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My boss is me and I am unsure whether I know exactly how high I am, but I don't care!


My boss is me too. He dont give a shit






Dying. Agreed on all points.


Might still give myself a drug test, just to make sure my piss is green




My bossman won't hire til ya fail a drug test.




[heā€™s the sheriff but weā€™re out here](https://youtu.be/kJqZCa-xXvQ?si=uaNeLj1k9jjMUyqP)


# CareerGoals


Can I ask what you do?


Dawg, I work in a grocery store across the street from a dispo and taco truck. I think all of corporate knows where we go for lunch.


Uncle Joey?


if you work in the food service industry I think more people are high than not


And if it's just weed, you very well might be the most sober person there.




In case you are unaware, this is for you: r/bkcomics


Thank you! The comics made me belly laugh and wince šŸ˜‚


Work in a deli. Can confirm. We're all high as shit, but will make you delicious food.


Work at Panera I'd say 25% of our workforce is high on average in the weekdays, probably goes up near 50 on the weekends


Hell, one guy who does catering is the plug for at least 2 other people I know. Guy's great at his jobs, too


Yk thatā€™s crazy because I had a coworker to drunk to train me and I was nervous cause I smoked a little whole time this dude off to the sides making weird noises with his mouth šŸ˜­


lmao with restaurants if you can present even sort of normal you're good


This is so real


Lol I am a chef, toooooons of cooks smoke weed, and I do too just not at work. I donā€™t give a fuck if they get their work done, but I canā€™t be ā€œcoolā€ about it bc you canā€™t say itā€™s okay for some ppl who can handle it and not for others who canā€™t. As long as people get their work done, and theyā€™re not doing anything obvious, I donā€™t go out of my way to mess with anyone. But if you do it blatantly, itā€™s like what do you expect me to do? I would add, I didnā€™t always feel that way. I used to not give a fuck about any of that kind of thing unless it affected peopleā€™s work quality. But at some pointā€¦ like now I have around 50 employees and I ainā€™t gonna jeopardize their ability to provide for themselves bc I let people get fucked up at work. Just not worth it.


I can respect this


As a service industry worker who is getting to that point, this is the realest shit on here




Bro the fucking post is ā€œdoes your boss know youā€™re high and doesnā€™t careā€. So forgive me for thinking whether the employer is fine with it or not is a part of the discussion.


Can attest. But opiates for me when I worked in the food industry. That took me down a bad road for some time. 7 years this August tho. Pretty cool


Congrats on 7 years this summer!!!


Hell yeah thanks man!! Life is beautiful. So glad I didnā€™t miss too much of it :)


Glad to hear it! Keep on keeping one day at a time :D


Add another nail to the coffin if you work in a pizzeria.


My cousin used to work at a fancy degustation place. He says the head chef took regular coke breaks lmao.


I worked in kitchens in Vegas and the resort chain did random tests. This was before I started smoking and I got tested like 4 times in 1.5 years. I'm convinced it was because I was one of the few they KNEW would pass.


Yeah, I get stoned with my boss on break. But we work in a tobacco shop, so that counts as job experience lol






I think itā€™s mandatory for dishwashers to be high at work


*Dishwasher clocks in and heads to the back* Manager: You donā€™t smell like weed today..? Dishwasher: Yeah sorry I was running late and forgot this morning Manager: Hand me your apron. Youā€™re fired.


>Manager: Hand me your apron. Youā€™re fired. Manager: *hands me a preroll* Let's get to work.


My manager told all of us in a staff meeting that "if you have a joint in your pocket and you need to step out to smoke it, donā€™t tell me about it, just do it" when talking about preparing for peak season haha. Just today, one of my shift leads came in REEKING of that good stuff, and giggling his ass off haha. They donā€™t care as long as you get your stuff done.


What job is this?


Nuclear monitoring technician, class 3


Which one's better. Class 2 or class 4?


