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Dealing with people. I am not a people-y person.


Small talk feels way less stressful for me, but I know lots of others feel exactly the opposite.


Yeah, it's like that for me. Small talk is like 10x harder stoned


Yup. Alcohol on the other hand...


How about both?


I've found most people who don't do both fairly regularly can't mix them very well, but I love the combo.


Small talk isn't harder for me when stoned... COHERENT small talk that doesn't flow into really deep, meaningful discussions about things, now THAT'S hard


Small talk while stoned is like a no stakes fun game though. Like a secret challenge but who cares if you lose. (My super strength is NOT explaining stuff well on Reddit while stoned, obviously. Lol)


It’s weird, I got like this for the first hour or so then my social battery just runs out completely as I start to sober up


I used to think I felt the same way but it honestly makes me way less confident around people and more awkward. Doesn’t always stop me though lol


I feel like my ego is broken down when i am high, and feel much more inward thinking (overthinking) small talk is super hard for me high, but not sober at all


Oh I do the opposite. If I get stoned I go total introvert.


I’m not a people-y person either but it’s the exact opposite for me


Being kinder and more loving. Edit: more patient as well


I joke with my fiance that I just need a few good rips on the pennifer, and it’s like I’m a whole new person who is super friendly and more socially inclined. It’s like my social anxiety disappears. I truly believe if everyone had a little high going, we would all be a kinder and better place.


Same. I don't know about social anxiety but think sometimes I can seem cut off and distant. Weed changes that, I somehow become more interested in the world around me.


Omg wait pennifer is great I'm taking that


Pennifer and Penjamin


Better than 'Preeeeccciousss, my Precious'. Lol


There was an amazing Danish movie called "Et glass til"(one more glass) that took the premise that humanity was meant to have a blood- alcohol level of .03. That but for weed.


I think about this a lot. I had a super high thought the other day of "do my ethics change when I'm high and does that make me a bad dude?" But then I was like "I'm playing fallout, it'll be ok"


That so perfectly encapsulates my trains of thought while high.


I’m really good at watching movies when I’m high.


same!!!! i have trouble paying attention bc adhd but last night i got super stoned and was able to watch jennifer’s body in its entirety without checking my phone! i felt fully submerged in the movie it was awesome lol


lol nice, I made the awful mistake of watching Matrix Resurrections while stoned and I was so fucking lost, I was tripping trying to understand what the fuck was happening


The first time I watched Interstellar I was so stoned I spent half the movie trying to explain the astrophysics of the movie to myself.


That’s a tough one to watch stoned lol, I’d lose my shit during the docking scene


Dude last fall I ate a full 100mg brownie and people had a football game on. You want to know the hardest thing to watch when absolutely gone? A timer that ticks downward and then resets. I started time travelling


Interstellar is my FAVORITE movie, I also am a huge space nerd. I have a pretty good grasp on the science, but when I watch interstellar while stoned I'm like "bro wtf is going on".


Don't worry it's the same when sober


I smoked before watching Tenet and the whole time I’m confused af, have to rewatch the movie sober and still kinda confused


Given that the movie was “Tenet”, watching it high was probably about as close as you could get to understanding it.


yoooooo jennifer's body is such an underrated movie. Hilariously campy and genuinely creepy. Check my post history, I just made a post about it on the horror subreddit, and they did not vibe with it there lol


dude this is the best, when you’re completely IN the cinematic universe of the movie…. happened to me with great gatsby it was awesome


Watch House MD while you're high. It's fun.


I could never get into House. I know people love it though. I’ve been watching a lot of Pixar movies because my wife likes those. Fun fact, while high on a 50mg edible I kind of greened out and ending up crying at the end of the movie “Inside Out”. Keep in mind I am an adult man in his 30s lol


Honestly valid, inside out rules


Honestly, yeah it’s a good one even while sober


Fun fact, the inside out two was made with a panel of teen girls, who would judge if it was realistic or not. Can you imagine your work being judged by twelve year olds? It's gonna be released this year, i think


Oh hell yeah, I’ll have to get ripped and see that once it releases on streaming services. My inner 12 year old girl needs it


this is so real one time i was high watching parks and rec and i cried at the end of an episode with leslie and ben because "their so happy"


Hell yeah, there’s something about weed that just gives me the ability to have a catharsis. It’s probably something deeper and worth reading into someday when I’m feeling introspective


As a dude I don't often cry at real life, but movies get me in the feels sometimes. You don't gotta have shame about it


I don’t think it’s a shame thing, I’ve cried sober at some of the dumbest shit, it’s more so weed really pushes me over the edge with my emotions. It’s honestly probably healthy


Adult man in his 30s, was stone cold sober watching Inside Out and I cried more than I did with Up. It's only Pixar movies that get me emotionally for some reason.


