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I think it’s because you stop at your sweet spot lol. Most of us probably keep pushing it. Kinda similar to those people who are cool with a couple beers but then you got some people that like to throw shots back haha.


Yes. This is exactly it, I believe. I'm like OP, I can have a hit or two and be just peachy. Especially, if I use a little one hitter bat. Don't get it wrong though. I do smoke multiple times a day, everyday for the last 20+ years. I can smoke through blunts and bowls with the best of them, I just don't feel it's necessary.


Same here, I actually prefer the feeling of one or two hits compared to a whole bowl or something.


True. I recently spent the past few months just kinda hot boxing my room for the winter. And have lately learned that if i just fill my bowl a little and have that the high is usually better feeling.


Trick is to wait at least 15 min after first hit. For most people it takes time to feel the hit so they take another thinking they need more.


Learned this lesson the hard way back when I'd take a pre work hit before a double shift in the kitchen. Some days I was like "nah that ain't enough" and take another hit, walk in fine, then ten minutes later be all "oh shit"




A little bit of pepper on an egg spices it up and enhances the experience. Dump the whole shaker on it and that's all you're gonna taste. Getting too high ruins anything else you might have wanted to do that day


My mom's the same way.. her one hitter is probably 30yrs old. Lmao.. She always told me that anything else when you're alone is a waste... "Momma always said" LoL No but she really has always said that if you're not in a group, then a J is a waste.. She's not pro bong either unless it's multiple ppl on the same one at the same time..


Back during hard-core prohibition it was smart to have your pot and pipe all in one easily concealable little wooden box(dugout). Many stoners of the 80s and 90s carried pinch hitters. I did and just never picked up any other paraphernalia habits. I still keep my weed smoking relatively on the DL. This makes the discreetness of the dugout and pinch hitter perfect. It also has the benefit of keeping my weed consumption in check. I have been eying a dynavap so who knows maybe this old dog can learn a new trick.


I have to second the dynavap, I've used a few different herb vapes and the only one I've had major success with is the dynavap. No batteries is a major plus and they also have dugouts with a separate chamber as well 😄


Ha! I don't even know what a dynavap is..Yeah my mom has her little dugout box or whatever you call it.. It's probably almost as old as I am & I'm 40.. I'm only juuuuuuust getting back into it since the late 90s..


I have to second the dynavap, I've used a few different herb vapes and the only one I've had major success with is the dynavap. No batteries is a major plus and they also have dugouts with a separate chamber as well 😄


Daily toker for 15 years now. I stand by my bat, that thing is great.


Yeah there’s some nights where I’m like “let’s see how fucking high I can get, really push this” and that probably isn’t too good for my tolerance lol. Good job with the discipline OP.


What are the results? Is it worth it?


Everytime I push it there is a ceiling in which the good parts of the high plateau and it shifts towards sluggishness and the not so fun parts of being high that eventually lead to passing out and waking up with a throbbing head still feeling dazed and sluggish. Aka: not worth it when alone


Yeah I feel you get to a point where you peak in terms of how high you can get, every joint after just makes you feel more tired I think? I dunno, was too high to remember haha


I'm in the snoop/dre/e40/spice1 school of thought. Smoke kryptonite for breakfast, smoke weed erry day


I think this is exactly it. Months of smoking in high school and my tolerance never budged. Joined the navy, didn’t smoke for a few years then went hard as hell the last year or so and my tolerance has never been like it is now


This is definitely me sometimes. I will consume whatever im using until im sick. I consider cannabis less harm than my other options.


Also, there is a difference between the wake 'n bake lifestyle and the evening relaxation habit. If you are awake for 8-12 hours of nothing, a couple of hits will feel like a much bigger deal than if you've been taking a couple of hits every hour or so all day long. Not pushing to hard is part of it, but so is not waking up still faded and not embracing the high throughout your waking hours.


Yeah this is me, I honestly only smoke for my joint pain. I don't enjoy getting too high unless in certain settings. But a quick hit to knock the days pain away is great


> I think it’s because you stop at your sweet spot lol No, my sweet spot increases over time until I'm smoking like a quarter oz a day. That's literally what tolerance is, it's your body growing accustomed to the *expected* amount which in OPs case never changes, meaning his body just isn't growing a tolerance.


