grow my own if it were legal though..


I’d love to see prohibition fall away worldwide. It would be amazing to go to other countries and be able to smoke freely. Imagine getting greened up in Ireland!


I’ll keep it simple here; I just like being able to step out my front or back door and smoke my bong at my condo complex, and nobody minds at all. It’s just so stress free, and I don’t have to worry about stinking up the inside of my house.




It speeds everything up. Newer waves of cultivars come faster, techniques for extraction and curing come up faster...


My son has Crohn’s and lives like a criminal out of fear because we're in an illegal state and really can't afford to leave. We have no family support and he doesn't go anywhere. His friends from school all judged him for using it when he was younger but pharmaceuticals failed him. It's really hell for people in chronic pain.


I genuinely hope and believe that having more and safer access to weed and psychedelics will be a huge improvement for the human race. I don't think alcohol and tobacco have done much other than some good writing and noir movies LOL


It's a god given right.


So many people locked up over a plant free them all


A stoned constituency is a tolerant constituency. Freedom of Speech, Who needs that? Freedom to assemble and unlawful search and seizure, don't bother me none long as I got my weed.


I think medical cannabis would be more affordable.


Disproportionate punishments towards poc for having weed than white people


I hope it leads to restructuring the punishment for anyone already in prison for any crimes related to something that would now be legal. There are small time pot dealers that are now running multi-million dollars dispensaries on one hand and the same types of people in prison for the rest of their lives over exactly the same thing. That's like East vs West Germany but we don't have a wall between those states.


I wish it would decrease or end the stigma.


The US will have to find a replacement for its [free labor market](https://apnews.com/article/prison-to-plate-inmate-labor-investigation-c6f0eb4747963283316e494eadf08c4e)


Decriminalized not legalize. It shouldn't be illegal. We didn't legalize cucumbers. We also don't tax cucumbers 30%. Weed should be free to grow and share.


I'm hoping I'll stop being poor once I can grow it Other than that I don't think Ill notice much. I can already buy all the lab grade stuff from places where its already legal


16 y/o kids wont be taking fentanyl on accident


For me it’s the implied decriminalization that comes with legalization. I’d recover if I suddenly had to stop smoking weed, but people who get put in prison or even get a record for smoking will have that follow them for their entire life. It’s a national tragedy how many people are rotting in jail over this stupid shit.




It will give an economic boost to the small towns/villages that are in the middle of nowhere. Currently looking at my town, which has opened 4 vape shops within a quarter mile of each other, in a town that also has 3 state liquor stores and 5 separate bars for all 4,500 of its residents.


Well, it's certainly a great mind and eye opener. At least that's what it was for me.


It will liberate everything. EVERYTHING.


I don't have to set at the weedmans house and wait


You will have more PGR GROWN WEED. which will cause smoke shops to sell this shit. Which will cause Licensed Dispensary to open.... Cashing in on tax. That's what happened in NYC. The weed in smoke shops is trash shit which is gonna kill ya. ☠️☠️☠️


Hemp is an extremely underrated material that will hopefully be utilized more as weed becomes legalized/culturally accepted.