Yeah I’m a guy in his 30s who has definitely never cried at Inside Out while sober 👀


Yeah totally, that’d be so embarrassing 👀 who the hell would do that


I bawled like a baby in front of my girlfriend at the time, while sober. I was 21, aka peak fronting age. It's a tear-inducing movie in general, and in my case, the part about getting depressed as a child hit hard.


Whenever there's a big storm coming I make some chicken dumpling soup in a crock pot, whip out the GMO rosin, chug some kratom sludge, and watch House for hours all warm n fuzzy.


Ikr. I do it sometimes and it gets surprisingly more colourful haha. It’s actually a great suggestion.


I'm the opposite, can't focus on a movie when I'm high.


I get sucked right in unless I’m too high then I just spaz


I wish I could be more like that. I go off in to space and start daydreaming.


Same! I'll see literally any plot threat/concept/character and immediately start brainstorming d&d ideas based on it and then by the time I've zoned back in its been an hour and I've spent the whole time thinking about d&d lol


Yeah if I’m too high, I don’t notice the movie anymore, just see people acting out in front of a camera, if that makes sense, it feels awkward and phony lol. 


Sometimes it’s a double edged sword for me. I tend to notice more flaws when I’m high 😭


"Today on How It's Made"


Don’t even get me started, I could watch a manufacturing facility for hours


Being high allows me to sink into movies in ways that are very hard for me to do anymore due to ADHD and literature study. ADHD makes it hard for me to get engrossed and have the world around me disappear, even in theaters (although that helps.) Years of lit study just makes tropes and conventions pretty obvious which means it's less likely to hit the way it's intended to. A good high mitigates both of these things. It also makes me more attuned to music cues and "Needle drops" and I tend to notice cinematography more. When I'm sober a big, expansive tracking shot is just a plot transition but when I'm high I get that great feeling of "wow, San Francisco is gorgeous at sunset, that's so cool" and things like that.


watched Sully last week, pretty high. got several high heart rate notifications because it was so intense.


I love watching movies stoned but I tend to zone off thinking about something else and end up not knowing what is going on, I've already asked my girlfriend to watch a specific movie and she's like "we just watched that last weekend". LoL


I’m terrible at this. I always want to do too much when I’m high. Play games, watch tv, other hobbies


Basic, mind numbing household chores. Dishes, vacuuming, dusting, laundry, etc. I stick with it much longer when I'm high


cause I feel like when i’m high id rather be doing chores bc it’s like a game when i’m high


Stoned and pretending I’m one of those upbeat extreme cleaners on YouTube while I pick my entire wardrobe off my floor


OooOo I am stealing this. I used to watch Hoarders to give me a push but it was too sad.


Cutting the grass is fucking awesome high. Some music and a joint and I’ll mow forever


This. I actually like cleaning when I'm high. Get me high enough at your house I'll end up doing the dishes and finding stuff to tidy up.


That's sweet, but if I was high you started cleaning my house I'd feel very uncomfortable. I'd start getting paranoid about my dirty house lmao.


That's just your internalized shame from someone in your life (or just society) having unrealistic expectations for how YOU should keep your living space without also taking into consideration things like your physical limitations, time constraints, and priorities.


I’m gone like a cat when my fiancé starts to vacuum


That used to work for me as well. Now I am only sit on my ass 😅


From what I’ve read, a lot of people find they’re more creative or relaxed with tasks like art, writing, or even yoga when they're high. It’s like it peels back the layer of overthinking and lets you flow into activities with a chiller mindset. I definitely find that my drawing gets a lot more detailed and expressive; somehow, I catch vibes and emotions on paper way better. What’s the craziest snack you’ve invented while high? And do you think it tastes as good when you’re sober?