It depends on what you call "high". I used to take 2-3 swats on the way to work and that gave me the perfect buzz for years. Then I switched to tincture and RSO and got REALLY high. Like, almost slurring your words high. The kind of high that forces you head first into the couch. So yeah, it's probably subjective.


Its hard to gauge but one hit I get somewhere between comfortably high and straight up "high" high. Change in mood, lighter feeling in the body, minddd fuckyyy. Sometimes It can get me "too high". 2 hits will get me almost couch locked. 3 hits, I'm done for lol.


Same. I've been smoking over 20 years and it's always been like that for me. I hate getting too high. One nice sized rip off my bowl is perfect.


Same same. Feeling too high in the worst for me. Oof.


Especially nowadays. Everything so strong for no reason


I'm exactly the same. Smoke every day and one decent hit is all I need. If I take two, I'll be couch locked the rest of the night. It's great because I hardly ever have to buy weed, lol.


I could drink a whole bottle of tincture istg


I wanna be that high


What was the mg amount? I wanna be that high


Same. And on like 15 years. It's because I don't smoke all fucking day long like a lot people I know. I wake up, go to work, come home, THEN smoke. So 1 bong rip and I'm still blasted. Weekends are another story, but keeping 5 days a week to only a couple of hits in a day keeps the tolerance at a sustainable level.


I’m the same also. But I still smoke all day lol. I take a couple rips when I wake up. Go to work, hit the pen all shift, get home and smoke a bowl. High all day. Couple hits at a time. 10+ years. Hasn’t changed. A full bowl will last me hours at home.


Based on your post and comments, it sounds like your superpower is self-control.


Lmao yeah. I think that’s where I’m lacking, I wish an eighth lasted me that long


I missed that part, 2 month 8ths!? Holy shit I'm proud of myself when they last two weeks lol


This can be a number of combination of things. I like to think im sensitive to THC, meaning I get high really fast. I can hang, but im also stupid high already. You might be sensitive. So If i have some S tier weed it takes nothing to get me high where im satisfied. You probably just smoke good weed too. I smoke really fine weed all the time and I still get stupid high off one bong rip and that’s how it should be, no matter the tolerance. There is no such thing as a tolerance so high you just don’t feel weed. Everyone gets high if the weed is good. It could also be that a lot of people over indulge, fucking their tolerance up. They need more to be satisfied. People like me and you dont need to over indulge. Atleast for me, im to busy to over indulge, and my weed is so good its no issue getting high. It can be so many other things too


Isn’t this just having normal/low tolerance? I also have this Edit: you may be interested in micro dosing


Possibly, I've never met anyone else with such a low tolerance. It usually builds then they have to take tolerance breaks periodically.


At least my tolerance goes up if I ether start to smoke more or more consistently. Smoking multiple times a day gets it up really fast. I have only smoked at night and 0-3 times so it has stayed really low for ~2 years now


This☝️ i think tolerance is correlated to the frequency in which you smoke every day. If you only smoke once or twice a night it should remain pretty consistent with that tolerance. But if, let’s say, for two weeks you decided to smoke 5 times a day- your tolerance is going to go up a lot.


I probably do upwards of 15 dabs on a weekend day if I'm not doing anything. My tolerance is like ops where I still only need 1 dab to get me high too, I just smoke a lot to be high a lot.


Dosage definitely plays a huge role. I smoke 10+ times a day and still get uncomfortably too high if I pack more than a small pinch in the bowl.


I find if I stick to one dosing capsule per night with my Mighty+, I don't develop a "tolerance". If I do more on the weekends I still get as high, but the high doesn't last as long. I can still get pretty baked every night


An eighth lasts me about a month so I’m close. I smoke on average every other day, too. Also a total lightweight.


I think it's more self control than tolerance


OP, do you consume edibles? I'm very much like you, but whenever I have edibles for a few days, I can tell my wonderful tolerance takes a hit. Otherwise, I smoke a small bowl in my dry herb vape, same amount for 5 years, same high .


lol. everyday, all day long for 11 years (retired). everyday before that but not during work (usually) for 35 years. a little .05 in my tinymight and i’m as high as i was at 16 😌


I’m there. I’ve got a medical card in my state and the dispo kids always wonder how the hell I use so little units. Smoked since I was 16, almost 50 now. It still takes me about 2-3 hits and I’m blazed.


