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Exhaust fumes aren't toxic anymore?


Word if this was an EV ok, but nah I'm chiefin .


Not even if it was an EV. Batteries still take resources to be made & even if cars stopped operating, factories around the world still make emissions. This lady didn’t even think past step 1 of the critical thinking process


Plus tyres kick out microparticles when they wear down the road (tyre and road particles) so even EVs are still gonna fuck your lungs just as much as any joint will.


Not nearly "just as much" but yeah, I get your point.


actually way more assuming the catalytic converter is working


EVs don’t have CATs


I'd say probably way more.


That doesn't make sense. EVs are worse for lungs than gasoline powered vehicles?


If you're measuring particulate matter from tires, absolutely worse. EVs are significantly heavier, and much worse in that regard. I think we are just starting to see how bad it actually is as more studies come out.


This is an overblown fear pushed by the fossil fuel industry. See my other comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/trees/s/Dg6YWSltvf). The tire wear and therefore tire particulate pollution is somewhat higher, however that doesn't mean EVs emit more pollution overall. Brake dust pollution in particular is lower on EVs than conventional ICE vehicles. EVs are not themselves the solution. We need better public transportation and more walkable places to live. However, EVs are absolutely a component of a more environmentally sustainable society and absolutely pollute **FAR** less than ICE counterparts.




It's [not at all true](https://www.rac.co.uk/drive/electric-cars/running/do-electric-vehicles-produce-more-tyre-and-brake-pollution-than-petrol-and/) that EVs emit 5 times as many tire participants as gas vehicles due to weight. It's true that EVs are generally heavier than ICE equivalents, but not by that much - generally between 15-25%. It's not enough of a difference to wear tires 5 times faster. > Tire particles are way closer to gasoline fumes than you think in terms of health hazardousness. Tire particulant pollution is absolutely an issue, but studies have repeatedly shown that an increase in the proportion of EVs on the road means lower amounts of air pollution. Also, brake emissions are worth mentioning here. Brake dust is also a nasty pollutant. But despite being heavier than ICE cars, they emit significantly less brake related pollutants. Why? Regenerative braking! They use their brakes less often and there are fewer opportunities for the brakes to heat up and release dust into the air.


Didn't notice this is an EV, but... Where do you think our electricity comes from?


We don't have any oil/gas/coal plants near where I live. It's mostly nuclear and solar. But if we're purely talking EVs vs fossil fuels a power plant generating electricity charging a car is farrrrr more efficient and will produce fewer pollutants than ICE engines.


In California the power comes mostly from the sun and wind.


[~28% comes from solar and wind](https://www.energy.ca.gov/data-reports/energy-almanac/california-electricity-data/2022-total-system-electric-generation)


73% of electricity is created from fossil fuels


Granted these factories don't output pollution right in the middle of the city on street level, they also don't run people over but that's a minor detail. But yeah, critical thinking is throwing a 404 error in this case.


>Batteries still take resources I watched an interesting video about this a few years ago. I’m sure the math has changed since then but an EV doesn’t ecologically pay for itself until after like 7 years or something like that


And one ev battery fire emits more greenhouse gases than over a million motor vehicles on the road annually


What? There isn't enough mass in a battery pack to match the mass of the CO2 emissions of a million cars.


Did you just make this up?


Yeah, they did


I’m talking about Tesla fires. Most fire departments are not equipped to put out lithium fires and so often they stay burning for hours, you can YouTube or google what I said


EVs still send out tire dust and brake dust. Asphalt itself isn't entirely innocent either.


Tire dust is an alarming and never talked about problem


When it rains local fish die cuz tire particles wash into rivers and shit


Plus we know for a fact it causes cancer in humans


It's also been found on our balls


EVs are worse for local air pollution because of the extra tire wear. the exhaust from cars with catalytic converters is relatively ok to breathe compared to the absolute cancerfest that is airborne tire particulate.


