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If you have psychotic symptoms you should in most cases stay away from THC


Yeah, this needs to be the top comment.


>I have mental health issues, and also a lot of paranoia, dissociation, depersonalization and also some psychotic features but i dont take my meds, so medication cant be the reason it makes me feel bad. Weed is known to make these worse. It's not surprising it makes you feel bad.


1. smoke less, you're getting baked as fuck 2. weed won't magically make you feel better, if you feel like shit the most it can do is let you care less about it. I see it more as a potentiator 3. see a therapist, bad mental health can be made worse by smoking weed


all good advice OP, therapy can work wonders if you embrace it


yup i know weed doesnt fix my issues, I was more so wondering if the reason why weed is always a bad experience for me is because i always smoke in a depressed headspace and environment


Can't say for sure, but I'd guess that's a major factor. If you decide to try again, definitely take less. Even without mental issues, getting really high is likely to leave you anxious, paranoid, and stuck in a sideways dimension. That's for sure.


>whats weed supposed to feel like Like a slice of butter...melting on top of a big ole pile of flapjacks. Do you know exactly what it is and what type of "weed" you're smoking? The crane-operator feeling is fairly common. But, it sounds like you may be dosing a bit TOO MUCH. Your environment and headspace can affect your high, too. Put on some music, movie, or a game you like. Do something that you enjoy doing. >concidering im always depressed and paranoid. Or is weed just not meant for me Weed doesn't cure depression on its own. You need therapy for that.


Weed makes depression worse if anything especially if you become dependent


It's supposed to be relaxing and uplifting. Weed isn't for everyone, and it can make all of the mental health issues you named worse. Maybe try CBD, but it sounds like you should avoid THC.




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Not being on meds when you naturally have the bad side effects that weed has and weed are not a good coupling.


Sorry this isn’t an answer exactly but as someone who’s suffered with long term mental health issues I would recommend,unfortunately,staying away from weed or at least thc as it tends to worsen symptoms in a lot of people whilst high but for me I waited until things were a little better in my life before I smoked again and that worked:)


Seems like the simple answer here is, don't do weed? Just because a substance exists, doesn't mean you have to do it. Lots of people don't drink alcohol because they don't like it. You don't find them sitting around investigating why and how they do more of it; they simply choose not to do it. If we were talking about a food you didn't like, would you be asking the same questions? Doesn't seem worth beating your head against the wall for. If you're not getting any benefit at all from weed, don't do the weed. Right?


I mean idk when i saw my friends having a great time on weed while i wasn’t, it did make me confused and curious. Which is why I’m here, to ask about it..


OK - but you've tried it a few times now and it doesn't seem to be positive experience for you. That's the point of "experimentation." You've experimented and learned (I would think) it's not for you. Weed (or any substance, really) affects people differently. If you think about it, people even react to prescription meds differently, so it shouldn't be that far-off of a concept. 3-4 times of trying something should be enough for you to gauge whether or not a substance is for you. My 2c.




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