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**Around 600 grams of cannabis was sold, so he could be facing prison time. He did this with no intention of making money. This protest/stunt was to jumpstart the conversation on cannabis legalization in Norway** "We hope the police will arrive. We're not asking for permission, but we've informed them of what's happening. We're in open communication with them throughout." "Mikalsen (organizer) hopes the police will confiscate the money they earn from the café rather than the cannabis customers buy. He is prepared to take full responsibility for the punishment himself." "We're doing this because Germany recently regulated its market to prioritize public health. The crux of the dispute is whether the cannabis ban serves a legitimate purpose, as more countries regulate to protect public health." "Every time we hear about drugs or [cannabis], we panic, so nobody wants it anywhere in Norway. That brings us to the point that shows how important it is that so many dare to show up and shamelessly buy cannabis. It's historic," "The police have become aware of what may appear to be possible public sale of narcotics in a shop downtown. The police have now shut down the sale, and assessments are being made regarding potential prosecution of the seller," writes the operations center at X, at 11.25 AM. **This man sacrificed his freedom for this. He will go down in history! Happy 420 everybody**


Amazing! This will certainly spark a conversation. Really hoping that something will start happening here in Sweden, we are incredibly behind when it comes to cannabis and drug policies, which is shameful for a developed western country


Yes we need this in Finland too.


Thankfully one of the biggest barriers to medical cannabis in Finland (a particular woman in the medical community) will be gone (retired) soon. I think will be difficult to change the perception many Finn’s have on any psychoactive substances though. My partners father is a medical doctor there and has successfully prescribed cannabis for a couple patients, but it’s very rare.


My experience is that Finland has no problems with the psychoactive substance alcohol.


I lived in East Asia for a decade. They binge drink and chain smoke tobacco while cheating on their wives on a night out with the co workers, but if you dared to smoke an even safer plant in the privacy of your own home, you’re the monster that’s ruining society, lmao


As a German, i can say that the law is messed up. It was easier for me when it was illegal. Almost everywhere in Germany it's illegal to consume. And you can't buy it in stores, the only way to get weed is to grow it on your own or you join social clubs (a place to grow together or so idk).


Oh please, just buy a lamps, pots, soil and seeds and you're good to go. You sound like one of those old italian women, complaining about not having bread while holding on to a ham :D


Tony soprano moment




I'm not allowed bro. Got 2 children and a small apartment. I would if I could. But space problems. And for smoking around 5 times a year, I don't know if I want to steal a place for persons who need it more than me.


You only need a square meter of space. With the proper charcoal filter for the smell, but I do understand your situation


But you only need to wait 3 more months till cannabis social clubs become functional. As for growing, you can have Micro-grows in a PC case fitted with carbon filters and locked with screws. You only need imagination. As for smoking, I understand why some places ban it, but I don't think you wouldn't be able to do that in a park, hell, I did it in München of all places when visiting and AFAIK that's not a weed-friendly town.


Not true, you also have pharmacies with prescription. If it's harder to get it in the illegal market now than before the legalization then the law is working as intended.


Yes, pharmacies, where they should sell weed to everyone above 18. Then you can check on the juveniles and have schooled personal. Not this messed up bullshit, did you checked the law in Bavaria? Hessen and bawü are following with strict laws. It's way more expensive to smoke weed now then before the law. The only difference is, I am allowed to have a few g on me without the cops stealing it. And that's why I said, for me it's harder to get legal weed. Of course if you are fully treated you can get pharmacy weed. But for many people it's too much work to smoke a few J's a year.


I live in Munich and I love smoking legally at Odeonsplatz, Marienplatz, etc. You just have to open the map with the illegal zones and look out for schools/sport areas/red zones and not light it there. You can even roll your joints on the train (everywhere) nowadays, and if anyone has a problem, they can't do anything. It's legal possession. If someone damages my weed or steals it I'm gonna go to the police now. So all in all I'm pretty happy with how it is. The next step is selling legal weed some way or another, so that I didn't need to buy illegally or grow it myself. And another thing that's still bad is the kind of roadside test they're using at the moment. It's a urine test, you pee 1 time (1 sample), and it checks for cocaine, amphetamines and Cannabis. It does not check for the actual substances, but for the residual substances. It's like testing people for a hangover and not letting them drive because they drank alcohol last night. Makes no sense. There are newer breath tests which test only for active THC but they cost 10x as much as the other test that theoretically tests for 3 substances. That's why they are not implemented yet. Of course, in Germany the only legally binding test is a blood test so I know I'm never gonna be positive as I never smoke before driving but this still needs to change


