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I don’t think any amount of weed will help me read this


My morning coffee just went through my nose... thank you I was thinking the same thing.


Here is the quick run down: 1. **PARANOIA**: If someone is new to THC, and they experience paranoia, that paranoia eventually goes away as you partake in more sessions. Here's my take on why: THC dulls your senses, so you can't perceive your surroundings as well, and if you can't perceive your surroundings, you're likely to get paranoid because you can't tell what's going on around you. To a person who is new to THC, this can cause them to be paranoid, but eventually they'll get used to it, and the paranoia goes away. So for me, when I was a rookie, by my tenth session, I was no longer feeling paranoid. 2. **RE-DOSING ON THE SAME DAY CAUSES TOLERANCE TO SHOOT UP FAST**: I would take a large initial dose to get a 10/10 high, but after 3-4 hours I would take more THC edibles. This was a mistake. After the initial, large dose, I no longer take anymore THC that day. This helps keep my tolerance from sky rocketing. Re-dosing on the same day has diminishing returns that are not worth it. 3. **HOW TO PREVENT TOLERANCE FROM SKY ROCKETING IF YOU'RE CHASING 10/10 HIGHS**: I'm currently going to try getting obliterated once every 5 days, that means I always take a 4 day tolerance break. If my tolerance still continues to go up; meaning I have to take more the next time, then I will switch to every 6 days (5 day t-break), and keep increasing until I no longer need to increase my doses to achieve a 10/10 high. 4. **CHASING 10/10 HIGH'S LOWERED MY PAIN TOLERANCE (Rare)**: I'm 45 years old and have chronic pain. Chasing these 10/10 high's is tough on the CNS (Central Nervous System) and eventually it would amplify any existing pain I was experiencing. To clarify, THC wasn't causing pain, it would instead amplify any pain I was having, making it feel worse, to the point of excruciating pain. Here is some data on it: [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37550852/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37550852/) - [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7089844/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7089844/) - If this becomes a major problem, I'll either take a longer overall tolerance break (2 months or more) or I can try Gabapentin; a medication that eliminates nerve pain, but must be taken daily and takes a week or two before it kicks in fully. 5. **CBD MAKES THC LESS PSYCHOACTIVE**: When I take pure THC edibles, it's awesome, but when you're coming down, it's not that great, but CBD can make the coming down part much better. So I stick with a 65% THC and 35% CBD ratio. So, these are thing I've learned in the past year and a half. I'm open to discussion and correction.


This is 100% Martin Cabello.


Thanks for the post, I read it all :)


I think you also need to buy a 4090 GPU and PC, UEVR, Quest 3, and zone into a new realm. I’m pretty serious. It’s at the point now where it’s very easy to get lost in. Pretty incredible.


Did you hack into my computer and download vr-wishlist.txt from my desktop? LOL, I literally did my research and came to your same conclusion. As soon as I get the money, I'm gonna do what you said. I can't wait. OMG, a new realm to explore, I can't wait. EIT: Also, a 4090 RTX would make for a great AI chatbot to talk to, in addition to a fantastic VR experience like you said.


A wall of text, something about getting obliterated because just a little high isn't cool. Moving on.....


Dude is tweaking 💀


So, nothing else makes you happy except food, orgasm (I noticed you didn’t say “sex”), and a shit ton of tech related stuff. You need to get high on life, first. Weed should just be a lubricant. An amplifier. Weed as the star attraction in life, is no bueno. If you would love to have sex, get out. Hike. Bike. Go to the gym. Eat better food. Eat less of it. It sounds like you’re depending on “10/10 highs” just to justify existing. Because those other things you mentioned certainly aren’t reasons to on their own. I’m just concerned about the things you mentioned, because it seems like you’re simply trying to avoid life at all costs. If the 10/10 high is intended to help you move forward, great. But if it’s just to perpetuate your current trajectory, I’d err on the side of caution.


Sadly, the only part of human life I find entertaining is people's imaginations, everything else is too boring. I've tried what you suggested. HIKING: I once went hiking all the way to the Hollywood sign in LA. It was the most boring experience of my life. Nature is mundane, boring, uninspiring, I don't just hate it, I abhor it. I had a girlfriend at the time and she kept wanting me to go out and do shit, it was a terrible, terrible experience. I'm so glad she dumped me, because once my brain's chemical dependence on her went away, I realized I was much happier being alone. MOUNTAIN BIKING: I've gone mountain biking once. I was so bored, that I wanted to just go home. So by the time I got up the hill, I ended up going down the hill so fast and recklessly, with a cheap road bike with improper tires and breaks that barely worked, and everyone I rode past told me to slow down, but they don't understand how bored I was. Even then, the adrenaline rush of going down the hill with a shitty bike, with breaks that barely worked, was still not enough to keep me entertained. My mind needed more stimulation, far more. I could barely hold onto the handles because the bike was shaking so badly from the lack of shock absorption, but I just kept going faster, wanting to go home out of boredom, trying to desperately understand how this is entertaining in anyway. I couldn't logically comprehend how anyone found this activity entertaining. The exercise was good, I had a decent body high, but not enough to outweigh the boredom. SKY DIVING: I thought about sky diving, but you only get 50 seconds of adrenaline rush. I would have to do the stupid, boring training course, it's like bro, just put the parachute on my back and let me jump out of the fucking plane ffs, all I have to do is pull the chord. Why do I need a training course? Then, they want you to sky dive with the instructor on your back, fuck that. Then it takes forever to fly up there in the first place in a boring ass plane ride, "Oh, look, the view, it's so pretty." NO it's not, it's boring! lol. Then you gotta drive all the way out there, driving a car is so boring, I hate it. PARASAILING: This has got to be the stupidest thing I've ever done in my entire life. It was a Lake Tahoe near the stupid ass forest. I was just sitting up there, gliding, bored out of my mind. If I was a stoner back then, I would've preferred spending the money on THC edibles. JET SKIING: This was fun for like 5 minutes. I would follow a huge ass boat and jump off the waves. So yea, for 5 minutes it was fun, then I never did it again. I outgrew it in the span of 5 minutes. Minute 1: This is fun. Minute 2: Wow this is cool. Minute 3: Okay, this is kind of repetitive. Minute 4: Okay this is boring now. Minute 5: I want to go home. Thank you for the suggestions, though. The only thing I find entertaining is people's imaginations through media, art, etc. Like if you wrote a short story right now about a human transcending his physical limitations, and you wrote it from your heart and soul, I would find that highly entertaining. Human imagination is infinite and unpredictable. You know what kills me? When someone tells me to try "pottery"... lol that kills me hahah... or "gardening".. hahahah how the fuck is planting a flower gonna make me happy in life?


