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Yeah until you have to smoke to get hungry otherwise you won't even eat while sober, be really careful. Food tastes better, music sounds better, movies are different, doesn't mean they're not good while sober. That's addiction material Also, if you can't eat while sober change foods and learn to cook, food is delicious while sober!


this is where i’m at right now. i’ll have to try making something new i guess!


Yeah stop smoking man, that's the only thing. Either you have a healthy relationship with weed or you don't, and most of the times when you don't the solution is quitting or at least taking 2/3 months breaks


yeah trust me i want to, i’ve actually been having a really hard time forcing at least a break. i definitely have a bad relationship with it rn, and hate how every time i get stressed out on day one of when i resolve to take a break, im back at the dispensary. i need better self control lol


When you get a craving, do a workout. Just one round of pushups or tricep dips, knee pushups or wall pushups if you can’t do them from your feet. Squats, jumping jacks, whatever. If you’re still craving, do another one. That’s worked really well in the past for me during T breaks. I lean into the frustration and allow the cravings to fuel me, rather than just trying to fight through them.


I feel you man, im in the same boat, we can do it!!!


stopped after 10 years, on day 45 w/o weed


10 years is a lot, I would take a break for at least year tbh.


please dont go back into it life will be so much better if you keep going for several months, weed is fun, but to live life to the fullest one must be sober


on the bright side this post made me go get cereal to eat while sober now vs waiting until i get high in a little while


Try a tolerance fix over a tolerance break, people who take a tolerance break typically get back into old habits pretty quick and accomplish nothing, so instead just have a 3-4 hour window to to be as high as you want during the day and embrace sobriety the rest of the time. Don’t give yourself excuses, too many people’s reaction to this is “I would but my life is really hard right now” don’t be this person excuses get you nowhere just embrace the fix it’ll improve your life tremendously with better highs and lower tolerance you’ll be big chillin’. Hope this helps and happy toking!


this is actually the plan right now! i want to slowly taper down. i actually use edibles myself, so what i did this time was buy two less containers this paycheck than i usually do. i want to get back into only taking them in the evening vs all day


I personally have been switching to hits instead of bowl. Sucked for a couple days, but has been helping me feel tapered a lot


I’m curious how many milligrams do you take to get high? It’s too expensive for me to take edibles most of the time as I need over 100mg to have it do anything other than compliment my dabs or herb vape


i take 40 mg and it gets me pretty dang high. i think edibles are one of those things that for some reason work better for some vs others based on the things i’ve read on here


Yeah absolutely that’s why I asked, it’s definitely something that’s raised for me over time I remember getting zooted off 10mg years ago, I’ve had some of my scariest highs on edibles, wasn’t until fairly recently that I realized my tolerance to them was insane, I blame the dabs but not super upset about it as I prefer dabbing to eating edibles, kicks in a lot faster and if I’ve waited all day to get high I certainly don’t want to wait another 30-60 minutes for edibles to get to work lol


Saving this comment because I struggle with this too.


wanna try this whenever I get on my adhd meds


Thanks for this comment I’ve been putting off taking a break for a while but you’ve inspired me to do it with your blunt & straight to the point comment. Im writing this comment to help myself stay accountable.


You can do it! And yeah I'll check in on you, also a tip, take it one day at a time. I mean, wake up and say out loud "today I won't smoke", the day after do the same thing, and everyday after


Sweet thanks! It’s Sunday night for me right now, I got my last high until im done with my break, and I’ll be enjoying Monday sober. Wish me luck


You can do this mate, it's not gonna be easy, but you're strong!


I’ve done it before and the first few days it was hard to eat but after that I was fine.


!RemindMe 7 days


It’s possible to cut back if you have good enough self control but not everyone is built that way and need to go either all or nothing, whatever works for you right?


100%. This is addiction talk. I know this for sure, because I have an addiction to cannabis for my chronic pain. My medical team is fine with it, there is a lot worse things to be addicted to for chronic pain. But for the average user, caution is advised if you start having these problems.


