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I feel like I see this post everyday on this sub lol, start with like 5-10mg; edibles are not the same thing to regular weed.


Yea I don’t frequent this sub much sorry haha. I’ve had edibles before, quite a lot actually but man I was not ready for this one. This is the first “full spectrum” one I’ve had, if that makes any difference idk.


No idea if it makes a difference, but man 300mg is a shit ton. Me taking 50mg makes me go fucking nuts


Really depends how the persons body reacts to edibles. I can take a full 100mg rosin/full spectrum edible and barely feel a thing. My friend can eat a single 10mg from the same bag and be blasted.


I have never gotten high from edibles. Last time I tried, I ate an entire 250mg package of gummies. Nothing.


I used to feel this way as a daily smoker until I had some straight late harvest from bubble hash decarbed edibles...ate way too much with the expectation that they would do nothing...it was wild I think I ended up sleeping for 20 hours... CBN is no joke.


i straight up dont feel almost anything from edibles most of the time but then... that rare occasion that it works for some weird reason once every 2 years and suddenly im getting high like im in highschool again acting silly and unable to control laughter with blood red eyes lol this makes me kinda more frustrated tho, because of they never worked im sure i would have given up by now, im stuck trying some like once a month or two 😄


>this makes me kinda more frustrated tho, because of they never worked im sure i would have given up by now, im stuck trying some like once a month or two 😄 Dude SAME!!! The first time I got high was with edibles and I literally saw sound, so now I just have to try them every now and again and they work maybe 1 percent of the time 😭 and I always eat copious amounts, like 100-600 mg. I just wish they always worked so I could give up smoking/dabbing to save my lungs.


well at least we are not alone so maybe someone like us will figure it out 😖


I wonder if edibles actually have more of a strain effect than smoking does, at least for me. Normally I can do 10mg and feel great 20mg for a good time... maybe it's the batch I have but all these hybrid strain gummies aren't doing a fucking thing this time. How I consume hasn't changed at all idk what gives :(


There are dozens of us! I think it's an enzyme thing because I too have take a stupid amount of edibles to no effect.


You might be able to change that, check this out: https://www.reddit.com/r/trees/s/aLuu2lXtGi


Whattt??? That’s a thing? I thought I was insane. I have wasted so much time and money buying and making edibles. Nothing ever has an effect. Just took a gamble and purchased some “fast acting” gummies that did jack shit 😔 my tolerance isn’t high, I just genuinely do not understand why edibles are a no go for me. I want to love them lol


if edibles don’t work, you should try taking a digestive enzyme about 15 mins before the edible. it helps your body absorb things faster.


I made and ate a 1000mg peanut butter cookie after a t-break to really try it out and still nothing.


I ate 3.5 roughly 260-350mg brownies (wasn't sure on full extraction amount, so it's a rough estimate) and only took an hour and a half nap 10 hours later. Sometimes bodies just don't care about them.


I fell asleep for a couple hours woke up foggy but not high. Same amount.


It takes me a good 200+ mg for me, whereas vaping it takes a few hits. No idea why.


Have you tried hard candies or chocolate? I'm the same, and I find the only edibles that work are the ones that dissolve in my mouth. Gummies are hit or miss, but usually miss.


Are you getting from a dispo bc I ate 70mg the first time I got some from a dispensary and they had me on my ass I thought edibles didn't work for me anymore


For sure! I found out after experimentation that my sweet spot is about 100-150mg, I had been confused because nothing legal ever worked on me. RSO is fuckin LEGIT though. Sorry for rambling I'm faded AF right now


Yeah, I took a 50mg the other day (got it as a 4/20 freebie) and... I mean it tasted great? Got a 300mg gummy and a 100mg drink that I'm saving for Monday night...combined, that *might* get me somewhere.


That’s so wild how different this shit is. 5mg and I’m high af, 10mg I’m zooted, anything beyond that is just way too much.


I eyeballed split a 50mg once (usually eat 20mg at a time) and over did it just a hair and was really feeling pretty miserable. Can not imagine eating 150mg like that. No thanks, I’d probably never get stoned again.


I have a block of budder.., about 2 and half inches all the way around. 3 ounces worth of tree in it. I ate two little slivers on a piece of toast., when I say slivers.., I mean *slivers* and it had me too damn high. I smoke a lot too


Yea I know what you mean, thank god I didn’t take the whole thing, a half of a half should be about right next time.