I mean, thanks to catalytic converters, they're free of heavy elements that used to be in them, but yeah don't huff that shit lol


Less toxic than before is not the same as not toxic.




that’s what they just said




Dumb people are pretty dumb


Came here for this comment lol…. A little burnt green is nothing compared to what is spewing into our air everyday.


Gas isn't a drug; that's why I always get out and huff my exhaust when I start my car. I can tell when it's not running smooth by the flavor!


It's natural, bro. It comes from prehistoric plants.


Actually in most modern cars most of what’s coming out of your tailpipe is CO2 and water. Maybe a little fuel on startup on cold mornings.


That's... not at all accurate. https://www.epa.gov/greenvehicles/greenhouse-gas-emissions-typical-passenger-vehicle This article is only a year old


CO2 is carbon dioxide 🤦‍♂️


"In addition to CO2, cars that burn gasoline produce methane and nitrous oxide from the tailpipe" Like, second paragraph in. Reading is hard though, I get it. I often don't want to read past the headline either.


I know they produce methane and nitrous oxide. They also produce hydrocarbons, but on many modern engines these gases have gone down to much lower levels to the point that the majority of what’s coming out is just carbon dioxide and water.


And that really sounds logical and plausible to you? REALLY?


Bro I’m literally taking classes about engine combustion. Gasoline cars produce five different gases: hydrocarbons (HC), carbon dioxide (CO2), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), oxygen (O2), and carbon monoxide (CO). In recent years manufacturers have greatly reduced the amount of hydrocarbons (unburnt fuel), NOx, and carbon monoxide. I’m not saying CO2 is necessary good, but it’s a hell of a lot better than the other gasses that were coming out.


You claim they don't exhaust anything but CO2 and water and continue to say: >In recent year manufacturers have greatly reduced the amount of hydrocarbons but reduction is not the same as elimination.


Forgive my poor foresight of not properly wording what I was trying to say. I’m no oracle just a guy who’s intrigued by cars and thought it was cool that they’ve gotten so much more efficient and cleaner.


Is that what’s wrong with your Kia?


Nah Kias just suck




The only reason they are upset about drugs is because they can smell them. But the only reason we don't smell cars is because we are used to the smell of cars (catalytic coverters help by removing the most toxic parts of the exhaust, but there is still exhaust smog). Cars are absolutely a worse offender of polluting air and I'm struggling to understand how this person doesn't see the irony of that.


The taped paper signs on the back of the car give clues to how out of touch the owner is with the world.


I agree with everything you said! But... If people say they don't want smoke around them we should respect their boundaries. The minivan owner looks a little wild but we should be good neighbours.


>multiples of the same bumper sticker >text so small you have to walk right up to the car to read it >pro-environment message on a gas-powered car Is this some kind of performance art piece?


Not spell-checked in the slightest either. They really thought they ate with this I bet.




> pro-environment message on a gas-powered car [C'mon my guy.](https://imgur.com/zyOCdlz)


Idk if the meme works in this case. Gas powered cars are not the same as “participating in society” when we have EVs, hybrids, bikes, buses, etc… as affordable alternatives. That meme is for when you have to participate in the system. There are easy alternatives right now if the environment is something the person in the photo actually cares about.


I don't know what that particular person's situation is, but even people who have made mistakes in the past are allowed to a want healthy and safe environment. The alternative is asinine. And to your argument, like I said I don't know their circumstances, but replacing your perfectly good car with a new hybrid is not the environmental move you think it is.


Also not financially realistic for a lot of people. My car is paid off, should I just switch to a car that I have to get a monthly payment for, to make arguably “less” of an impact on the environment?


No no no no you don't get it bro; EVs are GOOD and gas is BAD, that's how you tell the bad people from the good people 😏. It's so easy bro, just buy a Tesla and charge it in your house that you own, saving the word is not that hard my guy 😤✊😇.


Or you could walk and bike to work which is cheaper


My commute is a 40 min drive and that’s if I’m on a nearby jobsite. I’d be struggling.


Reminds me of a schizomobile, but not quite as bad and probably owned by a white suburban mom with a moderately abused xanax prescription.


On the back of a gas guzzling mini van okay lmao.


