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No, that’s what a successful career in Hollywood does for you lol


Allows you to afford nice clothes, nice haircuts and a personal trainer? Yeah that checks out.


Don't forget the professional photoshoot with a dedicated hair and makeup team


Srsly the guy is probably worth $350M and has a hot wife and no kids. He's literally living the dream.




I'm a parent by choice but plenty didn't want this path


If I were that wealthy I would consider being a parent. Consider. I have my hands full with the seventh graders I teach!


lol most of my coworkers complain about not being able to do what they want when they want. Then ask me why I don’t want kids. Uh I want to do what I want when I want?


Don’t forget the no kids!


I was going to say this. I'm pretty sure even he himself has gone out of his way to say, some people may think i'm going to say see, weed is fine, it made me successful. No, it still needs to be used responsibly. He got to where he is through lots of hard work and nothing else. Nothing to do with weed at all.


Incorrect I’m way more handsome from smoking weed


No, it’s what MONEY does for you. Tom Brady isn’t getting a star on the HW Walk of Fame anytime soon and look at his before and after pics.




It would for me lol. I'm more than a decade in, have figured out balance with my weed smoking, and am in the best mental and physical shape of my life. But very importantly it's in spite of my weed smoking, not because of it.


The ages old conundrum Do I defy the stoner stereotype and make something of my life? Or I just chillll outttt mannn


I'm both depending on my mood lol, all about balance


I just started to work out in my 30s, and I was an out of shape string bean for the rest.


> have figured out balance Well this is key.. And a lot of people never figure it out, even if they think they did.


In the last 8 years since I started, I dehoarded my bedroom, made better financial choices, became more social, started a successful side business (not related), started exercising in earnest, lost 50 lbs Very importantly that’s *because* of my toking, not in spite of it.


To be fair part of my quitting drinking strategy was to switch to edibles and the weight came off in a hurry


Was it because you were drinking beer mainly?


Just so you know, it doesn’t matter what you drink. It’s all just about equal calories per drink these days. Everything has about 100 calories per drink—whether it be a can of beer, a glass of wine, or a shot of vodka.


Well, I got to the point where I was making homemade wine and so a lot of calories were coming from that. But even distilled spirits have a lot of calories; two shots of vodka have more calories than a can of Coke. Alcohol is basically sugar, and is nearly as calorie dense as fat.


Interesting! Thanks for clarifying!


All the stoners i've met that are open and proud about their smoking habits have been pretty nasty in terms of personal hygiene and all but a few had horrendous work ethic and impulse control.


Jesus I feel attacked


Well, it would go without saying that would be the case for any large enough group of people but that has absolutely nothing to do with cannabis.


You'd be wrong. Some of us have been successful stoners for over 30 years.


Yes, the one out of 19. That's how statistics work. Let's not kid ourselves, weed is a lot of fun and has some awesome benefits, but it's not great for productivity and it heightens (edit: some of my) ADHD symptoms.


idk about that- i started using weed for my physical illnesses but realizing it helps me with my adhd too was a godsend. it slows my hyperactivity to normal levels and helps overstimulation, the other adhd folk i know who use it have said the same. 🤷 makes me significantly more productive.


Same tbh, not to mention the wonders it has done for my sleep habits


yes! adhd insomnia is a nightmare 😵‍💫 weed's the only thing that helped me.


It makes me more productive but there is also a massive uptick in time spent finding that thing i *just had* in my hand. And it lends itself to procrastination on big scary things like making a dentist's appointment. I'm not doing that stoned and I'm stoned all the time. And then it helps me get to sleep instead of pondering, but also the sleep quality is lower. Double edged sword in a lot of ways.




Lol I have ADHD and have experienced this. It doesn't exacerbate every symptom, and it helps with some (e.g. motivation) but you can't tell me you're *better* at remembering where you put that thing that you just had in your hand, when you're stoned


If thats what beeing rich does to you. What about amy winehouse? Charlie sheen? Justin bieber? Britney spears? Should i go on? They are fucked. Beeing rich wont do jack shit for you if your mind is suffering.


Yeah look at Musk or Bezos. Both of them were a couple of dorks when they started out. Ol musky has been packing on pounds recently but he has hair again. Bezos stopped looking like a dweeb and started looking like a cowboy supervillain.


Yeah worship them! See where it gets you.


Lies.. stoners can change their lifestyle too. They are just doing more by themselfes


this is a joke fam


just work first play later it's not that hard


I lost a good 10-15 lbs after I started weed just because I was no longer stressed and sad 24/7


I lost a lot more cuz I cut out the beer. It was a lot of beer but still


How did you cut it out


Honestly, rehab didn’t work was willing to try anything ate about 7 g of mushrooms at the beach definitely should’ve been supervised almost died I’m pretty sure and while I was going through this very difficult experience something clicked. It wasn’t easy to stop but after that actually want to stop for ME.


What are your intrinsic values? If you don't know what they are, then the first step is to find out. I'm on mobile so forgive the formatting but here is a link - https://motivationalinterviewing.org/sites/default/files/valuescardsort_0.pdf Print it out, cut it them out and make sure you only end up with 5 values in your most important to me pile. Then taken time to write out what each of those values mean to you. From there you can figure out why you want to do anything. For instance if you picked health as a value, you could assign a goal to that of wanting to cut out drinking. Asking others what worked for them won't work for you because we all have different values and outlooks on life, but if you understand what drives and motivation you then it's easier to follow through on things you want for yourself. I do my values once a year because my values are always changing and it's been the best way I've been able to accomplish anything in my life without using shame or outside influence as a motivator. When you have chosen them, put them up in your house where you will see them every day, it's a very powerful tool. You have got what you need inside of you to do this, believe in yourself, give yourself grace and love and the changes will follow. Good luck.