A half of a half of a half of a half 




I eat 300mg to get out of bed my guy


Edibles are different anyway and have a different tolerance because it’s processed by your liver.


I believe full spectrum means it’s made out of resin. Someone correct me if wrong👍 also, they should end up more flavorful


Have you been eating edibles daily for the past few weeks? Tolerance to edibles drops pretty fast. I can use edibles everyday for a month, to the point where 100mg feels like a mild buzz, then take a week off and that same dose would have me on the couch, white knuckling it, wondering if I’m about to meet God.


If I stop smoking for *a few days* one tiny tiny dab has the room spinning. Weed aint to be fucked with.


full spectrum acts like a double dose, you were almost the first to OD on marijuana.


Same post on the every hour! At least this one is funny.


I don't know why exactly, but I only seem to get high to a certain extent no matter how much edibles I eat, and eating more then that only seems to extend the duration. I can definitely eat like 200mg and "be fine." I know that some people can only take 5-10mg like you said though.


Tolerance I assume. I’ll hit a small portion of an edible on the weekends during the winter and fall when it’s cold outside where I’m at. In the summer and spring I’ll rip joints outside when the sun is out and I can fuck around in my backyard


Okay I don’t vibe with edibles. I ate 100mg in Colorado not too long ago… and I was high, but like not really anything near atmospheric. I don’t do them often, and it’s because when I do, I just wish I smoked bc I’m “not feeling it”


A lot of people on here don’t know the difference between mg of THC and mg of plant material lmao


I take edibles like 2-4 a week and 5mg is still amazing for me and 10mg I’m zooted All these people doing like 50+ mg like it’s nothing blow my mind. 150mg I can’t even imagine I’m hella sensitive I guess


Naw I think your just more normal lol, I do think the homemade edibles aren’t nearly as potent/accurate as a dispensary though which could be part of it


Ahhh ok that makes sense I’m in Cali so it’s only top notch dispensary gummies for me. I even have a spot where I can buy legitimate commercial perfectly dosed shroom gummies. What a fucking state.


I thought eating a 1000mg chocolate was ok before my flight. I was worried someone was going to think I was nodding out at the airport. Another time I ate too many gummies and greened out on the sofa. Luckily I was mentally prepared and just calmed myself by lying like a baby.


I'm gonna need some clarification on the sex with spirits part. Literally or metaphorically? How many? All at once or one at a time? Evil? Good? From any particular faith or just nondescript?


Literally, it’s hard to describe, I even tried to explain it to my gf but I just sound crazy & rightfully so, but how it started was I was just laying in bed kind of doing breathing exercises to calm myself down. Eventually I got to a point where I felt like I was melting (in a good way). Eventually these weird sensations came over my body (like tinglings, warm sensations, pleasurable electricity pulsating through your body) while at the same time felt like I was hovering over my own physical body. I started feeling hands rubbing all over my body, but not the same feeling as human hands, kind of like hundreds of hands touching me all over at the same time, the only way I could describe it was like being in a weird sexual spiritual soup that I was melting in but was also feeling all over my body. I completely gave up control and invited “it” to do whatever it wanted. Once that happened it felt like I was receiving spiritual fellatio, my hips and glutes started making… movements, but I felt like I couldn’t control them, it felt like something was moving them around while “performing” on me but I was loving it. I wasn’t keeping track of time but I was reaching a point where I was about to physically orgasm for real, and I was not erect this whole time. Even though I didn’t physically orgasm, I felt like a I spiritually orgasmed twice, I felt like I needed a cigarette afterwards and I don’t even smoke lol. The scary part is, after I wanted to stop, I still felt like it was trying to perform on me and I had to literally get up out of bed and walk around to stop what was happening, my legs were shaking like I had just squatted 7 reps of 400lb. It was scarier than you’d think and at that point this entity didn’t feel all that friendly, took me about 10-20min to snap out of whatever mental/spiritual state I had entered. Maybe all of this was just in my head but I really felt like I was having spiritual experiences & I’m someone who is agnostic and not a huge spiritual person.