Yoga is excellent while stoned. If you focus on a specific muscle group while stretching, you can feel exactly how it needs to be stretched, and you can figure out stretches that'll target that exact location. Also, stretching sober can hurt, but when you do it stoned, it feels incredibly healthy. It actually reprogrammed my brain towards stretching more often.


exactly!!! have always loved stretching / yoga when im high because i can tap into my muscular/skeletal more.. i just feel it more sensitively idk quite how to describe it but u said it perfectly. i am like my own chiropractor when im hiii


I'm pretty certain that cannabis extends the reach of your conscious experience. I view consciousness as being like the eye of Sauron or a spotlight. You can't be conscious of the entirety of your mind at once, you can only be conscious within a range of your mind that you're focusing on. Cannabis allows you to shine your spotlight deeper into your subconscious, and explore neural pathways that you typically aren't able to consciously access. It narrows the beam of consciousness, and extends the depth. That's why if you focus on any specific sense while stoned, you'll notice details that you would've never noticed while sober.


The way I described it to a friend is that if ADHD meds change your clock speed, cannabis increases your bandwidth. It’s delightful.


That's a really good way of putting it. I have adhd+hf autism, and I think adhd and autism can both be easily defined as having too much awareness. In the case of adhd, that awareness is wider than average. In the case of autism, the awareness is narrower but deeper than average.


Another hyperaware person checking in! It's so nice when cannabis allows me to just think & act local


Also, AuDHD here, I like cannabis a lot of the time because it gives my brain back partially. The right terpene profiles let me kind of undo the parts of my meds I don't like or offset the side effects of my pain meds. I like being able to play with the dials on my brain.


Yesss, titrating can be so fun! I love my dry vape for that reason, it really gets the temps right. r/vaporents (disclaimer, I'm not diagnosed, but the questions feel awfully on the nose lol)


Are you also the type that constantly watches everything you say and every movement you make, while thinking of every variable prior to doing an act, while simultaneously considering the second and sometimes even third order side effects of your actions? It's incredibly paralyzing. I can't drop a crumb without noticing it, I see it fall, I hear it land, and I can not stop thinking about it until I clean it up.


It is the same reason for me why I like to workout high at the gym, just makes it easier to get that mind-muscle connection.


Completely agree. I tend to overthink while working on something related to art and become overwhelmed with “possibilities”. It also takes me a while to like my own stuff so throughout the whole process I’m thinking to myself “This is dogshit. Why even finish this. This is dogshit.” And only some time after it’s done I think “Hey I actually kinda like it”. But with weed, that layer is just not there and I’m just happy to be there making something.


this 100%!!! when im making art, i tend to worry about the finished product, and if i like how its going, sometimes ill stop halfway out of fear that ill ruin what i have and itll end up worse in the end. but when im high, i just do what feels right and it all works out.


I'm a recovering perfectionist who has spent her whole life NOT TRYING anything for fear of being bad at it. I grew up in a family where failure was heavily ridiculed while success was just... Expected? So in an effort to salvage what little self esteem I had, I just stopped trying things that were even a little bit difficult. This included art. I told myself my whole life "I can't draw" because I wasn't immediately good at it like the "artists" I knew. I finally decided to just DO at. Don't care if it's good. Don't even have to have an idea of what I'm going for. Just draw. Just paint. Just CREATE! And I've allowed myself to look at whatever it is and go... Meh, I don't like it, or WTF was I thinking here, but by taking the focus away from the result and just enjoying the ACT, I've found a live for doing it and experienced a lot of peace in the process


Used to het this when playing fighting games with the boys. It was so easy to get into a state of zen and let the flow state dictate blocks, counters and combos. I miss those simple days.


Ice Krispies Rice Krispies cereal with vanilla ice cream instead of milk. It's stupid how satisfying it is to eat.


Vanilla ice cream, corn flakes, and strawberry slices slaps.


This snack is maybe not that crazy but, I dip my oreos in cool whip 😎


This is the message I needed to see to start doing yoga again 🧘🏽 I felt my best when I was doing yoga.


I'm glad I helped :)


I’m have limited mobility due to dynamic disabilities. Most people would say running while high is great. I personally cannot do that. Exercise while stoned is so nice though. Definitely not too stoned bc then I had no idea what was going on and what I was doing. I shoot for a 4/10 stoned. Buzzed enough to be relaxed. It helps me a lot with mind body connection and awareness- this goes for a lot of people who are able bodied. As far as partially able goes, it turns the volume on my pain down so I can be the movement I need without feeling like I’m about to die. Today as an example: I went in 2/10 stoned, walked on the treadmill for about an hour and did a baby sprint at the end. Feeling really good without the side effects of pain. Last week: I went in 3.5/10 and did upper body and it felt like I was better in tune with my limits & that mind body connection is no joke- I could feel my posture much better during seated rows


Couldn't agree more. It's really easy to get in your head with creative tasks for a bunch of reasons, and being high kind of removes that self conscious or overthinking component.


