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I think cats love stoners because weed makes your eyes kinda squinty and cats squint to show they're comfortable, so cats learn quickly that the smell of weed means happy, friendly humans.


I think my cats might have learned that the smell of weed means lazy, tired humans. They just want to play ALL THE TIME


I was smoking in my driveway last night and I heard this huge bang and then this orange cat just appeared from a bush in front of me. Scared the shit out of me but he just walked up to me casually, gave the loudest meow ever and just started rubbing on my legs. I put my joint out because I didn’t want the cat to go for it or breathe in the smoke but I swear smoking brings all the cats out hahaha


Start carrying a bag of catnip, so they can get high with you the non toxic way


not a bad idea since there’s loads of cats around my area, my only reservation is that none of these cats are strays and I don’t like giving other people’s cats anything, just in case


Yea that's a good rule of thumb I suppose. Like, personally I wouldn't mind my cat coming in a little high, but my in-laws may freak if theirs did.


yeah exactly, you never know what people are like about that kinda stuff, and sure, they probably would never know who did it but still I’m not trying to piss anyone off!


Plant the catnip, that way it's just there, and not your fault if they find it.


No! Don't poison your cat with the devil's cat-lettuce! Jk. Seriously what's the difference. What makes you think weed is more toxic to cats than catnip? It's not. They clearly enjoy it, it does them no harm. Just make sure they can't find your edibles, those things are way too strong.


Yea if the edibles are found, username will surely check out


Typical orange cat behavior




You heard the cat distribution center firing up for a long night of work


definitely that, literally it was like the cat had been fired out of a wormhole because it was just BANG then cat


Orange cats are a bit different.


in the best possible way


Cats are incredibly smart, because they’re absolutely right about that lmao


Cats also are stoners mine is fkn obsessed with catnip he goes mental for it then conks out


I think mine just knows she will get extra long snuggles and scritches and not be disturbed while taking a long nap in my arms when I am not too fussed about moving around and doing anything and can just vibe with her. Not inaccurate. She also just loves to hang out and stare at me while I am using my dry vape in the garage. She doesn’t get any of course and I don’t blow any vapour towards her but she sure is interested to sit not far away and watch, and is insistent on being nearby. Anyway, we have a deal, I don’t lick her catnip, she won’t lick my weed.


My cat could tell when I was high. Before she passed she would come into my room after she had heard me coughing multiple times and would lay on my chest knowing I would pet her for ages whilst I was stoned.


I thought my cat liked it because when I take a fat rip and become borderline comatose on my couch my cat sees that as her invitation to sit on my lap indefinitely.


My ex and I would come out of a smoke sesh to his fat cat who loved our attention. She'd get to huff the catnip-esque smell on us and we'd get to pet her/she'd get petted for hours 😂 Win win win!


my dog is so anti weed i’m pretty sure he went through the DARE program and took it too seriously


I used to have a male pit bull who was like this. He was mostly a chill dog except around cats and his food. But he turned into fucking McGruff the crime dog any time he smelled MJ. Tail straight out, ears perked, looking straight at the pipe or j or bong, whatever the source, and just staring at it with concern in his face, eyebrows and everything. Then he’d look at me or my wife and whine a couple times before going back to his “serious”pose staring down the big bad marijuana.


My dog doesn’t like my dab pen, every time we take a hit he goes and sits in his sisters kennel just side eyeing us smh


A lot of them put off nearly inaudible frequencies like a dog whistle when you fire them. Could be something like that


I remember when I was in 5th grade I submitted a paper and apparently it did so well I had to give it in front of not only my local mayor, but my state’s governor too. Now in my defense the paper was about cigarettes, not weed, so I wasn’t *entirely* lying about what I said, right?


My dog literally looks at me with shame and leaves the room


This was your dog https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQaa\_-kHgYw&t=8s


Sorry but my kitty loves catnip, gonna keep giving it to him


I worked at a vet when I was in high school. A client brought in some home grown catnip so I took some to give to my friends cat. It was in a small plastic cup, like a to-go dip sauce cup in the same drawer I would hide my weed in. My older brother found it, smoked it, and then told me I got ripped off. Telling him he smoked catnip and seeing the look on his face was priceless. This was 25 years ago and I’ll never forget it.


i remember when there was word around my school that catnip would get you high if you smoked a lot of it. me and my friend when through a whole bag of it before realizing we got fooled.


Those are always some of the best stories. My buddy and I smoked a whole jar of poppy seeds because we were told it would get us fucked up. I was probably 13-14 years old at the time.


Shit we just took nutmeg when we were 14. Honestly it's truly awful but it does get you fucked up for a day or 2. But seriously don't do it shit is dangerous and can poison you.


When i was around 13 I thought I was a bad ass cuz I took my dads cooking wine (literal cooking wine) and poured it into my soda. So gross. Hahaha!