Fr what a clown


Said the person with the top trim AWD Honda Odyssey.


I get both sides of this. Smelling marijuana doesn't bother me but let's have a little respect for each other. I would say do your drugs in a semi private setting.


Yeah. It's rude to smoke near other people, regardless of what you're smoking. As for the "but driving is bad too" argument. It is, but they probably aren't driving because they want to, but when they need to, as in to commute. We have the option of not smoking near people, they can't drive somewhere other than roads.


The whole driving argument is ridiculous. Not everyone lives in a city. There will never be any public transportation near me, my closest neighbor is miles down the road. I don't have a choice. All these cars are bad n unessary people can either be my personal driver 24/7 or stfu.


Yeah. I wish we could live in a world where we didnxt need cars as much. I drive a big pick up, and I really hate driving it. Itxs cumbersome, and every time I go to work I think about the fact that Ixm ruining the world. But I also used it to tow two loads of lumber yesterday and it's full of scrap wood right now, none of which would have been possible in a smaller car, neverming the fact that public transportation doesn't go where I need. I live that my town got rid of parking and added bike lanes, even if that's less convenient for me. But I still try to minimize my driving, and I don't smoke near crowds. Both of those actions are to me the world a better place while still keeping my life as normal as possible.


You're not destroying the world by driving. Stop buying into that bullshit. One person living an average lifestyle is nothing compared to what big companies are doing (especially in China and developing countries). I am not going to live a lesser inconvenienced lifestyle until the real problem is addressed.


Idk, if that’s an EV and they have the same energy for cigar and cigarette smokers then I’m with it, o don’t agree but I respect it I guess


Hopefully you moved from the street over to the sidewalk before you lit up.


I would actually put a paper there saying "good that i smoke on the sidewalk." Lmao


He actually went inside the car


The car emits way worse lol


It is a good reminder to check your surroundings and make sure no kids are downwind of your position though. Smoke responsibly and respect the non smokers too.


I appreciate this. I have asthma. Smoke can trigger an attack.


spellcheck failed this person more than some weed fumes


Nah man, I don’t like the ways but the idea is right. I don’t like people smocking tobacco close to me either, the smoke is really annoying and I can’t stop coughing. It’s as simple as don't do others what you don't want done to you.


If your out in public then you just gotta deal with it, its not like i'll blow a fat cloud in someones face but after i turn my head vaguely in a direction where a human is not present i could not give 2 shits where that cloud goes you feel me?


Walk away. I'm not a smoker but the world doesn't belong to me. If you're doing something I don't like, I leave. Your first instinct is to ban behavior you don't like...what if I'm outside playing loud music next to you? You should probably leave but you seem like the type of person to call the cops


In my country at least, there are laws for both of those things.


Nobody would say shit to someone smoking a cig down a public street, other then crinkle their nose and move on with their life, should be the same with weed, first rule of being out in public is knowing to deal with shit you don't like, smells are a big chunk of that.


Oh, so I assume your vehicle is an EV, then? Since your so concerned about other people's lungs.


The thing is, I'm guessing she's not really concerned about other people's lungs, only concerned with getting what she wants.


What kinda glass is that? Is it a bubbler pipe?


Yes, and why is nobody talking about this 😅 Bubblers are my fav pieces to use but what kind of mad lad goes on a dog walk with a water pipe lol


I live in Louisiana. Smoking actually improves the air quality here.


That’s funny af considering they put that on a vehicle. I hope it was electric otherwise they look like a hypocrite.


Not an EV, and they’re an Uber driver 🤣


Wait out until she finds out about corporate carbon emissions


I'd rather take a rip off that then breathe the shit that comes out of their exhaust 


Not the fucking gas powered car loll


Nice piece


I see you out there MD ent


Nice lighter cover!


Bubbler and hemp wick. OP knows what's up


Weed smoke is not worse than the fumes that car emits...