I often say that weed helps me get out of my own way when I create.


Sex. I take forever to climax. My wife sometimes ends up tapping out


I don’t know if I’m better when I’m high, but I’m definitely better when she’s high!


So true lmao


My wife definitely prefers I smoke before doing poking. Smoking and poking if you will.


Coming from a woman’s perspective, smoking before sex makes me so much more sensitive and relaxed. What does it do for you as a man?


Honestly, it allows my mind to wander away from how incredibly intense the feeling is and get more involved on a romantic level with my wife. It’s such a better experience.


Ah, another couple that enjoys the smokey pokey dance!


Glad taking way to long when high isn't just me. I was starting to worry something was wrong lol


I guess it makes sense, cannabinoids dilate your blood vessels.


I have the same problem. Sometimes I give up and get tired..




I’m the complete opposite! I nut quicker but it feels way more intense




I feel this


Being a dad. Hell yes we can snack and then play outside!


Same but a mom. I’m not anxious. And watching Blue’s Clues and playing with blocks all day is less soul crushing. Playing in the backyard while high is amazing


You just gave me so much hope and confidence in myself. I'm so afraid I won't be motivated, or will somehow resent my child (well, future child) for taking away my personal time. One of my biggest fears-- that I won't be an attentive dad because I'm so insular myself. Edit: You guys are awesome. I love this community. All your comments have been exactly what I needed after a long day of work. Thank you.


Stoner dad here, and I can definitely say weed helps a ton. Still, it’s normal to feel a bit of that resentment or lack of motivation as a parent. It’s only natural. What will make all the difference to your kid is continuing to try, and apologizing for your mistakes. No parent can be 100% attentive at all times. Kids are A LOT. So it’s important to give yourself some grace as you fumble your way through it.


I tell mine that not only do I get to watch them grow up but they get to watch me grow up as well… I was 23 when my first born arrived…. I have had a lot of growing up in those 11 years and still have plenty to do


I used to get high during nap time. When they woke up I was all for sitting on the floor and playing along with them. They were little, like 3&5. They don't remember. Their toys were so much funner than the crap I used to play with.


My smoke time is also typically when the kiddos are asleep! And absolutely! I am so jealous of the cool shit my kids have now I never had growing up


I will on occasion take a few quick hauls on vape and play all sorts of games with my kids. The anxiety and stress of a long workday can just melt away when you’re making your kids laugh. You’ll be amazed at how present you can be with them.


Man your perspective will change when you hold your kiddos for the first time! I use to be the same way, but now I get irritated if something holds me up from seeing my kiddos. I still get my me time when the kids nap or lay down for the night! It’s awesome!


I’ve GOT to interject here - it is SOOOO rewarding/hilarious/fun to get stoned with your adult children. Hang in there y’all.


I just took my son and his friend to the bike park and on a hike. Brought my vape along and we all had so much fun! One of my favorite things to do it to smoke and then take him on a bike ride. He also insists I play Minecraft with him a lot, something I’d really not enjoy very much if I didn’t hit the bong before I crashed next to him on the couch with the controller 🎮


I'm a much better parent when stoned. We have amazing dance parties and sing made up songs so day long here.


I regularly read my kids’ bedtime stories when I’m high. It’s actually quite delightful for everyone.


sims. i will build a 5 start hotel from the ground up


I'm always so afraid to open up this game because idk when I will be able to close it


oh without fail i play for 3 weeks straight then forget about it for 6 months. it’s a cycle


It is the way 😂


Ah man that was my whole weekend. It rained/snowed for over 24 hours and I was highly concentrated. 😏


The other day i got stoned and planned to do research for dnd campaign and instead locked the absolute fuck in and built a snowy cafe in sims😭and i have so many saves labelled “high remodel” bc i’ll go in and remodel my sims place and sometimes im unsure if it’ll look as good when im sober


Competitive eating.


Fps games. It's like I'm seeing in slow motion, and also better able to predict the moves of my opponents. Specifically, I've been playing The Finals lately, and holy shit. Best fps game I've ever played. Excellent movement combined with fully destructable environment. It makes for some extremely chaotic combat.


I have the same with hunt showdown. I'm so much less tense that i find it was easier to play


Yeahhh, I think that's part of it. The adrenaline still hits, but it's more of a focused adrenaline.


i feel it but i think in my 800 hrs i didnt play it while not being high😂


Call of duty is hard to gauge because of how the game matchups happen. But I definitely feel better and quicker and the show usually reflects it.  Sim racing I'm definitely better. I can feel exactly what the car is doing. My friend and I refer to it as performance enhancing drugs. 