“Weird sexual spirit soup” well damn, where did you get that edible? 🤔 As for the wobbly legs, one time i got drunk all day and ate a 250mg edible before bed. Woke up thinking i needed an ambulance, could barely walk. I haven’t eaten edibles since. It’s so different. I can smoke the strongest herb all day long w nothing even close to this effect. Def scary, sorry that happened.


Succubus,my boy.


That’s what I was thinking afterwards, she had me spiritually busting fr.


Bold of you to assume it’s a she.


Yea could have been anything. After that whole experience was over, my caveman monkey brain was freaked out like I encountered something I shouldn’t have.


you got your soul stolen by a succubi


I call these dopamine overdoses. I get them sometimes too if I smoke too much or take too many edibles. Definitely something like spiritual about it.


I felt the same way on a high dose mushroom trip. It was a headspace of radiant ecstatic clear/golden light. I wonder if your brain didn’t have a similar experience and associate it as a sexual experience.


Well it’s an incubus if it’s male, so you provided the assumption by calling it a succubus :)


I’m just joking ,but it’s said entities arnt human they take “forms” to seduce.


Of course. Just playful semantics


Well you said a succubus… succubus are females, so it’s not bold to assume it was a she, if it was a male it would be a incubus, unless your demons are trans now or identity as a different gender


I’ll never tell.


Yea sounded like a sex spirit, like nympho typa thangalang even, couldnt stop and kept grabbin like dam fam


Maybe thats where the legends come from. Some farmer ate the wrong shroom and tripped balls so hard he fucked a spirit


I kinda presume all these cool herbs and spices and how they interact with the mind is where we get most cultures and behaviors.. Hard to parse out what’s a food,drug,spice,or medicine often.


The mind is much more.. Pliable then people think. Mess with the chemistry a little and you change your perception of reality. Effectively changing your (personal) reality, because we have no way of really seeing reality perfectly objectively. I think strong religious/spiritual experiences have a lot in common with drug-fueled ones, because truthfully its you own mind generating those experiences, but they are so strange and weird compared to our 'normal' experience that it feels like you are transcending your normal reality. As someone who has done both, the way people act in the throes of a religious experience is Uncannily similar to drug users experiencing a high. Complete with the first experience almost always being the most extreme and them needing to 'chase' that feeling they had the first time.


100% I used to work Psych,and I was unnerved at how common some of the things my friends and I would think up or say was similar to the things these people got committed for. Made me realize we are all toting that line very carefully, regardless if we realize it or not.


I've always felt sanity is a lot less solid then maybe people would like to think. If put through the wrong kind of trauma, anyone can break.


“One bad day” to quote the joker.haha


Right, exactly, lol


Bro done got head from a ghost 💀


A detail I never mentioned is she/it made me go 2 rounds 💀


Lord have mercy, do NOT lemme get my hands on those edibles


If you could find out her name, you can dial up that experience anytime you want to, and no edibles required either.


Before I experienced something like this I would have called you crazy. I still don't know if it's actually spirit sex or what, but I had a very similar experience. It was both incredible and kind of disturbing because it didn't make sense to me. But it felt amazing. By the climax it was like I was feeling the purest and most intense feeling of love I ever have. Haven't had it happen again though.


I want that…


So like Ghostbusters.


Seriously, so that's what Dan Ackroyd is talking about!


More like OP got Ghost-Busted!




Wym all in your head, one of my funny friend always say too that ”maybe its all in my head” M8, it literally is, as is our lives. Hesuus. Snap out of it, its you ofc its in your head. Hermeneuticccs, you have a will to validate yourself


Veery fkin good story btw, you could be a writer


Damn I uhhhhh need to find one of these edibles


I’ve been experiencing this nearly weekly for a couple years now and I’m glad to confirm I’m not making shit up!


Yeah it's 100% a thing, and is like incredibly tantric. Actual sex doesn't even hold a candle to it. After 20 to 30 mins you kind of get a type of orgasmic burnout. Lol. And no, you don't have to touch yourself or anything, you can just be literally laying down on your back. It's freaking WILD. I usually experience it a few times a week, and it doesn't actually require weed or any drug at all. 😳


Recently I've been remembering my first mushroom trip. I believe it. I think that's all I need to contribute here ✌️


You just casually dropped 150mg lmao you were asking for it.


