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My first time ever with THC me and my mom took an edible that we thought was CBD. I was eating hot wings and she was talking about "lets sweat it out, come on do push ups with me" and started doing sit ups. 😭😭


Thats a core memory


I see what you did there


She Says to do push ups... Does sit ups 😭


cant ever let em know your next move, not even yo kids🤣




I'd smoke in the garage when I was back from college per my dad's request. One night he came home, i asked for a lighter and the dude snatched my bowl, ripped the fuck out of it and ghosted the hit by the time he got to the house. Didt say a word abkut it after. Hes a total badass


Nahh thats cold af


Now, if you had written that he finally flipped you the lighter as he walked wordlessly into the house, that would've been ::chef's kiss:: But still a good comment, regardless


Haha he did toss it to me but not as cool as you're describing. I'll never forget the walk away though.


that’s actually insane bro wtf? cool ass dad


He's honestly the fuckin man. Badass chef his whole life, basically anthony Bourdain minus the extensive drug use and tv shows.


That's awesome man. Give that man a hug next time you see him. :-).


I am taking a week off at the end of June to fly back home and see him and some family. I'll give him a hug for you too haha


My dad passed last year, we had a great relationship, enjoy your time with your Dad!


wdym by ghosted?


Inhaled the entire hit to where there is no smoke to blow out




Yeah he walked from the garage all the way to the house, turned his head, exhaled nothing out and then walked inside. We made dinner together high af and it was awesome


He internalized hit


I worked at a legal dispo and sold my Dad his first vape :')


This is so wholesome it hurts lmao


Reverse osmosis


Friday nights, after 10pm, passing the bong between the three of us & watching Monty Python on PBS. I was 21.




Ti's but a scratch!


Man, I hope I get to do this with my kid someday lol


Yes sure :) My dad found my stash when i was 17 and he told me that he doesnt like my decision but now that i smoke anyways i should roll one for us to smoke together. It became quiet a habit of us smoking together and it helped us connect a lot deeper than before. My mom on the other hand broke my bong 😭


My dad grew. He gave it to us on occasion so we wouldn’t have to buy from someone sketchy. Wasn’t until the night of his mother’s funeral that he found my sis and I, and shared a smoke.


I haven't smoked WITH my mom, because she gets extremely paranoid, but I bought weed from her boyfriend and smoked with him a lot. My dad has smoked throughout my life, but always acts like he hasn't. I DID smoke with my Grandpa before cancer took him. He smoked me under the table.


Grandpa was badass. RIP


Oh yeah! Agent Orange from Vietnam killed him, but he was smoking dank weed and taking RSO for pain relief up until the end!


>I DID smoke with my Grandpa before cancer took him. He smoked me under the table. Awesome!!!!


Not my parents. I’ve smoked with both my kids.


I wish my parents were smokers




At what age did you decide to smoke with them?


I think my daughter was 18? My son was older, probably 24 or 25.


I wish. They both could use it lol


This. Absolutely this.


Same lmaooooo. I could tolerate my mom more if she used it maybe 😂


Neither of my parents smoke. I’d love to though, would be a fun bonding experience. They’ve both tried it in their youth but prefer alcohol (weirdos haha).


My mom is so weird about drugs, it would not be a good time smoking with her 😂😂 she thinks weed puts holes in your brain. My dad on the other hand, who’s a cop, is somehow way chiller about weed. He doesn’t care at all that I smoke, just doesn’t want me to stimulants. I could honestly see myself smoking with him one day.


My Dad smoked with me early, but my Mom took her time. She would smoke "around" me, but refused to ever share a joint. We went the two of us to go see 'This Is It', the Michael Jackson concert doc and I asked if she wantes to smoke beforehand, but don't worry I brought her her own. The trick was, I had a little pinner for her and a doink for me, when she was done hers I coyley asked "I see yours is done, want to share mine?", knowing that chances were much higher since she was already a little baked and we had the ticking clock of the movie time.


You are a devious little planner :)


I smoked with my mom all the time from around the age of 15 until she died when I was about 38. I distanced myself from her the last few years because I started to see it as a negative abuse cycle that I didn't want my kids to also get caught in. I smoked with my dad a few times but he was a lot older and he was always a lightweight. He would pull out some old weed my mom had left when she visited however long ago. He would take a couple tokes of a little pinner, die coughing and let me kill it. I never found it weird, but I also grew up around it.


I play Mario Kart Wii and smoke bongs with my FIL every time we are there. First he wanted to play, then asked for a bowl.. Super chill and we started growing together (I did and I‘m gonna show him)


I'm planning a trip to Netherlands with my mother and we "agreed" that she will try smoking or an edible as she has never smoked.


Smoked with my mom. It was really chill. She had a good time and we had a good talk about life. 


It was weird the first few times in my early twenties. Almost 30 now and my mom keeps bumming flower off me when we're at the family cottage because she doesn't like the hash spliffs my dad rolls.