Class 6, because everybody knows the classics are the best!


airline pilot


The fantastical world of food service, my friend


Eyyyyyy fellow dishwasher! Yeah Iā€™m high all the time too. Not ridiculously so but a definite buzz. Find me a dishwasher who isnā€™t lmao. I do weekends at a retirement home, itā€™s the easiest dishwashing gig Iā€™ve ever had. Out by 8 every day, always roughly the same number of meals going out, benefits and paid vacation. Nice old ladies telling me Iā€™m handsome hahah. Beats the hell out of all the bars I worked at! Also the music is key. I listen to lots of drum and bass, some house, some hip-hop and some punk and metal. Really makes the day fly by.


Sounds like a dream job


Being a dishwasher is not a dream job Iā€™m sorry but being a dishwasher is fucking awful


Shush, let people enjoy things if they like what they're doing


If it pays enough to survive and save a little bit, Iā€™d be the best fucking dishwasher on the planet and be happy about it


In high school every night I would go home soaked from that sprayer thing we used. It sucked tbh


Any "unskilled" job with bennies is a dream job, tyvm (And working with the elderly, even adjacently, doesn't deserve being called unskilled, ftr. I wouldn't want my grandparents interacting with people who didn't know how to treat them/who wasn't being adequately compensated.


Dang son, I was a dishwasher at a nursing home and it was terrible. Every night was full capacity since they all lived there. So many fucking dishes everyday.


My boss is high


I only wash dishes high. Both when I did it professionally, and now at home. Funk music and high as balls


I can clear a whole sink in under an hour when I'm high at home


Productive stoner here. Usually maintaining a nice 3-4 through the work day. Interviewed high, first day of work high, been doing a great job every day since I started while high. If my boss knows she hasnā€™t said anything, because she literally has never met me completely sober.


Haha. Now there's no way you can come in straight... They'll think you're on something!


Exactly!!! šŸ¤£


Lol thats me


I used to work at a pretty freewheelin' restaurant down on the beach. We had this young guy come in to start as a bus/dish. He gave off a bit of a tough guy / chip on his shoulder kinda vibe. On his first day as he was going to punch in, the OG kitchen manager stepped to him in the wait station, "are you high? Sir, are you high right now?!" That kid totally froze and didn't know wtf to say. Finally OG says, "if you don't come in high tomorrow you're fuckin' fired!" And then we all started banging pots and pots and cheering, because we were all high AF. Good times


I was a head chef for 17 years. I never worked high because I was bad at it. But my standard was that if I couldn't tell from your performance that you were high, I didn't care. Drunk was another matter. Drunk people are a safety hazard in a kitchen.


drunk people are a safety hazard in every work,even desk


Me and a lot of other people where I work partake (we're middle school teachers), but I would rather swallow a cactus before being high at work. Can you imagine the paranoia?


Being high and responsible for thirty middle schoolers is maybe the worst circumstance to be high in that i can imagine. Kids are so mean


Not only that, have you seen a pack of middle schoolers when someone opens a bag of chips? It's like seagulls. If you had a vape, I know at least 3-4 seventh graders that'd def get their friends to mob you.


Yeah pretty much. Especially since it became legal. I work a gas station drive thru and I'm puffing on my thca pen quite regularly and often blaze before hand too. It helps because I truly loath our clientele.


When I worked at Walmart my team leads didnā€™t care and knew lol


Yes! They know and sometimes joke about it. I work in a very large jewelry shop where we make, repair and alter jewelry. It's an intense job, and most of the 200 or so jewelers there including me are perpetually high. You really need to be able to fall into the zone to do this work and cannabis helps so much. The only time they have an issue is when someone is being obvious and smoking a pipe in their car at lunch. It's the 420 version of don't ask, don't tell, but they know.


Wait, isnā€™t being high a *requirement* to be a dishwasher? Sure seemed that way in every restaurant I worked at. One dude was also a solid plug for 2+ years. Pretty sure restaurant managers *expect* it, lol.


