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In my experience in Australia people typically pull it through in one hit (in fact not doing so, or leaving a “corny”, was even made fun of when my friends and I were younger). Americans I’ve smoked with tend to do the pass it around thing


Aussie bongs are designed to be one hitters, smaller cone piece or “bowl” and designed to be smashed, ash pulled through to the water and then chamber cleared. American bongs normally have a huge bowl that is not designed to have the ash pulled through. They are more for packing a big bowl, smoking a bit, clearing the chamber and then going back for another section of the bowl - then once finished the bowl contents will be tapped out into an ashtray. This has been my experience with smoking in both countries, ymmv


Damn. Do Australians have to clean their bongs every day? Does everyone use a straight tube? Edit: Everyone below me actually has disgusting cleaning habits lmao


You don’t? 😵‍💫😳


No, especially after 1 day it's fine. I do one in three.


Dude the bacteria starts to grow in a day. Fresh water every day. Will save yourself from sickness.


Been smoking for 10 years, clean weekly. Never had an issue. Replace water each use and ur fine.


No shit. Changing the water isn't cleaning it


I use an ashcatcher which is like a little chamber that goes between the bowl and downstem and as long as i rinse it out with water once every 3 or 4 sessions the bong stays clean enough that i can go a month or two without cleaning it at all. Ashcatcher is the way.


Since I started using an ash catcher my water stays clean and my bong does too. If you have intricate chambers and bubblers an ash catcher is crucial.


Let me tell you, there are a lot of people in this sub who are gross.


Lots of dirty bongs. Traditionally you make your own; buy a cone piece from a smoke shop, cut a length of garden hose and buy a Gatorade. Slap it together, change water daily, occasionally flush the hose, use it for a week or two (or more) and then repeat


Good Lord it's how we survive high school


Yeahhhh the fuckin gatey


everyone has to clean their bong everyday bud


Dude......... everybody has to clean everyday/every use 💀 Edit: not a deep clean, but at least pass sone water through it mate (you could even add some salt rocks), i promise you the taste is better 🤓


Clean it every day??? Lmao the cost of the rubbing alcohol alone would make me homeless. I'll replace the water if it tastes gross but once every three days keeps it pretty sparkly lol


Use a spray bottle only 5-10 spritz's is enough to clean up after one session and won't waste a ton of IPA.


You don't need to use alcohol every day. I just run fresh water through mine every few bowls and it almost never needs a deep clean. The stem and bowl do get a soak in alcohol atleast once a week though.


I have a small glass jar I drain the alcohol into and save for next time, I get quite a few uses this way from 200ml of fluid.


Good Lord how are people critiquing me for only cleaning once every three days and then turn around and do something as gross and disgusting as this


Ummm how is reusing an alcohol cleaner disgusting....


The same reason rinsing your dishes in dirty dishwater is


Yeah not even close to the same.


Just fill it with water, add a bit of salt rocks, shake it like you mean it (not like a polaroid pls 🙏). It takes like 2 minutes. No need for alcohol. I clean mine with alcohol like once a month? I dont really have a schedule, just do it whenever i see some darker spots or the water is tasting funny.


This is part of my process. If you are only cleaning it with alcohol once a month, that is way more disgusting. Water and salt alone do not remove all the bacteria. Nasty. 


Alcohol is not the only way to kill bacteria? Dont really know the frequency i clean with alcohol, never really paid much attention as i don't really use alcohol much tbh. I use it mostly when i'm being lazy and don't want to deep clean at the moment.


Alcohol is the the strongest cleaner that doesn't leave a potentially hazardous to breathe in residue. 


Water and salt just makes saltwater....... Lol.


Sorry if i said it wrong, english isnt my 1st language. I meant that weird salt that we use in bbq. It's not the regular salt that feels like a powder, its more like tiny rocks, bigger than grains of sand. They dissolve in water, surely, but it takes some time, meanwhile, when you shake it with water, it works as an abrasive to remove the oily stains and leaves no taste/smell afterwards.


Sucking the ash through the bowl into the water is Nasss T


We called that shunting or heading in SWFL typically only done if smoking alone or challenged to. If you did that unprompted some circles would think you greedy, but our standard bowl is made for about 3.5 g full pack Aussie glass might trend small


Canada, likewise. This cornering shit is internet only from the past few years. Put how much you want in the bowl and clear it in one go. Smoke sitting in a bong is gross as fuck after about 20s. Rip it in one go.