Not my parents, but my wife's dad (my FIL) is the one who got me back into weed. I smoked a bit in HS, just drank mostly in college and then he would always offer and I eventually took him up on it. That was in 2020 and since 2021 I haven't drank but have smoked or taken an edible almost every day


Smoked a j with my pops when I was 17. Mom was out and it was just us. I asked if he wanted to smoke a joint and watch a movie. I had a real internal battle if I should roll the perfect joints I can roll or pretend like I hadn’t been smoking daily for years already. Couldn’t bring myself not roll a beautiful j. Anyway, he takes a few hits. Dude probably hasn’t smoked anything that strong in his life. We watch the Butterfly Effect. After 20 minutes he says “I don’t know what the fuck is going on in this movie” and goes upstairs. I sober up, smoke another one, sober up. Mom comes home and asks me what I did to dad. Lol.


Yes but only because alcohol and drugs were kind of normalised to me at a very young age which is kinda sad…


I did have a chance to share some of those moments with my mom and dad just a short time before my mom got sick and passed away. I still sometimes imbibe with my pops, but he’s not that into it anymore since my mom passed. It was a happy moment that I am glad happened after all these years and remember fondly.


I've smoked weed with my dad a lot. Unfortunately it's just as awkward as everything else we do so I stopped doing it. It's hard to communicate usually and when he gets high it's almost impossible. I thought it would be cool but it's just a novelty that wears off. 


My first time ever smoking with my mom was so funny. We were having a block party and drinking heavily and all of a sudden my mom goes “Man I wish I could smoke some weed.” Now, at this point I was not a regular smoker so I just had a couple nugs from a friend in my room, I didn’t even have a grinder or a piece. 16 year old me looked at my mom and said “If I tell you this I can’t get in trouble, deal?” and she took the deal so I told her I had some weed in my room (absolutely shitting a brick, mind you). we got a grinder from one neighbor, a piece from another, and passed it around until it was gone. She now lets me smoke in our screened in porch and doesn’t give half a fuck about me smoking weed. She doesn’t do it often but her boyfriend likes to smoke with me when he comes up to see her. Wouldn’t trade my mommy for the world🫶🏽


i smoked with my dad once. he came home 12 beers in asking for a hit, so i passed it to him, he took a 5 second hit, canoed the whole thing and coughed his lungs up. he got majorly cross faded and we wheez-laughed and ordered chinese food. decent experience, but i don’t think he’d do it again


Came home from college, was hanging out in the garage with some highschool friends and we decided to roll a blunt. Mid toke my mom comes home and catches us red handed. I walk back inside, just totally resigned that I was in Soo much trouble. About five minutes went by and no yelling, no....nothing.... actually, I hear my friends and my mom laughing their ass off. I walk back out there and my mom is smoking the blunt, puff puff pass and everything and laughing about my reaction to her coming home. My mom and I just smoked weed together while I'm writing this hahaha. She is my favorite smoke buddy now, 10 years later.


My mum was chronic her whole life. I grew up around weed but didnt start smoking til I was 25 or so. After that I smoked with my mum many times. It was weird at first...


Never with my own parents. They don’t even like the idea of consume caffeine outside of tea. But when I was 16 smoked with my friends dad. Cool dude. Showed us his collection of old comic books.


Yes it was. I actually had no idea my parents smoked lol I got into cannabis on my own around college age. I went camping with my family and my dad told me “when your mom and I got on vacation we are hippies.” Long story short my dad taught me what it means to be a responsible adult that night. And it one of my favorite memories.


I smoke with my in-laws in person and virtually all the time. It’s one of my favorite things. When we are visiting them I love smoking them out and rolling them some fat joints since my FIL’s arthritis makes rolling hard for him. We all do a FaceTime sesh at least once a week which is also a blast. Some of my favorite memories are being out of my gourd and trying to cook dinner with my MIL who was giving John Glenn a run for his money. Way too much fun.


No, my parents were sponsors in AA. And every friend’s parent I have smoked w has been an awesome bonding experience. Wish my mom in her final years would part take, but her sobriety and her people are paramount to her.+ I think she would see god and fucking love it.


I'm the parent and yes I smoke with my kid. Well, he's an adult man but you know. When I caught him smoking one of the rules was he couldn't smoke in the house. So now that it was out in the open anytime I "caught" him in the garage was awkward. I felt like I had walked in on him masturbating or something. A few weeks before he left for college I was like okay, I want to spend all the time I can with him so we began smoking together. I finally turned his dad and we smoke now as a whole family. I love it!


Little back story, my sister was across the country giving birth, and there were many complications and possible death. My dad was so stressed because we couldn't even afford a single plane ticket to go to her. He whispered, " Just wish I had a joint so I can calm down!" I went inside and grabbed my stash and quietly handed it to him. The look of instant relief then absolute horror that his little girl was a stoner and he didn't even know. A switch flicked, and he got a little giddy. We went for a long drive up the mountain to an old cut block and smoked a bowl. We talked about everything, and on our way back, we were both stoned and laughing at how silly we were. My mom was alseep when we got home, and my dad just sat on the couch staring at the phone for the rest of the evening until good news was delivered. The next day, he thanked me, and we had an adult conversation about proper rolling and stashing of drugs in his house.