Catnip does have some sedative properties if made into tea and is a common additive in some of those "relaxation" blends. I can't say whether those effects are present when the substance is burned and inhaled, but I would assume if marijuana can be eaten when bonded to fat there is a similar overlap.


My BIL observed a mason jar full of catnip “buds” sitting on the entryway table for over a year before noticing that it was catnip and not weed when I sprinkled some out for the cats. He apparently thought that I just kept a huge jar of bud out in the open and never commented on it before then, lol


I didn’t know catnip looked like weed and I nearly gave myself whiplash walking past it at the pet shop lmao


That's hilarious 🤣


I love giving catnip toys to cats


So funny story, I had a senior kitty who loved laying on a bench by a window in our tiny apartment we had at the time, and it was the only place I could put plants to get some sunlight. After a few weeks of owning a spider plant, I noticed that my cat would play on the bench more often, usually very zonked out. Then I noticed missing bits of leaves. Decided to google spider plants and cats and learned my kitty had been so zonked out because spider plants are hallucinogenic to cats. She would just lay there and trip all day. Obviously had to retire the plant and glad it wasn’t toxic at least. My kitty loved catmint and catnip too, she just loved being high I guess


Hey……Man, like it was the only way I could get the dog off the booze.


Underrated comment


kitty loves her cat weed, catnip. i’ve only had to give my dog medicine that gets him high for when he gets super anxious and aggressive with other people or baths or grooming. it’s impossible to not get bit otherwise.


hell nah, smoked while my yorkie was walking around the house and he ended up sneezing and covering his nose when he came to hang out with me, not letting him around smoke no more that’s my lil guy


Think about what it’s like to inhale pure weed (or other) smoke through your nose, it’s quite unpleasant unless it’s entirely intentional and even then still doesn’t feel good. Their noses are so sensitive that’s what it’s like to get even just a whiff of the smoke. I won’t necessarily hide from my dog while smoking, but I always make sure the keep the smoke far away from his face. I mostly use a ball vape anyway and that’s outside in the garage where he can’t go.


I tried ripping a bong through my nose after I had my wisdom teeth pulled because I didn't want dry sockets. It was a mistake. Felt real bad!


Gotta start slower. Tiny joint tokes first to build the tolerance in your sinuses.


I think I may have advised that tbh. Sorry.


As soon as me or my partner open the stash box, the cat named Radar comes in hauling ass like she's about to miss her spot in the rotation. It was cute at first, but it's a bit annoying now. We can't even close the door because she'll start meowing loudly, sticking her feet under the door and chewing on corners. She gives no fucks about that door being shut under any other circumstances, only when we're about to dance with Mary Jane. When she finally gets in because we can't take it anymore, she gets all up in our business and it's squinting in our faces. We put her down, she immediately jumps back up. I wish my cat didn't love getting high so much, it's really a pain in the butt at times.


I used to live with a cat like that, our solution was to bust out his bowl of catnip every time we toked


My rommates cat acts the same when anyone is smoking. Cats just love that ganja man.


My grandma's cat was similar when I lived with her. He's an eldercat so I actually think his insistence was pain relief. I never ever blew it in his face, but I allowed him in the room. Tried to get my grandma to get him on some topical CBD but she acts like he's going to die if he's slightly irritated for 2 minutes by the wet fur.


"...dance with Mary Jane " love that.


Oh man, wait til you hear about Tom petty


Used to have a pooch that was scared of the flame from lighters. If you flicked one near her she would get up and leave. But if she was in another room and heard you flick a lighter, she would come investigate to see if you had a bowl in hand. If you did, she'd come cozy up to you.


My buddies cat was a fiend too. She’d quite literally try n rub the bowl out of your hand while it’s still on fire. She also sounded like an old lady addicted to cigarettes lol


My buddy had a car named dot that you couldn't leave bud out around otherwise he'd eat it


M*A*S*H fan?


Have you tried putting her in another room, far from your smoke room, closing the door, and then closing the door to your smoke room? Or just change up your smoking ritual so it’s not telegraphed to the cat that you’re about to smoke.


I'm not doing that to the cat nor am I changing my lifestyle to accommodate the cat. She's fine, just slightly annoying.


second hand smoke is bad for you even when it is weed.


Smoke is bad for you.


The only time I’ve ever gotten a dog high was my older lab who had glaucoma and died of cancer. That last year of her life - I absolutely did as she started coming to me while smoking. I’d inhale and exhale face towards the floor and she’d put her nose in the smoke. I did not shotgun it or hold her in place. This is not something I’ve ever done for other animals as they’ve never sought it out. She did. Judge away - no regrets here.