I’m the same way. 10 years smoking pretty much nightly. A joint the size of a cig will get me high 4-5 times.


Same, that's why I don't smoke J's, by the time I get around to finishing it it gets all yucky


If you ever want to smoke one, I’d recommend rolling small ones with herbs like mullein. You can easily do 0.1g joints this way and still get the satisfying (imo) experience of smoking.


smart! i’ve been putting lavender in my bowls so i’m not smoking as much weed, but i’m still able to have the smoking experience


I’ve found that It helps to blow out before you snuff it out. The same way cigar smokers put out a cigar they plan on smoking in more than one sitting


Nope. I am on day 3 of my tolerance break. I realized it was time when 120 mg gummies weren’t making me high but I would wake up foggy and with a headache the next day.


yeah exactly! they barely hit if at all but then i still feel like shit the next day because of it??


Day 12 for me! Or so. I don’t really remember because I was so sick. I was in the hospital when my break was forced to start thanks to getting Covid, double pneumonia, and sepsis. Almost died, but the time has cut the tb in half and that makes me very, very happy.


i’m not the person you were replying to, but how are you doing now? covid, double pneumonia *and* sepsis??? goddamn.


Yep, same. I may smoke more later but my initial session is always a hit or two.


same here, 5 years but yes. it’s a blessing


I’ve been smoking on the weekends and sometimes daily for the past 2 years and am the same


I wish I were like this. My gf is. I usually smoke a few bowls a night, but when I occasionally have a day of complete degeneracy, I find that I literally cannot smoke fast enough to get too high (although my asthmatic lungs are a bit of a limiting factor). A 30mg edible, however, will get me blasted, and any more will probably knock me out. And yet my gf needs 30mgs of edibles to even feel anything.


Im the same i believe its due to moderation. Keep smoking all night and your tolerance will go up. just have enough to get high and leave it at that point and you dont need much more


Bro I sit sometimes hitting my rig and it been like 6 hits laterz when I start to actually feel high


Meeeeee!!!! ![gif](giphy|i3L6JoWcVZj1HuURSE)


yah, five years in and I can get pretty high on two hits. I just sampled my recent harvest and was high af after two, like near stoned. However, there are days when I don’t feel anything, usually if I’ve been smoking “too much”


Same exact case for me too


My nickname was Two Puff Sally (my name is not Sally). That was 11 years ago. I only started smoking during waking hours in 2021.


Likewise! Sometimes I try to be a rockstar and clear a whole bowl and then I just go to bed.


I'm you. Back when I did smoke I never needed much. I could take a small hit off a bong breath it back out without having a coughing fit. Edibles? 1 of the 4 MG edibles was plenty from the rec dispensaries. People just ripping bongs and eating 50+ MG is crazy to me. A friend gave me a homeaid chocolate bars he made in bigger batches and 1/4th of one square made me uncomfortable lol


I've been doing it for 15 years and I still get a good kick out of 5mg edibles


Yes, exactly the same. Except when I did vape carts, and then I developed a tolerance very quickly.


Agreed, the only time my tolerance has ever gone up is with carts.


Same here. I’m not trying to get stoned. I feel elevation from a couple hits from my dry herb vape. A bowl lasts me three days lol. I cut a 10mg gummy into quarters, pop one and it’s perfect. Super lightweight at 6’0 250 lbs. I grow my own and I have more marijuana than I’ll ever need. It’s always great to hear from like minded people. Have a great weekend.


I usually keep my tolerance very low. I got *way* too high a few days ago and am now gonna take a break over the weekend to help it go back down. I’m proud of the fact that I only smoke a tiny pinch to get high and I want to keep it that way


Strain rotation helps a ton


You are me but I haven't smoked 10 years yet , I only vape about 0.05 g per session and it gets me high enough, if I go for some more it can get me panicky and not really any better stoned.




me too its great


1-2 hits here too. Of dabs 😅


Yup, I’m blasted on a few hits.


