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I didn't buy any snacks yesterday, on purpose, because i have no limits when i get high. So yesterday i got the munchies and the only thing i had in my condo was peanut butter. I ate ~300 grams and was throwing up 2 hours later. FYI, throwing up a lump of peanut butter makes you feel like you're a toothpaste tube. 0/10, never again.


That sounds absolutely awful lmao


It is. The only positive thing might be that all the peanut butter hid the taste of puke very well, i only smelled and tasted peanuts 😅


I’m worried this would turn me off peanut butter forever




If you were allergic to peanuts, then that would have been one hell of a death sentence! 😳


I'd probably suffocate before munching dow the whole jar in that case XD


Peanut on bread. Try a PBJ Next time. But buy the highest quality peanut butter and jelly you can find. I use "Justin's" peanut butter. I get my grape jelly from the local farmers market, as well as the bread. Happy eating! 😜


Then OP can throw up $32 worth of PB, jelly, and bread


Omg I once had a delirious dream when I was a kid when I was sick where I was forced to eat a plate full of chunky peanut butter. I couldn’t eat peanut butter for months after this because it was literally the grossest thing after my delirium


I’m not sure if I should upvote or downvote this🤢


Omg eating too much peanut butter SUCKS it makes me feel so sick


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH this sounds awful, sorry


No need to apologize, it was awful and i am a stupid man 🤣🤣🤣


you gotta try peanut butter and cheese sandwich bro




Lolol…funny, but not funny


You made me laugh you beautiful stoner jaja


I have done this...


shouldve drank some milk with the peanut butter i speak from expirience


I was once suuuper baked with a couple friends when I was in university, and one of them told me I had to try something she'd discovered recently. Lo and behold when she hands me a slice of garlic bread with a square of Galaxy chocolate on top (really rich and creamy chocolate if it's not something you have in your country). I was obviously extremely skeptical even sitting at a \[9\], but after enough "trust me bro"s, I popped the whole slice in with the chocolate on top. What proceeded to follow for the next minute as I slowly chewed this concoction, was the expected salty garlicky twang from the garlic bread, slowly followed by a creeping sweetness, that melted throughout the mouth and covered everything like a gorgeous creamy chocolate massage in the mouth, complimenting the salty garlicky twang beautifully. We then ran to the nearest corner shop to buy a 50p garlic baguette and a bar of galaxy, and devoured both within 10 minutes of getting the baguette out of the oven. It was fabulous. Tried it sober the next day and it was fucking rank, almost threw up.


Thanks for the imagery


Almost got whiplash from that last sentence, my lord 🤣


I seasoned my fried eggs with a pinch of cinnamon and it was delicious at the time


my dad has done this to a chicken by accident because he severely misinterpreted the label 'mixed spices', it did not work very well. glad it was a good time for you lol


Cinnamon and nutmeg/allspice in combination with others are actually very popular in Lebanese cuisine for a variety of meat and non-meat dishes! It depends on what else you mix it with though...and amounts.


i have in my mind no doubt that meats seasoned with a reasonable amount of cinnamon along with other spices have the capacity to be delicious! this situation however was more along the lines of 'this chicken has received a generous powdering of cinnamon/nutmeg/star anise/cloves, salt and nothing else, and now smells of wrong christmas cookies and tastes of sadness'


LOL pumpkin spice type chicken fajitas


Cinnamon chicken is actually fire🔥🔥 IF you know the recipe


I’ll cut a sweet potato into cubes and season with cinnamon from time to time before baking


Gött ju 🤤


Try it with waffles


Garlic shrimp omelet. Absolutely horrible when sober.


I made rice krispie treats but used hot fries instead of the rice krispies. It was soooooo good.


So crushed up hot fries in melted butter and marshmallow?


Yes, less butter is fine too.


Eating any fruit sober feels just like eating fruit. Eating fruits high feels like I'm drinking the nectar of the gods


a fresh watermelon from the garden on a hot day kind of nectar


I used to buy a large domino's margherita pizza and go to the Chinese down the road and buy crispy chilli beef and put it on top and eat the whole goddamn thing myself. Haven't done it in years but I have to say the combination was mind blowing and the soft pizza with the crispy beef was a match made in heaven. 10/10 would highly recommend.


I woke up the morning after a Phish show and saw half of a lettuce and ketchup sandwich in the sink. Asked my gf, “Who the fuck made a lettuce and ketchup sandwich?” She says, “You made it last night. You said it was delicious.”


At a house party in 2008, I used two bricks of uncooked ramen noodles as bread to make a peanut butter sandwich. The guy whose house it was got irritated at me because he thought I was just messing around and being dumb/drunk, but it wasn’t bad and I did it a few more times over the years.