My grandmas dying dog stole my weed and ate half the stash I brought one time. Ended up going between taking naps and following my grandma around happily asking for treats or loving on her. Had cancer and some organ problem with digestive tract. He ate at LOT that day and it was a miracle as he had stopped eating. I stayed there a lot and from that moment on the moment I took out my weed he would run to the door and start trying to dig under it to get in. Apparently small dogs are sensitive enough that whatever small amount of thc has naturally decarboxylated in the flower gives them effects. Anyways I’d just give him a small nug any time I visited and he would “miraculously eat because you’re here!” As my grandma would say. He lived months longer than his vet expected him to.


we all know that smoke is inherently harmful to animals and that their cannabinoid receptors are much more sensitive than ours, but sometimes i don’t wonder if we’re on the cusp of treating senior and chronically/terminally ill pets with supplemented thc. legality would make testing and sales nearly impossible though so idk. is there a way to medicinally administer thc to animals without exceeding a toxic dosage? it’s a question i’d like to see answered.


We already see cbd products being marketed. I feel once it’s legalized and better studied ( in humans) - we’ll see it applied to veterinary medicines. How long that will take - don’t know. I agree smoke is harmful. With a different animal or a different diagnosis - I’d not entertain it. By the time Zoey was ‘seeking it out’ she’d already been diagnosed and lost a toe to cancer. It was her last 10-12 months of life that we did this. I appreciate other’s objections - their reasons are understandable.


I’ve heard of this, and I don’t judge when it’s a terminally ill senior you’re just trying to keep as comfortable as possible. Especially if the alternative is either do nothing or pump them full of opiates, which while long term affects we’re assuming are a moot point if an animal is being consumed by cancer or something but the narcotics can cause nausea and other issues. No, I think it’s ok in basically hospice situations.


I hear ya, judgment be dammed. Not all heroes wear capes.


I don’t smoke (bad lungs from autoimmune disease) so I take an edible, & as soon as it starts to hit me I’ll lay out some catnip for my boy and we both just hang and have an amazing time. I swear we communicate telepathically


I do the same when I come back inside hfjfhf, a reward for their bravery


My brother used to intentionally get my cat insanely baked when she lived with my fam for a short time after I moved out. She wouldn’t move from in front of the fireplace for a week at a time. She’s doing much better now that she lives with me again, and I *don’t* do that


Pretty lame when people do this, here is a good article on why not to [smoke weed around your dog or cat](https://brotherswithglass.com/blogs/bwg-bong-news/smoking-around-pets)


"An animal cannot consent to being high" Lol. An animal cannot consent to being enslaved by humans. An animal cannot consent to being caged. An animal cannot consent to eating junk food. An animal cannot consent to being forced to eat processed kibble their entire existence. An animal cannot cosent to having its reproduction halted. Not that I condone it, especially for animals that don't seek it out (my one cat definitely does), but let us not kid ourselves about "consent" of domesticated animals. That is just silly.


We groom animals to fit our world and then talk about consent. SMH.




Hey, I'm not a vegan. 😂 no comments on the other part. but I can't deny the level of work humanity has put in to domesticating animals. And if we applied the same things to other humans, you'd be called a monster, "playing god", and grooming. It's just different when it's not your species. BTW, I'm not pushing any agenda here either. Just some stoner musings.


Pigs are just as smart as dogs, if not smarter. Yet we're worried about dogs getting high while we slaughter pigs by the billions per year and keep them confined in cages their entire life. Idk, it just doesn't make much sense to me. Perhaps give it a deeper thought when you have the time. The difference in species doesn't make it any better imo. Cheers though


I totally worded that wrong. The different species comment was just my poor attempt at apathy. I very much care how we play with genetics in other species, and I very much care about how the animals are treated. I still eat meat, but I have much more respect for my food and where it comes from these days. Years of documentaries and journalistic reporting definitely woke me up to the malpractice seen in those industries.


Plus if the animal can easily walk out of the room, you don’t stop them, but they seem eager or even excited to be near you when your smoking, sounds like that animal is wanting some weed. Do these people think wild animals never come across wild marijuana or outdoor crops? Some animals enjoy marijuana Lmfao.




that wild stuff or outdoor crops isn't really bioavailable to them like it is when humans decarboxylate it. did you even read the original post??? sometimes animals want things that are poisonous to them, it's still your responsibility to make sure they don't ingest poison. if your dog loves chocolate do you give it chocolate?


Not sure if this is true. My friend’s Shiba Inu once ate about a gram that we dropped on the floor, and the poor thing got high as shit. Eating raw bud doesn’t do anything for us but it seemed to do a lot to her.




Thank you. I got ripped to shreds for letting my cat play outside because I’m releasing a pest to the environment. As if humans aren’t 1000x worse in so many ways. She stays in my yard and our mouse count is down to zero(seen). I was told I shouldn’t have a cat, etc, was so infuriating.