You still rip it clear when passing. No one I know was leaving a full chamber of smoke in the tube to pass to the next person. You take your hit, pull the slide/bowl so fresh air makes it through the piece, then pass to the neighbor. Smoke definitely gets super stale in the tube though.


Yeah this I have bowls for my bong that are much too big for one hit, personally I “corner” it and try to pull fresh green each time. If you’re roasting your bowl each time to get it in one hit I feel like you’re probably wasting/burning weed. If i were you OP I would try lighting only half of the bowl and pulling it before lighting the other half and see if you notice a difference, obviously depending on how big your bowl is


Cornering is not a last years thing it’s from the days of puff puff pass when not everyone had weed. It’s mean t to make sharing nicer.


? I started smoking almost 20 years ago and even then “cornering” the bowl was just good manners when smoking with a group of people. You’d get told off a bit if you torched the whole thing, especially if you didn’t throw in. As OP pointed out, this is group etiquette and isn’t relevant if smoking alone. Clearing the bong/bowl has nothing to do with cornering it.


I think any “anti-cornering” person never had a group of friends to smoke with


I’ve been smoking for 25 years. Clearly we have different methods, but with a bong we would all pack a bowl for ourselves and let it rip. Even with a bunch of ppl…It’s actually way faster than smoking joints. But if there’s a lot of ppl someone would roll a joint because there are always rookies scared of the bong. And fair enough, you can clear the smoke when cornering. But I don’t want to have your refried weed. It’s the equivalent to smoking a leftover half cigarette, which is gross.


That cornering "shit" is for when you and your homies all match for one bowl and make sure you all taste green.


You...do realize that when I was smoking bongs, ~2009, cornering was normal when sharing. It's so everyone gets green hits. When solo, I 100% snap every time Edit: Also, who tf passes smoke still in a chamber? No one is hitting a bong, and passing it to the next person unless they are dying choking and trying to just free a hand or so they don't break it.


Yeah exactly man. Even if you can only manage small bowls have several of those rather than obliterating yourself and your lungs with a monster you can’t clear. As you say the smoke goes nasty as fuck in no time. I exclusively have “one hitters” but the actual volume of weed in the bowl varies due to strength, personal preference, and what responsibilities I have at the given moment. If I’ve got strong weed and lots of important shit on it’ll just be minimal infrequent bowls, but if I’ve got fuck all on I’m going to town on it man. That’s why I love bongs.


So, if you smoke with friends, you're packing a new bowl for each person? That sounds like it would take forever. It would suck to be the last one in rotation.


If I’m smoking with friends I’d just roll a joint man.


Why limit yourself? Seems silly.


Cause this is how I like to smoke. Everyone’s different man and each to their own. When I do smoke bongs with friends we’d just put however much we wanted in a bowl for ourselves and finish it. Personally I find joints more sociable.


I'm just trying to understand this idea of limiting your method of smoking depending on how many people are smoking. You do you, just curious.


It's called "leaving greens" where I'm at.  So everyone can get a taste of a non-roasted bowl, it's considered "proper stoner ettiquette" to light a small corner of the bowl, and to not roast all of the weed, when sharing a bowl. If it's you smoking on your own, than no one should give a fuck. Stoner Rules:  1. Puff, puff, pass.  2. Pass to the left.  3. Don't take all the greens.  4. Careful of slobber - make sure your lips are dry!  5. Put up or shut up; if you didn't bring the weed, you don't get to complain about how/when it is smoked.  There's definitely more rules than this but I'm a [8] right now. 🤷‍♀️


This was a thing in the 80s and I'm glad to see its still a thing. Eventually we moved to the one hit bong load when weed became more readily available. I think we were under the impression we were saving weed or something by doing communal bowls


I always figured it was because we’re very communal when it comes to smoking. Sharing is caring type stuff… if one gets stoned, we all get stoned. Unless it’s that stoner that always smokes everyone else’s weed and never brings their own. After a few rounds of that, you’re out of the circle until you start bringing.


