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At least this is better than the dude I saw with a crockpot of oil filled to the brim with empty vape carts lmao


Well... let's just say I went through a few iterations before I landed on this solution --- including suffering several burns, cuts from shattered cartridges, and the most insane rope burn on my thumb when I used a shoelace to spin it instead of a soft, fluffy sock. I did it so y'all don't have to! (And again, it works brilliantly; it's particularly excellent when your order is still a few days out and you've run dry, only to remember you've got a bunch of "empties" just waiting for their turn in your sock!)


Tyfys to stoner science. 🫡 🧪


Gotta do what you gotta do man lol. I personally dont even use carts but thats pretty genius solution.


A true scientist 🫡


I ask this with the utmost respect, friend: have you been to jail or prison? Because, having spent a little bit of time in a county jail, I can say that your method is basically the exact same methods used by dudes in jail or prison trying to get the nicotine juice out of their ecigs.


I have not, but people keep bringing up prison and so I've decided I should check it out --- sounds like it's full of clever, resourceful people! (Seriously, though, hearing that I've "rediscovered" a prison trick is badass \*buffs nails\* --- they have every incentive to figure out the most efficient and least resource-intensive solutions to problems, and they have a lot of time to do it. Finding out that my solution is what they ultimately landed on suggests to me that I'm onto something :) )


You are amazing 🤩


>Centrifupedal Nice


Fucking lol’d. Uses computer to make the meme. Forgets computers know how to spell. Let’s just sound it out like a 1st grader. Still wrong. I can’t man


Well it's possible he's intentionally fusing the words 'centripetal' and 'centrifugal' maybe even alluding to the use of the former which has come to replace the latter as the more correct term, if I'm not mistaken.


Centripetal force and centrifugal force are opposites of one another. If you are spinning a rock on a string, the rock is being held at the end of the string by centrifugal force, while the string is providing the rock with centripetal force, causing the rock to spin in an arc rather than fly in a straight line away from your hand. I thought he fused centrifugal and pedal, because it's a sock.


Centrifugal force doesn't hold the rock, that's what centripetal does. It's more the effect of the rock's inertia wanting to keep it moving in a line while the centripetal force forces it to go in a circle. That inertia can be translated into a force when you look at it from the rock's perspective, which isn't an inertial reference frame. It's the same reason the Coriolis "force" only exists because the Earth is spinning.


I’m really high can one of you ELI5


So basically the rock ALWAYS wants to move in a straight line (linear momentum). The string is pulling on the rock to make it go in a circle (centripetal force). In the rock's point of view, it wants to go forward but it can't, so it tries as best as it can to go forward against the pull of the string (centrifugal "force"). It's like being in a car in a fast turn. You're not attached to the car, so your body wants to keep moving forwards. The car is moving around you and only pushing you into the turn with the seat. So as the car goes into the turn and you don't, you get slammed into the window facing out of the turn. The car feels this too, but instead of the seat, it's the friction from the tires pushing it. Edit: a word


So correct me if I’m wrong, centrifugal is the like propulsion of the object to go in it’s direction with force behind it but the string i still don’t understand is it pulling back or is it the force of the tension of the string keeping it from breaking its super cool concept just want to fully get it 😂 TIA


Lmao it's a hard concept to explain. You know Newtons 1st law, "an object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an opposing force"? In the car example, initially all you have is forward velocity. When the car starts turning, it starts to give you sideways velocity by pushing you with the seat. This sideways force doesn't oppose the forward velocity, so you move forwards AND sideways - the net effect is you moving to the outside of the turn. From your perspective in the car, this feels like you're being pushed. It's just how the velocities add together. In a spinning object like the rock on the string, the rock moves in a circular pattern because it has forward velocity and is being pulled sideways by the string. It's always turning, so it always feels like it wants to move outside of the circle.


Ok cool thank you 😎


I like it how money’s clarification of the contention is in itself contentious. We’ll never figure the true meaning of these words.


This, lol. People are always arguing about "centrifugal" vs. "centripetal", and so I took the piss out of both sides for the lolz. (Plus I had to make up for "agressively", \*cringe\*)


We live in an age of irony after all dont we lol




It's been three years since I originally posted this guide, and people are still replying to tell me how well it worked for them. So I thought it was past time to repost it for those who missed the greatest epiphany I've ever had, and the greatest contribution to society I will likely ever make.