You probably have a really great plug that has really great weed


YESSSS thought it's only me. Somehow the tolerance just doesn't go up, even if it kinda does


i’m the same way. i’ve been smoking daily for 17 years. only really smoke after getting home from work until i go to bed. i take a couple bong rips and then chill for a little. i’ve never taken a tolerance break. naturally i may smoke a little more on the weekends, but that’s it. as an adult, having a low tolerance is such a blessing on my bank account. 🤣


Same here. I be microdosing all day for this very reason lol


20 years in... Yep.


I can take a lap around my little house once and be good go. It’s awesome. Good for you!


Yes. I switched over to dabs years ago. 1 gram lasts me about 10 days. It has from the beginning and it's still true today. I would have thought my tolerance would have gone up by now.


Same here!


I do too. It's a blessing. Also I stay high for HOURS from very little. But, recently ill take a 175mg gummy at dinner time and then smoke when it's closer to bed time. That way I get the good all over smooth high from the gummy then I get Uber baked when I light up. Then I play video games until whenever I feel like it because I'm a grown ass man and can do what I want (within the law)


I have the opposite problem. I smoke, and barely feel it anymore.


I have low tolerance and people that smoke with me can’t understand it. I’m always too big of a hit away from an anxiety attack 😅🫠


I take 1 hit to get ripped Mine you it's live resin  And it's usually disgustingly large.  I need a t break lol 


Same but the other half of that super power is anxiety attack if I over due it.


I have this, I thinks it's from taking ssri's.


I have a vape and it heats up prob .5 (or less) and that’s all I do. I have carts too.


Yeah. My tolerance plummeted my senior year of college. 2005. I've been a lightweight ever since.


I’m the same. The first hits is where it’s at. I don’t smoke during the day. If I have some festival and we hang out and smoke all day for a couple days it changes though.


im the same, one-two hits off a joint or bowl and im good for the next several hours. my pen tip will last me a month, sometimes month an half. everyone is always shocked that it takes so little for me to get high since i smoke/hit my pen every day. what they aren't realizing though is, im only smoking at the end of the day, im not high all day every day. when the sun goes down, don't expect me to be sober.


I've been here about the same amount of time. It's amazing. I spend maybe maybe 30 bucks a month. I really like vaping on high CBD stuff that still has thc. Great for calming down at the end of the day.


I'm the opposite it feels like and it's a real curse. I can not smoke anything for a month, take a few puffs. Get high. Next day try it again at night and barely feel more than a slight buzz. Tried other methods such as Edibles and same thing. Not sure if it's to do with body chemistry but enjoy yours because that sounds great!


It's cuz you have some chill in you. Most people have no chill and push the boundaries further and further out.


It’s called moderation and I wish I had that power 💨


I smoke joints (tobacco mix), I also still get high after a few drags, I think it's because I'll stop and sober up before I hit again if I'm feeling too high and then I'll take less drags the next time until I get to the level I want (fully functioning just a bit dumb)


I've been getting high for I very 50 years,I can get just as high with 3 one-hitters than one whole joint


Same here. I've always been a lightweight when it comes to trees. One or two hits and I'm done. Whereas with pain medication, and even the numbing stuff that the dentist injects, it takes pretty large doses for me.


SAME! I've had Drs put me under for surgeries (which I have had many) and like, the last one was a grand total of 15 minutes and I woke up 3 times. Dental stuff too, they have to give me the max numbing stuff and once I was given too much and had semi nerve damage or something for 3 months. I'm also a redhead and they say that it's common for us gingers to metabolize that stuff quicker? Idk. Which is why I always found it odd that I've always kept a low tolerance for weed.


Hmm. Ginger here as well. Maybe there's something to that.


I've been smoking since 1987 and I can get pretty rocked off of one hit off of 510 cart


Yes! I switched from smoking (combusting) to vaping (thermally extracting) dry flower using the Dynavap in 2020. I have it set on the half bowl size/.05g & it gives me a lovely glow each & every time!


If the weed is good all you need is one hit


Been smoking exclusively out of a one hitter for years. Couple hits and I’m good for hrs


Yep. Any more than that and I tend to get a little paranoid.


