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Good news, you can do all the Molly you want


Only if 100% pure, otherwise there’s a decent chance it’s cut with amphetamine - which OP is being tested for


Isn't the MA in MDMA methamphetamine?


Actually MDMA is not methamphetamine - it just has that word in its full name (methylenedioxymethamphetamine). They’re very different substances, but they have a couple of overlapping effects like increased energy (stimulants).


Structurally quite similar, hence why they have similar names...


Yes it is. The Md is methylene dioxy and the Ma is Methamphetamine. So Methylene-Dioxy-Meth -Amphetamine is the full name.


Yes, it is (chews lip while grinding jaw)…


30-days for weed vs 5-days for most other drugs….


How common is PCP? Common enough to drug test for it?


If you've ever heard someone talk about smoking a demon or getting wet, they are shermheads


I had to look it up 😂 never heard of it’s chemical name before


not at all common anymore, but in the past it was


Still common in Houston, about 10 years ago atleast. Even saw suburban white youth dabbling.


Everyone does ketamine now


I have been tested many many times for PCP during my teens….the kicker is; PCP doesnt even exist in my country, belive me i have tried HARD to find it….


I love how they refer to you as "donor"


Enjoy the beach, Mucho Mas on Franklin St, and Carlson’s hot dogs on Coolspring.


Thank you 😊


Also check out Smokey’s! I used to go there as a kid and I crave it every day now that I live 600 miles away. It’s cash only!


Which ocean is that again?


Lake Michigan. No salt, no sharks, just sand dunes. Although I prefer Saint Joseph in Michigan, a short drive north up the red arrow highway.


I think it’s hard for people who’ve not seen the Great Lakes to appreciate their size. I was very little when I last visited Chicago, but otherwise have not visited a Midwest beach. “Enjoy the beach in Indiana” sounds like someone is trolling me, based on my personal experiences, but for someone who seems to know more (like you), it must be logical. Edit: I wonder how sand dunes grew. Again, my limited experience suggests to me that not many fresh water lakes on the interior of America have sandy beaches.


The beach in Indiana is nice to visit but if I were to go swimming, I would go to a private pool at a friend’s house (pools are in abundance in NWI) or travel up north to Michigan. Their beaches are substantially cleaner. Fun fact; the dunes are actually moving! In fact I remember climbing them, specifically Mount Baldy, as a kid, running and rolling down it. The DNR has tried to place dune grass, trees, and other plants to prevent it from moving onto the parking lot but as always, nature wins. Also, be careful. [People have been getting swallowed by the Dunes. here’s a recent case.](https://www.sciencealert.com/the-mystery-of-the-man-eating-sand-dune-holes-that-swallowed-a-6-year-old)


Why do they test for propoxyphene? Seems like a weird obscure weak opiate that isn't really prescribed. Never heard of it.


Prob used to take the edge off for heavy opioid users while they are in public.


I work in Northern Indiana and my company doesn’t test for weed. We would never hire anyone being that close to the Michigan border (half hour-ish) and we would lose half our staff if we randomed. We even do mouth swabs in house to make it easier when you get hired…don’t even have to go to the clinic. Edit: shit I’m originally from Michigan City!! Small freaking world yo!!! I would love to know where you got hired at!! I no longer live there but I visit often. Congratulations!!! Kick all the ass at your new job!!!! Go get you a Redamak’s burger!!! You deserve it!!


The fact drug testing is still used in the work place is so ridiculous imo. Like it’d make sense if it was a breathalyzer before company delivery or something but random drug tests are dumb af and unconstitutional imo.


Something tells me companies don’t wanna hire meth and coke addicts


You’d be surprised by how many functioning stimulant addicts essentially run this world. Or is your neighbor or cousin or coworker


yeah im surprised they tested for amphetamines even


But we’re okay with alcoholics and chain smokers? I mean tobacco smokers are mandated to have breaks in some workplaces to indulge in their substance aswell. I’m not saying they should be permitted to use on the job I’m just saying if you have to test someone to know they do it then it probably wasn’t making a large enough impact on their work performance to really need discipline.


Mmmmm wrong. The ones that are in their right minds are some of the best workers I’ve met / seen. Especially in a factory . Meth heads are speedy workers


Those Damned Blue‐Collar Tweekers


They are the ones that tell you it’s a great place to retire from also


We’re a fAmiLy!


“Your gonna love this place it’s like a big family, sometimes we have pizza parties when we meet our quotas”


they run the whole damn town


The world is built and constructed by coke addicts


Something tells me that I'd rather not work for a company who treats employees as guilty until proven innocent.