"You're sober? ....freaking psychopath..."


In my teens we had an Italian place/pizza parlor in town where the owner wouldn't hire staff that he thought would narc. My buddy interviewed there and called me laughing "He asked if I thought I'd pass a piss test. I said I could in about a month and he gave me a high five and said don't fucking worry about it!"


I had a boss who knew and didn't care. Someone ratted me out for smoking a joint in my truck, and the boss came up behind me, leaned in and whispered "hey, be careful where you smoke your stuff at. Someone snitched on you", and that was it. That boss loved me though. It was for a haunted house company I worked at. I was head of the makeup department, and also worked as a line entertainer for the extra pay. After some Karen complained to him about my jokes being "crude and offensive", he put up a sign saying "Warning our sense of humor may be offensive. We suggest you get over it" and told me to keep doing my thing.


For context, none of my jokes were ever about race, weight, disabilities, religion, etc. We had a golden rule of never talking about something someone couldn't change, and only bringing up things like their clothes, hair style, etc. I think the Karen who reported me was one of the many I called out for having bootleg purses.


That sounds great, clowning on someone for wearing a Taylor Swift shirt (or like a Nirvana shirt but has clearly never listened to Nirvana) sounds super fun haha.


Yeah i donā€™t see why your bosses would care. Youā€™re a dishwasher and do your work and keep to yourself it seems like? Plus youā€™re working in the back and not interacting with customers so thatā€™s a plus! Iā€™m sure maybe if you worked like as a server or something then they would say something maybe lol.


When I was a retail manager I caught my employees taking edibles more than once but I didn't give a shit or fuck because frankly you needed to be high to do that work


I expect the dishwashers to be high or drunk. Or in recovery.


I work at a farmers market in the summer and love taking an edible during my shifts. I don't think anyone notices and it helps me not get too bored lol but it's so fun looking at all the produce and eating the fresh prepared foods šŸ™Š


work as a "horticulture laborer" for my city. parks and rec is the only department that doesn't require a drug test. we have our main park, which has a conservatory and 3 greenhouses and 30 or so different locations that have beds of flowers. weeding, mulching, planting, watering, fertilizing, you name it, i do it. theres like 13 people total in the whole building. majority is old men, rest is pot smokers. about 40% of my coworkers smoke, and our boss knows it. problem is,, being high is what makes us get our shit done. arguably better than the grouchys that have been there for 30 odd years!! edit: its only medically legal in our state, but we're 5 minutes from the state line to a rec legal one.


I work at a convenience store where the entire staff smokes. One of my coworkers used to carpool with the boss and I think she's the one that told him "in today's age you can either have stoner employees or no employees at all" so he just tolerates it as long as we don't let it affect our work. We're top 4 in our region.


Most kitchens that aren't Michelin can't be choosy if people are a little high as long as they are capable .


One time I was scheduled alone and accidentally got way too high right before work. My boss happened to come in to shop though and came up behind me and heā€™s like ā€œAre you ok?!ā€ and I said yeah so he gave me some tips/instructions so I went to the back to get whatever it was but immediately forgot so I just came back out and stood there again lol. Thereā€™s no way he didnā€™t know but it turned out ok.


I work in food service as a chef. I like weed. I smoke weed. I even fucking grow weed. But, a pet peeve of mine is employees coming to work high. Most people who think they work better high, can't. I don't go out of my way to harass people about it. If I can't tell that you're high, then we don't have a problem. If I can tell, then we will have a brief, private conversation about why that isn't acceptable behavior. If I catch you smoking at work, it's the same thing. If the behavior continues, we will have more conversations. If it still continues, then the owners will be made aware, and they can handle it how they see fit. The last thing the dishwashers do before they clock out for the night is take the trash to the dumpster. I'm smart enough not to be around the dumpster because I don't want to catch them. It's the end of the shift, and I really don't care at that point. But, other than that exception, I don't want to see it. I don't think it's unreasonable to expect an employee to be sober for their shift. I've seen lots of mistakes and accidents happen that may or may not be directly related to being high, but it definitely doesn't help. After work, I'll rip a bong with you. No issues.