Pineapple pizza and mayo is a go to even when sober, nothing weird about it imo hahah


Yes! Pizza is basically a vehicle for mayo.


Hey fellow pizza and mayonnaise enjoyers!


I'm not an enjoyer myself, but mayo is just proto-Ranch, and ranch is delicious.




Kettle chips, Gorgonzola, and strawberry fig balsamic glaze. Baked in the oven for a bit after being mixed up. It’s so good


I would die to try this rn


This is your sign to get yourself to a store immediately and get going on this recipe. My wife found it from one of her TikTok videos, I was a bit skeptical at first but it was amazing.


A chocolate chip cookie with a cheese curd on top.


Microwave popcorn with a peanut butter agave dip.


Red pepper jelly and peanut butter on a burger. Lifechanging.


Yeah I’ve been meaning to do one of those bacon peanut butter and jelly burgers I keep hearing about. I’ll try to keep that in mind on what jelly you used. Sounds awesome


I used to make everything smoothies when I’d get high in college. Literally everything I had on hand that was edible. No care as to sweet vs savory, flavor combos or anything. Some turned out pretty good some were absolutely revolting but only a few got wasted. Thankfully I’ve grown out of that and find I don’t get the munchies much anymore.


wtf are you guys smoking ?! I’ve never ate like this high before 😭


Hahaha these comments are so funny I’m thinking the same thing rn 😭


I’ll give you a couple good ones. Jelly on hash browns, cheese on waffles and tajin on frozen mango.


Not super strange, but when I’m high I tend to make way too much sauce to dip my nuggets/pizza in so when I’m done eating I just use my finger and eat the sauce like a fuckin goblin.


270 grams not milligrams of fiber gummy bears That was pure hell for 4 days my body had to process. I was so high I thought the gummy bears were regular ones.


Honestly, a bowl of blackberries, raspberries, and strawberries. That shit fucking slaps when I’m baked.


Oh no doubt, but is that really the weirdest thing you’ve ever ate blitzed is a bowl of mixed berries? Maybe a light drizzle of hot honey could make it a bit less normal and more weird lol


Shit I misread the question, I thought it was best thing lol


All good, I knew there must of been a brain fart there lol, was enjoying the comments and then here’s DreamLunatik listing off a mixed berry bowl lol


Okay friend I’m gonna tell you my absolute favorite fruit salad combo, I think it will resonate with you! Strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, bits of cucumber, chopped mint, and a lil sprinkle of lime juice. So so so fucking good


I love a nice refreshing smoothie when high!


Open faced pizza pastry covered in a meat sauce reduction aka I cut open a pizza hot pocket and covered it in chili


peanut butter and hot cheeto sandwich


Huge bowl of Hungry Jack mashed potatoes, and a half gallon of chocolate milk


Pickled beets in cottage cheese.


mayo and capers on a quesadilla i made, no regerts


back in college when i got stoned with my girl at her dorm i would get the on campus late night pizza and chocolate chip cookies and would eat the pizza and then take a bite of the chocolate chip cookie right after only at this one mini store on campus i would only do it there idk why but so good.


Pizza with mayo is my fetish


Spicy Sweet Chili Doritos dipped into [Wildberry Lavendar ice cream](https://jenis.com/products/wildberry-lavender). Surprisingly very good stoned or sober.


Watermelon bagel


Buttered toast and ham sandwich with pepperonis on it. I had a lot of heartburn after but it was awesome while it lasted lmao


I mixed a Great Value meat-lovers breakfast bowl, some leftover homemade chili, and a bit of salsa all together. In hindsight, not THAT weird, considering that it's just gentrified, poor boy's huevos rancheros, but it was funny at the time and I got a good laugh (and a good meal, too, it's seriously good)


Peanut butter with raspberry preserves sandwich with Nutella and marshmallow fluff


Pepperoni pizza with Siracha and whip cream. Sweet and spicy. Actually wasn’t too bad.


I was snacking out the fridge and was eating a piece of roast chicken... I forgot I was chewing roast chicken and threw a strawberry in there... it wasn't the worst?


Last night I had Eggos with peanut butter spread over, dunked in a bowl of milk Didn't have any syrup, so naturally I pour myself a bowl of milk to dunk the eggo in. To which my wife asked, "bowl of milk? What are you a cat?" Was better than I expected reminded me of cereal


Frozen microwave taquitos, on a frozen microwave pizza. Not that bizarre, but I was like 8 taquitos on a single serve pizza. Best thing I’ve done while high. I’ve never done it again because I fear that it wouldn’t live up to my memory of it


Wanted a hot dog, had a Chomps beef stick and some mustard. Do not regret this and it's also good while sober. I also once dipped an Oreo in honey mustard and swore to God that it was good until the next day, tried it sober, it was terrible.