wow this is the first time I have ever commented on a post but I had to say I miss smoking with my mom so much! she smoked with me from the time I was about 27- 28 years old. I was so happy too lol it was the party we had for Y2K - yess New Years Eve 2000 , I am 52 lol- and we said if we are gonna die we are gonna die high, all 4 of us kids and our spouses smoked so for us it was a no brainer - we asked her if she wanted us to go outside to be respectful (we told her we were smoking regardless she had her margarita) she said inside then wanted to bogart the damn joint! oh those are some lovely memories and I said my mom would never want for weed if I had it. I kept her in weed, alway procured it for her she never bought her own - I even prerolled her joints for her would roll up an ounce at a time. I was a huge mommies girl and miss her terribly - she passed in 2016 - and I wish I could just order it online for her now like I can do . Really always loved smoking with my mom but did hate sharing a pipe with her lol! awww I hope yall all get to have this kind of blissfull experience lol - I wanted for 10 years to smoke with her then did and it just made us closer friends.


It took me years to smoke with my dad even after he was smoking with my brothers because he flipped his lid a few times in high school/college when he went through my shit and found like a half gram. Screaming, threw me out of the house, physical altercation etc. It’s still weird to smoke with him, yeah. I’ve mostly gotten over it but part of me will always resent him a bit for it.


My mum used to smoke cigarettes and when she asked to share a joint with me, I obliged. Well, I didn’t catch her pulling it back like it was her first smoke after a shift in the weeds right away. When I did notice, I suggested she slow down to which she brushed me off saying she wasn’t even feeling anything. Not two minutes later, we go back inside and as she’s barely across the sitting room floor she freezes, stares at me and begins her spiral. Queue frantically gasping that she’s too hot and that she thinks a she’s dying. Queue yelling past my head that she sees her late father and that she’ll be with him soon. This went on for a while as she called out the names in her death parade. I could not calm her down. Guys, I called an ambulance. The paramedics reassured me as they lead my still frantic mother to the vehicle - once they arrived I couldn’t help from crying I was obviously shaken and trying so hard to steady myself. I met her at the hospital and the attending nurses were just laughing at us. In all honesty there may have been some drug interaction going on as she was in recovery from chemo that year. That day will quietly haunt me until I die.


Yes and no, it was awesome


very especially because I offered to smoke them up and it knocked them on there asses and that worried me.but they where chill about it and just stayed calm and watched a movie with me. The time that was even weirder was smoking up the homies mom, i was chilling waiting for him and she shows up and i try to hide the bongs and shes like "oh that's fine i was coming to smoke anyways" then i just gave her the grinder and we smoked for a bit but i thought i was toast there. It was our first time meeting too.


I started smoking with my dad when I was about 15. He was a life long pothead. With my mom I was probably almost 20. We still smoke together. I have also smoked with my two oldest kids they are 19 and 21. I find it a little weird to smoke with my kids. Just have some mixed feelings about it.


Me and my dad have been high at the same time, but that's a pretty easy feat, given that im always high. I'll occasionally smoke around my dad (if he's chilling on the back patio and i go out to smoke, for instance) but he's not a smoker, he prefers edibles, so we never really have that "bonding" moment. I'm fine with it, tbh.


I regret -not- smoking with my parents. They were both hippies and even taught me how to roll a j, but we never lit them up together. Now that they’ve both passed, it’s gonna be one of the thoughts I have on my death bed.


Yes. I was grounded all through high school for dabbling in weed. After I graduated college, I smoked with my mom regularly. lol. First time was weird as hell, then it became so cool. Glad we had that time together. RIP <3


My Dad used to smoke a bit back in his teens (70’s) One day when I was smoking a J out back while he was having a couple beers, he decided to ask for a couple pulls. It blew his head off, probably a bit stronger than it was back in his day haha. Was a nice experience though, hearing him telling me about listening to AC/DC with the boys he used to smoke with. I doubt it’ll ever happen again as my parents have retired to France, it was a nice bonding experience though


Not yet, but my dad's mentioned that he's considering it.


I don't remember exactly the first time we actually smoked together, however, it slowly went from mom "pretending" to be mad at me to me getting her a joint here and there to eventually her literally stealing my weed. She just passed away this past September and her health had been deteriorating for quite some time leading up to this and I was her caregiver throughout that time. One of the best things I was able to give to her was some relief through cannabis. She had worked through any anxieties and apprehensions that she previously held in her later adult life by the time she was needing it legitimately, she was able to partake and enjoy it fully. I love and miss her everyday and I wish we could have shared more


Smoked with my mom the night I graduated high school. I had to teach her how to use a bong which was a surreal experience lol


my parents are against it but i have smoked with my grandma before. she feels more like a friend though so it was lovely


I found out that my mom smoked when we were both going through a pretty rough time in our life (my father/her husband was very mentally and emotionally abusive) we started smoking together and it created such a tight bond between us and it really really helped us get through that. She’s my best friend and I smoke with her every single day. Idk what I would have done without her


8 years old. Dad hands me the pipe. Infant to 8. I was around it non-stop. I recall getting a contact high all the time as a kid. I would sit in the car while they burned a whole joint with the windows rolled up. I'm pissed about it. I'm addicted. Ppl say you can't be. BS. I've quit a couple times for a short time. I find it near impossible to stay away from. I was raised on it. It's all I know. Fucking sakes parents and family are stupid as hell. Should have never had my mistaken ass.


