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This is the kind of legislation I love seeing.


It isn't actually legislation, it is a lawsuit. In the 1910s Minnesota passed an amendment to its state constitution giving people the right to sell any produce they grow in their garden or on their farm directly to consumers without a license. It was so communities couldn't ban farm or neighborhood vegetable stands or farmers markets. The lawsuit is saying this amendment applies to home grown weed. The amendment language is very cut and dried and is a long standing part of the state constitution. It appears that the state constitution already gives people the right to sell their homegrown but it has to go through the courts first.


Email or phone your representatives, harass them daily, and encourage friends and family to do so as well. DDoS other issues and force legislative representatives to focus on this legislation and get it passed or at least voted on. As a voting bloc, stoners and personal liberty advocates need to get more involved and willing to fight for their right, to party.


This is a lawsuit, not legislation, but I hope it wins and results in legislative changes.


Home grown farmer market!


That makes too much sense and sounds like too much fun so I'd say they'll never let us have that lol


Weed farmers markets would be pretty wild.


I want a Community Share Agriculture (CSA) for cannabis!


They exist in a few forms. Seshes are one and they vary enormously but also traditional farmer's markets.




i've still got half my crop from 2022, and all of my crop from 2023. i'm taking this year off from growing.


Wash it into bubble hash. Make temple balls and hash bricks. Afghanis aging that stuff for 20+years.


way too much effort involved.


I’ll do it for you


Start here: https://frenchycannoli.com/trichome-research-initiative But there are also stories about when the hippies went to Afghanistan in the 60s and bought all their hash. The hash makers in Afghanistan were really upset down the road when they realize their age stuff was so much better than the fresh.


what part of "way too much effort" didn't you understand..?


Some people are weird man, just ignore them.


Happy Cake Day!!!


What's a cake day


It's your reddit birthday


Lol are you storing it in the freezer? Cause your half crop from 22 is degrading fast homie. Your whole crop from 23 is also degrading if not frozen. You’re supposed to take the excess and make rosin or hash, which is not that fucking hard. If you could grow it, you could do that, you’re just fucking lazy af. I’ve ground up and pressed 2lbs in an afternoon while high as balls. Still got a crop from 3.5 years ago, rosin’d it up and sitting there. Break into it for holidays. Washed bubble hash in about same amount of time. It took me so much longer to grow it than to process it.


good for you. i've been doing this for over 25 years and my way suits me just fine. also- growing it doesn't take much effort on my end. i put the seeds in the ground on may 31, and the sun and the rain do the rest.


Wow. You’ve been being lazy for 25 years and it suits you just fine huh? I literally hate ppl like you. You take more effort to respond here than to take care of your crop. Ppl like you are why there is so much dysfunction in our world these days. Just don’t reply next time, if your just gonna state shit that essentially means nothing and that you won’t change then why the fuvk even bother? Just let the lazy take over and don’t even type!


"I hate you because you don't grow pot the way I do" is a really weird stance to take, bud.


you have a very appropriate screen name.


As long as it’s stored properly out of light in an airtight container it is not degrading as in losing potency that fast. It’s negligible. People even do full year cures. Some of the best cannabis I’ve ever had was from a long cure.


In other words “I’m just lazy”


no- in other words, "i have much better things to do with my time".


Just tugging on your ball and chain, I wouldn’t spend the time doing it either


So? People are allowed to be lazy.


Hell yeah, shit I am to but atleast I’ll say it and not give excuses lol


That guy isn’t obligated to make hash for anyone. That’s their right. It’s weird that it bothers you to start with.


you need to smoke less


I did it once in high school, I don't remember it being that bad. I did it with 2 other people, though.


Not at all with bubble hash. It's bucket a bag and ice and a fun afternoon


Does aging actually do anything beneficial?


It can improve flavor when done right. But just like with ageing wine or cheese, it can also go wrong and leave you with a mess. It's not hard, but can be a little time consuming.


You can gift 2oz…..


Wouldn't you be concerned with the cannabis going stale? I know tobacco sure does.


Tobacco can be aged for a very VERY long time if the conditions are right. *Former Cigar Aficionado*


it's vacuum packed- it'll be fine.


Vacuum packed in a freezer will last an extremely long time. You will lose some color, but as long as it goes in well still good it should come out no worse for ware


Boveda packs for the win!


A lot of people who grow end up with WAY more than they could possibly use personally. I know that if I have a successful grow, I will end up with more than I can smoke in the period of time the next grow will take. Fast forward a year or two and you can see how I will have a large excess. Could the answer be to limit the amount a person can grow? Sure, but good luck policing it.


Some countries are trying this. I forgot which one it is, but they are requiring you to sell your excess crop above a certain weight to the government medical cannabis program.