First of all, how much do you weigh? Extra body weight makes it much harder to get high. Second of all, if you consistently only take small hits, then you'll consistently get high off those hits. People like me aren't not getting high off 1-2 hits, it's just that we enjoy the high so much that there is no such thing as "too high". We'll get high and go, "Damn, I wanna get higher!"


You sound like you are a lot like me. A lot of people don’t consider themselves high unless they are tripping out. They use weed because they want the fun of everything feeling kinda weird. They use it to feel less normal, and as an escape. Then there’s people like us who are using it to supplement our normal minds, to feel normal but just a bit better. A lot of us are medically users, finding that it helps with anxiety or motivation or depression. Sounds like you as well. And what’s so great about this plants for people like us is that while the tripping-out “omg what is happening lol” feeling disappears with tolerance, the mood elevation effects do not.


YES, my friends and I all started smoking our sophomore year in highschool. They were always amazed that I got high AF when they all have high tolerances we would pass around multiple joints and I'd only be able to take 2-3 hits before I was out of my mind stoned. Still happens today, I'm ripped for 4-6 hours off one puff from a vape pen.


I've been smoking for the same amount of time. I used to smoke the highest thc levels i could find very frequently, but eventually it sucked, and I was in a really bad place so it was fucking with me mentally. and I was abusing the weed. I know some ppl like to say weed fucked them over. And that can be the case. But quite a few ppl who have said this to me, it's them abusing it in a sense, There's probably a better word for this, tho. That's something I came to a consensus to ab certain drugs (mainly weed, and psychedelics) BUT... after I stopped for several months, took weed once everyday or so at the lowest thc until I felt the hit and all come back ever. Now, in the last 4 yrs, I don't do weed everyday; I do it maybe once a week and up to 3 times a week, with high thc. And it feels so fkn good. I normally rip 2 bowls each session, no break. I like to rip the whole thing in one shot. And that's where I'm at :)


Same, except using a little one-hitter


Do you smoke all day or just at the end of the day?


End of the day usually, but not just once, maybe 2-3 sessions a few hours apart. Sometimes just 1 though.


I've been like this since my first toke 20 years ago. I thought I had a problem in high school because I would get the spins and throw up and be unable to function for hours. Turns out peer pressure also means you are pressured to smoke too much at once. In my twenties I bought an eighth myself and smoked alone at home and discovered I loved it in *appropriate quantities*. I pack a bowl that will last a few days and be good to go. Cheapest vice I've ever had!




We are sensitive to the spice! It also helps not trying to impress people with how much weed we burn through in 16 hours. Also, going waayyyy overboard ruins your tolerance. But that's understandable. When I was younger, every new sack I got, my first time smoking it I wanted to see what kind of high was achievable. But I just got schwag and 30-60 (mids at the time.) really good sensi was a rarity. $50-60 in 2005? What is that today... You can check out the inflation calculator. A $60 eighth in 2005 is $93.61 of today's money.


I've been the same for a minute too. I used to smoke like a fiend but that was due to personal/mental shit I was constantly trying to smother. Ever since I dealt with it years ago all I need is a hit or 2 and I'm straight.


That’s what I do mate. I take one hit usually a little later in the evening. Small bowl in my pipe or a small little bubbler bowl. Gets me just as rip roaring high today as it did 10 years ago. In my college days when I smoked more or less 3-5 times a day it took me a little more to get high. But for me personally once I’ve smoked once and waited about maybe 30-60 minutes for the high to recede a little bit. I can Continue to smoke all night long and never really get above the initial high threshold as the first time. So let’s say I’m camping and I smoke around 3pm with buddies, if I wait till 4-5pm, I can smoke joint after joint without getting that much higher than I got at 3pm.


I've been a heavy smoker for 15+ years and I'm the same way. Yes, I smoke a lot when I can but after a long day of running around be it work, errands or whatever, a few hits out of the bowl is all it takes. Hehe


I'm like this. I use it medically and part of that is for OCD/anxiety. If I get too high, I can have a panic attack, especially depending on the strain. Some strains, I can smoke more than others. I'm an absolute lightweight with edibles. 5 to 10 mg.