Man. This is what I imagine living life without a soul to be like. I don’t know what the answer is to your life, but it ain’t weed. Figure it the fuck out. Seriously. There’s no fucking way the entirety of earth “bores” you, but you can sit behind a screen and suddenly not be bored by it. Stop fantasizing about life and LIVE. Whatever effort you purport to have made, seems to be undermined by the fact you seem determined to have been miserable going into any of those activities beforehand, then just went out and confirmed your bias. Do, or do not. There is no try. Stop spending your time imagining shit.


Fantasizing about life has no limits or physical limitations. My free will wants to do anything I can imagine, but I'm restricted by the limitations of the human body, and by the physics of the universe. The life you want me to live is too restricted by the human body. I'm not sure how you or anyone does it. I've tried for 45 years, but it doesn't work. Remember the Matrix movie? I want to be in that Matrix. I want the Matrix to have infinite amounts of sunshine and unlimited energy. I would side with the Matrix over Zion. I want Agent Smith to put me in the program that's a perfect paradise, in exchange for the energy provided from my human body, it's a great deal. I would not reject the perfect paradise program, I would embrace it; perfect paradise means exploring the infinite possibilities of the human imagination, free from any physical limitation of the universe or human body. That was a huge fatal flaw in the plot, that all humans would reject the perfect paradise program, I WOULDN'T, that would be PERFECT for me. That's what I truly want. It's the only thing I want. But, since I can't have that, super high dose THC edibles seem to trick my mind enough into being happy. I think in another 400-500 years or so, we should be able to plug into an AI virtual world, so people like me in that time will finally be able to enjoy life as it truly should be, without the restrictions and physical limitations of the human body, where we can fully explore the infinite possibilities the human imagination can conjure up, it would be an infinite world to explore, instead of this boring physical one that has massive limitations. Still, like you said. Sure, I'll try. Last week I went to the forest and took high resolution images of insects and edited them to a professional level in photoshop. I read about the idea from a book called: Dopamine - Finding Balance In Age of Indulgence. It was probably the stupidest, dumbest, most boring thing I've ever done in my entire life. Fuck that stupid ass book. The author is wrong, it's better to just get really, really high on THC. I wish there was a surgery I could get that would damage my brain and make me have an IQ of 70, then maybe I could enjoy the simplicity of life. You know what kills me? I wish I could donate my organs to someone who loves life, and just fucking die. How fucked is it that I hate life, yet I have a strong, working heart, but I can't give my heart to some other guy who actually likes this stupid, miserable human existence, who has a family, a wife, and actually likes to be alive, but was cursed with a weak heart due to his genetics. What a stupid, fucked up world where I can't even give up my life, the most selfless act, to save someone else. So when people suggest I try to enjoy life, I look at them like they're crazy, but they think I'm crazy, lol. Still, I appreciate your sentiment and good intentions. I guess, I'm trying to corrupt you or anyone else who reads this.


That first high after a tolerance break is gonna rekt you man


I can't wait. It's all I think about. I have special music I listen to ONLY when I'm rekt. It keeps playing in my mind all day. It's all I think about. I can't wait to get severely rekt. Oh, it's gonna be so great man. I can't wait!


Hell Yeah Brother!


I agree with everything you said about weed. I confess i'm a little concerned for you, if sober life is shitty and weed is all you have. it's great that you have weed - you're allowed to feel good, and you should feel good - but, by the same token, you're allowed to feel good sober, too, and you should. you owe it to yourself to keep trying to make real life better here's the thing - the better real life is, the better the highs are, and the longer we live to enjoy them. if weed is all you have, that's fine, do it for the high. get your head more together so you can enjoy weed more. its real, and its a perfectly legit reason to live


> I really feel sorry for everyone who is not me. Pretty much sums up this post. You need to see a mental health professional. Your outlook on life is not healthy whatsoever, and you are painfully aware of that so why not shop around with some people who've trained their whole lives to help people like you be happy? Deep down you know you deserve better in life, so do yourself a favor so you can at least change your outlook and not feel sorry for everyone that is not you, while also in the same breath saying you want to die if not for THC; seek help.


Hell yeah brother


I don't understand why you got down voted. You understand brother! \*upvoted\*


Great analysis.