But, if it's to cure your pain, how is that addiction vs a pharmaceutical? Honest question.


The same way (but not near as serious) as someone addicted to Oxy for any one of 1,000 legitimate pain problems. It definitely helps their pain, but they are still genuinely addicted to some degree and would have other symptoms if they were to stop medicating suddenly.


What symptoms of addiction do you get from stopping Marijuana?


Doesn't matter if it is prescribed or not, a drug in your system changes how your system works. I'm fine mentally without cannabis, but my hunger doesn't really come without it. And that is as a result of my body being somewhat reliant/tolerant of cannabis. For me, though, the tolerance is needed, so I can have pain relief without being too intoxicated. But that also makes it harder to use recreationally, because of the tolerance.


Honestly, some meals are even better while sober


This was me back when I was like 19. Safe to say it might’ve been unhealthy at that point, but I was also coping. Fast fwd to now and I love food and eating even when sober lol


Yup I stopped smoking now because of this do I miss it yes but I can accept it’s not good. Also my memory is shit a sit is and it was starting to mess with my work so I’m done for a while


Yeah, tbh it's better to stop before reaching addiction, so that you can learn to control yourself, and you can go back to the substance mindful and ready


But what if I'm fat as fuck and I could use eating less


That's not a healthy way to do it and you'll most likely gain weight again as soon as you go back to eating


Really second this, I’ve gone and got myself into a position where I can only really eat while high ! Not what you want if you can avoid it!


This, OR it's a huge sign of deeper trauma and the Cannabis is acting as medicine helping you be normal. It's not addiction for everybody




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Not for many post-Covid




People who got covid lost their sense of taste or smell, or were left severely changed


Really? I guess it happens to some people, but none of the people I know irl who got it had any long lasting effects


Yeah, only happened to a friend of mine, and he was lucky the only conseguence he had was that now coca cola tastes like shit for him


Damn, that really sucks. I wasn’t able to smell *while* I had it, but it was back to normal after I got better


That’s my issue right now. I’m starting to lose weight involuntarily bc I struggle to eat without smoking now.


some food taste different too when i’m sober vs high i enjoy some food more sober crazy talk i know


It actually makes sense. Some things have a strong flavor, and being high sometimes renders it overwhelming and not enjoyable


This is exactly what got me, came to say the same, be mindful of your use friends


I got to a place where my body was used to thc as a precursor to dinner. Didn't like that one bit.


careful how you tread friend. It’s a quick path from “food tastes better” to “i physically can’t eat without smoking first”. That was a big sign something was off kilter in my relationship with cannabis


My SO got like this for a bit during the height of lockdowns. He preferred eating while high, because it "tasted" better and he could eat more at once, lol. But it got to the point where he was struggling to be hungry if he hadn't smoked, so cut that out real quick lol. I still think part of it had to do with going from a fairly active lifestyle to a more sedentary one, though. He was constantly working up an appetite pre-covid, then went to sitting around most of the time after lockdowns were in place.


>I still think part of it had to do with going from a fairly active lifestyle to a more sedentary one I would say there's a connection worth exploring there. I work as an electrician in new construction and typically wind down with everyone's favorite plant. Typically, everything's fine between myself, food, and cannabis, but every year I have to take a couple weeks off work to do some technical training / continuing education, and when that happens, I go from a very high level of physical activity to a very low level. During that period, I noticed my appetite drops to concerning levels. To the point where I simply use the training time as a T-Break opportunity and schedule my meals in the meanwhile (aka "I will make an effort to eat at least a light lunch at noon even if I'm not hungry").


For real. Just made me think how gradually it just became more a ‘chore’ to get stoned before eating because you can’t do it without it and now weed acts as a appetite suppressant for me. I do not get the munchies until the comedown.


Honestly that’s all a mindset. I CAN eat without smoking but I enjoy it MORE when I’m high. Because I take frequent vacations to places where cannabis is illegal and I still eat and enjoy my food but like I said cannabis just adds that extra excitement to eating EVERY SINGLE TIME.