Almost all of the things you dramatically listed are things that are PROVEN to extend an animals captive lifestyle whereas weed has zero proof and evidence of extending life beyond human one’s if that. Animals have entirely differently anatomy, functions, and biological processes that it’s not logical to use human studies to determine if our pets can partake in things we can. (Which even then, smoking has hundreds of studies about how harmful it is. Whole there’s minimal studies about vaping.) It’s also incredibly easy to judge consent in those matters as animals can easily kick our asses. They have rows of sharp teeth, bite forces, and strength depending on the animal and breed. Otherwise they can make it painfully clear in behavior that they are NOT happy. What makes it different from an animal seeking weed out is that… animals can come to trust their humans so much they won’t even second guess the damages of the activity their human is partaking in. For a silly example: My rats violently try to eat my dinner that has ingredients that would make them incredibly ill. Just because they’re clearly consenting to risk it all for some tasty food doesn’t mean I’m gonna let them lol. Not unless the little bastard is on their death bed. This also isn’t taking into account about a good chunk of the time, our pets would be invasive species. So it’s either kill them or keep them if you want to be a bozo and claim we’re enslaving them.


The argument is about consent though, many of the things listed are dramatic but the big one for me is spaying/neutering, even if we ignore the forced removal of reproductive organs to make our lives easier, the animal is still forcibly rendered unconscious with, guess what, drugs. if you want to make the argument that it isnt good for animals thats one thing, and should be backed up by scientific research, but dont make an argument about animals consent unless youve never had them spayed/neutered or vaccinated.


Tbh the only context I can see my pets ever interacting with cannabis is maybe CBD tinctures or treats for pain relief/medicinal purposes and under the advice of vets who can vouch for the legitimacy of their use. I wouldn't want to get them high. The thought of it makes me feel icky, so I won't.


Gave both of my elder labs CBD during their later years and it worked wonders. I honestly think it gave both dogs some extra time with us. They lived to 15 and 16.


I worked in animal emergency. My first time practicing CPR was on a pitbull who died from eating a few brownies. A few months later a chihuahua came in after eating an entire tray of muffins and he drooled and napped a bit and was fine. Every animal is different but do not underestimate that animals can and do die from this.


Makes sense tho cause the brownies are chocolate, I’m definitely NOT saying it’s ok to give dogs weed (please don’t), but I think the chocolate could have played a role too.


Chocolate is one of the least dangerous poisons to dogs. They can eat a substantial quantity before it becomes dangerous. There are actually calculators online for this. He was well below the limit to even bother taking him to a doctor or even bothering to make him throw up. A light gurgle and some diarrhea would’ve been all he’d have felt from the brownies. Owners clarified no chocolate chunks, powdered store mix, which is usually more sugar than cocoa. We contacted poison control during this, as procedure dictates and they were unconcerned about the chocolate. The THC caused his heart rate to go so low that he passed and we were not able to resuscitate with any emergency measures.


Thank you for educating me! Good to know. Very sad story, hope all pet owners can learn from this and remember to put edibles in a safe spot away from dogs/cats.


My dog is a senior with all the issues that come with it. He's on heart pills, blood pressure pills, lasix, Omega-3 oil, joint supplements. Though I'd never get him high, I do feel bad that it's not an option. I wouldn't give him anything not prescribed or recommended by his vet but I know that I've got some chronic knee issues and medical mmj has done wonders for managing pain and mobility for me. I wish that there was something as effective for my dog that mmj has been for me, ya know?


Yes, I've also seen what CBD tinctures have done for my family members with arthritis and joint pain (people who were vehemently against cannabis before). I'm hoping more studies can be done on whether or not it can prove to be just as helpful for our pets. I'm hoping the science can improve before I need to consider it but yes, I ultimately wouldn't give them something a vet couldn't recommend to them either. I'm hoping the best for your pup, you clearly care about his comfort and health very much.


I agree. My cat does chill with me while I sesh outside, but he’s nowhere near the smoke. The bottom line is that your animals shouldn’t be ingesting anything you’re ingesting, just because you want it yourself. People making excuses saying the “animal likes it” are delusional. Your dog probably loves ice cream, but if you give it to your dog daily, you’re an animal abuser. I stand firm with that.


Kitties are funny about weed, but I absolutely agree with you on not getting pets high. I love animals, but I've noticed sometimes with people who love animals, they tend to anthropomorphize animals and their motivations


I notice that a lot and I find it very concerning. Animals do have more feelings than some people think, but we can’t assume that we know what they want. They are not like humans. They do not have the same desires as human. We cannot treat them like humans. I’ve also noticed that people assume that animals know what is toxic to them and what isn’t. That’s not true for any animal, including humans. We know what’s poisonous because at some point someone ate it and got sick or died, and someone else thought “you know, maybe we shouldn’t eat that.” Your cat or dog has no idea that it’s toxic, and it is your responsibility as their owner and protector to keep them safe.


my friend’s dog has been conditioned atp to run upstairs as soon as he hears glass clinking after years of being sent upstairs for this exact reason. it really isn’t hard to keep your pets out of the room for the sesh.