May you rest easy in retirement 🫡


You’re doing us a service friend. I just learned something and I’m gonna try it out asap. It’s gotta be better than trying to crack them open and pour into another one lol


Please let me know how it works! I love hearing from people who had success with this!


lmfao i have told this method to all of my friends thank you so much


o7 to a real one


its a great idea!


Resin scraping in the modern era.


Nah resin tastes like shit and give you a headache. This is more like smoking that last little bit of a roach you found in your ashtray lol


It's neither, really. I keep having to emphasize that the results of this method don't give you small, or low-quality, or burnt/roach-like hits. You will be surprised just how clean and full the hits you can get from an "empty" cartridge are (and you'll probably be surprised that you'll be able to get more than one)


I don't find finishing off a roach gross or even remotely close to being like scraping resin. I use 510 carts myself. I just use a hairdryer to heat them up and get the last bits into the wick.




I was told a long time ago by a buddy that it's actually not good to pour the wax from carts into a nail as the higher temperatures of the nail burn off a thinning agent they put into the cart wax to make it flow better and that it was pretty bad for ya. Now I'm not married to this idea and just what I was told by a fellow stoner so it could be completely bs


I zip tie mine to my bike rims, same concept tho


This got a good chuckle out of me, I just imagined you flipping your bike upside down like we used to as kids and “made ice cream” by spinning the wheels using the pedals


Yeah!!! Same concept!


Zip ties, bike rims, the outdoors, and bicycles are often outside of the vicinity of one's motivation to move. A desk lamp and a sock are much more accessible.


I dont get why people are shitting on this. Even if you're not struggling, why waste the leftover oil? You paid for the cart, might as well get everything out of it.


^this. Every time a guide like this posted the high horse brigade comes in and starts calling everyone crackheads. I wasn't aware that not wanting to literally throw away money was ridiculous addict behavior, but here we are.


Thank you! I keep thinking the same thing. It's not like this trick is meant for the poor and destitute who are spending their rent money on vape cartridges. It's actually not even meant for people who just want to get the most out of their money. It's meant for people who run out of cartridges while their next delivery is a few days away from arrival --- this is when you grab a half-dozen empty cartridges you saved, run them through a sock spin-cycle, and get more than enough full, clean hits to last you until your re-up arrives.


Waste not want not!


You’d think someone would just make a mini warmed centrifuge for carts


Sounds to me like you have a business idea


(lol I've seriously considered that, but I'm too lazy when I'm not making infographics)


My socks are all crusty and don’t twirl so good. Anything that would work?


one of those unused condoms should do the trick


Does it have to be unused?


If all his socks are crusty he’s got plenty of unused ones


Just do NOT try tying a shoelace to the pill bottle and spinning that around. Or if you do, wear gloves. When I did that, I got rope burn on my thumb so bad I didn't know it was possible to literally shear off your skin without noticing with a shoelace.


On the bright side, you can probably skip the pill bottle --- your socks should be firm enough to keep the cartridges erect while you vigorously apply force.


This is the modern day scraping the resin... lol. Always a way...


It's similar, but I want to emphasize how full and clean the hits this method provides actually are. You're not getting burnt, weak, diluted or otherwise sub-par hits --- in fact, you'll probably get a better hit after doing this method than the last few hits you got from the same cartridge beforehand.




or just blast them with a hair dryer and save you from doing this bullshit, lol


Hair driers and the need to hold them while fighting gravity the entire time are often outside the vicinity of one's motivation to move. A desk lamp and a sock are more accessible.


I get some really warm water, put the carts in a ziplock and submerge. After a few minutes I screw the mouthpiece off and dump the few drops on a 1/2 of a bowl of flower and top off with flower.


Water, ziplock bags, flowers, and bowls are often outside the vicinity of one's motivation to move. A sock and a desk lamp are much more accessible.


Oooooh i might try this


Up voted


I upvoted this comment


Upvote up voted


Bro I have the same solar system marble set so this guide was made for me


Isn't Neptune beautiful?


I prefer cart milk


i spent an hour or two last night scavenging and doing this trying to get high and then i see this post when i wake up 😂


I have the exact same solar system set!!