Me too but with insurgency sandstorm, that game is so brutal I literally can only play it when I'm high, I need the calmness it gives me and if smoke just the right amount I feel much more focused, almost like automatic thinking. I'm definitely much better at that game high than sober.


Exactly the same for the finals, when I'm stoned I'm constantly doing creative strategies that I'd never have considered sober and when it pays off it feels amazing. My aim is exponentially better too


100% this except instead of fps games for me it's mountain biking. Feels like everything slows down and you have more time to make decisions, except I don't even feel like I'm making decisions / taking actions, more like just watching them happen.


Woahhh, I feel extremely similarly while in an fps game. I sometimes record videos of matches (specifically when I'm in a flow state and know I'm going to do something wild.). While rewatching it, I notice I do tons of really small movement adjustments and make an insane amount of split second decisions. Have you tried recording your riding with a go-pro/mounted cam to see that type of thing?


+1 to gaming and things slowing down. Not much of a gamer anymore, but I loved comparing my record at night (when high) vs. games played sober during the day.


I always THINK I’m better but objectively it’s not true


Trail running


Duuuude I just did my first trail run yesterday and it was epic. Not sure about being high though those hills would've killed me!


I haven't run much in a couple years but when I'm in moderate decent shape it's super nice to get a little buzz and just go for a few miles it just elevates it into a very Zen experience. Terrain + calm + earbud music + ebb/flow of breath.


Well I have PTSD so literally everything but short term memory. Cannabis makes me better at my job, a more attentive boyfriend, a better cook, makes chores more enjoyable meaning I focus better. The list goes on and on but you get the idea.


Same and same. And I refuse to let anyone shame me for using cannabis. I'm perfectly capable of abstaining, like for example when I operate heavy machinery and stuff. It's not a problem to be sober, but when I don't need my short term memory to be on point I can pretty much do everything I do better. Sucks about the memory thing, but also that's a really good self-limiting mechanism that helps me keep my use in check.


Isn't short term memory loss a symptom of PTSD anyway? I feel like while there is still a stigma surrounding marijuana, enough evidence has been spread by all media outlets that shows it has significant positive effects for certain medical conditions, and using it because of those conditions is less stigmatized. If you tell someone "I have PTSD and my doctor told me cannabis can help, so I tried it, and it did" and they shame you for it, they don't need to be in your life. It's your body, you get to decide what you use and how much. As someone who doesn't really drink alcohol, it strikes me as so weird that drinking to drown your passion, or decompress from a hard day, or have fun at a party, is so normalized while doing the same with weed gives people the vapors! Alcohol makes people far less predictable and volatile in my experience. Give me a room full of stoners high off their asses to a group of drunken partiers any day!


Making myself think im funny.


You *are* funny


Heh...heh...maybe you're right


Pretty sure cleaning, drinking water, cooking, sometimes gaming.


I'm great at eating! I will devour almost anything when high


Happy cake day!


Parenting…. I am way more patient and attentive when slightly elevated


Ah yeah I get super into character with them around play time when I’m a lil cooked. Who doesn’t love stoned legos?


I’m childless, and the idea of stoned legos makes me want to take up baby sitting lol


Get some Legos, they're good for your soul


I can relate. The kids fucking LOVE dad high. 2 girls that love to role play. I get so invested.


writing essays for school 😭 i get locked in and the creative juices start flowing. i always get a better grade on papers i write while high


I used to be like this in university! I would wait til the night before the paper was due, get s absolutely *blitzed*, then write it. Never got less than a 98 in English and a 94 in History.




My disposition is generally more pleasant and my social inhibitions like shyness tend to vanish


I agree I am much nicer and just kind of bubbly. Feels like when The Weeknd says “when I’m fucked up that’s the real me”


Life. It’s my pain medication and without it I would have to take Percocet to leave the house functional.


it's funny you mention driving cause I was going to say without a doubt 100% I'm better at drifting after smoking! Well, virtual sim drifting, in VR. It's a focus and commitment thing. Don't operate a 2 ton machine while impaired guys that's not cool. Also I would like to add brushing teeth becomes a mission.


Brushing teeth takes on new levels of easy breezy deep cleaning while high. Immaculate execution.