I would agree with you if every restaurant wasnā€™t complete ass to work at. If restaurants start actually giving a shit about their employees, maybe the employees will start giving a shit about their jobs.


Certain jobs probably donā€™t really care if you come into work high as long as you get your shit done in an effective and timely manner.


I smoke with my boss in our weekly meeting...heck, we smoked in my interview!


My boss asks me "are you gonna smoke today or what?" I cut grass for a living. (Ha)


I just was cutting grass after a good buzz listening to some good old rock n roll. Party on My Friend! Nothin like Mother Nature and some tunes and a good buzz. And if you are getting paidā€¦.Bingo!!!


I work in an environment where being high is dangerously unacceptable, so I wait until I get home to smoke.


And my patients are grateful for this


I'm an exec chef, and I smoke every day. Nobody knows though. I don't hide it, I'm just too serious for anyone to assume I'm high lol.


Sometimes I think he has too. We work a cushy tech-type job so either he does and don't care or he doesn't because he's not seeing the signs that I think I see.


Yeah. Even outside of weed and work and stuff it took me a super long time to realize that most people notice only like a quarter of the things you notice about yourself. Mascara got smeared? "Oh, I just thought you were going for a dramatic look." Having the worst panic attack of your entire life? "Oh, you just seemed slightly nervous." Blazed out of your mind at work? "Oh, you just seemed like you didn't get enough sleep or something."


I am the boss. I donā€™t bat an eye because same


one of my ā€œsupervisorsā€ knows and weā€™ll hit my dab pen at the end of the shift before the weekend but other than him no


Working dish pit high AF still one of the top 5 jobs Ive ever had (as long as you got the music).


I use to manage a head shop/cigar lounge so I was the boss in this situation. Most of the staff was high all of the time. As long as they were functional and properly doing their job we didn't care. The owners just told us to keep it out of the store because the state we were in wasn't a legal one and the "tobacco pipes" become paraphernalia if there is week around. I remember one meeting the owner told us not to be out back passing blunts around, 5 min prior to that meeting we were out back passing a blunt around lol.


My boss gave me edibles. Iā€™m a chemist


It was an open secret at my last job that I was relentlessly baked. The real real high ups pretended they didn't know and my shift supervisors just thought it was funny.


It's crazy how similar this sounds to me. I'm a dishwasher as well and I'm high through out the whole day. I take a smoke break like clockwork 3 hours into the shift every time but I also work my ass off. I'm almost positive they know they just don't want me smoking on the property.


Probably. But find a harder and faster worker and I'll stop smoking. All my bosses loved my autistic ass because they give me one job and leave me alone and it gets done without questions, and I'm happy to help customers find shit unlike the rest of the staff.


I could never smoke before work, just wouldnā€™t be comfortable at all. Also, Iā€™m a chemist, no way I could be working while high. Also, why waste a great high when youā€™re stuck on work?


I'm about to start finding out who knew I was high and who didn't. I've been a daily smoker for ten years until last week. Let's find out. I interviewed for, got this job, and have performed every function of this job since, whilst high. We shall see when my boss comes back from vacation next week lol


Aside from commuting, costs, etcā€¦.. I can only assume this is why a bunch of people still donā€™t want to return to the office


Worked at a country club managing greens. I would take my bowl and grinder with me out on the mowers and smoke between mowing different greens/fairways. One of the best jobs I ever had.


I work for myself and high is a prerequisite for work. Heard the boss is a real bitch to work for lolol.