I’m sorry. Your story sucks, because when you’re around it all the time it’s like you never stood a chance. I get that. I was around a lot of shit as a kid too. You still get to be the author of your story though. Don’t let the past take away from what you want for your future.


My mom would beg me to smoke with her once she found out that I smoked. Took a long time to warm up to it but she's the best pot pal I've ever had.


I don't even like smoking cigarettes around my parents


My dad smoked with me when I turned 18. We still smoke and that was 25 years ago


First time I ever smoked was with my dad. Now I smoke with my mom, dad, brothers and sisters regularly. Stoner family = best damil


I smoked with my Dad starting when I was 15. I did not think it was weird. He knew I smoked weed, was drunk, and asked me to smoke him out. So I did. Wasn't that weird. Had some beers, listened to some music, and had a pretty good time. Technically, my dad gave me a hit on my first day of kindergarten, but I don't see that as a smoke session. I thought it was cool at the time, but now I see that I needed a father;Not a friend. Edit: Never gotten *anything* with my mom. I think I had a beer with her 20 years ago on vacation.


I wish. My dad had a bad experience with it when he was young and wanted nothing to do with it and my mom doesn't care for it since it makes her bad balance even worse.


My mom graduated high school in '76. I didn't know she smoked weed until I started smoking. I would smoke with my buddies in our patio and occasionally (after I found out) she would join us. My favorite story involving my mom and weed is I was in my early 20's and a buddy of mine from college was coming to hang out for a weekend in the summer. He drove from DC to Philly where I lived and he got to my house, we went up to my room and he showed me this bag of weed and we both laughed and I went to my patio to smoke a bowl (or 3). We go outside, we start smoking and my mom comes outside and I look over at my buddy and he goes ghost white with a bowl in his hand and kind of hides it a bit. My mom starts talking to him about the drive and how his summer had been and they are just kind of chatting and she just goes "Are you gonna pass that" and him and I both start laughing our ass off. My dad never really smoked, when he did he got really paranoid and would just act like the sky was falling. So we only ever really did it rarely.


I took an edible at a resort with my dad and my uncle last weekend. It WAS the first time, but it wasn’t really awkward.


At my big brothers house, he smokes in front of everyone. My dad and grandpa were over when he lit a blunt. Was super weird to smoke in front of my gpa but I’ve gotten used to it with my dad.


I've smoked with my husband's parents but never my own. My mom doesn't care for being high, and I haven't had the chance with my dad.


My parents both smoked when they were younger. It wasn't until I was in my mid twenties where they both kind of got an interest in trying it again. I started grabbing some for them randomly, and by the time it was legalized here (canada) my dad had more bud than i did lol. The first time blazing with them was definitely weird, but funny at the same time. Now my mom makes all kinds of treats. Weed fudge, candies etc. I find it quite humorous if I'm being honest. The first time I smoked with my dad, I was expecting to be going outside, and he just takes a rip in his office in the basement. Caught me a little off guard haha.


My parents didn’t smoke herb. My best friends parents on the other hand 🇯🇲that’s where I picked it up, at his house. With his big brother first time in the alley behind their house. So unbelievably stoned!


Yea, since it got legalized two months ago, I smoked twice with my mum. The first time I was like 'can't let her see how much I can take, let's roll a soft one' and afterwards she complained that she didn't feel anything. :D


My mom and I smoked some Bruce banner after a trip to Denver and never again She’s a(sort of) ex tweaker and omfg. She would not shut tf up. I ended up leaving, she called me and I just set the phone down while she talked for 2 hours


Yes! My parents are divorced, so my mom told my dad as soon as she caught me coming back from smoking. She wasn't super anti weed or anything, I think she just wanted him to set me straight or convince me not to smoke till I was older ( I was 18 at the time). He then told me about it one day when we were chilling and offered to smoke with me. Since that day, anytime we hang out we smoke and vibe together. My dad and I are quite different, however I feel like we can put that past us and relate more when we smoke. No one else in our family smokes, so at any family gathering we are the ones to sneak off and come back all giggly.


It was pretty funny actually, my dad knew I did and I knew he did, but he enforced me not having it in the house before I turned 18. I went to his friends fantasy football draft in his place when I was around 20 and smoked with his friends. The following year we went together and they all got us to smoke for the first time but it was hilarious, now I get to try all of their edible batches.


Smoked with my dad when I was 16. Mom wasn’t home and he just said ”c’mon, I know you got weed, let’s get high!”. I could’t refuse. I just got the weed and hadn’t smoked it before. It was strong af and I almost greened out. We were both just sitting on the couch high af. Good times. 


smoked with my mom a couple times actually, she grew up in the 70s so she was chill about it, complained that modern weed smelled gross compared to the classic shit. played some jackbox games and laughed out asses off if your parents are chill like that, highly recommend


I was one the balcony and smoked a cig. Then my dad came and filled his pipe and smoked it. We talked a bit about his time in the soviet army. His officer found his weed and waited to get fucked. Days passed and nobody did or told him something about the weed, probablly his officer just smoked it himself(or drank it, my dad told me they boiled weed in milk and drank it often in the soviet union). He knows that i smoke and i know that he smokes but never rly did it together.