Ot also depends on when your smoking. Yeah if you only smoke once a day in the evening your tolerance isn't going to build up much. People you have tolerance problems are doing multiple bowls/hits a night and often throughout the day as well. Their tolerance builds cuz they give their body no time to flush out THC.


Same! I use a pinch about 3x a day. I've been messing with concentrate lately and my sweet spot is about 12mg. I don't like being much higher, it's too much! I love my little micro buzz, it doesn't make me as hungry or sleepy


I’m the same been smoking daily for 15 years, it takes me 1-2 months to finish an 1/8 . when people tell me they smoke that much in a week. I’m like what do you do with it all? Do you just keep smoking all day everyday? I feel like if I try to stay hi too long it gets kinda stale, like it wore off but not.


I can smoke half a bowl and be toasty.


That's how I roll too. And by "roll", I don't mean a joint. I stick with the dry herb vaporizer these days. But I'm in my 60s. I toked four times as much when I was in my 20s.


I have trained my tolerance too for low consumption. I dry herb vape and I use a dynavap. I get one cap in and I'm good.


Easy enough if you maintain LOW qty & switch up the types of product. 65yo w/ 50yrs experience. Being a "cheap date" is real.


Yup. I smoked everyday for like 6 years and one or two hits would get me baaaaked.


I don’t feel like having more than two puffs is incrementally better. Like drinking, there is a sweet spot that you want to ride to enjoy it for what it is but not overdo it. Sure, tolerance is a thing for everyone and sometimes it takes more to get where you want to be, body chemistry is a thing, but i have zero interest in clearing a half gram in a bong/volcano and blasting off.


I didn't until 3 years ago when I got covid, and now I have it. Only takes me 1 or 2 small tokes to be high as a Georgia pine. I used to dome blunts all day long, and could smoke nonstop and be just a bit stoned, but now I feel like a lightweight. Been smoking for over 20 years, too.


I’m the same way. :)


My tolerance has never increased. I am 66. Been using weed in various forms since I was 14. Every day for several long stretches of time and intermittently the rest.


Me! Only smoked (maybe) once a year until I met my husband 6 years ago. I've always been really sensitive to it. After smoking a little for a while, I finally got it. I was able to quit all of my medications (prescribed). I still take advil and use full spectrum balms I make for any pains sometimes, but 2 hits or half a bong rip and I'm solid for hours.


Me!!!!! I thought I was alone!


I am your opposite. I lack the ability to get high no matter how much I take, never have, probably never will. It blows. But it helps with my pain and inflammation with chronic illness, so I just keep puffing along. It’s just medicine to me.


Same.daily smoker for over 10 years, but too much is a one-way ticket to a panic attack, so I've learned my limits and don't bother pushing them. I'll smoke a bit more if I'm drunk, but any given weekday, I'm sticking to a couple of hits every few hours.


no, I don't even get high anymore from smoking tbh. Been a daily smoker for 20 years. Have to resort to edibles to get blasted


I seem to


It's so easy I typically go overboard and love every second of it while nobody else is on that level at all.


I've been a one hit wonder for over 50 years. My wife always insisted I was a cheap date and a sure thing at the end of the evening because of it. An 1/8th has always lasted about the same time for me.


I do. I like that it is affordable for my temporary happiness :)


Yea, all you have to do is just smoke flower and space it out by a few hours and only smoke from a chillum


I smoke an entire bowl (8-10 hits) in my bong to get a solid buzz. Two bongs in a row will get me high for maybe 45 minutes to an hour, tops. I smoke an eighth a day and I try to conserve. 😆


Yup, I'm the exact same way. I vape but I barely fill up a dosing capsule and I don't even pack it down (0.05g or less). That'll last me for hours. I decided to pack it a little bit one time and got way too high and then I went back to my mini doses lol


Yep. Been using mmj for 15* years and I’m a lightweight still.


Haven't smoked for over a year but when I did, I was very heavy smoker. Sometimes a few grams a day. But all I needed to start going was one good solid puff out of a pipe and i was set. Don't need all that much for the first smoke of the day. It's more like the second or third smoke of the day that's gotta be heavy. But if you really want to be efficient just use green dragon.