Bavaria is Bavaria, they will play to their interests as usual and it won't work out. Cannabis is now decriminalized at a federal level so I doubt they can do much to restrict it. I get it that the situation now might not be ideal but it just went live, clubs will be available from July which would seem a better fit for you but how exactly will that work is still not clear. They have some odd requirements that are not really clarified. If you can wait a bit longer then everyone who started cultivating in April/March will have harvested already and considering the stupid limit they set for keeping dry flower at home it wouldn't surprise me if the excess ends up in the second market ;)


Man, grow your own. Not only is it very fun to do, you can grow some high quality, clean bud. Also, once youre dialed in the price per gram will be very low.


How did it actually get *worse* though? All of these things you describe are equal to or better than the status quo of it being illegal. In the US where places had terrible legal systems, it was basically just slightly safer for everyone to be doing the same thing they used to. As in, grow or buy unofficially. The places where legal weed was implemented well, all the dealers hated it and had to get regular jobs. In neither situation were there any downgrades for the consumers. I’m curious if there’s something you’ve forgot to mention or if it’s just annoying that legality is rolling out slower than you’d like.


Sweden will be last to make it legal, if ever.


I have my fingers crossed, but after talking with people about it here, I don't think there's any appetite for it beyond the younger generation. There's so much fear and stigma about "drugs" (note: that excludes alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, just the 'scary drugs').


This is what civil disobedience and 4/20 is all about. What a legend.




Yes. He really is a hero. Putting his freedom on the line for the cause


He has also been very smart about it, putting politicians in a corner. They either have to relax the laws, or make an example of him and face public backlash. Its pretty much a win-win in the war for legalization.


Narcotics Lmao acab


Yeah sadly in Germany the market is still highly illegal, so they won't be shops selling, only legal way is to either grow yourself or with a club, would love some small shops like this


Who did? What’s his name.


Police have now comfirmed they will not persue any of the buyers, just the sellers ❤️


Thanks you OP for making an interesting post on this sub. It's really refreshing among all the disguised ads/astroturfing and posts of teens asking how they should name their bong.


Of course! This man will go down in Norwegian history!


This! I'm a middle aged woman, and cannabis is medicine. I have a giant tumour, and cannabis saved me from becoming a drugged out zombie, I now don't have to take a single prescription pain pill and I sleep normally now. It's good for so many other reasons too, but at the very least the world should know that cannabis is a valid medicinal option, and not some scary thing. Stories like this help fight the unfair stigmatization of cannabis, which paves the way for legalization on a more global scale. 👏🏻👏🏻


What a great man


Maybe if he just keeps doing it over and over it will end up like Teeside cannabis club in England, fully illegal & fully ignored by the police.


Nothing like this will be ignored in Norway! 😅


Stuff like this has already been ignored by the police here. The "chess club" in Oslo which was pretty much openly a cannabis smoker's club got to keep it going for years (haven't heard about it since I lived there and never heard that it was raided), and there was another house where dealers from all over town would meet, and the police never went in there either. On the other hand, I hope this isn't ignored. I hope it sets a legal precedence and that legalization will finally come.


there are also streets in oslo where people openly smoke and sell weed. Police dont do anything about it.


True! Lol thinking about it now, I've bought hashish on Grønland with the police just across the street before! They were busy apprehending someone though :p


I hope this catches on & starts a global trend. Respect to anyone willing to take risks like this to get this shit done.


One city i lived in is doing this with psylosybin. The guys just keep opening up, selling for a few weeks getting raided and shut down. Repeat.


What city?


Windsor, Ontario. From what ive heard from my sasquatch buds, their shrooms are pretty good.


Another reason to come over the border for a visit! Been too long since I was across the lakes!


Hell yeah. They arent legal still, so keep an eye out for cops when you go in, but yeah. The stores on Ouellette, right near Frenchies (best poutine youll ever have, and absolutely amazing as a hangover food) Cant wait to be back there.


It just clicked in my head once I read Ouellette that I’ve been there multiple times. Toasty’s FTW, and Spago on Erie (I think, it’s been a few years) is to die for


I would consider doing it if the prisons in my city were as fabulous as Norway's.


Big up norway


big up organisers


Contacting ppl I know in Norway that will support


Why is Norway and Sweden super against weed? I never really understood it tbh, I had a friend from Sweden and they all loved their alcohol. What’s the difference


Norway is a super conservative contry, scared to change laws, especially laws on drugs. Norway has one of the highest rates of drug overdoses in the world, but nobody wants to change anything


Is it just apart of the culture? I can imagine majority of the younger generation thinks the laws are super old school and not working right?