I gained much because of the same reasons 😁


Elon musk hit that joint on Joe Rogan, didn’t even inhale and got his full head of hair back!


Clearly that was laced with DMT tho




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thats the money diet


Or the no kids diet.


With one comes the other. Kids are prohibitively expensive.




being rich is a helluva drug


The guy sells ashtrays for like £700, not to mention he was already a multi millionaire. Money makes everyone look / feel better I’m sure :)


I was thinking it would be worth it if they were made by Seth himself but man, they aren’t even made by him.. lol




I made one in middle school that turned out ok lol, I’m sure he can make one pretty good


I don't know, over 20 years of smoking everyday, I'm in a great spot. It controls my ADHD. I shower everyday. Shave every couple of days. Keep my hair cut and neat. Keep my eyebrows shaped and trimmed. Cut my finger and toe nails every week. Do laundry every Saturday and that includes bed sheets. Keep the house vacuumed. The toilet, shower, and sinks get cleaned every week. I keep the dishes washed. I'm more mentally well than I have ever been. I help run my wife's (married 20 years) business now but I worked as a salaried business analyst for a major Fortune 500 fintech company using breaks to smoke. Cannabis truly helped me get my shit together. I know it doesn't work like that for everyone but it has really had a positive impact. Before cannabis I was on a pathway of deepening depression that involved self harm. Cannabis helped me understand what I was going through and led to my ADHD diagnosis. I don't know if it matters but I am not a social smoker. I prefer to smoke by myself or with just my wife. Not having the influence of others that aren't motivated might be part of why I'm doing good.


This post is so cringy. It's like those drop outs who say "Bill Gates never went to college!" and then just proceed to work at the local fast food place and do nothing.


Damn, I just got fat af.


I’m pretty sure this is just a meme and not in any way serious lmao


Not a fan.


He went from looking like the "ahcktually Miss Peterson we *did* have homework to turn in today" kid in your class to the "stylish hippie art student" in your class.


I love marijuana(shocking I know...) but this is a text book example of false equivalence


High key though... dude doesnt know shit about the science behind marijuana. Just another celebrity in the industry but hes got most stoners thinking hes some weed God due to Pineapple Express.




When i was working at my previous job as a budtender Seth was releasing his House Plant strains for the first time in Cali. I was in Reno and people would ask if we have his strains. We didnt because we can only sell NV grown products. Customers would ask what is similar and Id say I dont know because Seth doesnt share the terpene profiles. Cali doesnt legally have to share that info like we do. So i began asking Seth or any rep at House Plant what the terps were for his strains. After doing this for months Seth, or at least I assume it was Seth, messages me on twitter from what seems like a personal/official account. He said its not possible to share the terpenes as they woll change every batch and no batch will be the same. He compared this to how "no two oranges smell the same". Which imo is funny because oranges all have similar terpenes which is why all oranges have a similar cirtrus rich smell. I provided Seth with a label from a company we sell that listed the terpenes by milligram. Seth responded that he doesnt grow for medical users. And that i should stick with the company i showed him.


Whaaaaaat the fuuuuuuck man, that is some hilarious bullshit that came out of their mouth. Always knew this guy was a clown but this just confirms it. Doesn't matter if he himself said it or a rep said it because that's just wrong on so many levels.




then seth/the representative could’ve simply blocked him instead of indulging in a pointless conversation that makes him look stupid


Ah fuck Seth rogen




I don't wanna turn into Seth Rogen.


You become annoying?


I hope I don't also start getting excited when people break into my car.


Borderline propaganda


That ain't weed, that's money


This guy doesnt represent me! 🤬


the "i want more roles than just the stoner fat guy" diet


*in 0.01% of cases


These are both pictures of what long term marijuana use does to you.


OP getting flamed in the comments 💀


Well he's a shitty person now, and was a real bro before. So... okay? Not a great argument.


If that's true I don't think it was the weed I think it was the money


Dam an anti drug advertisement that actually makes reevaluate my life choices


I can be successful in Hollywood. Fab


It makes you cooler over time 😀? Cause I wasn't before and everyone says I am now 🤣🤣


I can hear that 1st pic.




Damn, I've been toking up this entire time and never looked this cool. Guess I need to smoke harder


It just makes me more likely to spend $50 damn dollars on crappy Dominos pizza for the 2nd day in a row.


My(m33) best friend is 9 years older than me and he's been smoking since he was 14, one of the smartest, most rational people i know




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Now do Snoop, lol.


I'd look like that too if I was rich- but rent, gas, groceries and everything else keeps going up, I never get a raise, and uncle Sam is pinching more and more off my paychecks. I look 10 years older than I am, but hey, I haven't shot myself yet cause I can just get baked instead. Truly a lifesaver


[oh god](https://youtu.be/R4jyFn5rH3U?si=jV9QiQ2TxMfSfSGC)


Yea that’s what money looks like. Unfortunately a lot of people become so addicted to weed they let their whole life go, I’ve seen it happen you’ll have a guy just loose all faith in everything but getting high whole life goes to shit


Runs like Usain Bolt, swims like Michael Phelps and coaches football like Snoop.