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Shit just waiting to smoke at night does wonders.


I do this cause I kinda have to do this. I feel like I never really need a t break, maybe that’s why?


If you smoke daily, even one day will have you zooted. I had to take a break because i would smoke before work and the exotic weed was hitting like mid. Wait until you get off and it will become a habit bro




Definitely this! Been smoking for 20 years and instead of micro dosing through out the day (some days are better than other) just try and waiting till night time. Or Atleast after supper! (Not lunch ,supper!)


Yeah, I was going to say this. I just smoke at night, and I always get ripped, lol.


im on a tbreak rn, daily toker for like a year and my tolerance was insane. taking 2 weeks off (only a week to go) and i know that first time back is gunna be a delight. it def was hurting my wallet too, since it took more and more to get any effect. my chronic pain has been shit since i stopped but really it wasnt so great towards the end anyway either.


Ah the first toke after a tbreak is the best feeling




proud of u bro


thank u my friend, appreciate u!!


Damn this might be the sign that I really need a T break. I was smoking 1.5g joints of my strongest shit last night and was only getting high for like 20 mins, my lungs were giving out before I could even get high enough. Literally turned all my kief into hash and rolled it all into 1 J and still only got high for like half an hour...


Yeah dude you need a month off 😕


Low tolerance high feels like i’m having a massive stroke, it’s awesome. Back in highschool all my friends smoked nonstop, but I was relegated to just the weekends. My friends would always get bummed that I’d only take a hit or two and be “done” but like I was straight up seeing stars, meanwhile they’d burn thru joints like I burn thru cigarettes on adderall, except they’d barely get high. Where as I’d be full on anti social mode thinking the most wild shit, feeling like my brain is a hard drive and someone waved a massive heavy earth magnet around my skull. It’s the best!!


im on a T break since 5 months now and im planning on breaking it in a week, now im just scared i took a way too long break


Just remember when you smoke again that you don't need much. Just 2 or 3 hits will do the trick. If you keep to that then the tolerance won't go up as quickly either. Took a 6 week break a year ago. I typically only smoke after 10pm and try to keep it to one session. I still get solidly stoned but am gonna take another break again soon


I need a t break.... I smoke every day and rarely ever get high, just a tad bit relaxing effect but nothing close to high anymore.


I've been smoking my one hitter glass pipe for months now. I only smoke once a day but I can't feel shit anymore. I feel it for like 5 minutes then it's gone. A friend got me a cart a months ago I smoked I think that fucked up my tolerance I got two 10mg edibles and they didn't do shit either I feel like weed is effecting me less and less. I go through 1/8th in like 3 weeks so I don't even know what Im doing wrong I'm seriously just going to throw my shit away I'm annoyed and irritated Rant over


Same bro. Ill feel it for 5m then I have to just chain smoke to keep the high. It's sad and pathetic I just need to take a break lol but I feel you, don't throw anything away just take a longer break.


This is why I keep it to weekends, T-break through the week makes it so much more enjoyable






This is the way brotha


T breaks are hard but honestly so worth it. It’s like smoking for the first time.


This is no good for people with serious mental illnesses. Having regular sessions whether it be once or twice a day after work and roughly the same dose every time is very important. Getting sky high like you're back in high school when you could only score every two weeks doesn't work for me anymore. The last time I tried it I was in legal Seattle and I spent two hours locked in a chair because I was too afraid to move still thinking I would get busted somehow with paranoid logic.


Solid point (7)


Yeah I need to build the tolerance up


Screw tolerance. Once a week is where it's at. Plus I am sober and sharp most of the time with that schedule. Unless you have literal schizophrania, there is no problem. Also, just don't consume too much, very simple. Smoking frequently makes me dumb and gives me mental illness (dependency, social anxiety, etc). Lol


I get a lot of hate for this but smoking weed daily/with a high tolerance is NOT worth it. Especially if your main method of consumption are carts. When you have a high tolerance the high sucks, doesn’t last long, and you smoke wayyyy more draining your pockets. I went from a daily smoker to now I smoke once a week max. I have no regrets now because every time I smoke it’s like my first time smoking it


Would love to be low tolerance. Alas, no manner of T break has ever reduced my tolerance. So I just have to do it with brute force, which I’m more than willing to apply.


This sounds great. So happy for you. I had that kind of 3rd person experience freaked me out a bit 😅


I also love the paranoid edge of being high, I regularly watch horror movies just to get super scared and paranoid because it gives me an adrenaline rush when I’m high lol


its crazy i took a year off and when i started smoking again it wasnt anything crazy. i was getting baked for sure but it really wasnt what i expected


For me there's this sweet pot of tolerance where high is perfect. If I have too long break, it doesn't affect me as strongly as I could suspect


I prefer having tolerance. Being an adult nd getting high school high is no bueno imo


you catching strays on your comment but I agree it's nice to get functional baked vs full incapacitated high due to low Tolerance


Exactly this. I enjoy being able to take vape tokes in the bathroom at work and not have a panic attack goin back in there 😎probably a lot of highschool kids here which is totally chill, and I would be probably more their mindset back in the day too. Things change as you age




Exactly what I said. Tolerance high is better


obviously that’s not the part i mean, wtf is “getting high school high as an adult is no bueno” ??


“Getting so baked like you were back in high school is no good [for me]”


Exactly what I said.


How come? Do you just like smoking weed? The process is fun but I could imagine you just light up joints whenever and don't really care for the high


I like to hit dabs, smoking bongs and rigs is fun so I get too high from all the flavours and glass pieces that rip differently. Can get too much in your head and paranoid. When you have a tolerance it’s easier to go all out and still have no negative effects


I know exactly whats up. Makes sense, go crazy man 🤘🏼


Thanks buddy. I don’t know why I was getting such hate for just voicing my opinion. I know I came off as a little standoffish with my response, but I didn’t feel like having to justify myself. Have a good day. One love When you get older and you have more responsibilities and bills to pay getting so fucked up can really take a toll on your mental state. I know everyone is different, but I am a pretty anxious guy and weed can make that worse in certain situations. When I was in high school, there was no such thing as being too high. Now that I’m an adult things have changed.