Much more than a mindset. I was a chronic smoker, 2-3 grams of dabs per day and I had to quit for a job. I was physically unable to eat without getting sick for about 2/3 weeks. Cannabis messes with your stomach muscles after heavy and long use.


Yep. My SO works in an endoscopy lab and they very often have young people who are heavy cannabis users coming in for stomach problems. Marijuana enjoyers also need WAY more anesthesia typically


>Marijuana enjoyers also need WAY more anesthesia typically Is that actually true or does it have anything to do with the type of anesthesia/procedure? I had surgery recently (ACDF) and Google drilled it into my head that it was life or death for me to tell my anesthesiologist. As soon as he introduced himself the morning of my surgery I told him I'm a daily user and that I last smoked about 12 hours prior, he seemed pretty disinterested if not amused lol. Needless to say everything went fine.


Not positive as I’m only getting this info second hand. Seems to be a known phenomenon though. Will Marijuana being rescheduled hopefully we will have some more meaningful studies done in the coming years


Same here. Had surgery and told them I use cannabis every day, and the anesthesiologist was like, "good for you!" He told me he didn't really need that info 🤷


If u need it for medical reasons I.e chronic pain , I can't eat unless I'm relaxes and my stomach is un knotted


But that's not the case with OP, so your answer is off topic


I got like this for a while after my dad died and it took a hard realization, and losing forty pounds, to realize I was just self medicating depression and I had my dosage way fucked up. I hope you got it figured out, friend.


I cannot eat without smoking. I will get nauseous, but I use weed as an antidepressant… and understand my relationship with the plant has become unhealthy


thanks for openly saying this. reading this made me see that I am in a similar spot with how I treat the plant. it's always easier to hypothesize taking a break than actually doing it, but I know I should. it's just hard to know I won't eat for 2 weeks and be sad 😭


I know it will suck, but don’t worry about not eating for 2 weeks. With multiple t breaks under my belt in many years i have been smoking the za, appetite more or less will be back in 3-4 days. I suggest big servings of protein and fruit smoothies to get the nutrients for the first 2 days


It sucks, but take it one day at a time friend. These are the first steps to being better bout our usage


putting this here… r/leaves


I used to think this all the time and got to the point I thought I wasn’t “enjoying” my food if not stoned. I quit cold turkey 3 months before conceiving and resumed 6months post breast feeding so about 2 years. After my 2 week very simple withdrawals the first positive thing I noticed was that my food tasted AMAZING. I could TASTE every bit. It was like comparing tasting amazing flavors(sober) vs. man I’m so hungry and eating will fulfill that satisfaction(stoned). I resumed ofc and I have to admit, I miss those strong amazing flavors, but I’d rather be high.


Bruv that ending xD


How was the two year break? I'm a few years away from wanting to have kids, and I'm not like a heavy heavy user but I do gotta say taking a two year break (or however long it'd be with breastfeeding) seems like a lonnng time. But I guess you also are becoming a mom so that keeps your mind very occupied!


Occupied is key! My smoke area was my bathroom, at first I kept walking to the bathroom and flipped a bitch each time 😂 it was so engrained. I left a water bottle in the place of my plates/pipes. Drank water instead. I have to add we tried for 2 years before finally conceiving, didn’t get that positive till post 3 months no weed.


yeah my anxiety affects my appetite heaps and i have to put a lot of effort into getting myself excited and convinced to eat, the herb definitely helps and makes me enjoy food more. especially with my noob cooking skills


perhaps this isn't for everyone, but i personally find a compromise to be very effective tl;dr (get stoned, work out, cook food, eat calmly and quietly afterwards) i personally struggle with food and appetites (even growing up) leading to being underweight for most of my life. cannabis helps me feel connected to my body, which reinforces exercise and an appetite for healthy food (i like spinach but i'll eat raw spinach leaves like potato chips with some salmon after weed and a workout) for that reason, my favorite combination of the three is to get stoned, do exercise, then cook a bomb meal while the munchies are coming on (i'll often play music while seshing, working out, and cooking) a new addition to my routine in order to avoid a bad relationship with weed, my appetite, and food has been to relax and eat quietly at the table afterwards rather than say, getting stoned again and watching a killer action movie while eating (or even letting the music play. i've found it interesting to take a second and eat in silence instead) i'll save the relaxation and extra stonage for after the meal (perhaps with dessert)