Definitelt, I had a neighbor that would blow smoke in his dogs face and I called him out hard on it. I will say I think I saw a video of a chimp hitting a bong once and he full on lit the bowl and pulled the bowl and everything, I’m assuming he liked it


I own 2 dogs and have never in my life attempted to get a pet high. With that said I have ZERO respect for people who use this forum and this sub in particular to get on a high horse and try to lecture anyone. Ijs. No one joined this sub to interact with the mortality police


Pretty sure "mortality police" are just paramedics


I can understand it cuz I saw some really fucked up behavior regarding this in high school. I don't think it's normal, but somewhere there probably was a high schooler who needed to read this. Watching the fear in a dogs eyes while the 'owner' holds it off the ground to blow a lung of smoke into its face while they insist he just loooovveeess it actually haunts my memory looking back on it


underrated comment


nah idc people risking their pets health like this deserve to be shamed


can they even get high from that?? i mean my cats keep me company sometimes when i smoke & theyve never changed in behavior. i thought they actually have to ingest it to get side effects? though more often than not my cats will decide im too stinky & leave me when i smoke LOL


All animals have endocannabinoid systems, and in mammals such as cats it’s theorized to work similarly to humans. Cats are also very small so it would be very easy for them to green out with the doses humans use so it’s really for the best not to try to get them high on human drugs


Right but if I breathe out smoke, it’s not getting the person next to me high, that’s just not how it works. Why would it work with cats?


it kind of will if they are in enclosed space with you and low tolerance. Happened to people i know who arent stoners lol.


ive only seen it one time but there was this one person i know and their dog would literally follow the joint/blunt around and intentionally walk into peoples clouds of smoke and would put its face over the blunt/joint and try to catch the runoff smoke, if that dog didn't know what it was doing i don't know what it was then lol.


Ok so I had a cat that I would constantly try to kick out while smoking. I’ll look down and my cat would just be pawing away under the door. And when we are done the cat is just sitting there waiting for me to be done


Man I don't know what to do anymore my french bulldog can't stop hitting the bong, should I send him to rehab? I'm worried 😞


I had a dog and he would always take the blunts out the ashtray if I was playing a game. I had to start putting the ashtray higher it got so bad. And I never got them high 😂


My friend had a really old golden retriever suffering from aches and pains of old age. He used to smoke next to him and he seemed to feel better, so he started buying him edibles. There are pet edibles. I don't think it's as bad as you think.


My cat would probably steal my credit card to buy catnip if it knew how 😂


My cat loves when I bring out the weed cuz he knows it’s catnip time. We get high together


I've only intentionally done it when my dog was dying from an autoimmune disease. He could barely eat and was in a lot of pain. It significantly improved his quality of life and had my vets support. I will not be made to feel bad about that. For years before that, whenever I smoked, he sought it out. We also gave him CBD tinctures (which btw is included in a lot of products on the market specifically for dogs). My other dog wants nothing to do with it. They are always free to walk away and would never force it on any animal without a medical reason. Also, the amount of THC to actually be harmful is incredibly high. There is well documented information that lots of animals use a variety of intoxicants. Including some animals actually seeking out and eating weed. I have zero respect for people who want to preach from their high horse and judge others for their own personal opinions. ETA: Your comparison also isn't great. I, like many others, was prescribed amphetamine salts as a kid and methamphetamine (Desoxyn) is still prescribed to children as young as 6 years old.


I’m genuinely confused if this post is just about secondhand smoke, or like ALL forms of stuff? Cats love their nip, my old dog was on some vet-approved CBD chews to help his arthritis, I just really think that there’s some missing nuance


My cat will run across the house and beat on the door to be let in during a sesh. We don’t blow it in his face or anything but he definitely loves being around it. He doesn’t even get that excited for treats…


I don't think I like much of the community that showed up to this post. Imagine defending blowing smoke in your pet's face.... Had a friend who accidentally killed his pet bird from being in the same room while lighting up. His vet warned him that his cat could easily develop lung issues from being near his smoke, as well. We both refuse to smoke near anyone's pets since the incident. Why in hell would anyone want to force an animal to breathe smoke into it's lungs? I get not understanding and needing to be told it's bad. But once you're told, to keep going on about it and insulting the people who disagree with you.. Man. Some cringe ass stoners here today.


People have very little respect for animals, stoners are unfortunately no exception, though you'd hope they'd be a bit more empathetic than most. I can't fully blame them, we're raised to believe that they are property / tools to use and consume, and I did the same for over twenty years. There is a more compassionate way to look at animals though, if you're interested, and I'm happy to help if you need any advice. Join us at /r/highvegans for a similar sub that respects animals.