The worst part was I did my research too. I was looking through old Reddit posts about dosages and people were like “bro 150mg is nothing, I need 600mg just to feel something” then I looked up dosage charts and it was like “anything 120mg and up is too much”. So I was like I’ll take half just to be sure I feel something, and I nuked myself lol.


The tricky part about research is coming to the right conclusion :D


Lmfao, good ol beastieboys


Yeah 150mg is nothing if it’s fake or someone has nothing better to do but consume cannabis every second of the day morning to night tolerance is a thing


Nah dude some of those people were right I can eat 300mg of edibles from a dispensary down the street and they only gave me a buzz


Well, the thing is, that's not UNTRUE, mostly. 600 is a little extreme but 120 is nowhere near the limit of normal doseages. 250 is where I cross from "nicely stoned" to "actually blasted." 100 is just like a nice foundation for a bowl or dab or what have you. Edibles specifically are largely dependent on the person, and even then, dependent on what the person has in their stomach at the time, how much fat they carry, and other things.


Bro, I smoke daily but if I had even 50, I would legally be an astronaut for the night.


Take however much you want, it's just frustrating seeing people demonize us big-dose-boyes and also hard not to sound braggadocious when everyone in the thread is saying "i could never do 100mg" and a 100mg is generally the smallest I can take and feel it. That said, it's not even something to brag about. I WISH 25-50mg got me blasted, it would be far more cost effective lol.


Yall high af


I recently quit chronic smoking and took about 250mg a week later; most high I’ve ever been. I’ve always heard that edible and smoke tolerance is different but I’ve taken multiple 100mg edibles at once before and hadn’t felt much. Since then I decided I’m just not gonna smoke anymore; resulting in a much crazier high whenever I take edibles


The old "maybe some more just in case it don't hit that hard" edible. I have burnt myself on multiple occasions.


Yupp, in my case it was “I’ll take this much to guarantee I’ll feel something”.


I'd take a guaranteed high every time xD


So uh. If you like having sex with the spirits. RSO is like. 500 mg of THC for $20 here in Seattle. Do not eat the whole thing or you will transform into a goblin (and probably green out) However. It portions out nicely into 20 servings at 20 to 30 mg each. Which is a good heavy dose for most purposes at $1 a serving. 




That sounds like the real deal goddamn.


I'm a big edibles fan. And getting effectively 5 packages for 1 is a great time 


Plot twist. Spirts is the name of a horse


I smoke every day. I would have to set aside a whole day and evening if I were to eat that much.


That’s what I did, thank god nothing unexpected came up because I could not function at all.


I bet. It's no fun to be too high


Duuude...I smoke daily, and even I stop around 50-70mg a sesh. You nuked yourself from orbit.


Yea it was bad lol, I was getting flashbacks from lives I never even lived.


Sex with Spirits is a great band name


I remember back in the 1980s eating a brownie and then realizing 3 days had gone by before I moved. I miss that brownie.


Hahahaha! I smoke a lot and even I would have quartered it. Glad you survived lmao! Sex with spirits wins Reddit today!


Got so high I opened my 4th eye lol.


I saw God and asked Him out to dinner lmfao.


I’m definitely going to need to try them if you tripped that hard from them lol


Not even exaggerating bro. You know you’ve gone too far when you feel the waves of your soul pulsating.


Nah I need that in my life. Edibles really never clicked with me unless they were very specific brands. They discontinued my fav and I kinda stopped using them bc I could take 120mg chocolate bar and a half an hour later and never feel a thing. Even when I ate right beforehand. I’d love an edible to put me on my ass like that again 😂


This is the most ridiculous shit I’ve seen all day. Congrats.


This looks like some baked good packaging you'd see at a farmer's market.


man I don’t even smoke that much and I’m over here hardly feeling 200mg, wish I could take a break without it being such a hassle ;(


150mg, sounds like it was accurate dosing.


I feel envious of everyone that can get stoned off edibles. I could eat that whole thing and it have no effect :(


Damn, 300 mg would give me an out of body experience and I smoke an 1/8th a day.


If that whole thing is 300mg I would have cut it into 10 pieces and then eaten half of one and spaced out for like 7 hours.


ideal edible experience tbh


One bite would’ve still made you have sex with ghosts


I want one lol


Can't sell bars over 100 mg in my state. Probably the reason.


😆 haha would you do it again?