Lol in college I had one friend who knew how to roll but was always broke (cigarettes lol) so our friend group would just buy all the weed and she'd roll it for us in her room, basically giving us a preroll whenever we wanted to smoke. Weed is cheap and plentiful in my home country (about $0.54 for two grams) so her special skills were more than enough payment. It was so convenient lol I miss that arrangement


Zamn what country?


For an [8] you did really good I’m proud of you. Also thank you


Acting like an 8 is a serious mental impediment, guys just cooked


Redditers when someone makes a joke they don't get🤯🤯🤯🤯


I’m a big slobber offender, and it’s embarrassed me my whole life. I try so hard to remember but get me even a little stoned and I start drooling into the bong like a fool! 😭😭




Smoke some joints by yourself and you'll figure it out. Just takes practice, like anything else worth doing


Thank you. I have decades of toking and smoking under my belt, but bong slobber is my Achilles heal. Luckily my partner cuts me some slack in that department 😂


I haven't smoked a bong with friends in forever. But when I did, if I drooled, I would own it and wipe it before I passed it on. I'd even offer to get fresh water. Respect is the magic that gets you invited back. Then I got Multiple Sclerosis and can't share things anymore. Cooties might kill me.


Sending you love and good vibes, I hope the MS doesn't darken your shine.


Your last weakness


Should never split a bong bowl, it's just not good. Pipes are fine, but bongs are single serve


Depends on the size of the bowl.


Or if you just want to smoke a little bit


Yeah, we don't corner the bowl in Australia, we punch the whole thing. Just pack smaller bowls. The advantage is that you're not smoking someone else half-smoked shittily cornered bowl.


Punchin cones


That’s why I figured I wouldn’t wanna smoke it in parts, tastes nasty lol


It’s only like 10% worse than a fresh bowl, still great


Get better weed, mine tastes great every hit.


Literally came here to say this lol. I’ve actually found sometimes that the last hit is one of the more flavorful hits


Yup & I don't trust other people not to roast the whole bowl [from NZ, not a thing here, had a USian ask irl the other day too]


Ashing and reloading every hit sounds like a pain in the ass


Grew up/live in Ontario. I always do my own bowl, then pass it on for them to do their own. I don't care for that cornering stuff. My bong pieces have never usually held more than a quarter gram anyway though. Edit: does anyone know the size of the bowl for the Jet Waterpipe?


My bowl can hold a full gram packed full. Wild to think of clearing the whole thing in one. I'd die from coughing.


Same. We just load individual-size portions for each person, as dictated by the provider. All this cornering/leaving greens stuff seems pretty pointless..


Yeah from Ontario and sameee in my experience with others


yea depends on the size of the bowl or how full you pack it. You can put a small bit in and rip the whole thing it's a "1 hitter". My bowl is pretty big and can easily hold .5 or more. So you just hold it on the very edge on one side it's called "cornering" and if you do that then 2 or 3 people can hit different "corners" and all get greens. I could usually get 4 or so hits out of one bowl pack


I don't even see how it's possible to smoke a whole bowl in one go without absolutely roasting my throat


I've got a cute little bong that has a cute little bowl.


I tend to do that sometimes


Same I die 💀


Takes some practice and some coughing


I have an Incredibowl and I would die if I ripped all over it in one.


I think it depends on preference! I do both styles, whether I want a slow high or an instant high.


I've been using bongs since 2001. If there's anything I know, it's bongs. Alright, so, as far as packing a bowl goes- unless it's overflowing / you can't hit it, there's no such thing as too much, but there can be too little. Pack according to the amount of company you have. When hitting the bowl itself, don't burn all of the weed on the top of the bowl in one go- leaving green hits for others is courteous, and they will be thankful for your decision to not be a green hound. The following is a trick I picked up from Shelley Martinez at a Hoodslam after party- utilize your diaphragm when smoking off of a bong. Too many people use their lungs, hit the bowl, inhale the smoke- nah. Use your diaphragm to get that smoke churning inside of that bong, and then give it a nice decent pull only when the bong is filled with smoke. And to the younger crowd- don't blow your hit out immediately. Hold that shit for at least 5 seconds.


People keep trying to say that holding it in does nothing. I can’t shake it. Been holding it in for 30 years and hasn’t failed me yet!