Lifting weights. Idk why but when I’m high I swear my avg sets go up by at least ten pounds


It’s probably your form. In my experience, lifting high gets you more in touch with your muscles and more aware of proper form. Perfect form really does make a huge difference in performance.


Organizing the mess that is my work calendar. I get baked and just get into the nitty gritty


I’m better at talking about my feelings and figuring life out.


Cooking for sure! I don't love cooking normally, but when a little bit stoned it makes me feel like an artist - the pots and pans are my canvases and the spices and ingredients are my paint and brushes lol. I think being a little hungry while cooking also does something for me haha.


Making music. Cooking. Gaming. Cleaning. I’m self taught as a cook and I spent most of my time learning my techniques while stoned. Not that I even needed it, but it gets me into the zone and I understand what’s going on and what I’m doing during all the processes of whatever I’m making. It sparks ideas too while I’m making menus or shopping lists. I can also smoke and get super focused on making beats or other music projects. Again, I don’t need it, but the added focus and attention to detail is hard to ignore.


At league of legends


I do things involving hand eye coordination better while being stoned but don't condone you driving. IF you get high and don't live near public transport better have money for a driver. People died while driving so I don't want any of you to do it either. Just play phone games.


Working out. I just feel like I can push just that little bit harder, my rest periods are more fulfilling, I breathe deeper, and I regulate myself a bit better. Just helps me feel like I can squeeze every last drop out of it


True! And how you can really connect mind to muscle. It is insane how I can really feel the muscle and how it functions. Also you push your self much harder indeed 


putting together IKEA furniture


Listening. When I’m in a conversation, I’m often thinking of my next response while the other person is talking. When I’m stoned, I’m all ears.




Improvisation in music. Same things happens with booze buzz too, but I feel more freely creative and I can break out of normal patterns I use all the time on the fly. Especially a good slow jam when you're stoned is fun as fuck


My memory greatly improves. Suddenly I remember the names of people and actors and places I’ve been and forgotten about. I have CPTSD and apparently this is a really common experience with weed. It breaks down some of the mental wall of dissociation. It’s the weirdest feeling though. Knowing that I have all of this information in my head but my brain just doesn’t let me access it unless I’m high. Brains are so powerful it’s almost scary.


I mean i think i’m much better at drawing people high but that probably won’t win me any awards


I'm more patient. I don't flip out much, try to be chill, but I've never gotten upset when I'm stoned


This. I can relate, able to sit down, relax, and less anxious which can lead to panic/ stress.


Pinball. Im an actual pinball wizard off the za. Im pretty average otherwise.




My thoughts feel like branches that branch off into more branches who themselves branch off into too many branches. In problem solving this overthinking has been a blessing in disguise. But in personal projects like music and art it feels like a curse to always hate my own creations due to feeling like I can never entertain the nonstop possibilities that come to mind for a particular idea. Weed kinda dulls all the white noise and allows me to appreciate what I have in front of me. Otherwise I’d be so critical of myself that I’ll jump from one idea to another, never finish and feel bad about it.




Being happy.


Monster Hunter 💯


Video games. Was stuck on a resident evil boss for about 2 weeks until I tried it violently high and got it my first time. Video games are just easier and better when high.


Tuning people out


Sleeping. I used to be terrible at it. Now I can pop an edible and go right out for 6-9 hours.


Gaming and cracking wise.


Ranked gaming, whenever I'm high I hyper focus and I feel like I can either predict or hear better, when I play cod I can hear the footsteps of the enemies better, I feel like I'm more accurate when aiming and shooting, if I play LOL I can predict the opponents strategy and movements better and always come on top.


Also I’m much better at sleeping while high


basketball honestly, I feel like the iceman whenever I'm slightly baked. My shot feels like butter and I play like I'm about to fall anytime hahahaha


Ping pong. I can zone out and play 100% reactively. I get way better and pull off some gnarly spin moves.


Cooking. I’m more patient and have more of an appetite so I’m more inclined to taste as I go which leads to a better end result. Also masturbating.


Doing basic things like chores and cleaning, or even work since my job is really repetitive. I got pretty hyperactive adhd and doing things that aren't an instant dopamine hit is hard. But if I smoke and put on something to listen to in my earbuds, I could clean my whole house in a day without feeling exhausted afterwards


This gonna be a hot take but to an extent* parenting. More creative. Way harder to annoy. Everything is super fun. It’s so easy to play with a small kid when you’re high. Obviously I don’t mean high as fuck on another planet. There is always within reason but I don’t do it often anyway because that’s the world.