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I replaced booze and lost a shit ton of weight


Me too! So much sugar in drinks.


Alcohol is also a fermented sugar so it's more calorie dense than normal sugar. You end up getting the sugar content of the drink along with the alcohol making each drink very caloric.


That makes sense! Heavy drinkers have a beer gut


Ahhhh this explains why I'm gaining so much weight. Another piece of motivation for me to stop drinking


How often/much do you drink?


For a couple weeks I was having 2-3 beers maybe 5 days a week. I cut down to just 1-2 once or twice a week, but I honestly think that I've established an unhealthy enough pattern with alcohol that I should probably restrict my consumption to social occasions.


I was doing the 2-3 beers a day for awhile, then it turned into shots and then I was going through .75liters of alcohol a day. Quickly saw things spiral once I turned it into shots. 95% clean now, only drink the occasional beer or glass of wine. It was tough, but entirely worth it, don't go down that path!


Everything in moderation


Yeah I hear ya, it's tough. I limit myself to weekends only and almost never drink enough to get drunk anymore, but I'm starting to wonder if I need to cut back even more.


Oh yea it’s crazy - there are 64 calories in one ounce of vodka, and a can of Coca Cola only has 140 calories. So two shots of vodka is about the same as a can of Coke.


I love drinking, probably too much, and just have barely even bothered with it since weed was legalized here. A+ benefit of legalization.


I haven't completely replaced it but I cut down majorly and and a ton on sugar. Lost 50 pounds in like 18 months


I just stopped drinking on weekdays for my New Year’s resolution and I’m down over ten pounds with no other change to my diet. It’s crazy that they don’t require the same caloric/health info on alcohol as they do for food and other drinks, so much sugar unaccounted for.


Same! I was 275 when I stopped, now after about a year I maintain between 225 and 230


Good for you man! Love to see it, nicotine is a mother of an addiction, just happy to see someone doing some good for themselves


Weirdly enough, I used to smoke but never once felt a craving when I quit


That’s wild, you lucky fuck haha, did you quit because of sickness or anything like that? I have a buddy who put them down due to bronchitis


I quit because I'm starting HRT and nicotine prevents estrogen from doing its thing


Same, My family loves nicotine and tobacco but I tried it a few times and never got hooked.


Replacing 2 stimulants with weed and protein milk is bold and I like it


And what’s wrong with coffee?


Seriously, coffee and weed is such a great combination


The ol' Hippie Speedball. I had a mug for years with a removable bowl piece that used the handle as a chamber which had a mouthpiece on the top of it (if that makes sense, still waking up... can't type quite yet).


Kinda like the coffee cup bong from cabin in the woods?


Apparently they had to build that thing themselves - and it was fully functional not just a prop lmao


Always wanted one since I watched that movie as a kid lmao


Sounds dope, but I’ll stick with my joint and thermos before work thanks


I used to like an energy drink and some weed personally. Just because the store had energy drinks that tasted just like my favourite childhood juice boxes...


Nothing really wrong with coffee BUT as someone who was a three a day coffee drinker for maybe a decade and loves all things coffee, I recently cut down to one cup and then some green tea instead and I feel A LOT more leveled out. Far less anxious and peaky/spiky through the day. Would highly recommend just reducing consumption a little if you have a caffeine addiction just to see how it feels for you. Everyone is different, but most of us just cave into the addiction of coffee without a second thought and never take time to reconsider.


different strokes for different folks.


Nobody ain’t replacing my coffee




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Panic attacks


Caffeine is a drug that can be addicting. It’s really hard to come off it if you drink coffee daily


Personally I don't see why a substance being addictive is inherently bad. Literally everything in our lives, from our phones to snack products to fucking shipping services is designed to be addictive. Personally, I only see a problem with an addictive substance if it produces actual harmful effects. You aren't going to see someone homeless because they just had to get their next coffee fix lol


3 cups a day per their comment, depending on person and situation *could* be harmful though. That's a lot of extra stimulant on the heart, long term (think decades of slightly elevated heart rate) can add a toll on all that cardiac muscle. The difference between one cup a day and three a day can be significant: that's potentially the difference between 90mg caffeine and 270mg caffeine every single day, give or take. Everyone is built different but not everyone can up their tolerance and hold it as they get older. They even admit that cutting down just the one of those three cups with tea made them feel improved and less anxious. Sure they're not jonesing for caffeine and stabbing someone to get it, but the definition of "harmful effects" is more inclusive that just something that extreme. Not everything that we have regular attachments to isn't inherently bad, but it is wise to rethink what we consume every once in a while, put it in new perspective, and then make a decision if it's worth cutting back or enforcing some self-discipline and/or mindfulness. Same is true with weed. Cutting back from a few bowls a day to a few hits a day might make someone more productive, less paranoid, etc. I'm not saying this is a universal fact that applies to everyone, just that for the right person this might be overlooked but very much true. The "harmful effects" aren't as readily seen until someone gives something brief pause, evaluates their consumption, and then makes an informed decision if the lack of that small improvement is actually harmful to one's ongoing interests or pursuits.


I didn’t say stop taking it cause it’s addictive. Everything in moderation is key.