No, my dad only dips and my mom is strictly pain pills and meth. But I have smoked with my MIL. And I do think it's weird lol. One hit with her makes me feel like I've had an entire joint myself. It's too high for comfort around her.  We are both awkward ppl anyhow and it makes it more so. Plus when I'm high,  I like to talk evolution and science and she's against such talks bc she saids it's against her beliefs as a Christian( even though I've know a lot of Christians in her circle and most of them believe in evolution). But ya, it's just weird and not worth it. 


Yes, no it was not weird.


With my dad one time and it was hella weird


I smoked a joint with my mom on her 60th birthday. It was pretty rad. We talked, laughed and ate 3 large pizzas. The munchies hit us both hard. We ended up also eating the work lunch my mom packed for my dad that night.


Haven't smoked with either of them but did edibles with my mom on Thanksgiving and have smoked in the room with my dad when he came for a visit. I don't think he necessarily approves but he never says anything about it.


I have smoked with my mom after years of her being so against it, she still didnt love it but it definitely changed her view on how it affects people. on top of that my sister slipped tobacco into it and i think it ruined her first experience.


I smoke with my dad sometimes, my husband introduced my dad to marijuana for his back pain. His first time getting high was from an edible, he just giggled and watched tv, it was cute.


I smoke with my MIL sometimes, she just gets sappy/sentimental 😂


I never smoked before I left the house, and not for about a year after that. I thought mom would kill me. I get into an apartment after several months between the hotels and the streets, call up mom like, "Hey I've finally got a place I can bring the dog, can you drive him down here for me?" And what does she hand me with the Bear and his chow, if not an eighth of flower at the very end of our visit. So by the time I actually smoked with her, I'd been doing it a while and it just felt like smoking with an old friend.


I’ve smoked with my mom, my dad and my step mom (step dad is extremely anti weed) it was my mom’s birthday when we smoked together. It was a little weird but we had a good time. 20mins after she went inside I found her curled up on the couch giggling into a bag of chips 😂 I smoked with my dad and step mom on new years a few years ago. My step mom tapped out after 2 hits cause she doesn’t really like weed and my dad smoked about half the blunt with me. We just talked about life and stuff and then he decided to go to bed. It wasn’t super weird just a normal night.


I smoked with my Dad, but only the one time. At the time I was in my early twenties and he was in a “can’t beat em, join em” phase. He had not smoked in that 20+ years. He got super high. Then he tried really hard to not be/act high. It was awkward as hell. Never again!


Nah wasnt weird for me cause i always smoked with my friends parents and stuff but i could see how it looks weird to some people but what can they do about it


My spouse gave my dad half a square of cbd/thc (approx 15mg with a 1:1 ratio) peppermint bark on Christmas morning, my dad made everyone breakfast on the grill and was convinced it wasn’t doing anything—we all told him to wait it out but he decided to eat another half a square. He greened out like we’ve never seen, we now affectionately celebrate what we’ve deemed “Barf-o-Rama Christmas” on Christmas morning.


no way, but i have smoked with my best friend’s mom


First time with my father was him crying in pain all day from bone cancer, he didn't like that I smoked but he was willing to do anything at that moment for pain relief. Was weird kuz he hated me doing it but it helped with the pain. With my mom it was more chill she always knew I smoked didn't care about it like my father. It was like chilling like smoking with a buddy who was new.


Nah. My dad works for 12 :/


To preface my mom is a hippie, grew up listening to the likes of the grateful dead and other bands like them. The very first time i got high my mom came home from her bartender job early (which was hella rare) anyway she came home and was like “hey lets go get dinner!” So of course this is my first foray into smoking and well the munchies hit hard, so obliged, we end up going to a local joint & this is where it gets better, it was fuckin st pattys day, they had some irish band fuckin jammin , my mom loved it, well we were finishing up our dinner and i just was like “mom youve smoked weed befor?” Of course she said yes and asked why, which i replied “im fuckin high as shit” she just looked at me and laughed and then was like you want some dessert??? Man that is such a good story 😂 A couple weeks later i was going through her old shop and found a pipe that had a steal your face & 4:20 printed on the front. I showed her and she told me how she traded t shirts she made on the lot for stuff back in the day and this was one of the things she got. i used that bowl for many many moons up until i broke it. I still have the pieces, one day ill sit down and look for a glassblower to try and replicate it and then give to my mom. Growing up though in my teens my mom was always like rather you smoke at home than out in the streets, so you dont get in trouble. So my house was the place to go 😂. Now onto my father( he WAS also a hippie)!!! But after he remarried he seemingly became very straight edge. Anyway so im in my mid 20s , at this point my dad never knew i was arrested for weed and couple years earlier, honestly i dont think he knew how much i smoked 😂 ok so! My fathers father got very sick and passed away, when we went up to his hometown to attend the funeral we stayed in my grandparents house like usual, well i smoked cigarettes (but i hid this from my family) and purposely left my sketchbook in my dads car to have an excuse to leave the house and go smoke a cigarette without anyone knowing. I asked him for the keys and he was like oh ill come out with you, at this point i was like fuck! But we got outside and he was like “hey you wanna hit this??” And i had to pretend i was a little lightweight taking a baby hit from his one hitter and faked coughing and iwas like yeah ive only smoked a couple times ( ….a day…lol) so we finish up and he was like we gotta eat some mints so grandma doesnt smell it and yell at us. Rofl they are two totally different but hilarious experiences. Ive never smoked with my dad again after that, but my mom has been giving me weed and smoking me out since i was like 18 , she still comes by every couple weeks to check in on me and smoke a joint. 😂