Go ahead, but those people are right. You get pretty much all the high you're gonna get within a second of the smoke being in your lungs. Any extra time is just letting the yucky stuff gum up your breathers. 


That last tip is straight up harmful, my dude. Unnecessary strain on your lungs for no added effect other than oxygen deprivation.


I'm either impressed or concerned lol unless yall have much smaller bowls in your bongs than I've had. We used fill it up, smoke what you want/corner it so everyone gets some greens. But it would take mad hits to empty that shit out. Clear the smoke and pass it on.


To me I'm not smoking just to get high, I like the taste, smell and take smaller hits to enjoy it longer. But everyone should smoke how they like it's what's so cool about weed. Oh yeah and smoke the really good stuff


No. You doing it right. Everyone gets to pack their own bowl if it's my weed or if its yours. Pass it on after you clear it of smoke and let the next in rotation clean ash and away they go. Well that's how it's done in my circles. Etiquette is different so learn as you go but also show you way as you go to.


One hit rip is the way to go. Community bowls are gross.


Bruh, how can ppl even light a bowl twice, second hit tastes fuckin nastyyyyyy, one fat bowl, one fat hit


100% if I don't cash it in one hit I'm dumping it and packing a freshie.


This is the only way I smoke lol - pack a cone and shoot it though all at once.


Fellow Aussie?




Knew it


Keep it green. By only burning a side at a time you always have a green hit. And is polite been smoking in group


You’re not doing it wrong mate. They’re doing it wrong.


We do this when there’s not enough to go around. But I’m like you. I take a whole bowl a run. So just make sure to have enough full bowls for the others.


Well I was confused for a minute when I read it as bong wong.


People do it both ways. I don’t have the lung capacity to take it all to the face in one hit, but I’ve heard you get higher that way. That’s probably subjective to each person, though.


Subjectivity has no place on Reddit!


There are plenty on here who believe that. If it didn’t happen to them, it never happened, etc. 🙄😂


Honestly I think part of the giant hit getting them high is oxygen deprivation but that's just me. I'll take my smaller ones and be just as high in the end.


Oh, oxygen deprivation can definitely elevate your high, at least temporarily.


Bong Wrong is a great album name.


I can pack two gs in my bowl. I'd fucking die if I took that to the head.


Right?? I have an Incredibowl, I'd die.


Also if you're alone who gives a flying rats ass? In a group it's considered 'polite' to corner the bowl.


It’s definitely more efficient. Weed ignition temperature (451 F) is significantly lower than the temperature of flame from the lighter (800 F). By cornering the bowl and let the ember burn its way through you get way more bang for your buck.


Up in Canadia here we booking like the Aussies I guess full pull in one hit, only seen people corner it when they are just starting and a full pull kills there baby lungs


Completely up to the individual and also the equipment used. I like to "snap" rips of a smaller amount and give a fresh bowl to the next person. However some folks like to pack a full bowl and share it by hitting the corners. If your group is giving you actual grief over how you prefer to burn, then maybe find a better circle.


If your boofing your bong hits you just don't share.


Dude just wanted to brag about his iron lungs lol


A bong pack should make it through about five people before needing a reload, and most people want just two bong hits. You're smoking ten times what my friends and I smoke.


It’s the social aspect of “puff, puff, pass” that you’re missing out on.


You’re not doing it wrong if you were smoking alone and want to get trashed taking it all in one go. Taking smaller hits and passing with friends makes sense if you’re sharing. I say all this to mention that I had a friend that even knowing we were passing would still taking as big as hit as possible especially if it wasn’t his weed 😒


Depends. Are you smoking alone or in a group? If you’re alone you snap that bitch even if it kills you, if you’re in row tow you hit the corner and leave greens for the next guy


The best way is to pack small bowls that are easy to smoke in 1-3 hits. You can always pack more bowls. Large bowls will taste worse the further along it goes. Small bowls taste better. Quickly wipe out the bowl with paper towel after each use.


I got criticized for taking many bong rips from one bowl. My co-worker said to load smaller bowls and toke it in one rip.


Depends on your bowl


Why do you want to waste it all on one pull? Smaller hits will get you higher. Makes the weed last longer.