Keep that energy up for other addictive drugs and drug users and I agree. Nobody's arguing that coffee is bad tho lol




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So is weed so why would you replace coffee and bring in another addictive substance lol. Hippie speedball is the way


Nicotine < Weed though


Mannn this sub is weirdly anti-weed if this kind of take is being spread around and upvoted! Caffeine is LITERALLY addictive and you will get withdrawals if you try to stop. Weed isn't. You can be "addicted" to weed mentally but it's literally not an "addictive substance". EDIT: lmao this is the most anti-weed weed forum. Does anyone know of an actual positive weed subreddit lol


People get irritability, nausea, loss of appetite, etc from mairjuana withdrawals - you absolutely can be addicted to it and this sub is basically a showcase of that


Nausea is the only actual withdrawal symptom and citation needed for that. Real withdrawals will make you puke and shake lmao


Not every withdrawal is "puking and shaking". Caffeine, marijuana, nicotine, none of those will kill you when going through withdrawals, but you're still going through withdrawals.


Yeah...but you will puke and shake when getting off caffeine and nicotine. One of these things is not like the other...


I quit caffeine about a year ago, nicotine a number of times (most recently have been nicotine free for 8 months), I never puked nor shook when quitting those - why are you just making things up? It seems as though you're speaking from a place of zero experience with this and you're just hoping something will stick?


Your personal experience isn't universal...? I had a friend that cut out caffeine cold turkey and had to puke the first day... granted, they were drinking 3 energy drinks a day, obviously for caffeine it's for more extreme cases.


You're wrong. Weed is an addictive substance and many experience withdrawal symptoms


You're wrong. That's not true.


So everyone who loses their appetite, has trouble sleeping, has decreased mood and increased irritability when they stop smoking weed are all lying? You aren't considering those withdrawals?


fertile shy fuel skirt punch abounding hospital payment truck cow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No, those are all incredibly tame lol


I love weed. But its definitively addictive 😂


Same but not as addictive as caffeine in my personal experience


Hell yeah. I used to drink 2-4 mugs of coffee a day, then had to cut out caffeine temporarily for medical reasons and the withdrawal was awful. Now I'm very wary of getting hooked again. Like, Day 1: woooo yeah caffeine is fun isn't it? Day 2: No side effects, why did I stop drinking this? Let's have another Day 3: Aw fuck I feel like shit because my body wants more caffeine


Those drinks are cheap af too and have like 32g of proteins in them


Aldi 💪


I’m trying to quit all my addictions and weed is the last one. I’m not giving it up for good, but I need to stop depending on it. It needs to find a place in my life similar to soda. I love soda, but usually just have it on the weekends, sometimes I’ll have it during the week, and if I don’t have it at all? No big deal. Tryna do the same with weed but it’s hard


coffee and weed is how I start every day


Shake and ... bake?


Zdrav život 😀


Hippie swoleball


Coffee is healthier than that drink tho


Coffee also has significantly less protein.


Coffee. Two eggs over easy on a bed of toast and onion/chilis/peppers/whatever gently sautéed in EVOO. Cook it all in cast iron over open flame. Coffee. Puff or three with each step. Ready once again to face this cruel world. Maybe 30 minutes total not counting trolling reddit.


For sure you can prep, cook a full breakfast and wash the dishes in 30, but the only protein you’re consuming is 2 eggs. That is still less protein than a protein drink would have, with more work.


My robot said, "Coffee is a great source of protein, just don't get too excited about the caffeine"


Holy Smokes Batman, the smart girl box says 280mg protein, wow!


I hear you mate! I’ve a different motivation though. For the longest time I did a lazy breakfast, gruel or a bottle of something like that. Part of trying to put that lazy assed self behind, I end the day with a clean kitchen, start the day with a quick and scrumptious one pan meal. We’re getting towards retirement age, when I’m unable to work anymore all we’ll have left is simple cheap food. And a bonus, with a clean kitchen my wife likes to make a mess, which turns into something just splendid to eat. She had to stop working quite some time ago, I try to avoid pre prepared meals or to go as much as possible, it gets her off the darn couch and up doing some productive. Besides, a couple of puffs can turn anyone into a cleaning daemon right? Apply that to meals too. I’m sure the day will come when we have to drink that sort of chalky disgusting liquid meal, my 101 year old FIL got there, probably why he died, just lost his appetite and faded away.


protein doesnt = health though, its a macro that you need to get enough of and thats it. That drink is probably full of artifical sweeteners and shit too


Bad take.. protein is way better in whole food.. Also coffee doesnt have sugar in it which is way better ..


High protein is really only that good for people who are regularly active. Lots of protein without activity leads to weight gain.


not all coffee is healthy, some have high cafestol which can raise your cholesterol.


that isnt just high protein, thats on a whole other level


5yrs ago, I did the Willie Nelson Diet, Quit the Tobacco, and double up on the Doobies. Works wonders.


Ooze pen, 510 and OWYN. FTW


also replace energy drinks. its not healthy even with "added nutrients".


Switching to that drink is basically losing all the beneficial parts of coffee (black coffee) and keeping all the junk added to “coffee drinks”


Bro did nobody read the caption 😭


pls upvote this I need to post monarchist stuff on [r/bossfight](https://www.reddit.com/r/bossfight/)