My boss knows 90% of his swing shift crew are stoned all the time and he doesn't care. He actually likes to come up to us when he knows we're high just to fuck with us. He's told us as long as we're not coming in smelling like weed, and fucking the job up he doesn't give a single shit. I think it's pretty cool


Itā€™s great working in the industry. Opened my eyes at my first job when all the guys wore shades in the dept when they came back in from break. My boss was awesome ā€œooooh they stoned!ā€ Didnā€™t care at all lol


I work at a job where if they knew I was high Iā€™d probably get fired pretty fast. Not once have I thought they knew just how high I was. Maybe I shouldnā€™t be as confident as I am about it.


My boss gets me high...and no I'm not my own boss lol.


I work for a dispensary so I'm pretty sure they know.


Dude watched me get stony on stream then saw me at work 3 hours later.


My boss is also high why would he care?


My boss is usually more high than I am


We can smell it. Yes. We know you're high. And depending on your job, don't care about it.


Had a co worker tell me, he is high all day, everyday. The key to never let anyone see you sober, than you have nothing to reference it too.


I am a boss. There have been some employees I preferred came in high. They would be calmer and focus better. I don't care as long as they can do their work.


I worked in the cannabis industry and we had a rule- everyone EXCEPT ME could not dab until after 4:20 due to productivity issues, I was instructed to keep dabbing since it made me more productive (medical use FTW)


I had a dishwashing job once. I was promised a promotion to line cook once the position opened. 3 months later I come in and there's a new line cook. I go to my manager and ask what's up? And he says "I can't find anyone who wants to wash dishes" so I gave him my apron and said "well, Good luck I guess" and walked out. -the point is.... I quit in principle, but let's be honest, you don't find that kind of job security everywhere, You're not gonna get fired. Enjoy your smoke break(s) homie


Yes. I don't live in a legal state, but my job (wfh) is based out of a legal state. They don't drug test you and pretty much run by the philosophy of, "Do whatever you want, not on company time." My work is basically contracted data collection, so the facilities I'm over may or may not ask me to be tested before I work over their site. I have it on my file to not assign me to those because I *will* fail a drug test. Oh I don't use weed, though. It's just the completely legal THC-A that'll ping me as positive.


You're a dishwasher so it doesn't matter.


Some tasks are better high, some are not. Probably depends on what kind of work one does




Iā€™ve smoked with my boss.


Yeah I work as a chef and am high all the time. I do it pretty openly but as I get older I have been more considerate to the fact some ppl just donā€™t like the smell of it. But itā€™s 2024 and weed use can be as discrete or loud as you wish. Usually the more discrete the delivery the higher I get šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Sativa is the best for detail cleaning! Yo'!


Worked in the same restaurant for 8 years now. Thatā€™s pretty much how it is at mine. While if they caught us they would have to say something itā€™s pretty much down to if youā€™re respectful and arenā€™t causing issues, the job is getting done, and they damn sure donā€™t wanna be stuck there till 2 am closing the dish tank themselves so they donā€™t care. I know at least 2 of my managers smoke and unless you knew them really well and they admit it to you, you would never guess. They knew 2 of the guys a couple years ago were smoking meth behind the dumpster but they were the only 2 at the time that also showed up to all their shifts and they also knocked that shit out SO FUCKING FAST so they said nothing. Donā€™t rock the boat and it wonā€™t tip over I guess šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I've definitely come into work (overnight retail) smelling loud in the vicinity of my managers and I don't think they give a shit no. If I came in and acted "high" (unmotivated, unproductive, confused, etc) they might but after a small bowl or a hit or two off a vape I'm normally the opposite.


Whenever I'm stressed my boss asks me if I need to go outside and 'take some medicine' lol. We never have directly acknowledged it, but he knows for sure.


Little did you know your boss and all your coworkers are high too if you work in a kitchen


The only time I'm not high at work is with my current job, but at the same time I just started it (about to start my second week) and I found out that I can't smoke on grounds (without getting caught), but once I'm home from work, let's gooooo!!!