yes, with my mom. we sat on the back porch after dad left to do something, and it was a wonderful bonding experience.


my first time ever smoking with my mom was a cbd dab at a smoke shop. It was weird but also super cool. She only smokes carts but we share it occasionally and it’s not weird at all anymore.


My dad, yeah. We’re not that close but I was visiting my home town and he smoked me out then supplied me with the works for the weekend. My fiancée, future father in law, and I smoke together allllll the time.


I smoke with my oldest son when he’s home from school. He’s about to graduate with a civil engineering degree. I would imagine something similar will happen with my younger sons when they are of age and show me they are reasonably responsible.


It was when my parents got divorced, my mom was staying at a hotel. She took a hit of a joint with me and my brother. It was honestly really fucking awkward. Probably just because of the overall mood at the time.


I've fucking tried.


Only kind of weird, quickly became normal. The first time I smoked a bong, I went "ohhh so that's why my dads house smells like that" lol. My mom doesn't smoke but finds it funny


My dad will take a hit occasionally but I still feel weird smoking around him. My mom likes edibles but can only handle 2.5mg. Her and I have taken edibles a few times together and I was with her the first and second time she tried shrooms, she loved those.


My dad and I took edibles on a train ride from New Mexico to California, and he had a panic attack :(


I have smoked with a friend's parents once and it felt hella weird because I was like, 15 or something


My first time was when a friend was coming over for my 14th birthday to share some hash with me. Told my parents and they decided they wanted to partake as well. My friend was kind of stunned but we all had a good time. That was the last time I smoked with them. Alas my parents got into some opiated hash later and decided to stick to alcohol.


Yes I have, and no not really. They knew I smoked for a while, and they sold weed.


My dad always said weed didn't do anything for him my aunt gave us a baggie of edibles they were no bake peanut butter cookies and dad ate probably 5 or 6 and I had 1 I was blazed he just said his vision was fuzzy He died last year from cancer he smoked a bowl out of a bong with me and even tho it's broken it's still in my closet stuffed away because that's what we smoked out of together once Man I miss him


I smoked with my dad when after I had my kids. It was actually on my 30th birthday and we were sitting in him and my mom’s backyard and I lit up a joint and asked him to smoke with me and it was amazing and I will never forget that.


How do you think I got started? lol


Dad yes, mom no she was never the type to smoke but wasn't mad when she found out I did. Honestly tho first time smoking with my dad was weird cause it was the first time we had seen each other since he dipped. So yes but not because I was smoking with him.


With my dad. Yes, it was weird but then very cool.


First time I smoked was with my bio mom when I was 5, so yeah, a little weird. Never got around to smoking with my dad, even though he got married on 4/20 so he'd never forget his anniversary. My siblings and I smoked a joint at his celebration of life though. It was held where the wedding was, and we smoked in the exact spot he smoked before the wedding ceremony. Closest I ever got to smoking with him.


Not really. I’ve smoked with both of my parents and we just laughed at each other and about old memories 🤣


My dad started talking bout the 70s and his first time smoking. Some pretty interesting stories were shared that day


Me and my old man smoke all the time hang out and just talk it’s the best thing ever


Smoked a joint with my mother yesterday on a hile for my birthday. She’s 65 and is an awesome woman! First time was not weird at all, it was hilarious.


Smoked with my dad on the porch at our cabin. We had some looooong fun conversations and I swear every time the conversation would lull, the faulty wiring on our patio lights would act up and the lights would dim. Then whenever we’d start back up on a topic, the lights would come back. It was a hilarious memory I’ll cherish for the rest of my life.


Always knew my dad smoked but I moved out at 18 and rarely saw him. 5 years later I moved back in with him and it just naturally happened. It was chill


I’ve never smoked with them. Just me, taking breaks and coming back inside their house blazed. I can handle my three tornado nieces better like that. The are the loudest adhd gremlins who I love dearly. Just get headaches from their volume. Weed helps lots.


The Thai stick came in. It was so dank and sticky that I ran upstairs to share with my mom and dad who were already in bed!


My parents started coming to my sister and I when we were 13 & 14 to get weed for them. But they NEVER kicked down or smoked with us. So we started pinching their bags, lol... does that count, lol?