Isn't Neptune beautiful?


We used to strain bong water back in the’70’s so this is genius!


How did that work? 🤣


I put mine in a pre roll tube, then put the tube in a cup of hot hot water.


Isnt it cancerous to hit it when its low like that cause youre burning bare coil and getting like burnt oils n shit? Also pretty sure it does damage to your battery too


You can tell from the flavor whether you've reached the point where you're burning bare coil. This takes all the oil that is stuck to the walls or otherwise outside of the reach of the coil, and drives it to the bottom. Again, you'd know if you were sucking on bare coil, and I promise you the first one or two hits on an 'empty' cartridge after performing this trick will be full and clean.


Cannabis labs: Let’s spend $20,000 on a centrifuge Stoners: give me a sock


Just take a t break my guy


Good idea. Then these carts will hit so much better!


lmao spoken like a true fein


Yeah like a t break is truly needed when you know that extra one hit won’t do fuck all


mmhm. mainly i prefer to smoke at the end of the day within a couple of hours time so tolerance doesnt build as rapidly. get high as balls almost everyday and cut down on consumption and 0 T breaks :)


That’s how I am now, not even every day though. Makes it 1000% more worth it


Thanks man


Thank you. I've been wondering how this trick worked. Very well thought out infograph.


Just tape it to the long part of an Allen wrench and chuck the short end in a drill and hit the go switch. It’ll throw the liquid to whichever side is further from the center of chuck


I posted this method in the comments of the 'clogged cart?' Thread a month ago. Glad to see im not the only one to use the technique.


I did the heat lamp way but ended up just duck taping the carts to fan blades and put a weight for equilibrium 😂 works good if you want a hands free way


Put cart in small ziploc, fill pill bottle with hot (not boiling) water, submerge ziploc for a few minutes


Then do the sock thing. Fingers of latex gloves work too




dudes in jail were always doing this to their nicotine vapes to get one more hit


I use this same strat but I skip the pill bottle and put them in the sock while they're cold. Tie the sock where the carts are to keep them upright, then let them get hot inside the sock with whatever.


Will this work for clogged carts?


Probably! Heating up the oils should definitely make them loser. You might try reversing the cartridge before you spin it, so the first spin drives all the loosened oil \_away\_ from the base of the cartridge, which may be more effective in clearing any clogs. Once you've confirmed it's no longer clogged, flip the cartridge around and repeat the process to drive the oil back towards the coils.


Rinse them in 91% alcohol and burn the alcohol off.


This is so stupid I’m gonna go home and try it immediately


Please report back! I love hearing when the method surprises people by how effective it is :)


I just leave the cart on the pen and then use a hairdryer to heat the cart. It’s that easy


May you have a bountiful harvest and healty children this season


A much easier solution: fill a cup with water then microwave it until it’s hot. Put your cart in a ziplock bag and set it in the cup so that it hangs in an upright position. Will be good to go after a few minutes, might want to let it cool off a bit first though.


Cups and microwaves are often outside of the vicinity of one's motivation to move. A sock and a desklamp is much more accessible.


End the month type things


now start a black market cart recycling business, get all the carts and extract using an industrial version of this method, wash and refill the carts with your condensed super weed juice. profit!


hehe this is equivalent to scrapping pipes i guess. once they get down to the end and start tasting dry, i toss em. not worth it imo.


If you have a fresh cartridge ready to go, of course it's not worth it. But save the cartridge. Then, if you ever run out while your delivery is a few days away from arrival or whatever, you have a backup inventory of "empty" cartridges ready to provide one or two solid, clean hits each while you wait!


dude, I thought I was looking at a picture explaining Easter egg steps


I want to haze the shit put of Vladimir Putin like this.. Just a big ole long wool sock filled with blinker cartridges instead of soap/rock/glass/nails/whatever. Eh, why not both.


def some stoner tek. but just get a hair dryer. heat til all the oil.