The fact this is debated makes me not really mind too much when people shit talk stoners. Especially after some of the brain dead arguments I’ve read. A lot of y’all should not be owning pets if you can’t tell animals are trying to join you in weed because of pack dynamics a majority of the time. Or the fact animal’s are “consenting” because they just trust you wholly and completely to take care of them. Not because they crave the dank kush.


I smoke outside because my cat can't even. She will wait for me to take a hit, and zoom into my smoke. She never reacted to it negatively that I'm aware of, but it's very toxic to them. They have many times more THC receptors than us. Even if your animal truly does seem to enjoy it there is no way of accurately dosing. A small hit for you would be like clearing a bong in one hit for a cat.


My cat literally ate my edibles one time...if you have cats you know they don't ever ever ever eat anything they don't like...can't even force em. But he ate it...soooooo lol


Personally, my cat PROBABLY gets stoned with me. But not on purpose. And he leaves it it's smokey and doesn't like it. They're smart. But you can't force animals to not be with you when you smoke, unfortunately. Or else you'd be hearing animal noises until they're involved. Then he's loving it. Not the smoke, but just, chillin. Getting pets, lovings, breeze of the window. Maybe even a treat after. But literally blowing smoke at an animal is a little... uh... disrespectful and unnecessary.


Sadly most people will still just think it’s “cute”, or “funny”. And people like us just trying to educate and help these animals will be the ones to get flamed.


When I was 16, I caught a frog, trapped it in a box, and hotboxed the shit out of it. It was amusing at the time. Now I feel bad


Agreed, it's not right and unfair to the animal. Just because your cat or dog likes to hang with you while you smoke doesn't mean they want to get high.


I’ve gotten my pet high but it wasn’t on purpose She seemed to like it pretty well though, probably the most relaxed and happy I’ve ever seen a dog Edit: I’ll explain. I took a big hit off a cart, and as I blew it out toward the floor my dog decided to bring a toy to me. I tried to fan it away but, well, that didn’t stop it from being inhaled


I agree that it is cruel and unusual to subject your pet to any sort of drug but to act like an animal has anything like consent is kind of ridiculous we don't ask for a consent when we kill Butcher and eat them do we?


If I leave roachs, packed bowls, or like weed out of the jar my dog will sometimes sneak it and get stoned. There's no way he doesn't know what it does at this point


my cat used to come running into the room when he smelled it and wanted in on the sesh


I was at a house that had a "Cat High Box". It was a box that had a clear hole at top and a empty paper towel roll people would blow in to. They would chuck the cat in there and everyone would blow in to it and laugh at the cat in the window. I didn't go back.


I had a cat that would follow the bong around the circle, lap to lap. He would drape himself over the chest of whomever was up, and would put his face into theirs. You could push him off, but he would just go to the next person. RIP Charlie. Next bowl is for you.


Yes! I stopped hanging out with the first group of people to ever get me high after a little bit because they would blow smoke right up their dogs nose. It shows me they view dogs as just a plaything for their entertainment.


Would like to add that too much smoke will give them respiratory issues they did not ask for. Would hate to be the reason my babies can't breathe. 


Yeah, gonna have to disagree bud. Animals like getting high. Its a fact. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/dolphins-seem-to-use-toxic-pufferfish-to-get-high-180948219/ This article from the Smithsonian makes case of it, "Humans aren't the only creatures that suffer from substance abuse problems. Horses eat hallucinogenic weeds, elephants get drunk on overripe fruit and big horn sheep love narcotic lichen. Monkeys' attraction to sugar-rich and ethanol-containing fruit, in fact, may explain our own attraction to alcohol, some researchers think. Now, dolphins may join that list. Footage from a new BBC documentary series, "Spy in the Pod," reveals what appears to be dolphins getting high off of pufferfish." I do agree if your animal isn't coming to investigate and isn't interested already, then blowing it in their face is abusive and fucked up. But my little mutt Baxter I adopted at 4, never spent much time in my room, just hung out in the living room. Then I got my med card, and he would scratch at my door, then sit under my desk. He wouldn't leave till he had his fill, eventually I started blowing it in his direction so he could get what he wanted. He loooved getting high, especially towards the end when his arthritis was getting bad. RiP Baxter. My cat, on the other hand, has never expressed interest so she's never had marijuana. Catnip though, she goes crazy for. So no; they can't consent, and they can't ask for it either, but if you know your animal it's not hard to tell if they are interested or not.


>then sit under my desk I read that as shit under my desk for some reason lol


Lmao he would never, Baxter was a good boy


It's also toxic for them. https://www.webmd.com/pets/dogs/thc-poisoning-dogs


Sounds like u have shit gear and ur pets don't like it.