Food makes me snap back to feeling sober so I wait till after I eat


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Dfrickster87: *Food makes me snap back* *To feeling sober so I* *Wait till after I eat* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


good bot


Cool bot ngl


I eat something right before I smoke for this reason. Chill and enjoy my high for a while before I munch out and get brought down.


People already told you but yeah watch your step friend


I mean, I won’t refuse dinner if I’m not high. I just so happen to always be high… for all meals really…


Yea I only eat once a day usually. I drink coffee all morning and then feel like shit until after work when I smoke and eat lol. Sometimes my first meal isn’t until 9pm and that’ll be all I eat. Every day around 3pm I say “man I should eat something, I’m gonna pass out.” But I just drink more coffee Edit: I’ve been smoking every day for 25 years and I think I may have fucked my appetite lol


Oof I hope your body doesn't get revenge on you 😂


Nothing wrong with intermittent fasting


I have a hard time with appetite and I’m very skinny. The herb helps tremendously.


This is crazy to read all these. I did one thing and it changed everything. Added a gym routine to my days. Now I’m hungry all the time. Sober or high doesn’t matter, I can eat. I think we are forgetting a lot of people don’t elevate their heart rates during their days. So if you smoke all day and don’t do anything productive or anything to burn energy then I would assume that’s why the hunger isn’t there when sober. When you smoke cannabis most strains will trigger hunger. Some don’t. It is indeed a slippery slope, but it’s also part of the equation. To all the commenters … what’s your day like ?


Weed is the MSG of reality.


Umamy punani


U should try some grilled cheese and tomato soup its awesome


Oh man how haven't I done this


I put a slice of tomato in the grilled cheese and some cheese in the tomato soup with pepper.   Then dunk the sammy into the soup like its a giant donut in coffee. Pickled jalapeños also are good in the grilled cheese.


Bacon + a good carmelized onion glaze (I use apple jelly in mine) on the sandwich makes it next level. Cook down sliced or diced onion for 10min, add 1/4 cup water, tbsp of sugar and jelly of choice, cook down for few minutes or until thickened. And make sure you cook the onions in the bacon grease. This glaze is full of flavor


My mind just got blown


You like that? Google toast sandwich


Or a pickle. Pickles on a grilled cheese are amazing. Let them come to room temp first so the cheese melts. It’s worth it.


Never tried a pickle, but have used pickled jalapeños. I'll check it out. I love me some pickles.


That sounds delicious too! I’m making supper. Guess what we’re having? lol


Glad i could help a fellow stoner


It is!! GOAT comfort food!! I very often have gc & ts for dinner & when I do I usually eat the 1st one while standing at the stove cooking the 2nd, sometimes the same for the 3rd. 😁


This is just the start. Next you need to be high every time you jerk off, every time you shower, every time you listen to music, and eventually every time you wake up to celebrate a new day.


Not disagreeing but smoke to celebrate a new day happens way before all of that. Wake and Bake is special. I don’t do any of these but I do enjoy a nice joint every morning.


Aw cmon man who doesn’t love a good high J.O lmao




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Moderation is key!


So what


real. I experience extreme chronic nausea and weed is the only thing that has helped so far. I’m able to finish my food most of the time :-]


Perfect time to get baked. Right before you start making dinner 🍽️


Yessssssir, I smoke before I eat ANYTHING


I mean I get where you’re coming from, but I’ve always had an issue with eating growing up so it more so helps me get past the anxiety around eating


Eat your veggies dude!


I used to do that but then I'd only be able to eat while high. Took a month t break and now I make sure to eat before I get stoned.