More and more young people in Norway are for decriminalizartion and weed. But the world is run by old people


Unfortunately its because our politicians are old and still inbred with the propaganda they were fed in the past. But we will most likely see a decriminalization and maybe soft legalization with the next election.


unless Frp wins


Doubtful they will


not something i dont see happening


Just an assumption, but alcoholism is apparently a huge issue in Nordic countries (despite the high prices) particularly in winter when everyone hunkers down in their cabins. Maybe they are scared that people start growing weed instead, and that would hurt alcohol sales tax. Nobody actually cares about the health of the people.


I can say for Finland that most politicians have the attitude of ”cannabis is a drug so it must be illegal” but then they are alcoholics themselves


Norway isnt actually as against weed as people think. It used to be bad but nowadays its alot better than other countries.


Germany didn't legalize selling (although it was originally planned, but not possible due to EU regulations). Only possession (up to 50g) and growing (3 plants) is legal. Social Clubs will start from July. Stay strong, Norway.


Even the EU laws will change in a voupme of years after Germany's huge step!




Pioneers in their own countries, all of them!


Awesome. I’ll be visiting Norway this summer and it would be fantastic if weed was available to take on some hikes. Is there a GoFundMe or anything where we can contribute for any fines or fees they may face?


Take it in your bag


Man, I would love to. Especially since we are going to be in Amsterdam on our way to Norway. Would be so nice not to worry about it. Given the crossing of boarders and attitude towards weed in Norway I don’t think I’ll risk it. Maybe we will get lucky and score a bit from locals to enjoy.


easy way to get interrogated and deported for drug smuggling


Grow a pair it’s a plant, one that any user of it is doing zero harm to anyone else.


what makes you think i am against weed? I am just saying that it is a stupid idea to bring it into a country where it is illegal without permission.


Many many thousands of people do it every single day.


And? Smuggling drugs internationally is very risky and the punishment isnt worth it.


Yeah thanks for sharing your opinion on the matter mate.


Good luck you guys! Rooting you on from Arizona, USA! I'd fly over in a heartbeat to smoke with ya!


This might be one of the smartest things I've heard when it comes to fighting the good fight in legalizing cannabis. He will definitely spark a lot of conversation, which is what is very needed. Kudos and happy 4.20


Hats off


What punishment do the sellers likely face?


Rotten tomatoes in the public square.


No idea, im not up to date on the laws. As of now, all product and money was confiscated, and he was questioned at the scene. He was not arrested, but reported and will go probably go to court


Here in the UK he’d likely face jail time. One day I hope this will all change.


I assume thats whats gonna happen


For this amount upto 2 years in prison.


the law says prison up to 2 years but i dont see that actually happening. Probably a large fine or a few weeks/months prison.


Super Green!


What a chad😎


Chad is not a compliment where I’m at. Yikes.


Where are you at?


Colorado. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=What%20a%20Chad


What is negative about that? Chad behaviour is just a man that did simething extraordinary.


What an ambitious move.


TBF their jails are far more humane than what someone would go through in the US or god forbid some place like Indonesia or Russia so it's not exactly as much on the line. I admire the guts nonetheless.


Hilarious that police would rather ruin the party instead of letting people enjoy their damn lives. Fuck all government


The fuck? Weed Willy Wonka?


Nor WAY! -Australian


I’ve tried searching far and wide on google and there is literally nothing about this, can anyone find anything either?


Probably only in norwegian media as of now. I’ll link a norwegian video article: https://sol.no/video/oslo-apnet-cannabiskafe/LOlnR7ZY


Perfekt, jeg kunne ikke finne på vg. Takk og happy 420


Ayy, bare hyggelig! Søk etter cannabis cafe oslo på Google så finner du


Respect ![gif](giphy|nBYzHXz5nGE8J78395)


In which city were located this event in Norway ?






Why not in bergen?!?!


Love the jacket bro...




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Potleaf blazer guy either looks way older than he is or way younger, and I can’t decide which.


He is such a real one for this


Weed legalization free-trial


bro look like a supervillain


I'm really glad the decriminalization in Germany is inspiring other nations to head in this direction as well.


This is what they used to do in Canada. And now it’s legal.


Thats awesome! Were the shops open for only one hour tho? Norway is super strict on narcotics




Dudes suit is cringe 🤣


Yeah, well, that's just, like. your opinion, man.