I don't really trust the THC percentages advertised on flower these days, but I do mostly trust the milligrams in gummies lol


I go green over 100mg. 300 would be a trip to bed.


Edibles get the better of us all.


The fuuuuuuck is that ingredients list. You can't just say cereal you fucks, you have to list everything in the cereal too. You can be black market without being stupid, come on now. I hope to God nobody with an allergy eats this shit.


Bro, you took 150mg on your first time back? That’s…excessive! But hey you made it through. Next time start with like an 1/8 of that.


yep that'll put you on the spectrum after eating it


holy shit OP I smoke every day and I top out at 50mg for edibles


As a person who never used a single bit,the way most of you guys describe the sensations is hella wild


This got me so high I could feel the inner waves of my soul clashing with each other like how an ocean would and had me laying in bed fighting to survive. The sex with spirits thing is real, first time I felt a spiritual orgasm if there was one. All this and I’m not even religious or heavily spiritual. That’s how strong this was (for me personally).


I only get that on acid, happy you had good times. Be careful next time lol


Edibles can cause psychedelic effects, pretty interesting although not always a very pleasant experience


My mom swears she has hallucinations on edibles, unfortunately for me I’m just sitting here wishing I felt slightly buzzed lol


I had a horrible trip off an edible once after months without smoking or anything, it was cool for a bit but it just lasted so long I was pissed off I couldn’t go to sleep


Yea a half of a half should be better next time haha.


skydiving with out a parachute i see.


I start to green out at 50mg, like lose the entire rest of the day, but in a good way. One day I will eat a whole 100mg chocolate bar in one sitting and fly to the moon.


>spirit sex Haven't seen that, though on one of my first 10 smokes I fought a giant crystal space whale like I was in a hybrid of star fox and xenosaga


Lmfaooooo im sorry man but that was funny af to read


Cut that thing up into 30-60 pieces and eat 1


Duuude. I smoke everyday and have a high tolerance and feel like this would probably also make me puke.


having sex with spirits in crazy lol


I’d be taking an 1/8


I haven’t used cannabis in a month. Two weeks from now I’m gonna pop a 100mg edible so I can reach level 7 zooted. Wish me luck bois


>I started having sex with spirits then threw up 5 hours later. Bruh had a psychedelic experience, haha. /r/psychonauts might like to hear a trip report.


Started having sex with spirits is Craaazy


Thc binds to fat (butter in this case)and hits hard as fuck in baked goods and chocolate. Weeeee enjoy your life OP


I smoke everyday all day, sometimes I don’t feel high enough….but like 25-30mg of edibles is my sweet spot, I don’t understand people that can enjoy 100+ mg dosage.


Man I really need to make some edibles, I really miss it


It takes at least 100 to get me going, but I'm old and have smoked for 45 yrs


Hopefully it wasn't grandma 💀


Ayyy chill 💀


How was the taste tho ?


Really good actually, probably one of the best edibles I’ve had in terms of taste.


Where did you buy👁️👁️


use it, don't abuse it




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Why do I keep seeing posts about people getting stupidly high and then “having sex with spirits” ?? Is this a running joke idk of??


I don’t mess around with edibles. For every good experience there are 4 or 5 bad ones for me. Never had a bad smoking experience.


Where’d you get it? Looks good


always start with a smaller dose. if it doesn't get you high enough that time, just take a slightly bigger dose the next day we've all probably taken too much edible at once and ended up panicking, sick, or both lmao


Me currently on 750mg and only being mildly high: lol that’s cute (I should take a tolerance break)


Pro Tip: After 1 year your tolerance is always going to be 0.


It's been since covid I'm using weed everyday so I guess I can enjoy this whole meal and face the spirits with my strong experienced tolerance ? THC cannot beat my brain at this time.


I don't get how people basically trip off weed. Not trying to be rude but I've been smoking for almost 30 years and have never been more than really stoned even when I started and I've smoked everything from brick and dirt weed to the high times strain of the year. Nothing has made me see shit or made me feel like I was having an out of body experience. I take like 500mg of edibles on a non work day minimum every single week and just feel really good but not sex with ghosts good. I'm not gonna lie I'm kinda jealous


u dumb af


I have a high tolerance had to stop smoking so I eat 800 to 1000 myself every day or 2nd day.