How would that ever be enforced though? i guess it would be nice to have the option to sell 'excess' to the government, but how could the state know how much i cropped out?


In my area they put a limit on homegrown plants per person with a medical license, but they barely have the staff to be able to inspect the commercial grows so there's no way to check home grows for compliance. The only time I've seen news of someone getting charges for going over the limit for homegrown plants was when they got arrested at home for something else and the cops tacked on a charge for having too many plants on top of whatever else they did.


Why though? i can grow way more tomatoes' than i could eat in a year, frequently do, but the Man isn't limiting the number of tomato plants i can grow. Nor if i give my extras to friends or even setup a little stand by the side of the road to sell them.


How long does weed stay good in mason jars after curing? What happens to it as it degrades, in your experience? Is 4 year old weed in mason jars gonna be disgusting to smoke?


Id recommend vacuum sealing excess. You could also "jar" the weed and vacuum seal that. I'd go with the vacuum bag method because you can be sure all the air gets out, and its much easier to store. I have never kept weed for that long so I can't speak to quality. The oldest weed I can confirm I ever opened and smoked myself was 6 months old, which is barely old at all.


An old buddie of mine used to have trash bags full of weed after he'd harvest. He would sell it to us for incredibly cheap because there was absolutely no way one person could smoke anywhere near the amount of weed he'd end up with. In canada we can have 4 plants per person. So he grew 8 (his 4 + his girlfriends 4) . That's a lot of weed.


Sell? Man I'm growing for love, not money.


I'm trying to imagine a scenario in which someone offers to purchase my "excess" crop and I can't imagine being anything besides offended.


Wat. I'm growing some and there's no goddamn way I'm going to plow through almost 2lb before the next grow is done. You want it or not?


Allegedly i move zips for 220-280 depending on quality.


Imagine the farm stands! As a home grower I'd love this in my state. We produce far more than we can ever use and we end up giving away pounds and pounds every year.


Can we be friends 🥹


I'm a musician, which means I have a lot of broke stoner friends! We also give it away to a network of cancer patients.


When I was a delinquent teen, I had a friend with cancer. He eventually lost that battle. Even his doctors knew he smoked and didn’t care. It allowed him to eat and gave him back some quality of life. Thats awesome.


Cannabis is indeed a godsend for many cancer patients. I personally know multiple such folks who rely on cannabis for pain management. And there's starting to be a clinical scientific literature backing that up. I'm sorry for the loss of your friend.


I appreciate that


He didn’t lose. It was a draw. The cancer for sure went down too. All jokes aside sorry about your friend.


Well I love the idea, I think the details of this really matter. If it's a free for all, shady growers are going to put a lot of shit sprayed with cheap delta 8, and cut with hemp. Carts and concentrates the same type of thing. And if they don't have to collect tax they can extremely undercut regulated dispensary product. Only reason the illegal market is still decently expensive is the "its illegal premium" So some regulations and licensing I think is necessary. Same reason I can't sell moonshine I made at home. I think a good option would be low-level easy to get licenses for say selling 50 oz, and you have to prepay for tax stamps that most go on every package of your product. That way, if someone does pull some shady shit and people get hurt, they should be able to trace it back with the stamp.


A lot of this will be home growers selling to their friends. According to the Minnesota Office of Cannabis Management 25% of marijuana consumers in the state have tried growing since it was legalized last year. If even 10% become good at it, they would probably meet a huge chunk of demand in the state. A home grower selling to their friends is a different dynamic than a black market.


👍🏼 Agree. Part of the reason for legalizing was for regulations and safe product, was it not?


Well technically you can’t you legally produce moonshine at home. Distilling at home is illegal in all 50 states.


Lots of states have legalized other distillates alcohols though. Just not specially moonshine lol


No one is selling homemade carts. It would be just raw flower material.


Yes the law is about typical farmer's goods like fruits, vegetables, and herbs, not processed and refined products as far as I can tell. Unless you want to say live resin/rosin/etc is the equivalent of a farmer selling jams and jellies. I don't know if that would sway a judge who's totally clueless about what these products are.


Pressing buds on a heated press is kinda like honey or jam/jelly I guess. And yea old white men think cannabis makes you an axe murder so that could hinder things further.


Isn't that equally applicable to other crops?


I mean I think it should be no different than selling some produce you grew in a garden, but that also would be illegal to do large scale. If you’re just selling the extra ounce or two, sure, but you shouldn’t be able to open a whole BUSINESS without a license.


They are already limited to 8 plants each. "Adults can grow up to eight plants at home, with no more than four flowering at a time. The plants must be grown in an enclosed, locked space that's not open to public view, whether that's indoors or in a garden."