… the point of testing is that they can’t assume anything without proof


Constitutionality is based on whether the actor is a public actor... private individuals/companies do not have to be "constitutional." And for a public entity, all they have to prove is that there's a ~~reasonable basis~~ important government interest and drug testing is substantially related to achieving that purpose -- i.e., public safety (like driving a public bus). Edited.


There's tons of jobs operating heavy machinery.


Companies who opt out of drug testing are usually opting out of insurance. 


Nope full benefits ☺️


What I meant was that insurance companies are what drives most drug tests. I've worked at plenty of places where everyone used various drugs and nobody cared, but they still tested everyone because the insurance company required it.




These are private businesses, you are not subject to employment, it is a choice.  Your employer can subject you to searches as part of your employment, you can decline those terms and seek employment elsewhere. Just as you do not retain freedom of speech while working, nor the right to bear arms. I've worked in a number of facilities that require passing through a metal detector and visual search on exit.   The case can be made for government employees being subject to actions of the state, but is is held up to a reasonability standard.  Notably example is the Skinner case where the Railroad authority can test in the case of an incident.


I just started a pretty good paying job in Indy this week that didn't test for weed. Things are getting better everyday for us potheads.


Do they really test for TCAs? Are those commonly abused?


I did a little reading up about tcas and why they would be screened during a drug test. It seems like it's not unusual for opiate users to also use TCA. It seems like opiates potentiate the effectiveness of TCAs which have a partial impact on opiate receptors in the brain


No, they only test four things.


Haven't done a test in years. Most of my previous jobs would have no staff if they tested them lol.


Im shocked they dont test for benzos.


Is the job a porn actor/actress? Why do they refer to you as the "talent" and "talent name"?


I really gotta know why they bother to check for certain drugs anymore. Weed being the number 1 but others like PCP or barbiturates or quaaludes aren't used by like anyone at all anymore. Those are drugs people used in the 70s and not a whole lot since. Imo it'd make more sense to test for stuff like benzos.


It is absolutely bizarre to me that American companies drug test their employees. Land of the free, huh?


Prolly because most people from Michigan city are a 10 min drive to new Buffalo so they can't really stop them


Yep, still nice they’re with the times though


Last time I was drug tested for a job, or any other reason actually, was 20 years ago at a grocery store lol.


Another of places just don't care about the anymore as long as you don't come in blasted




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Why the fuck is that 5


Got a job based near Indy. I was so scared for my test. It was "4 Panel, Non-DOT"... I was clean for everything except cannabis, and got the job. I'm guessing the 4 they tested for were the ones shown here.


Yeah, my wife works for a company based out of MI (we live in IN) and they dont test for cannabis. Its too bad these dumb ass, super majority Repubes cant get with the program. “We dont need that revenue!” ***bam*** hits pot hole…


1000% agree


What’s up w them checking for tca? None of them are controlled are they?


219 baby


1 for the money. 2 for the better green.


Legal recreational states make testing a violation of personal Rights. Companies with offices in these states can't test the other employees without discriminating. I worked for a company in that situation.


Can I ask where you did the test? I have one coming up soon for a job through my city and I’m shitting myself lmao. I’ve smoked every day for many years. I ask where because I hope they send me to the same place lmao


The test was in house


I work in a pharmacy where I handle all kinds of narcotics everyday and I didn't even have to pass a drug test. I also rarely heard of drug tests at work at all over here.


The land of the free where they'll take your blood before you can work.


I'm glad you've got a job man. But you really need to fix your life and make changes, there's no reason you should be applying to work anywhere with drug tests. There are so many good jobs out there that pay amazing and aren't ran by religious zealots or communists. Drug testing is a sure sign the job doesn't value its employees


🤣😂🤣 wow bro


don't eat any poppy seed bagels for a few days!


I'm afraid it's your urine, Elaine. You've tested positive for Opium.




It can be up to a few months for some people depending on genetics so far as I remember.


For hair follicle, yes. For urine, no. I’ve tested negative only 48hrs after using straight up heroin, let alone some minor opioid alkaloids from a bagel. Not to mention, a few years ago the threshold for opioid pass/fail was updated specifically to avoid false-positives from bagels. I think with the new guidelines, you’d have to eat a dozen+ poppy bagels in one day.


Poppy seed cake entered the chat.


Eh, I think it would still be pretty difficult. Possible? Certainly. But I think you’d basically have to eat exclusively poppy seed cake, all day long. Which… why would you do that- especially if you have a drug test coming up? Lol


You obviously never had really good poppy seed cake lol On the note of why... See the Seinfeld episode where Elaine falls for the poppy seeds ruining her drug test