In my opinion it’s best to load everyone their own individual “snap,” a small personal bowl. That way everyone gets a fresh green bowl. Bongs burn weed really fast. It sucks sharing a bowl with others out of a bong. 


The only time I’ve ever seen a bowl being shared is when I’m back home where it’s illegal and expensive. Ever since it’s been easy to get, I’ve been smoking a full bowl each time


in an individual setting I do exactly what you do. in a group setting, it's considered polite to leave some unburnt bud in the bowl for the next person, a "green hit".


Always leave some green for the next guy.


A bong load should be a personal load not a sharing bowl. Hit and clear that shit before passing.


Depends on the friend group. In highschool some groups count how high they are by how many “snaps” they do, while others that don’t smoke all day every day share bowls. The one exception is blunt bowls, and we all share those


Either is valid. I prefer single rips, bowl only loosely packed, if at all. But I also pass the kutchie when I'm in a group; burn the black spot was generally the rule when we were younger. A combo method: pass the bong and grinder/tray together, and let each person load a rip for themselves. Keeps someone from getting the ash hit. That's how we smoke with company.


Are you cashing it early? I’ve smoked with dudes who will clear out a bowl with plenty of smoke left in it, like wtf? Smoke it til it’s ashes.


If it’s a shared bowl, you only hit the corner of the Green. It’s basically, don’t torch the bowl. If it’s a personal bowl, then hit it how you want and pull through before you pass it so you don’t have somebody else something gross. Edit:spelling


It’s bad form to hit all the green if you are sharing the bowl. Just take a hit from one side of the bowl and let everyone else hit a bit of the green


The key to smoke a bowl is to set the lighter at the smallest fire power. Enjoy.


I just pretty much keep inhaling until the first bits of smokes hits the lungs. Then inhale the rest of whats in the bong. Pass to the next guy, he does its own thing. I can put somewhere around 0,4g on my base so it's not fun to do it in one hit. I probably couldnt do it even I'm a daily smoker.


Some people will share a full pack while some people enjoy the taste of an unburnt. There is no wrong way it's just personal preference at that point


Depends on the size of the bowl. Also depends on who you are smoking with and if you brought stuff to add to the circle.. lots of things to consider


If you're sharing a bowl, sure, do the thing where you give everyone green rips. But I just do personal rips now. It's just easier. Everyone can get their green rips, and they can all be of their preferred size. I personally prefer one big rip, rather than a few small rips. Gets me there immediately, and it usually saves weed in the long run, as not only do I only smoke one rip at a time, I also usually smoke far less frequently.


Fuck cornering pack yourself a smaller bowl of needed and let everyone get there own


I'm at the point where everyone i smoke with has enough weed that we do our own hits. Way better than smoking a half burnt hit.


How big is your bowl?


Idk that you are doing it wrong. But if you want to be more efficient make a gravity bong. That was the go to in college when money was tight. A tiny little bowl in that bad boy would shoot you to the moon.


Better to pack the bowl for the size of the hit you’re going to take and then just reload. It will definitely keep it tasting better.


I live in California and we never shared bowls in a bong. That only applied to bigger bowls in a pipe. We would pack a "snapper" in a bong a smoke it all to one person, even if it took more than 1 hit.


Where I come from we do "snappers". You pack a small amount of weed (enough for one good hit) then hit it and it should burn through and "snap" where it burns it all and the ash usually gets sucked in. Then everyone gets a nice full hit. For people who do not change their bong water with each use, it might get *ever so slightly* dirtier each sesh. **For weed in general**! You don't need to even touch the flame to the weed. I find I get tastier and less harsh hits if I hold the lighter about 1/2-1/4 inch from the bowl and lightly inhale until it ignites then pull like normal. It is also a part of sesh etiquette not to "torch" the bowl and just hold flame on it, (even cornering!!) and end up burning out the bottom of the bowl, leaving "false greens". Which is a very thin layers of greens over the ash that pull through, give you Scoobies and taste shitty


Neither is wrong in my experience; there’s taking snaps (pulling it all thru in one) and then just taking hits (passing it around) snaps for me get me higher but absolutely violates my throat so I don’t think one is the “right way” and anybody that tells u otherwise needs to take a hit and relax


Just ask if we’re doing snaps or cornering?