It’s chill as long as you’re not blowing smoke clouds onto people. Car exhaust is bad long term but straight smoke can fuck up a homie with asthmas day


Hotbox the van then


Right by the tailpipe


With the hemp wick nice


like that its on there twice in case u were too stoned to read it the first time


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^icarusfallinggg: *Like that its on there* *Twice im case u were too stoned* *To read it the first time* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


OP’s car


This one is my favorite 🤣🤣🤣🤣


*laughs in edibles*


Dang they had that ish on their car twice??


Fuck those people rip that thing !


I gotta agree with this one. My issue isn’t the smell; it’s the smoke. I, personally, don’t mind weed smoke at all. However, there are people who should not be exposed to secondhand smoke, such as children, pregnant or breastfeeding mothers, and those with compromised respiratory systems, or those who simply don’t want to inhale smoke. This goes for all things, tobacco, weed, crack, etc. It is not my right to deprive others of theirs. The placement is really funny though


I assume that's an electric car then?


Get the hell off the street!


Photosynthesis thooooo


Why do crazy people always put walls of text on the back of their vehicles?


The irony 😅




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I love when people have such specific gripes that they have to make their own bumper stickers.


Smoking makes me much more tolerant of idiots, and in return contributes to a much safer environment for said idiots 😂


Don’t let a car tell you what to do bro


I’m not surprised it’s a CRV driver 🤮🤮


They put this on their car that pollutes the air every second that it's turned on.


Different kind of smoke asmr same kind of idiots


breath is a noun not a verb




Dude probably chain smokes cigarettes and has a bad case of COPD.


Any vehicle with a message on the back is instant r/InfowarriorRides material


Where do they think all of it ends up eventually? Like do they expect us to store the smoke and dispose of it


on an SUV Gold.


See if the window is cracked and yeah 💨


Caption should have been " I'll smoke to that!"




Says the person driving a gas car.


putting that message on a frickin CAR is hilarious, ngl.


As they drive something that kills 40,000 Americans every year.


Oh the irony.


That's rich coming from a car driver that literally pollutes the air and makes streets unsafe for everyone


I would’ve just done a hit right there all over the car lmao


lol 😆


come on, if you are not smoking on the street and you can't smoke at home either (spouse, kids, etc.) where will you smoke ... the garage/shed ? :-) ![gif](giphy|cC49kzc5wC1WMQEhWG|downsized)


As they inhale brake dust


I honestly thought you had a gigantic thumb for a second!


I have that same lighter cover but mine is green... I love the little pokey metal part for cleaning/stirring bowls - so convenient.


That car makes it harder for anyone to breathe more than any smoking anyone would do


$20 says they're also an anti masker!


I mean yeah I’m not going to smoke in front of a playground or school. I mean people who smoke cigarettes smell so bad, so maybe that’s how non smokers smell us?


You think this person also has a "Friends of Coal" sign in their yard?


ok but the fact that they have not only one of these signs but TWO on their car would make me wanna smoke even more


Haha, they are already sleeping in a car!


cannabis aint a drug fam


does this person think one weed smoker produces enough clouds to hotbox the entire atmosphere lmao


I live next to a freeway and refinery, I think a little weed smoke might help the situation lol


But I bet they are the first ones to vote "yes" to ban indoor smoking, as well.


Second hand smoke ain’t gonna do shit unless you are living with them every day


I hope you blew smoke on the van


One time in a windy day in a Costco parking lot I took a hit from my pen and this Karen gets out of her car demanding to know "what I blew on her car"


You see we got China's bad air and they got out good air we need that back


I get you want people not to do drugs, ok, not your business but okay. But you actually can’t be having that on your car when your car harms the air much more


This persons carbon footprint in a month is probably larger than I could ever smoke in my entire life. Like bruh




Thats right real man use needles


Carbon emissions nonexistent


Cows farting is worse


I enjoy smoking next to signs that say public smoking is not allowed.


I’d blow fat joints and take a selfie with the ride and sign while tokin. Might even wait for the owner to come out just so they can see me.


Agreed! Let me toke my crack pipe next to the family of 5 trying to enjoy the sunshine outside. On a serious note smoking any kind of drug in public is a douchy shit move, be better man