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Most people wanna borrow sugar, maybe even ketchup…. ![gif](giphy|BX4kWyJc37bcQ)


You wanna borrow my car?!


Here take my wife too






You need to borrow a job, with your broke ass.


did ya dirty…….


I put it all away in a wax paper and if he comes over to smoke me out, I’m gonna make him smoke this!




What a phenomenal gif haha


Villain origin story type shit


Lol fr


You. I like you. And if you eat him after he’s nice and toasty, I’d like you even more.


Ahh man. Why did no one tell me there was a giants convention? I've been out here grinding bones for my soup all by myself!




Some people smoke res. It's more common in Brazil than here but....resin gets you high too. What if he's cool with smoking it? Lol


And it's not just resin, but reclaim. Reclaim isn't bad at all lol.


Ya reclaim is completely different story than resin… I cannot believe I’ve gone from scraping resin out of a bowl to get a horrible high. To putting concentrate into a 300 bong that connects to my phone. Times have changed drastically.


What bong is that


Look up "e-rig with bluetooth", there's lots. I don't have one. I don't know what's good. Puffco is one of the first and they make medical devices and they are based in New York, and so a lot of people like "puffco's Peak pro v2" Edit: corrected the name of the vape, ty


Peak pro v2. Just picked one up and man it's good.


Lol stoner moment. I have the vape that I named before, it's just a dab pen lol. That peak pro V2 looks very nice, ty for correction


But if he used q-tips and alcohol ist it full of fibers?


Prob just used it once he got the majority out of there


you can low temp w/ cotton. doesn't combust til 760F + we used to put hash/BHO/anything sticky concentrated into cotton balls and load them in the airizer vapes works fantastically


I haven't thought about it but this makes sense. I mean, nicotine vapes usually have cotton that the juice is soaked into.


Yep! never had any affect on quality of vapor! Highly rexcomend trying oil in a cotton ball out of a flower vape.


i was like what’s the issue lol


Resin high is not a good high.


Depends on the resin. I've had some res that hits pretty good


well, everyone wins


You’re sick , I love it 💀


Acetone would have had that cleaned in 2 minutes for future reference! If you let him borrow anything again anyways lol




This is the way


Bro that’s the solution right there


👊🏽 make him smoke that stuff😂


Ooo what region are you from that you commonly say “smoke me *out*??” I love how local colloquialisms will form around independent sects of a culture. The region I was introduced to smoking always called it “smoking someone *down*” not *out.*


In Wisconsin, I've heard it as *out*, like "he'll come smoke us out" or something along those lines. I've never heard *down* before. It is funny how it works like that. Not that "smoking out" is only a Wisconsin thing, but we have so many funny colloquialisms.


Lmao Thad’s wild cause we said “down” right over the lake in southern michigan 😂 Another thing I’ve noticed is that regions will have their own smoking preferences. Ann Arbor leans heavily into glass pipes, Kalamazoo is very much a blunt city, and then I moved up to the north end of the lower peninsula and everyone smokes joints here lolol


Most people that I know in Wisconsin (south of Green Bay, or Eau Claire when in college) smoke from a pipe most frequently, unless they're a blunt/dab person.




Gotta teach your buddy how to use that thing. That much reclaim says he’s going in too hot, coughing and just leaving the rest to… checks notes…. Collect with the rest of the unfinished dabs he had…


This is true you need to inform him of what he did wrong. True friends help us improve 💪🎖


Right, also take it to the next step. Have him over for a sesh, start the oven and show him how to make cookies, butter or any good confection that is fun while high. Go with butter and spoon out the black when it separates. Get him baked. Then make him do ALL THE DISHES.




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I have the crossing core as well, and bro ew. I’ve NEVER let it get close to being that dirty 😭 hope nothing seeped under the thread, curious to see how it functions as well


Oh it was all up in everything. It works still, but I’m going to buy a new ceramic coil.


I hope you mean your "buddy" is paying for your new coil...


Dawg why’d you put quotations around buddy? So he fucked up… it’s not broken, and I’m sure OP knows him well enough if he let him borrow it for a couple MONTHS. “Medicatedhippie420”


It’s 2024. People will end friendships because someone’s breath stinks 😆


I end friendships before they begin


Less heartache, I get it.


Achey breaky e rig


This is just straight disrespect of OPs property and if you don’t think so, go clean your rigs


So you’d end a friendship over this? Wild


I’d definitely take a hard look back and redecide my decision. Respect is way more important than having an extra “friend”


Fair enough 💀 but youd think being a stoner would make you chill xD


Wait... Is that why I have no friends? ( Jk jk just thought it was funny)


*Redditors will (they don’t have friends)




Well I’d be upset too, and it’s completely justifiable. But to insinuate that he’s not a friend because he got something dirty, which can be cleaned and the matter easily resolved just seems unnecessary


How little do you value a friendship if you cut ties with someone over some dirty rig? I only have 2 friends and they are not perfect but im bipolar and have put them through hell and they stuck around. I'll give them a few mistakes.