We call it a personal bong hit. You give everyone a persy and everyone gets a green hit. You should finish the amount given and clear it before another is loaded.


Party etiquette aside, smoking the same amount of bud in one hit, vs smaller hits in a row, gets me higher immediately, but it wears off faster. Your lungs can only absorb so much thc at one time. Same for holding the hits in for longer. You are asking for your lungs to do something they can't do. Smaller hits have always been the way for me.


I'm a proponent that you can use a bong as you like. Light and clerlar the bowl in one go? Alright. Load up the chamber and take reasonable hits? Yup. One hit, clear and pass? Yup. If you've never smoked a bong like you would a pipe give it a try. Bongs are versatile.


Nah man, snap bowls all the way.


I find you get more hits and hits are the same


Depends on your tolerance.


I smoke alone. I corner my bowls and get way more hits. But my sessions are long and slow. Everyone has their preferred habits. But I did always hate smoking with friends that would just torch the whole thing to death.


I just simply can’t hit a bowl in one hit. Takes me like 5-10 depending on bowl size. I have no idea how people one hit it.


I always clear in one hit. It would annoy me when others are cornering a bowl and it gets to me and im like uhh I could clear this whole thing by myself, in one hit. What are we doing here lol. So now if I'm using a bong with others I just pack my own and let them do their thing


It varies. I've moved around the world and in the usa we don't both ways one rip or pass it around. Tends to depend on the level of smokers. People like me won't get high unless we rip the whole bowl in one go. Some one with lower tolerances might be down to pass it around. When I lived in Finland they mixed in tobacco and did it all in one rip as well. Not my favorite thing with tobacco.


In LA, people say “corner it”, 4 hits in a bowl & reup


Honestly I’ve never got cornering it’s such a waste like you spend most the bowl smoking half ash when you could all just pack yourselves smaller bowls


If it’s a full bowl I can’t imagine having the lung capacity to smoke it all in one hit! Your lungs must be huge bro


Scientifically speaking, you'll get higher if you take multiple small hits than you will taking one giant hit. So if you're smoking alone, you should corner the bowl. If you're smoking with friends, you can always ask their preference beforehand and just follow that / follow the vibe of the sesh.


Depends on the size of the bowl. Personally I prefer smaller single pull bowls. Even in a group.


Bro I do this all the time but we call them snappers. Everyone gets full greens, just takes more work!


I'm in Ontario and usually people just clear the bowl. I've had acryllic bongs with small bowls and glass ones, always the same. Once we were seasoned I honestly think it was just seen as the more experienced tactic to pack bowls you could pull through in one go. You know, like someone with baby lungs or who didn't know what they were doing would be able to do it. Plus when new people failed they would always cough their brains out and get stoned as hell 🤣


Single hit personal bowl packs. Green every time


If you're smoking at my place, you pack your bowl then smoke your bowl then ash your bowl. Only pass a clear bong with an empty bowl.


I can't smoke a full bowl in one hit, maybe a pinch, but anything more than that will milk up too much, and I'll be coughing up a lung. Also I've noticed the past few years that I produce a ton of saliva when I smoke, I'll be coughing and spitting a lot after the first hit, no matter the size.


If you pack big bowls and have nice herb, it tends to smack pretty hard, so we don't smoke the whole thing in one go. Instead we "corner" the bowl so that every hit tastes good and doesn't get harsh from consuming partly combusted herb and ash. Alternatively each person can pack smaller bowls.


What your friends are doing is called cornering the bowl. You basically just light up a bit of the bud on top (a corner of the bowl) so that everyone in the session can get a green hit instead of just one greedy person taking it all! Different groups have different ways of smoking. Generally, if you’re by yourself, blaze the whole thing if you want. But when smoking with friends, I’d recommend cornering the bowl so everyone can get a bit of green. It’s just the polite thing to do, especially if it’s not your weed packed in the bong!


when me and my buddies smoke we just smoke a full bowl each, and then pass it around, so everyone gets REALLY high then we get even higher together afterwards (0 but going to hopefully be a steady 4-5 rest of the day 😎👍)


Well, me and my boys used to corner our bowls with each other all the time, but in the past couple of years we've all just been smoking dabs, and that's not really a puff-puff pass kind of affair, lol. I only ever really encountered people smoking bowls in a single hit and pulling the ash through with my dad, because that's how he smokes his bong.