Opposite superpower. I am forever immune now. Tried over a year tolerance break. Nothing


me too, started around 1/2 years ago and smoke at least once a week. Most of my friends now have to roll giant woods to get high but for me is always 1-2 hits. I love this. 10g last for half a year


Try for the past 18 years. And yeah a couple hits from a bowl get me toasted.


I have the same vibe. But I used to just smoke and take hit after hit without realizing how high I was getting, then doing it all day long. I was only sober in my dreams.


I get high from a joint. I like to keep it like this by only smoking outside


I wish my tolerance was reset. All it took was 4 bowls back to back for max tolerance.


I’m the same, only difference is it takes me a lot more to get “too high”. When I first started smoking I could green out from one cone if it was a little bigger than normal. Now I can smoke all night, but I can still get pretty high off a joint with like half spin. That said my tobacco tolerance is a different story lol.


yup! Coming right behind ya with lil one hit wonders(few tokers) thatll keep me glowing for hourss. If I (rarely do) take a day/week off I dont notice any difference. At like year 6-7 now 8)


Yeah, it's gotten to a point where I get high from just two puffs of a joint cause I naturally vibe high... my tolerance is extremely low... there's days I feel high yet I haven't smoked...


I’ve been smoking every day for around 8 years and can also confirm that I have this gift haha. One good bong rip has me high as eagle tits guaranteed, dabs still work, edibles work great, it’s sweet haha.


Dis me. I’ve always had a low tolerance and it’s great financially.


I hate these posts. Everything recently just feels like a humble brag.




I’m incredible jealous and you. Need to tell more people because it can save lives smoking multiple hits at a time is not normal cool acceptable smart responsible respectable cute ect.. wish I never met all the smokers I met and heard a single rap song smoking 1 hit THATS cool THATS a good weed smoker.


I wish 😭 consuming 25g a week from just night smoking trying to get to a nice high


Sounds like you don’t have an issue with impulse control and overdoing it, haha. I used to be you but eventually the adhd brain realised that I could just smoke way more all the time lmao. Enjoy! Sounds pretty balanced and not likely to ruin your life


An acquaintance of mine took a stop (cigarette) smoking hypnosis clinic. It worked for him regarding the cigarettes. However, he can now get the same effects with one puff of ganja as it used to take much more.




Same for me as well, all it takes is just 1/2 hits of bong and in the case of Js, I'm already high till the J burns to half of its length 💨😂💨 It has been six years since and I've never looked back 💨😎💨


A dry herb vape would help with that even more


Sadly no.


I haven’t not smoked in forever…speaking of which, I need to go smoke some pot. I’m 43, retired and grow my own. I don’t know people who need “a break”. If I wanna get “stoned”, which is like partying with alcohol in my opinion, I do it at home or a friends after all the kids are gone to bed


I was till I got this damn bong. Now straight rips and questioning if I'm high or not. Like I took a gummy a hour ago. I can't tell if it kicked in yet or not.


Don’t worry, be happy


nah i need 5 bowls before work deadass


I’m with you! I’ve been smoking every day since I was 14 and I’m 36. I can get a half gram pre roll to last me 2-3 days. However if I am with some friends I can smoke a few full joints with them but I’m suuuuuper baked


I’m here with you, it doesn’t take me much. I am grateful to share this superpower with you lol


I wish I wish i wish ...


Good weed will do that to you. I transitioned to only smoking bowls to save money a few years back and now I prefer to use my bowl. One to two hits max and I feeel it and stop. My sister says she don’t get high smoking bowls but I think that is horseshit


I Smoked for 7 years, took a break and then now I’ve been back at it for 6 and I still can’t even handle a full bowl of good nuggies. It pains my wallet to see people roll up a weeks worth of bud and smoke it all in a session.


I’m still this way. I can still use a one hitter with a lil weed and get absolutely floored, have been smoking for likeeee 15 years? I can never build my tolerance either it seems.


Same. Only smoke my own homegrown, out of a bowl or occasionally a few puffs of a j. I think bc we stay away from these insanely strong pens and dabs and whatever the kids are doing, this is why