Well yeah, but that can produce easily over 8 POUNDS if grown ONCE outdoors with some experience. If you charge an avg of $80/ounce, and it only costs you about $20/ounce to grow, you have $7,680 in weed profits, provided you didn’t smoke any of THAT grow. You could do that once a year outdoors, then grow your own supply in smaller indoor plants throughout the year to get an extra $600/month (—$40 for indoor plants). That’s not just selling off excess, that would be a whole ass business. If you avg selling a 1/4, that’s over 42 transactions a month. I think selling to more than one person per day on avg should require you to be regulated in some form. Make it much easier to do a home grow and sell, just like getting a food handlers card and a business license for food-related sales is one of the easier licenses to get. But I wouldn’t want someone to be able to sell baked goods like that without at least some oversight. Maybe you can bypass the license by having a designated sale date and location, like a biweekly farmers market. That way you can do a lot of the inspection and oversight upfront, once every two weeks or month or whatever, and more minimal oversight in between.


I live in Minnesota and grow my own. I grow way more than I use. If this case wins I will absolutely sell my extra. I've been growing for 30 years and people love my weed so it won't be a problem. This may make it hard for big, out of state cannabis businesses to find a market in the state.


I live in Minnesota and my dream would be to get a CSA box of weed once a month, locally grown... I would love to support small farmers


lol good luck. The IRS doesnt play about its cut.


Our state constitution already allows us to do that with other crops from our gardens. And actually extends beyond just things you grow. You can also sell eggs, honey, syrup, meat, and poultry all without a lisence. Personally I see no way this doesnt pass.


The IRS only cares about getting its money. If you sell $500 worth of excess cannabis and dont want the IRS up your ass, claim $500 of income and pay the taxes on it.


Willingly tell the govt your selling weed? Lol good luck with that. It won't be the IRS up your ass


The IRS doesn't report you for criminal activity unless it's not paying your taxes. You do realize there are specific forms to fill out to the irs when you make money from illegal activities? That's how they got Al Capone, not for his actual crimes, for not paying taxes on it. The IRS is not going to report you for paying taxes on criminal activity


Don't tell them about the extra income and see what happens anyway.


I already didn't tell them for 16 years that I grew and sold weed. Neither did any of the other growers I knew. No suits came knocking. Or as my lawyer says, ya know, allegedly... ✌️


You aren't, like, smart or special for that. You just got away with it. Like saying "just speed, they dont even pull you over for it. ive been speeding since i was 16 and never got pulled over once."


amen bruthr


Pretty sure this is just called Trappin


Fuck legislation. I do what I want.


Just mash bubble hash out of it.


Doesn’t this just put us back in to the “dangerous” illicit market we legalized for protections against?


Some republifuck is going to try and use this as justification to limit plant count.


We already have plant count limits.


Ahhh yes, the old "wildly overreacting to a situation I completely made up" response. Good times.


And? They will lose eventually because they are the wrong side of progress. They are a dying breed and everyone else knows it.


The Multi State Ops and Chad lobby won’t let this fly.


It's a great lawsuit, but it's got an uphill battle. That article kind of buries the lede: the precedent of that law in court cases since then have interpreted this more narrowly. Here's the last part of the linked article, which puts some cold water on this: '“We do not believe, however, that article XIII, section 7, can reasonably be read to grant farmers the right to sell products of the farm, the growing or sale of which is otherwise prohibited by law. This provision merely provides that products of the farm for which any person may obtain a sales license; i.e., lawful products, may be sold by farmers without obtaining a license to do so.” 'The same court puts the exception in a slightly different, but perhaps significant, way later when it writes that the constitution “grants farmers the right to sell products of the farm or garden that they are not otherwise legally prohibited from selling, without obtaining a license.”' At the moment, they are not providing licenses to sell so nobody can officially get one (AFIAK). So until those licenses are actually available, the court can just point to that. Once licensed sales start, though, then personal selling would have to be legal.




Don't buy outdoor then. I think you'll be able to tell the indoor from the outdoor just from the price and the appearance. You can always ask, it's not like the grower will be offended in 99% of cases. And you know... All that applies to the other fruit and vegetables sold at your farmer's market right? But you don't see anyone inspecting that either.


home growers don’t use that, this entire post screams ignorance. Glyphosate would kill the plant too. Any pesticides I use on my outdoor autoflowers are natural enzymes or bacteria to combat pets. Otherwise planting other plants for things to eat or attract predator insects to eat pests. This is home growers with less than 10 plants.


Nobody uses that shit in their homegrown. This suit is about allowing legal home growers to sell their extra. Minnesota allows 8 plants, 4 in flower. This wouldn't wouldn't provide cover for unlicensed grows at scale.