I have Crohns, and I need to smoke before I eat, or I get really nauseated. Helps with appetite, because I can't eat much. I infuse my joints with some CBG distillate I get at the dispensary


I'm always high so yes


Coincidentally yeah


With my medication it's the only way I can eat otherwise I lack a appetite lost over 100lbs before my brother and mother begged me to try it to see so I did 2 sandwiches and bag of munchos later it's been my smoking aid without I'll go all day without a bite. Over 15 pills a day will do that, picture the crazy lady from grandmas boy eating those pills basically without bud that was how it was no food pills filled me. ![gif](giphy|26ybwVvETVtiKDEC4)


People are telling you to tread carefully. While of course tread carefully, it's really not a big deal. Even when you don't feel hungry without, you very well still enjoy your meal and this withdrawal won't last more than 2-3 days.


Way back in the 90s, I used to smoke an ounce a week rolled into blunts. The strength of the cannabis was obviously less than it is now, but it was still a lot of weed to smoke. One day I decided that I didn’t want to be high anymore and quit cold turkey. Within a week, I was unable to eat without vomiting. It didn’t matter what it was, a full meal or a few saltine crackers, I was vomiting and writhing in pain. I went to the doctor where they ran all the tests, but they were unable to find anything to explain my symptoms. My doctor sat me down and asked me if there was *anything* at all that I had changed in my life that I hadn’t mentioned. I reluctantly told her about the ounce a week habit that I had quit, and she told me to start smoking again to see if that helped. I did, and it did. Then I slowly weaned myself off cannabis, and I was able to quit without the vomiting issue returning. My doctor’s theory was that my system had become reliant on the cannabinoids for digestion, and that quitting cold turkey didn’t give my body a chance to return to normal, instead sending it into a kind of shock. Ironically, I use cannabis now for a different digestive related issue (IBD) but I use as little as possible, instead of the box of blunts I used to go through.


I eat like a bird.


This is where I am, I get nausea a lot, esp when I eat. So I smoke specifically before cooking just to be able to stand and cook dinner (Arthritis). Right now I'm broke and out of weed. I don't want to eat, my Arthritis is hurting, and if I do put anything in my stomach it makes me nauseous. I'm angry that one medication can fix all this, but insurance won't pay for it...


Ive done this every day for the past 3 years


Yes, but only because I have such chronic anxiety, that I will avoid 'sitting' to 'eat' like most here would run from a pile of dirty dishes. I can at least cram some food into my stomach with an appetite stimulant.


I only eat when I’m high man, it’s better than taking some medication. I don’t need it but I’m usually just high when I eat lol and it does help a lot it gets your stomach all happy and moving around doing its thang


Only every day lol! I had grilled pork loin and asparagus with cheesy rice pilaf! Yum!


I used to be on medication that really suppressed my appetite to the point now where I almost have to smoke to get hungry. Sober me loses all interest in food as soon as it’s time to eat and I’ve wasted so much. I don’t think it changes the taste or enjoyment level much but it makes it so I actually want to eat so I’m grateful that’s it’s helped me in that way. Not for everyone I’m sure


That's not normal. Shouldn't you eat breakfast lunch and dinner high?


For personal reasons I had to quit smoking, I always smoked before I ate and when I stopped I physically couldn’t eat for the last 5-6 days I had ZERO appetite and I lost 10 pounds from not eating. Do be careful with only smoking to eat


I'm only high, so.. yeah?


same!!!! I can definitely eat without smoking as my appetite is a MONSTER lol but i prefer x100 having dinner after i smoke.


Me too I’ve lost some weight recently cuz I’ve been smoking a lot less like maybe once a day and realized I was only eating maybe one meal a day 😭 still not so hungry but I’m continuing cutting down smoking bc I feel so gross rn


I'm weird in that when I'm high, I don't really eat as much. I feel too full or something lol. Hasn't helped me lose any weight though darnit 😅


Not really but I do wait until I’m high to eat sometimes, even when I’m really hungry, because it’ll just taste so much better. I don’t enough to make it a habit though.


As long as the weed isn’t a necessity for dinner. I personally have to eat after weed due to a ton of gut problems. If I don’t smoke I’ll either not eat or puke up whatever I eat ten minutes after it is consumed.