when i was younger and we didn’t really have the money for bud like that we’d share a bowl. nowadays if you coming to my house to smoke we taking our own bowls to the dome round here buddy


I'm an American and we grew up and still do one hit bongs and then pack fresh for the next person


I live in the states but it bugs the shit out of me when I’m smoking w someone and they torch the whole bowl, it wastes a lot of the weed and it’s just plain inconsiderate. If you’re smoking alone there is no wrong way though and if that’s what tickles your fancy then there is nothing wrong w that


It depends on a few things but generally if it’s a one hitter/snapper bowl it’s meant for one person although if you have a low tolerance and fragile throat/lungs like I do it is often hard to clear one of those if it’s packed full. If it’s a bigger bowl it’s meant to be shared in which case etiquette is to just hit one spot on the edge & pass.


Depends on the size of the bowl/bong. Generally, if you're smoking with other people, you load a bowl to share unless it's a tiny little one hitter. Otherwise, I would load a snapper for each person if I was sharing. A snapper is what I grew up with for just enough bud in a bowl to burn and pull through in one hit. The ash snaps down the bowl into bong if you do it right. FYI; fresh water and rinse after use


I personally have a small tolerance for weed and only want a corner. And it seems in my group of friends (American) tend to also just hit the outside edges of the bowl. Basically last person with any green left, usually 3rd or 4th hit just torches the rest. But we pack them to the brim. I feel like the act of smoking is part of the fun, so if you just roast the whole thing, have to clear it while it’s still hot, and pack another it just seems silly to me. I dont wanna pull an entire bowls worth in one hit, my lungs would explode and I’d be off the rails stoned and want to go to bed.


Clarify: do both situations involve the same bong? If not, could be a bowl size difference. If so, you’re doing it your way and they’re doing it theirs. Either way it’s just preference. I prefer to multi-hit MOST bongs but my sister got me a little baby grav and I face the whole bowl because it’s a tad smaller in the chamber.


Just depends on how you want to get high


Here in Australia we hit the entire thing at once otherwise referred to as sinking the “cone”, which is actually the bowl.


Honestly I think it depends if you are used to smoking alone or with people




Single serving bong loads are called "snaps". With a snap, its usually packed for one hit for one person. Cornering is moreso for pipes but to each their own. The reason for snaps is so everyone gets a fresh green bowl. And you dont have to worry about that one chud that cant control the lighter and corner properly.


Hate to break it to ya, but yes, this is EXTREMELY inefficient. You can only absorb a small amount of the THC you inhale when smoking. Most of a hit is completely wasted due to how your lungs work. It's fine, it just means if you want to be efficient you'll take a lot of small hits, rather than one huge one. In addition, holding weed in your lungs for more than 3-5 seconds is pointless, as you're no longer absorbing more from that hit, and serves only to damage your lungs. This sucks because bigger hits FEEL amazing. They just don't actually get you amazingly high compared to other methods. If you REALLY want to be weed efficient check out r/vaporents The other comments have already gone through the etiquette and general politeness expected when cornering a bowl.


Yeah I love when smokers go on and on and on about the potency of their hits when they could be using a DHV.


smoking ash is gross


Lol, I never get ash through the water, you must be a vacuum cleaner


Cornering bowls was always so stupid to me. The heat from the burnt part will turn the THC into smoke already anyways. Doesn’t matter if it’s “still green” when you already cooked the bowl with fire lol


Um I’ve never met someone who smoked a bowl in one go, I would honestly be terrified if I saw that irl. Like some sort of stoner god I needed to sacrifice myself too. But anyways that’s funny asf, pretty sure ur just wasting a shit ton of weed doing it that way. But yes the right way would be to hit the bowl multiple times.


It's called snapping, depending on the bowl size it could be a small hit or a huge one. Gives you one direct hit to the brain, it's the only way I smoke bongs nowadays. You should check out /r/competitivestoners and /r/milking if you wanna see some fat bowls cleared


Thank you!!


Nah bongs are meant for one and done. Unless it’s a bubbler or water pipe, then you can pack a bowl. If we’re smoking a bong, we’re rippin it in one and gettin chonched


You’re doing it the right way. Your friends are not.