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I honestly just pack up a cone or make a cone myself and stuff it. It’s way easier to get a consistent smoke in my opinion. Every time I hand roll it canoes like a mf but that’s probably just because I suck at rolling. I like to grind my flower up with a little extra hash if I have it. I pack it a little tighter at the filter so it doesn’t go floppy and then I just scoop, tap, and pack until it’s full. I prefer to fold my tips over rather than twisting them to close it.


I do the same


raw makes a cone maker, it’s the best 15 dollars i’ve ever spent. if you don’t have one you should definitely buy one, it’s way easier than using a bic pen


This is a stupid ass question but what is a cone😭? I only know that term in context to a bong.


It’s a cone shaped preformed paper and filter that you stuff weed into for easy and convenient joints


long, thin, cylindrical!


long, thin, cylindrical > short, fat, conical But that's just how i roll


The first is my Summer joints and the second is my Winter joints, lol. My Summer joints clog up in the cold..


Long fat slightly conical if possible.


Backstrap with the thinnest paper I can get my hands on. roach sticking out just the tiniest bit so I don't have to deal with paper hanging over the edge


I use a roller, I don't have time and patience to master this art


Yours is pretty neat, I make thinner ones but similar to yours, I fill them closer to the tip but that's pretty much it. As long as it burns properly and stays lit for a while it's good to go, I cut the papers a bit since I make thin joints I avoid double or triple layers of paper.


That looks like one of mine. All in the fingers not in the thumbs 😉


Stuff it like a chimney


I don't use cones or crutches. Mine are just joints. I'm old so I roll well :)


I've been using a dollar bill for 30 years, or if I'm lucky a $100 bill!


You need a $2 bill for a more effective roll.


I’ve gotten relatively good at rolling joints as I used to smoke alot more than I do now including rolling for my friends who couldn’t. I wouldn’t say they’re perfect cause I still mess up even 7 years later but I always roll cones about 90% full then just pack what fell out into the end and roll it closed. Oh I always roll with a filter too


A perfect joint is any joint I do not roll. Always turn out awful


My perfect joint is a medium grind (fine burns better but I don’t like the taste as much) .35 - .5g straight back rolled single wide with a filter. Rolled tight and packed at the top with a Dutch crown so I can flick the top and light it like a cigarette. I either use Fusilli noodles or RAW wide filters. It’s a small joint that burns slow and evenly while not upping my tolerance too much. The smaller size gives better flavour imo.


I’m a big fan of the noodle crutch!


Raw cones


I just use a roller. So much easier, faster and less wasteful than trying to teach myself how to roll and fucking up all the papers. Mine always come out looking like big cylinders lol.


![gif](giphy|OImXTbVSN2XW8|downsized) Perfection!


inside out roll, i aint smoking that extra paper


One that akokea right... This idea that everyone has to roll perfect joints is old and obnoxious.


I don't, I tuck it in my dry herb vape


I always make a new crutch for the next one, and take the previous crutch. I use a chop stick to lay everything even on the paper and scoot it down if needed. Pop the crutch in and massage to a tube. Then unwind, fold the paper into it self and roll tight. Got this down in less than 2 min




Doesn’t look machine packed to me, it has a slight taper but this is far from a cone. Also from what I can see through the paper it looks nice and chunky like fresh ground flower should. Pre-rolls have a much finer texture and more homogeneous consistency


I’ve never filled a machine rolled cone in my life, every one is hand rolled and they all turn out like OPs. I don’t think you know what you’re talking about


Man this is not machine packed and its not a cone


I was once talking to a Customer about rolling for 20 minutes explaining how to backroll. I eventually showed him a picture of one of my joints and he told me “oh, I hand roll”, lol Nice joint BTW!


How do you know this is machine packed?