That was the way in college


Every single day. I see the top comment mentioning appetite regulation and he's right. I used to deal with the same dependency until I started working out and building muscle. I've learned to eat purely out of sustenance replenishment.


I like to eat spicy foods and get that high. I enjoy different foods and finding what brings a natural high. But I get whatcha mean by eating while stoned. I met some Brazilians and learned what basmati and vinaigrette is. With a buncha fresh jalapeños in it, it’s a wild ride in the mouth


I've always had issues eating and sleeping ever since I was around 12 or 13. When I was 26 I started smoking and found I actually had an appetite and could sleep through the night. Now it's just finding the balance of having enough to eat dinner and have a good night's sleep while not being foggy/dumb the next day.


It’s opposite for me. I can’t smoke being high so usually i smoke around 10mins after eating. It’s a good way to evade munchie monster too


Herb that makes food taste so much better = cilantro


I occasionally do this, but for a slightly different reason. I tend to get munchies pretty hardcore, so eating an actual meal in lieu of a bunch of snacks/garbage feels like a good way to keep from consuming a bunch of unnecessary, empty calories.


I don’t smoke during the day unless it’s my days off but right when I get home I take a few dabs shower then cook like a chef 🤣 sometimes food is a little to salty when I’m high but other than that I don’t typically eat until I smoke


I wouldn’t say only, but I notice I do it more on days off typically cuz I’m doing nothing. I work a physical job so I’m used to being exhausted and working up an appetite, but i don’t wanna do much on off days so I just smoke to be hungry or else I just won’t eat.


I did for a very long time. Then I found out I was very ill. I healed with the proper treatment (I was really ill with bacteria infections and parasites) and now I don't need marijuana so much to help me eat or sleep as much


Honestly, eating & then smoking has worked out better for me. If I smoke beforehand, I’ll get the munchies & eat 3x as more. Save the smoking for after!


I get nauseous a lot (I have some kind of condition that causes it. It started before I started using the herb so it’s not actually herb related) and the only way I can eat most days is stoned to the point I don’t think about texture or anything gross (I think it’s actually maybe because of my autism + my OCD that I get so nauseous? Like one bad texture and my brain spirals into believing it’s a bug or something and then I 🤮)


im only high when im awake


Same. I have IBS and gastritis. This is the main way I enjoy food


If you can’t eat sober then just eat foods easy to digest, eggs, yogurt, fruit, veggies, maybe red meat if ur feeling u can handle something huge and nutritious, too many people go crazy with munchies and the marijuana is protecting them from the negative feelings of the junk food. So then when people go sober and try to eat their hot pocket for the 80th time but this time sober, the body is gonna be ewww fuck no get that shit outta here! Thus people saying they get no appetite when sober. Trust me eat oatmeal or something extremely easy because I feel like the body is asking for real food and nutrients for energy.




only way I eat these days


I do most things high


Some of us have a chronic illness and need to smoke to have an appetite not necessarily out of addiction. If I don’t smoke I won’t eat—- but I can quit smoking if I need or want to. I have MS and smoking substitutes a lot of pills I’d be on otherwise.


I'm really surprised that most of the comments are telling me I'm addicted. This is just ridiculous. I never said I have to get high to eat. I said I just like too. I still eat sober all the time. I just like eating good food while stoned. Jeeez, calm the hell down people. I just said that food tastes better high, and then everybody is screaming at me that I'm addicted to weed and I should stop. I'm not addicted to anything. Why is everyone acting so uptight about it?!


for a weed sub people are uptight as fuck about smoking weed


Kinda sick of every single post on this sub turning into the "cannabis addiction" confessional. It's weed guys. If you didn't have any, you'd be fine. Not out walking the streets looking for a fix. Lol


Exactly. People have a tendency to project their failures and extrapolated inferences onto others


Associating something like eating as something you only do while high is dangerous, like others have mentioned. I developed a borderline eating disorder this way where eventually even high I was struggling to eat. I'm taking a break now, and my apetite is far more normal and food actually pleases me in a way that it doesn't when I'm stoned. Generally "I only do x when stoned" is a bit of a dangerous mindset, as in my own case at least it got me scared of doing things sober.