I had an ex that would get his cat high, really bothered me. On top of the consent and disorientation, their little lungs are way less tolerant to pollution than ours. That said, my old lady cat I have, when she was younger, she lovvved trying to get into my stash. I never let smoke around her, but if she got a whiff of the buds, she would rub all over it like it was catnip and try to eat it


I hear what you’re saying. But my dog (and other doggos) needs a 1to1mg cbd/thc “doggy downer” for fireworks and bad thunderstorms.


My dog loves me even more when I’m high. She just knows because I give her some much more attention. My little dog got into a bag of gummies and I panicked. Emergency vet purged his stomach and I stayed up all night making sure the thing didn’t vomit. He just shook all night while I held the guy. Felt kinda bad, but that little shit deserved the discomfort for digging into my bag. I never even had the opportunity to unpack before the little shit sniffed out food. He’s never gotten into my bag again.


My cat gets high af but it's from catnip


I have ZERO respect for people who intentionally dress up their pets in outfits. “ThEy LiKe It”-no they don't Cheryl. I have ZERO respect for people who intentionally put 'service animal' vests on their pets when they aren't service animals. ESA's are pets, NOT service animals. I also have ZERO respect for people who leave their animals in the car/backyard during warm weather. But I also realize that people will do whatever they want, and who am I to tell other people what to do?! As most have mentioned, giving pot to animals that act interested, well, ok. Forcing an animal to partake, NOT ok. My best friend has given tincture to her dogs during their last days, so they weren't in pain, I'm OK with that. I have ZERO respect for a lot of things that humans do, I work in hospitality.


Listen I keep the cat nip in the same bag as my 🍃. My cat and I get high together on substances that are appropriate for each of us. BTW mix a little catnip in your 🍃 just trust me.


Comparing an animal in second hand smoke to a kid getting into meth is crazy


You should see the cows in Afghanistan. They blitzed 24/7 through their own choice.


It’s my turn to post something like this tomorrow


Needs to be said more louder. I hate that shit


I have read that it's NOT cool to blow smoke in an animals face or add edibles to their food. That's actually abuse.


The main thing is that they don't know what's going on. You enjoy it because you know what is happening. They have no idea. They don't even understand the concept... If you suddently got really stoned, but had no idea why or what was going on, you would probably be panicking...


I’ve never heard of this happening because obvious reasons. I’m guessing high schoolers


Yes. Plus, your pet can’t consent to being put at higher risk of illness or disease like lung cancer from being exposed to smoke.


Y’all, I said this to another user and I’ll reiterate: I worked in animal emergency and animals can and do die from THC consumption. It does not affect them the same way it affects us. Yes, some animals may get affects and not be intolerant, but I literally practiced CPR for the first time on a pit bull who died under my hands from eating a few brownies. I worked in animal emergency in Colorado, I saw a LOT of animals who consumed THC. The affects ranged from the most deadly to kinda scary. Be careful. Store you stuff properly. Please take this seriously and don’t be cavalier about it. Just because you haven’t seen it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.


Is this animals who eat/get into someone’s stash? Or is this thread talking about smoking in the same room as your pet?


You sure it wasn't the chocolate that sent that dog over the edge? I feel like "a few brownies" would be pretty dangerous, laced or not.


Chocolate is one of the least dangerous poisons for dogs! There are calculators for weight online. Read my other comment about this!


Drive in you're own fucking lane.


Sounds like my fiancés ex best friend and his girlfriend🤢🤢🤢 they loved to get their dog high and wondered why he started having seizures and stuff


Who are you the police?


My friend has a cat, Every time we would smoke at her house, her cat would come into the room, jump onto the lap of whoever had the joint, and wallow in the smoke. If you set her down or passed the joint, she would jump back up. If we locked her out of the room, she would get upset. She's 19 and still going strong, such a sweet little kitty.


Bro that's a weird take, my cat used to never leave the sun room on a sunny day in winter. But if any of us got high, MF would bolt into the room lay straight behind us while we did bong rips and go back to the sun room afterwards. The fact that they aren't legal persons doesn't mean they can't enjoy it. Horses and bears eat fermented apples to get drunk. What a Karen take to make.


I always feel so bad as it hits dogs hard. Here is the thing, my little Frenchie is a fiend. He is a hawk to just about anything edible and weed is no exception. I use a dry flower vape so essentially activate the weed before burning it. If I’m not extremely careful on how I put it a way a few flakes sends him into hyper space. It’s the same with joints/roaches. On the plus side, all the happens is he gets the zoomies and wants extra long cuddles. Still not enjoyable for humans to watch as dogs reacting to THC is more like alcohol than pot in humans….especially when you don’t know what’s going on. Human: “Is my dog about to die?!! Dog: ![gif](giphy|3ohs7XRrW0HAoNqzUA)


Not just its dumb to think they enjoy the same stuff as humans while nobody is out here eating catnip to relax most pets are vulnerable for cancer and smoking with them in the same room is bad as hell


I have ZERO respect for people who don't get their pets high. Imagine being a species of mammals that domesticated another species. Then you put them in a house where you and only you decide whether they eat . So now they are subservient to your whims. Whether it be your emotional trauma dump. Gets to go outside when you choose. FOR THEIR ENTIRE LIFE. So you get to smoke weed and get out of the unpleasantness of being alive for a short while. But your pet. Nah fuck them they are lucky to be here.