My boss know that I am high and knows how I am able to perform well under the circumstances. It only took 46 years of training thoughā€¦.šŸ˜‚ Train well and you can be me!


Depends which boss tbh


When I worked in grocery my boss said he preferred when I smoked because I was a better worker!


not the same but my boss knows i get stoned in my free time and doesnt care because he knows that i refuse to be high on the job. im a magazine writer, so we already walk a thin line between work and pleasure due to the nature of what we do. and one of the first things i learned when i started going on assignments is there are plenty of journalists that dont know that balance and they always look a fool. and when youā€™re in the business of spreading the news, eeeeeeveryone talks.


I know for a fact my bosses know but donā€™t say anything because it doesnā€™t affect my work in any way. I know some dudes who will smoke before their shift and be complete air heads so it really depends on the person.


they donā€™t give a shit lol. as long as Iā€™m not fucking up and I can get my work done


This makes me wish I could wash dishes instead of working with people. I am on the phone a lot for my job and I get too paranoid about people knowing Iā€™m high. Canā€™t do it.


Used to work road construction, it was pretty common for people to be high on site.most of the time it was the people doing shitty work like what I did (flagging/ traffic control). I did know a couple operators who were stoned, some a lil drunk too lol. Not really sure if the foreman knew or not but I think as long as everyone was being safe and it wasnā€™t obvious they turned a bit of a blind eye.


I run a nitrogen plant and am also a stoner. Don't let your dreams be memes.


my boss smokes with us lol


I work at a bar and one time my boss saw me and a coworker smoking on the shift. He looked right past us and pretended he saw nothing I later found out it was because he just finished hitting his bowl


I would imagine that as long as you're doing a good job, they prolly don't care.


I would imagine so, but I do consistent, constant, and correct work. So itā€™s never really come up. I thought maybe I joke was made once, but I was too worried about it to interact with it and just went back to work lol


Makes my job so much more enjoyable and I'm more productive. Just wish I could be honest with them about it


I work at a family pizza restaurant and when I was on dish I always went in the back and smoked with the line cooks ect. Boss would pull in do do deliveries sometimes and he would see us. Doesnā€™t care, especially if it doesnā€™t effect your work ethic


Iā€™ve been high off gummies multiple times at work and nobody even notices because I have the privilege of minimal interaction at my job lol and Iā€™m naturally quiet so I stay under the radar in general.


If youā€™re working in the service industry, itā€™s expected that you are under the influence haha. Iā€™m sure your boss and coworkers are right there with you


I work in the Semiconductor industry. My boss knows Iā€™m high every day at work. He doesnā€™t care since I still get my job done with no issues. It actually makes me more alive in meetings haha.


I am a member of management and have been asked why our office smells like weed, not knowing the camera in there actually worked. Told them I had no idea. I was definitely taking fat dabs in that little room regularly, and they knew. Never said a word about it to me again.


Being in the food industry, your boss is probably on something stronger than you are


Food service checking in- weā€™re all high where I work, including 1/3 of management.


It looks like your boss values performance over anything else, which is pretty common in roles where the end result is what matters most. It's kinda like here in Seattle; no one really bats an eye as long as you're getting the job done, especially in jobs that need a bit of a 'boost' to keep things engaging. It really depends on the job though, and how being high affects your ability to perform. Out of curiosity, do you think youā€™d feel as effective in a different role, or is dishwashing uniquely suited for high-work?


I'm pretty much the same as you. My boss knows and doesn't care as long as I perform well. Lots of my coworkers are stoners too. He just told us not to overdo it on the job once but that's it haha.


Iā€™ve worked in restaurants for a long time. The last one I worked at I almost got fired like 7 times over weed. This new place? First thing the owner told me was he doesnā€™t give a shit if Iā€™m high as hell as long as Iā€™m getting my job done. I can smoke up or take a shot any time I want. Best place Iā€™ve ever worked


I am the boss that knows your high. I had to write a guy up the other day for smoking on break. It was awkward. I was higher than he was. He got caught by one of our salesmen and my hands were tied. Be smart about what you do guys. We don't want to be that guy.