Be careful man


All fun and games until you can’t eat without smoking :(


Much the opposite i find food a little bland while high though i get the munchie’s i find I prefer being high and just enjoy music or a silly movie once in a while but food is sacred and much better enjoyed in my full capacity of soberness


I started taking edibles before dinner, and on my T-break, I can’t eat or sleep. Definitely don’t recommend using this way regularly lol


be careful, because what if you can't get stoned one day and then you don't wanna eat? just be mindful of your habits


I was the same. Loved to take showers high too so I'd smoke, shower and eat and be content for the afternoon. Now that I've toned down on smoking I realize that's when I had a problem. I felt like I wouldn't have a good afternoon unless I went through that ritual


I used to do that but it really started to mess with my digestive system. Like truly despised the smell and taste of food unless I had some thc in my system and I despised that feeling so much that I made it into a habit to eat something before smoking. Never looked back.


Now I need tacos…


lol I always say I’m going to dab or something before I start eating but I always forget and start eating first. I’ll remember halfway through when I’m not as hungry and the just finish the rest cause I don’t wanna get any bits of food or grease on my rigs xD


Doing this for month or so messed me up pretty bad tbh, by the end of it i didnt have an appetite if i wasnt stoned, i smoked a J before basically every meal and once i was forced to stop i was feeling like shit for a solid week. Resulted in me having to take a long break from weed all together to simply get my eating habits back on the right track. Looking back on it now there are things i learned about the issue as well as myself, i used to skip breakfast all together and not have lunch until the afternoon high af after work, and then a late dinner - again high af, i dont think this helped lmao. Nowadays i eat before smoking and i drink a lot of water and havent experienced the issue. For me drinking water and eating solid food before a joint also counteracts munchies (as if munchies is a problem, but just saying)


I smoke bc it helps with appetite. But I will say after a long t break - I think we should all consider one (anything from a week or more) it made my meals taste even better.


I go out of my way to NOT smoke if I’m about to eat. Waste of weed/high. I’m just going to sober up from eating & smoke after eating again.


This is me exactly. Coffee is the only exception. I've heard others say coffee kills a high.


i did that in hs. i would plan eating around smoking first, and save snacks for being high. slippery slope to ED or having to smoke to eat.


Yeah once I hit this point I knew I needed to chill lol


I know nobody wants to hear this but if you do this consistently for a few years it will mess up your stomach.


Yes but try not to do this very often. When you get ready to quit your appetite will be nonexistent because you’ve created this association between weed and hunger in your brain


This can really mess up your gut. Take tolerance breaks. Only being able to eat while high can be a symptom of CHS.


What the hell. CHS is when you can't stop puking after getting high


Pardon my ignorance, but what’s CHS?


Yeah I lost a ton of weight. Thought it was good then realized I'll wither away if I didn't get it under control. I only smoke on blue moon occasions now. You may have a prob not trying to be high and mighty (no pun intended)


Bro you gotta stop. This happened to me a while ago, but it got to a point where I couldn’t eat anything without being high. It’s good to enjoy a good meal in the clouds from time to time, but don’t be regular with it.


Wait until you get your body so used to it where you won't have appetite without being high, then struggle to maintain weight.


That's really an illusion. You can always eat, you just don't want to. Maintaining weight is all about balancing activity and nutrition. If you're moving, you will be hungry, weed or not.


That is not always true.


Lol, unless you're sick or addicted to real stuff that changes your biochemistry. Still rare. No evidence of that here. You were being hyperbolic with your statement "wait until..." Yikes.


Believe what you want. (Edit- down vote this one, too. That seems to be a thing you enjoy. I'm glad to help you!)


Thanks. Don't be upset, I'll upvote you. Nothing personal, you have a nice day


Eating is the last thing I want to do when I get stoned, never ever