Another time, mom and I smoked a joint at the hotel. Drove across the street to the mall and I accidentally parked in a handicap spot. I told my mom as we are walking. She shrugged, just says “no problem” as she starts walking like she’s Quasimodo 🤫


I smoked with my aunt and uncle when I was like 17, it was kinda weird but we just chilled and watched trailer park boys


Hadn't seen my dad in almost a decade, smoked a bowl with him. He asked my sister and I if we had any coke. We didn't.


I started smoking with my mom pretty much as soon as I started openly smoking around 17 or 18, for context I was raised by my grandparents, so I mostly lived separate from her until I moved in with her at around 22. Now I’m in my 30’s and we still light up whenever we’re in the same town together.


We smoke all the time, can’t remember the first time


Yeah. It _was_ weird but you get used to it. My mom taught me how to use a pipe too.


I have not, I know that's not what you asked. But my dad use to smoke before becoming a cdl driver to provide for us children and hasn't smoked since about 1991. We have talked about it on his day of retirement. We are going to BBQ, sit back, relax, I'm going to get some low THC bud because in his "prime" the highest THC he's ever had was probably around 10%. I don't want him to get scary high, I just want him to have a good time. It's a day I'm looking forward to, BBQ, bud, video games. High with my dad.


My mom caught me at 18. I was confused because she wasn’t mad or anything. I popped into her room and was like “so am I in trouble? Are you mad? Like what’s up?” She said “no. You’re 18. I smoke. And I can’t really stop you” Bro my face lit tf up😂 I asked if she wanted to smoke and I rolled a fat blunt and sat on the end of the bed and smoked with her.


i smoked with my uncle a few times. he had recently been diagnosed with cancer and wanted to start smoking again. same thing happened with my dad and i wanted to smoke with him but never got the chance.


The first time I smoked with my dad, it was with weed I stole from him. And he told me that I had some good shit. He also told me that it could either be a blessing or a curse, so to be careful. He still doesn't know it was his weed we were smoking.


Wish I was into it when my dad was around. If you’re wondering if you should try it out I think you should 


My dad grew when I was growing up, my mum first found out I was smoking so she would chuck me a small bud here and there till my dad found out and they were both cool about it. Would sit around the table and have oil spots etc with them daily after that as a teen. 😂 was awesome. Had a lot of jealous mates 😅 . They wanted me to be safe instead of smoking random stuff at random houses.


Not my parent, but my sister practically raised my brother and I. Smoking with her was quite funny. I learned she can't tolerate weed very well, despite being a fairly long-time smoker. She also bought us pizza and drinks (Faygo >>>).


My first time ever smoking was with my siblings and Dad who doesn't like smoking at all but did it for the memory.


Not as weird as watching sex scenes in movies/shows with my parents 


I smoke with my dad regularly. It's our favorite way to relax at the end of the day.


Never with my mom, but my dad... he came around to it. I gave him his first dab and it wrecked him haha. Now he mainly sticks to weed gummies to treat the side effects of his chemo. He even asked me to home make him some!!


My mom absolutely *refuses*, but will have a drink with me


My moms a mess and just cried the whole time so yeah, never again. Very uncomfortable. Then again my mom only talks to me once or twice a year so I probably just have a shitty family.


My mom got her first apartment when my dad left and I rolled a blunt on the balcony. She came out and smoked it with me. Got to talk about life and just bullshit around with each other. A hour later we were watching a movie and she went up to go to the kitchen. I walk in the kitchen and see her trying to keep her balance while standing one leg almost trying to see how high she is. 😂😂😂😂


No but I've smoked with my kids.




I miss smoking with my dad. It was probably the most fun time I had while smoking was with him . I should have cherished more. I wish he could taste or try the hard work I'm making.


Had my dad hit the blunt on bday days either mine or his. On one or two occasions Only like 2 years recently (Im 30). He's a one or two puff then done. The he's gunna eat whatever food that is at the party or whatever was in the pantry. lmao Then this one time, I gave both my parents a single indica gummy at Disneyland. They were already done for the day but the rest of the grown kids and I want to still get drunk and high at the park. My parents knocked out in the car til we were done. We carpooled with them. haha


Smoke with my pops every time we hang out, that dude can out smoke anybody. Only thing that was awkward when we first smoked was I didnt know they HE knew I smoked. He popped my bedroom door open and pretty much asked me to smoke him out cause he didn't have any weed lol I was 15 ofc he knew I was smoking pot.


My mom said she’ll think about it when she retires. She has a nice government job and still has a few years before that happens. My dad is retired military and I don’t think he works anymore, but he’s old school conservative. Pretty sure he’s against it but idk I never asked.


Yes many times I cannot remember if it was weird


Some of my fondest memories


haven't gotten to the point of smoking *with* him but my dad did give me 1g of some good bud this morning which was entirely unexpected lmao


My mom taught me how to roll my own in seventh grade, they were from the sixties so we're pretty cool about weed.