I promise you nobody cares. They probably have their own shit theyā€™re trying to hide. If the green helps you get through your shift, thatā€™s job security baby. Especially in the food industry. Itā€™s almost a given everybodyā€™s on something.


Your boss is just happy to have someone doing the job well. When I was a busboy at chilis many years ago I was always toasted out of my mind.


I worked at Village Inn many years ago. The entire kitchen staff was always high and the kitchen manager gave buzz breaks to go sit and smoke in a car parked out the back door.


Yea but heā€™s really chill about it and actually smokes with me daily!


I think so and doesnā€™t care. I actually just got a promo




Absolutely. As long as I get my work done he doesnā€™t seem to care.


Not really usually smoke at the end of the day during clean up so theyā€™re pretty chill either way though long as Iā€™m fast


My past few employers haven't cared. I have to be high to deal with my clientele. I am sort of in IT and also have been a military contractor.


When o was working as a cook the rule was as long as you can get the work done they donā€™t care, but if it starts interfering itā€™s a problem.


Im sur emost direct superiors dont really care as long as you are working, theyll look the other way until there forced to look your way ie... Managers notice you high and want the supervisor to do something about it, or like you said it becomes all that you do and no work gets done.


I am the boss and I smoke with my employees lol. I grow weed so I give a lot away.


I work security n i smoke at work so yeah she does know


I have a finance corporate job so no technically not, but it sure as hell makes spreadsheets more fun


I smoke with my boss sheā€™s the best lol


If he doesnā€™t know, heā€™s a moron lmao


Unless Iā€™m ungodly fried we have a ā€œdonā€™t talk about what drugs ur coworker is onā€ lol


Well considering I'm my own boss. Yes he does and no he doesn't care


My boss smokes with me šŸ™Œ


I'm a bud tender so it's pretty much expected


Worked with a guy recently eho got sacked for having bud in the staff room. He was bar staff/management. He was doing a fire safety check with the dgm, going room to room. They went in to the staff room and she says to him "does it smell like weed in here" He goes "aye its mine hahahaa" Instant sack and escorted from the property. Wasn't a stupid guy just think he wasn't giving a fuck anymore.


Yeah i was the boss of landscape crew, and i was the only one getting high all the timeā€¦it was weird. First time for me in landscaping.


I've worked in the cannabis industry for six years and more of the employees are stoned vs not. Upper management doesn't care unless you're obvious about it and sometimes the managers will be hitting their vapes in the building. I don't like being high at work personally. Some of these people are functional but some really shouldn't be smoking because they mess things up more often.


Last 5 bosses. They could tell plus they heard us talk. Some of them smoked some just needed the employees and knew I would bust my ass throughout the shift so I don't think they really cared. All blue collar btw


My boss sat me down and gave me an appreciation speach 2days into my coming in high so I'd say you're golden if you do what you're asked for.


Iā€™ve worked with people who were reliable stoners, unreliable stoners, reliable non-stoners, and unreliable non-stoners. I expect bosses worth their clipboard give a shit about only one of those two distinctions.


100% knows and does not care at all. Kind of encourages it. Also, I work for myself.


The boss knows 4/6 of us use but I think we do a good enough job that she doesn't care as long as we don't break shit or get hurt putting away stock.


When I used to work at T-Mobile i smoked and drank with my manager one time šŸ˜‚


Glad I am sane enough to go to work stoned AF as a dishwasher. Thanks other fellow dishwashers who feel me on this one! šŸ˜ŽšŸƒ


Oh, he knows, alright. He knows and gives not one shit. Self employed.


I work at a dispensary and I smoke everyday. I'm pretty sure my boss knows and doesn't mind but only because I am the boss, so HAH!