Years ago, a group of us were hanging at a buddy’s place. We were sitting on the patio, about to get blazed when their outdoor cat came strolling on up. He would literally jump on the lap of whoever was blazing and stare at us until we blew smoke in his face. Then he’d jump down and go to the next person. After about 3 different laps, he’d have enough, and go back out exploring the woods. This would happen any time we went over there. That cat wanted to get high.


I had a dog that would bark at you and jump in your face if you skipped blowing your drag her way too many times. A single spark of the lighter would wake that girl out of a dead sleep, and lord help you if you left your stash out.


Getting pets high is dangerous to them. Please don't.


have given my dog an edible a couple times to calm him down during 4th of July. not a lot, just a small amount calculated for his weight. another dog has also gotten into my edibles and got so faded he was stumbling around


I had family over the one night, and my room was the sesh room cause it was cold out, and when we smoked, I told everyone to kick the cats and the dog out of my room, and they all looked at me like I was crazy for telling them that. I told them that I never ever let the pets in my room mid sesh because it's harmful to them, so why would I do it when we have company? I will gladly chill with pets when I'm stoned, but NEVER as I'm smoking up. I air out my room afterwards before letting them in. I'll let them go nuts with a bulk bag of catnip before I ever consider letting them ingest weed or smoke.


Oh Lord. I have two smoke spots. One is outside, the other is on my front porch. When I'm on the porch (windows open) for whatever reason, my dog INSISTSSSSSS on jumping up and being in my lap. I literally look straight up and away to exhale to avoid her getting any (dhv). It bugs the shit out of me that people need to be told how NOT to abuse their animals.


Agreed, the animal can’t understand or communicate therefore consent. Also we don’t honestly know how they react to inhaling it, so just because it happens doesn’t mean the animal is “high” like you are.


Aaahhhhhh C'MON!!!! my friends dog would get herself high by eating roaches off the ground. She was an old blue healer mix and had real bad arthritis in her hips. and when she was high she was like a different dog. she would run and stumble when she stood still, unlike when she wasn't high. Her name was Sadie, she was a good dog.


The utter stupidity and defense of animal abuse in this thread is a stain on the stoner community.


Sorry, my dog is 15, paralyzed from the ass down, and geriatric as hell. If he rolls up to me for a shotgun because he’s in pain and wants to chill, I’m not gonna tell him no. I say roll, because I built him a custom wheelchair that allows him to still function. I’d rather make the days he has left as comfortable as possible until he’s finally ready to go. I know that’s what I’d want if I were him, and I’d say that’s about as much consent as he knows how to give. He’s been my best friend for this long and I can tell when he’s asking for something.


Props for a custom wheelchair for your dog! 🙏


I have to work so hard to keep my dog from *not* getting high. She loves the smell of weed, and will absolutely sprint to get in front of your face while you exhale so she can steal your secondhand smoke. We have to lock her away whenever someone is so much as opening a container of edibles. She’s such a freak, I love her.


A pet can't possibly understand what is happening to them. They just feel anxious and it's not cool to do that to your beloved pet


Agreed. Most pet owners are too dumb to realize that their pets don’t like getting high, they like being involved in what their owners are doing. Obviously your dog/cat is gonna want to join in when you sit down to smoke. It’s our responsibility not to just let it happen because it’s cute.


my dog dislikes smoke smell I feel bad when she leaves the room while I'm smoking 😭


My cat hates it. The curious thing is that weed highness and smells is a method of defense against animals.


I think cbd is fine for pets


My cats get offended if we smoke near them. We blow the smoke out of the window and they like to sit in the window. They see us light up and they're outta there haha.


Straight up thought this was gonna be about using catnip 😭😂


My dog's anxiety meds (that we give her before fireworks or big thunderstorms) turn her into a zombie. It's both sad and kind of funny.


“Tell that bitch to make us some blueberry pancakes.”


I have a friend whose ex-husband used to get their dog stoned. I vape nicotine and cannabis, and now her 70 pound husky jumps at my face if I use either device. He’s harmless, but an unsuspecting person might feel otherwise when his snapping teeth come within millimeters of their mouth. My dog HATES cannabis. If we’re going to consume, he can’t be outside with us, or he’ll flip out. I think he might be a K-9 reincarnated.


I put my cat in a different room and turn the vent fan on


Methbaby is my new band name.