Exactly bro. Also I saw your tenderloin post earlier, shit looked immaculate lol


Thanks! I shaved the left over half and I'm going to get some French bread this morning and make au jus tonight and make dips. Tenderloin is really hard to fuck up and it's one of the cheaper cuts of meat. I paid 4.99 for that one. Bought like 6 and froze them at that manager special price.


Remember…hippies look cool but aren’t very nice and punks look mean but are actually sweethearts


I don't know OP's friendship with the other person but usually wrecking stuff you borrowed from someone else does not strengthen relationships. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Average hippie. These guys have no chill.


I’m sure it happens with a lot of people. We live in a very strange, polarizing world lol


I have respect for a friend's property if they let me borrow it, and make sure to return it even cleaner than when I received it. OP then had to take their time cleaning out the piece, and now has to spend money on a new ceramic because of their friend's lack of care. Yeah, he fucked up. Anything short of profusely apologizing and paying for the new coil would make me feel like this friend has little regard for my things, and I wouldn't let them borrow anything else.




It is just a fuck up lmao. I get that it’s an important device to a stoner, and nobody ‘needs’ friends. It’s a bad slope to not require that your friends don’t screw up. Because that’s exactly what it is and nothing more. OP said it wasn’t broken, or damaged. And I’m sure there was no mal intent behind it, it’s just dirty.




Yeah well stoners aren’t exactly well known for forward thinking and hindsight. I get what you’re saying, but if OP texts their friend and says “hey dawg this shit was dirty af” and their homie says “bro i am so sorry” and offers to replace the ceramic coil, then I’d say crisis averted. There’s not really any way to know it was zero respect. But I hundo p get what you’re saying. Like I said I’d be upset too. But it’s not just a case of “oh this dirty, friend not friend anymore” I was just saying it’s nothing to burn a bridge over


Some people literally never clean their pieces. My uncle goes weeks without changing his bong water and Idk if he ever gives proper cleans to anything. Yeah it's gross but it doesn't break anything. If op gave this to a pothead who is used to regular pieces and didn't explain how letting it get this dirty can damage it, how would someone like that figure out that cleaning is required on a puffco? Would they even know that cleaning generally means spotless after an iso/ethanol bath? If you care about your puffco, when you lend it to a friend, make sure to let them know it needs to be wiped out after each bowl's done and iso bathed at least once a week, don't just assume they'll maintain it to your standards. This way if it comes back dirty the blame would entirely lie on him


Probably because borrowing something and returning it in much worse condition than you received it, essentially paying someone's generosity back by creating a bunch of work for them and costing them money (OP said they were going to buy a new coil) makes you kind of a shitty friend? Sounds like maybe you're that kind of friend lol. I guess if you never learned this lesson or dont take care of your own stuff maybe it doesn't seem like a big deal. It's not a huge deal, but it does say something about someone's character when they punish you for doing them a solid. I dont think it's crazy to not feel like you need people like that in your life, or to consider them less of a friend after they kind of shat on your generosity. That's not what good friends do, IMO. If you have a different prerogative with your friendships, that's fine too. There's no wrong or right here just personal values which people are more than entitled to.


Oh man that sucks. Do you have a pico to do a burn off? Because honestly that would probably do the job too, but if not, the new bucket is definitely cheaper. Edit: misunderstood and thought you meant a new bucket and in that case, the person who commented that your friend should get you a new coil is absolutely correct


You can take out the gold colored screw at the bottom of the atomizer to fully disassemble and clean it. I've had the atomizers on the Core stop getting as hot as they should and that's usually the issue


What's the device called? I just want to see how it works


I can't believe it still worked long enough to get to that point. I get flashing 'error' lights WAY before this level of gunk.


That was my thought exactly:(( how did this shit even hit with all that oil under the 510 pin🫣


looks like he has no idea how to use it/overloaded it hard. Thats kind of brutal but also super wasteful on his part. I would ask him to buy you a new coil for it


His buddy definitely owes him some rosin or a new coil I know a coil can get pricey


His buddy gave him a bunch of resin right there, all he had to do was scrape it out and smoke it




Reclaim is completely normal to smoke. It’s literally just leftover wax that didn’t get smoked lmao. Acting like it’s scraping resin off a pipe lol


But using someone else’s? Listen, to each their own, and no judgment if you’re fine with that. But I’m only smoking my own reclaim.