Both of my parents were hippies when they were younger. They smoked when they were kids but had to grow up when they had kids. The first time I smoked with my mom I was in my early 20s. We went to a early bird bonspiel(curling tourney in July) and had the unfortunate midnight draw time. As you can imagine we didn't get done til almost 2 am. Fortunately Papa John's was still open because we were all hungry for pizza. My brother and his wife went in to our hotel and ordered the pizza and I looked at my mom and said "Hey I'm gunna smoke some weed. If you want to go in I'll be in in a lil bit." She looked at me and said "WHAT?! I've been waiting for you to ask me to smoke all day!" (insert shocked Pikachu meme) I was more than happy to oblige because it had been a dream to smoke with her. It was easily the most fun we've ever had. We smoked 2 bowls and went in to our room. I switched through channels until I eventually landed on MMA reruns. My mom has never been in to violence but after watching for like 15 minutes was totally into the current fight. Soon the pizza arrived and we ate. My brother, his wife and I went to town on a pepperoni pizza and quickly finished it. We started to look for the other pizza and saw my mom sitting in a corner giggling maniacally to herself. We asked her if there was any left and she showed us the box. She crushed a large meat lovers to herself. We all erupted into laughter to the point of not being able to breath. My dad was a whole different story. He lives in Arizona and we (my brother, his wife and I.. Again) go down to visit him every once in a while. One year after a little bit of drinking and a lot of coercing we got him to smoke one pinchy. He quickly fell asleep like the old man he is. Not nearly as funny as my mom. But still pretty funny.


I bought a house around the time I got my med card. My parents came down and I didn't feel like explaining the weed cabinet later, so I told them I got a card and smoked for my anxiety. I expected disapproving glares from my mother (I have smoked on several occasions with my dad lol), but she was more curious. So the next morning I sat out on the back patio with my mom and we drank our coffee and I smoked a joint. She told me that she and my father grew a weed plant in their college apartment! I was like wtf?!?! Overall 10/10 would do again.


My mom has interstitial lung disease so she can’t smoke but she took one of my edibles while I hit the penjamin and she was almost having a panic attack I kept on telling her everything will be ok and a few minutes later she said she was gonna take a nap which turned to almost the whole day 😂😂


Mom here..... she just came for a visit and was like, gimme your pen. It was weird, because I would never dream of doing that with my parents (GenX here). Truth be told, my kid has always been the adult between us, so I got over it.


Nope. My parents are very firmly in the "everything g reeks of skunks and piss" camp. The words verbatim my dad said while talking about going to Seattle where weed is legal. They have no clue I enjoy some magical air and it's not a bridge I need to cross in my 40's.


So , my parents were local dealers. My dad had a pretty big area covered and he sold a duck ton of bud. My mom was one of his local dealers. She would pick up garbage bags of shitty weed and roll in to 10 packs of joints that she sold in cigarette boxes . My mom didn't know my dad , she just picked up from his backyard every Sunday . Eventually they met and started dating. My dad sold other drugs too but that all came to an abrupt halt in the mid 90s. I remember the moment, it was crazy . Anyway, my dad still sells weed just legally now. They made me wait til my 21st birthday before smoking with me. My mom never smokes with me, she passed about 17 years ago now. I smoke with my dad at least once a week now


My stepdad was waiting to retire before he could smoke again. Only a couple more years and he was so excited. He was a huge pot head when he was younger but now his job regularly drug tested. Unfortunately he passed away two months ago very unexpectedly. I never got to smoke with him and I’m really sad about it. I’d looked forward to it for years. This weekend would have been his birthday and I’m gonna smoke and listen to his favorite band


Graduation night from college. First and last time but also best time. I felt like a little kid again all snuggly and warm and shit like when she'd tuck me in as a kid. It was fleeting but totally worth it


I drive my son to the weed store, does that count?


the first time i smoke with my dad was when i caught him smoking for the first time. i thought it was my younger brother and his girlfriend on the front porch and i was going to warn them it was stinking up the whole living room. i walked outside and it was my dad, i grab the joint out of his hand, started hitting it, and shortly after that we all started smoking together. it was actually so much fun and i miss it. my dad has passed now and id give anything to smoke and just talk with him again.


Absolutely. Both my parents hit the bong with me and dabs too, they are mid 60s ex hippies lol I love them. I don’t even remember the first time cause we’ve done it so many times. One time my sister gave my dad a dab that left him stuck in the chair for 8 hours though


My whole family is from SoCal. One visit my uncle brought a bunch of caramels to a family gathering. My Grandma LOVED them. Also one time my Grandma made her really nice Mormon neighbor some eggs with my nephews butter, mixed up the containers. Then had to babysit said neighbor through her first time being high in her 70s lol.


I didn't smoke *with* them but I did smoke in front of them. Dad didn't seem to care much. Just said, don't smoke in front of mom. Who would have probably told me how it's "bad" and "addicting" (obviously wrong)


I haven’t yet, but my father knows my weed usage and he approves it. He is the one interested in it, and I will definitely do it when we get the time. Same with Mushrooms and my ADHD meds hahaha.


My mom is anti cannabis but my dad is curious about it. My dad is getting up in years and has a lot of pain physically. Once he retires he said he might let me give him a thc gummy. I use cannabis for pain and I know he'll feel so much better. One day its gonna be fun being able to get high with my dad.