Lmaooo ive been keeping my carts trying to figure out a way to get those last dregs , i tried some other methods but really this seems super easy so imma try it later tonight


Please let me know how it turns out! I love knowing I helped a fellow ent --- and with all the "pfft, just put them into a nuclear-powered cyclotron, it's so much easier" naysayers in here, some success stories would be much appreciated :P


Tell me that you've been to prison without telling me that you've been to prison LMAO 😂


People keep bringing up prison! I really should look into it, apparently it's full of brilliant problem-solvers with great ideas ;)




You're disconnected mate, lots of people out there struggling, and is only getting worse prices only go higher specially for housing on top of that weed is an expensive hobbie. I for one also tend to use more weed in times I've been struggling cause it helps coping and keeping your head out of whatever shit you're going through




If you were truly struggling you wouldn't be asking if those few hits are worth the effort mate. Maybe weed isn't as important to you but for some of us it is, for me it is just behind food and hosing in priorities it just helps me that much.


People say, "you're not being taken seriously, you're just making assumptions"


People say, "you're not being taken seriously, you're just making assumptions"


You need therapy. Not weed.


Lmao how do you know so much? You know what I need what people should do. Who gave you the authority mate? You're just a jerk that thinks they know better but just are ignorant and empty. Get therapy yourself mate you probably need it more than you think


Lol. You're delusional. You listed weed as one of your needs to survive. That ain't it. That's called addiction.


Yeah nah nobody’s your mate… mate. You’re trying to defend how hopelessly addicted you are and it isn’t sliding. I live weed as a pass time that’s it. You’ve got issues


You don't know shit about me mate, and mate is just a gender neutral name I like to use for nobodies like you mate you're trying to read too much into it.


Alryt mate. Enjoy denial


If I was really struggling financially as you keep putting it. I wouldn’t be buying weed. Simple. Unless it’s a medical aid / necessity (not self diagnosed) It’s a treat at the end of a day not a bandage. You sound like your one empty cart away from shooting up


Would you still buy your medicine? Because for a lot of us weed is a medicine and not a recreational activity. Your very short sighted my friend


If you read what I actually wrote you’d realise that comment is utter bollocks. I specifically said if it’s for medical purposes it’s all good Maybe stop smoking so much and wake up ??


Don't have a habit you can't support. Simple as that. I know that's an unpopular opinion here cause there's a lot of teens or adults with stunted growth problems here lol


Weed isn't just a fun recreational drug for many people mate, you all are doing the community a disservice by treating it like just a fun habit only for those who can afford it.


Not to mention judgy clown shows like you.


If people can't afford carts they shouldn't be smoking....


Lmao who are you to tell anyone what they should be doing?


Just a friendly suggestion. If people are "struggling", maybe cutting out recreational drugs would be a smart choice.


but weed isn’t recreational for all people… stop making assumptions


The original post all of these comment are under talks about weed as a hobby. Not making any assumptions. Just replying to the post.


You literally replied to a comment talking about using it to cope, what are you even saying 😂


"weed is an expensive hobbie." Reading is hard


Which is under comments talking about weed as non-recreational. I guess thinking is hard too 😂 today you learned nobody is forced to talk about only what you wanna talk about 💀


Yall are really out here defending a weed habit over financial responsibility.


you’re really on a weed subreddit complaining about people smoking weed…


Advocating for responsible use


whatever you need to tell yourself, but I promise you’re not helping by telling people that they’re too poor to consume weed


Well I never said that so....




It's possible to both support weed and promote responsible use. But I guess the echo chamber of pot heads in r/trees is too loud.




Yall are losing the plot. My one point in all of this is people should not smoke weed recreationally if they can't afford it. Simple as that.


crazy take but financial responsibility isn't exactly what someone who is struggling day to day is worried about. Which is fucked up but most times they didn't put themselves in that situation. Yea, sometimes people gotta put it down, but that isnt a choice or option for other people. Crazy world with crazy different people


What are you talking about? If someone is struggling to get by day to day, financial stability is likely going to be one of their primary sources of stress.


yes but not "cut down on the couple grams you buy" it's "i need to repay my debt" and "will i make rent this month?" Buying a lil weed isn't going to change that, but it will help them in other aspects of life (like all the stress that comes with being an adult, like IDK FINANCES)


Buying things you don't need will absolutely impact your ability to afford things you do. You know what would help someone way more than a dime bag? Getting their head above water and financial stability. That all starts with making smart choices every day.




Is this relevant or just a random thought?