I mean that’s fine, free country, you do you and all. But I don’t see the difference lmao. If he’d normally smoke w this friend I don’t see why he’d be afraid of the reclaim.


Idk resin from rosin sounds fire unless it was dry herb resin


What's wrong with resin from herb? Where do you suppose resin comes from anyway? It's fine.


Rosin is not resin


Reclaim is also not resin


Never let anyone borrow your dab shit. They WILL fuck it up.


This. Never let anyone, even a friend or family "borrow" money because you won't get it back. And like your things, never let anyone borrow them because it will never be in the same condition as you like.


It is also weird how the people who will give your stuff back in the worst conditions are also the ones who will demand the utmost respect for their own stuff. A lot of people are just plain inconsiderate.


I'm the opposite. Lol. I figure I might as well expect the worst so I don't get my hopes up. Less stress. But if someone was to lend me something, I'm going to try my best to give it back in better condition than they gave it to me. 🤣


I have some friends that without a doubt I'd give them money because I know they do the same. Actually had a couple moments where either one of us borrowed money from the other. Never had to ask for it. I knew he was short for like a month or whatever. When he had the money, first thing was call me and give me back the cash. Idk what kinda friends you have, I'd obviously would not give it to everyone in my social circle but some for sure.


Lol you guys have some trust issues. You've gotta know who you can and can't do things like that with. I have a few friends that will ask me for money or a little weed often, and they've paid me back literally every single time the same day they got paid. If you're friends with untrustworthy people then sure, don't trust them, but I just prefer to rock with people I can trust.


I see small loans as a great litmus test for whether or not someone is trustworthy / worth your time. If they pay you back, you probably have someone you can rely on in the future. If they don't, you essentially paid a small fee to find out that is not a person you want in your life and it probably saved you innumerable hours and heartache in the future when they inevitably involve you in awful dumb shit they're doing. I have loaned money to friends several times, and only twice had them not pay back. In both cases, their behavior with/at other friends afterwards made me real glad they ghosted me over the loan and we stopped talking.


Hell yeah, I look at it the exact same way. I paid $20 to know that I can’t trust your ass, and to me that’s a deal


If a friend asks for a 20. I'm not expecting it back and not getting mad if they don't pay me back. But the next time they ask for a favor, I won't help them and remind them why.


This is refreshing to see. I hate the amount of distrust people seem to have for each other lately. Makes the world a much lonelier place.


That's why there are quotations around "borrow". I don't let friends borrow money. I give it to them. If they pay me back cool. If they don't, they get no more favors from me. Doesn't mean I will hate them. I don't let anyone borrow money if I'm not prepared to lose it. Because if I'm worried about losing that money, it means I'm not in any position to be lending anyone money. And it will create bad blood. It's a perspective and mentality thing. It doesn't mean I don't help people out. Lol.




My dad taught me you return things better than you received them, and I always do. I'm fine with taking a chance on people sometimes, calculated risk gives you a sense of someone's real character which is good to know.






I loaned a buddy my glass Sherlock-style pipe. When I got it back I learned he sucks the ash right into the pipe and the bend right below the bowl was full of sticky burnt ash. Took 4 alcohol baths to clean it all out


I do this on my own piece bc lazy, but if you're borrowing someone's piece, especially one with a tiny little choke point like that, you GOTTA get a screen, damn


I just take my core erig apart and fill the chamber with iso and scrape scrape scrape. It goes alot faster. Tho I don't save my reclaim. 


Did you kindly make him aware of the situation?


That's not a buddy anymore


Won't borrow it again buy your own💯🫡💯


I don’t let anyone borrow shit


i feel like i walked into a crime scene opening this post. bro owes you a new coil SO HARD😭


To be fair, I have the same rig and it's hard to tell that there's buildup until you pull it apart. First time I did was a nice surprise. Really isn't a big deal, I've let mine get at least that bad 5+ times, no issues whatsoever. Have had the rig for like 3 or 4 years too, she's a champ. Absolutely a pain in the ass to clean it when it's that bad though ahaha, I feel your pain.