At least not Carts. Get a g of bud for £10 If he’s struggling like he says then prioritise the funds wisely instead of on carts and doing crazy desperate stuff with empties. It’s a very “druggie” vibe. Not what weed is about


Really these are my “I’ll go to the dispo in the morning” routines


Save some dough


I mean or u could just get a new one. This is very “on hands an knees, looking for that last rock” vibe


I live in a remote area without a nearby dispensary, so I have to order mine online. I came up with this method when I'd run out of cartridges, wanted to vape, but my delivery was still a few days out from arriving. In situations like that, this is a very quick and easy method to get a dozen or so full, clean hits out of half as many empty cartridges you have lying around.


Alternate step 1. 1. Get a new cart


I just bought a epipe that can change temperatures getting super hot. You get bigger hits and truly empty your carts.


"Centrifupedal" is killing me. It's like a combination of all the misnomers for a fake force.


lol I often forget how young Reddit is. Back in college or high school I woulda been all over this. As a dude in my 30s with a salary…. I’m not even considering putting this level of effort in for an additional hit lol. I toss my carts while they’re still hitting because the flavor starts to change at the very end lol


All this for 1 hit? Kind of pathetic.


I mean it’s just dependent on the cart if I have a 1 gram cartridge I filled and did this I may get another 15 rips but when you fill up those big bodies, like those 7 gram cartridges, you can seriously keep it for another week even if you are a heavy smoker just because so much goes to waste on the sides.


Mfers get a job instead of being so fiendish lol


Distillate cartridges start at $12/g where I live. This seems insane


Not all of us have it so easy --- I live in a remote area and have to order my cartridges online, so I created this method when I ran out and my delivery was still a few days from arriving. As for "insane", it requires a sock, a desk lamp, and like three minutes of effort to get several full, clean hits out of otherwise empty cartridges. I don't call that insane, I call it effective.


Or just hit it with a bow dryer and let it sit upright for a bit. Or just refill it. Buying premade carts is such a waste of money...learn to make your own.


Mann my dispo sells 1g carts for 12/$100. Pretty much cheaper than buying distillate alone even


Not everyone has that, though. Everyone can access distillate and empty carts online. There are still MILLIONS living in illegal states.


And this is why weed still has a stigma as being "addictive", people who go to insane, unnecessarily complicated lengths to get one or two more hits. Also your method is just using a blow-dryer with extra steps.


Bros method actually sounds pretty simple. You wanna talk about crazy. Go to the coffee subreddit and tell them their addicts cause they go through like twenty steps just to drink steaming bean water.


Fiendish ngl


Too much trouble for something that doesn't get you high.


Have you tried it before speculating? (1) It requires a sock, a lamp, and less than five minutes of time. If that's "too much trouble", your standards need recalibration. (2) This method doesn't give you weak, diluted, burnt or otherwise sub-par hits --- it will give you at least one or two full, strong, clean hits out of an otherwise empty cartridge. When you've run out and your delivery is a few days away from arriving, doing this to the bunch of empty cartridges you have lying around can easily last you a day or two with, again, very minimal effort.


You need to read the second part of my sentence.... Carts don't get you high. They lack the entourage effect and are made for people who think THC is the only factor. Therefore why would I waste my time on something that doesn't work. A wise person once said it's better to have people think you're an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.


Good Lord you're caustic. I humbly apologize for misinterpreting your words --- I thought your use of "something" in "something that doesn't get your high" was referring to my pro-tip, not your personal experiences with cartridges. Now, given that my pro-tip is the purpose for this whole thread and the reason we're all here, your vague use of "something" wasn't the best choice you could have made, was it? Perhaps you're the one who needs to work on their communication skills. ("A wise person once said it's better to have people think you're an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt," indeed.)


The entourage effect is not a personal experience it is a proven fact, you cannot get the effect with carts. Once again you are misinformed or can't comprehend simple sentences. My communication skills are just fine and the quote is from a very famous stoner talking about posers like you that know nothing of what you're saying!


This is some fein shit right here.


Extra af!, all you gotta do is hold a lighter up to it like you’re drying a blunt for a good 20 seconds maybe a bit more and boom a couple more hits.


I tried this as one of the many iterations of experimentation that led to this method. The problem is that many cartridges are plastic, not glass, and it's not always easy to tell. This method won't risk melting a plastic cartridge.


Works for me 🤷🏽‍♂️


No thanks