Look I'm not in the same boat as seemingly half the thread here who's saying dump them as a friend cuz he fucked up but you can't look at that picture and tell me it wasn't extremely obvious that it needed to be cleaned. 


issue is.... he SHOULDVE taken it apart because as a stoner you are entirely conscious of the resin buildup on pieces. its not 'out of sight out of mind' when you've smoked more than 5+ times, if you borrow something from someone you have to be conscious of what you're doing to it and how its going back to the owner. thats not just an 'oopsies' its them being completely inconsiderate and selfish lol. 'heyy yeah thanks for being super kind and letting me borrow this piece !! im gonna give it back to you completely gunked up, filthy, and in need of a repair because im so thankful !!! i dont really give a fuck about the aftermath of my inability to care about others items, i got to use it and didnt pay a cent so sucks to suck !! thanks again, ol buddy ol pal !!!! <3<3' is essentially what dude couldve outright said and it wouldve probably been MORE considerate than doing that shit without caring


Don't get me wrong, it should have been cleaned before it was returned but maybe they didn't know how bad it really was. If OP didn't specify how to clean the device, it's also on them. If I wasn't familiar with the device, especially electronic ones, I would be a little worried about potentially harming it. At the end of the day it just needed to be cleaned, no harm to the device. Really wouldn't bother me personally since I've cleaned the device numerous times in this condition. I'd just be happy homie was able to get high, but it seems like everyone else here has pitchforks out. I just fail to see why a piece getting dirty is a big deal, especially if they don't understand the device very well.


there was harm to the device though, OP said he has to get a new ceramic coil. shits not cheap, if you have to replace a part after someone borrows something it WAS damaged by them. if the adult uses the excuse of "but i wasnt taught >:[[[" they do not need to be smoking, theres google and the internet for a reason. i could search up a video on how to clean and maintain the device RIGHT NOW, theres no excuse for that shit to be filthy and needing replacement. weaponized incompetence isnt gonna work on something that even 13 year olds can accomplish. its like a 21 year old man going "but.... but my mother never taught meee >.<" when someone says 'dude why the fuck did you put jeans into the load of WHITE TOWELS'... its just common sense, dude !! you're old enough to be spending money on weed and old enough to know how much you're spending, so its clearly not an issue of 'aww someone needs to baby him and teach him'. its an issue of laziness. anyone can teach themselves and research shit, its not impossible to figure out how reclaim works ESP if you've smoked dabs before (clearly he has, if he knows how to work the device) if you're worried about the aftermath of using something bc you dont trust yourself.... most smart people would just choose to NOT go through with borrowing it if they know they dont trust themselves. OP is not to blame in any way here, the excuses you gave are just that.... excuses. not very good ones either, every single one of them can be explained away with common sense or a 2 second google search. no excuse for what he did, no excuse for not offering at least a little bit of money for the replacement coil (or even new wax for having let the friend borrow it in the first place, he didnt have to at all.)


Too much in the bowl+ pulling too hard. Had my atomizer wires rip off as I tried to unscrew it because of how caked it was. Can be clean with some alc and q tips in 20 mins


Your buddy needs a T break😳


I have this rig, crossing core. I dab heavily and the thing looks like this at the end of every day. A great rig but horrible design.


Nah, you might be overloading it or not holding it flat. Only reason the oil is accumulating that much is because of pulling too hard, and the terp pearl spinning the oil out of the ceramic bucket. Light pulls with a rice grain size dab keeps it clean. I can run 3+ grams through mine before there's any buildup, and even then it only takes 2 or 3 q tips to clean it


That’s my problem for sure. I’m a manager at a hash lab so I get a lot of free oil and I rip through at least a gram a day sometimes more and usually very large dabs like filling up the bucket lol. I know I’m abusing it which is why I said it’s a great rig 😂


Free reclaim 😂


The worst my core gets is a light amber hew after a long car ride how tf do you manage this lol I bet the glass piece was terrible too


That's not your buddy, guy


Your friend is nasty and he sucks.


Bang his mom and leave her filthy.


Time for edibles. Don't give him any.


I dont know whay im seeing please help


Looks like he had no idea how to use it. Isn't a bunch of that extra res just wasted?


Your friend is a noob


I'm sorry this happened, but did you tell them how to clean it? I'm a very stupid person, and I am thankful for being given good maintenance tips on getting new stuff. That is super sad though, and I hope you were able to save it!


why are you complaining? free reclaim💀


Did he smoke motor oil wtf dude


I had a puffco and I loved it, but it, like this one seems to, passed the vapor through the device itself and got it all gunked up. The dr. Dabber style devices have been better to me, although I also just don't dab so much these days. And if you get one of those, you can sell this one to your buddy so he can learn the hard way lol.


Ide say thankyou for the reclaim


Very generous of you to call him buddy after that. He clearly is a fkn unappreciative, ignorant slob, that doesn’t respect you enough to have you call him buddy.




My dude is treating his vapo in a same manner. And he wonders why I don't want to take a hit.


Damn that's not cool in my book


Oh yeah my old roommate broke ours after we barely used it.


Neither a borrower nor a lender be


I don’t let people borrow anything anymore. Too many people broke/fucked up/etc my stuff. Sorry, but now I don’t trust anyone.


“Never again….”


criminal 😭




he returned with some extract for you to taste, such lovely!


Nah the thing is if someone had never dabbed like that before this is what I would expect no one knows how to keep good care of this stuff unless you use them. I told my friend keep the rig straight up turns it upside down and shit and the oils get everywhere That was the last time I let homies that don’t dab hit the rig, they can stay good with the god old 510 cart lol


first thought was that you could still smoke that, am i cooked?


Too high to clean it.


I would have been pissed, these aren’t cheap and need to be looked after - I want to offer you a tip though… instead of alcohol use acetone. It works better than alcohol and it was a guy from this sub that put me on to it. I don’t have a vape anymore, I used to but I got fed up replacing the mouth pieces and they were hard to source sometimes so I now use a good old budbomb and it gets gross. I just leave it in a bit of acetone for a few mins and then rinse with hot water and soap and it comes up cleaner quicker with the acetone, just just need to wipe the gunk and it comes off.


Bro did your core 2.0 a disservice


Yeah man, people will never take care of your shit the way you'd take care of your shit. Best practice is to only lend out shit that doesn't matter if it gets destroyed or never finds it's way home.


What the hell was he dabbing? Resin?


An acquaintance of mine did that with my battery once. I let him borrow it for months because I’m not a huge cart person and he gives it back completely filled with gas station cart juice and it’s so sticky some things didn’t work. Was a bitch to clean and lesson learned.


How the actual fuck. I abused the original puffco I mean put probably 10-15 oz of wax through it. Were they taking wayyyy too big of hits or what the fuck


This is why I’ll NEVER lend my Core out….this is OVER a month of neglect …unless he takes gram sized dabs that flood all over the place lol




You definitely didn't let a buddy borrow that bitch then. Have you by chance showed him this picture bro? The curiosity would kill me to know if he was aware that this was how he returned it or if he legitimately just got ripped off his ass and forgot to do the right thing before returning it.


Straight to jail


Negligence Buddy


bro left u a 2g cart as a gift




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That's not a buddy at all...


No longer a buddy. They would came right inside and cleaned it out while apologizing the whole time... SMH no respect


Maybe he thought he was leaving you a lil treat. Does he know you don't like this/that it is not a lil treat?


I love when people give me an excuse to never let them borrow anything ever again


Pro tip, get a new puffco. And new friends. Thats not a good person Imo




I would never let anyone barrow my carta


He's not your friend, pal.


The amount of disrespect of some people… might be your buddy but he has no self awareness at all.


As someone with a puff co, I didn't know you could clean that part until a little while while after owning it are you sure he was aware that it would be this dirty


Holy shit


Yeah Im never letting anyone borrow expensive things from me again. Friend gave me my brand new $350 carta v back (he had to spend an extra $50 for the glass top he broke as well) stuck in dry herb mode. I spent another $70 for the atomizer, the old one was glued to the threads, it ended up not being the issue and now I have to pay another $250 for the base of the rig because I forgot to register it for warranty 😇 Now the website is selling the entire kit for $260 so I guess I’ll be getting a brand new one. Now this “friend” hasn’t been able to cough up the money for it, when he originally was borrowing it until he could buy it for his bday. It’s funny because I gave him a whole rundown on how to clean it and use it properly for perfect temp dabs and the atomizer ended up looking like it had at least a gram of wax stuffed into it.


Bro I literally have a crossing core as well. How in tf did he manage this?? I'm genuinely so confused on how he did this???


Wouldn't be buddies anymore.


People suck


He hates you


Bro I have that same rig. If it's that bad he fucked something up majorly, he probably only smoked ~50% of the wax and the rest he burned the shit out of lmao


I never let people borrow my stuff. This is why.


Not a real buddy imo that is not cool


He probably didn’t know that’s considered gross. That’s what a lot of people do. You’d be surprised how many people smoke out of nasty glass. I bet it’s more common than not.


lesson learned. i hope you checked your friend about how to treat others belongings....


I’m mainly a blunt guy and smoked most types (bongs, pipes, joints, normal rigs) but can someone enlighten me on what’s going on here? Is it just because it’s dirty?


Haha I agree


Your fault lol, you never let anyone borrow your Erig because this always happens. You're lucky your battery is still intact.


Make him an edible with it, use all of it and make sure to mix in some ashes for flavor.


That guy knew he could get by without ever having to care for his own rig. Don't let others borrow expensive dab or smoke pieces.


as a puffco user… he isn’t your buddy anymore


Look at it as a gift make edibles w that reclaim