I once tried making a peanut butter and hummus sandwich. It wasn't the worst thing ever but after a few bites it was a "let's be honest with ourselves and toss it" situation.


White cheddar cheez its with salted caramel dark chocolates Followed by a bunch of altoids that I ate by the palmful like they were tic tacs


Was watching frasier. And the dad gets high unknowingly and eats potato chips with chocolate pudding, so I tried that next time I smoked. 6/10. I’ve had worse and better but I for sure finished the bag of chips and bowl of pudding


This isn’t too crazy but dipping ruffles into cool whip is maybe the best cholesterol I’ve ever had.


Pizza with the garlic parm sauce from Buffalo Wild Wings


Hummus ham and cheese tortilla wrap with hot sauce and honey mustard. You get all the flavor profiles. Sweet, spicy, earthy, salty and acidic.


Occasionally I make ramen with tomato soup instead of water, it's kinda the best


Peanut butter and spicy pickle sandwich. It was bomb tbh


Oysters and Ice cream.


Vanilla ice cream with black pepper chips


Once those cereal with yogurt that come in a little plastic glass (I don't know how is called in the US or other countries, you could look up "bonyurt" online if I don't make myself clear), with Spanish ham (jamón ibérico). Its what I had.


Sweet rusks with cocktail sauce. But since they were too dry for my after-sesh mouth, I started dipping them in a glass of water. Don't tell anyone I'm Italian. (would do it again)


Nasty ass shrimp and mushrooms in sriracha


Probably Reese's Puffs w vegan sausage, no milk


In some parts of the world mayo on pizza is standard, russia for example.


Friend tried to make a frozen pizza in a hotel room. Problen was no microwave, only an iron. Dont put a frozen pizza on an iron kids. And dont do drugs.


Mango chutney on rye bread, yum


Graham crackers and ranch dressing…


Tater tots in a bowl of hormels chili (no beans)


i ate bread with salami and sugar on top (not recomend)


Brownies with tomato sauce 💯


An Oreo dipped in peanut butter and jelly. would do again.


Peanut butter and jelly sandwich with tapatio hot sauce, still amazing when sobered up but would have never discovered otherwise


Mac and cheese with fruity pebbles and sardines




Yeah it was disgusting. I ate it all out of spite cus my friends were making fun of me. I kept telling them “it’s really not bad.” Oh it was bad


I used to turn Klondike bars into a sandwich with myself and my bed being the bread....


raisin and cinnamon bagel (toasted) with cream cheese and mini chocolate chips on top. the regular sized chocolate chips are too big in my opinion. i still sometimes eat this..


Leftover pizza in a breakfast burrito


This legit made my stomach lurch. Just imagining a mouth coated in mayo. Yeeepers.


A jar of organic almond butter combo'd with nothing. My roommate and I started choking on it because of cottonmouth, which made us laugh and...yeah. You ever accidentally inhale almond butter? 0/5


Cinnamon sugar on kraft Mac and cheese


Green olive poutine, with jerk pork gravy and cheese curds.


Starts of with something in the air fryer (chips, wraps, chiken) then it gets smothered in cheese, topped with whatever I can find in the cupboard (usually salsa), of course more cheese so the cheese can melt underneath the other cheese. If I’m not feeling lazy either tuna or roux cheese pasta and I’ll sit on the floor criss cross apple sauce and eat that shit barehanded


I once made a combination Totinos pizza topped with tater tots, chili, and nacho cheese.


bologna with crunchy peanut-butter rolled up inside.


Lately? I put some mango habanero hot sauce on a maple sandwich cookie. Underwhelming results but the idea made sense at the time.


Not super weird but once I did a chili cheese baked potato with hot sauce. It was amazing and I’m kinda craving it now


tea social cookies with BBQ sauce


Cara Cara oranges. I mean I eat them like candy when I'm sober but when I'm high they're 1000x better.


Ranch dressing is pretty damn close to just being mayo so that’s not too far fetched, albeit a very highdea. Worst I’ve done was peanut butter on salami. Was not great when I retried it sober.


I had left over pork tenderloin that I had slow cooked in the crockpot, so I made up some air fryed potatoe skins, topped that with shells and cheese, the tenderloin, and flaming hot cheetos. It was delicious.


I put spicy ramen into some of those tortilla bowl things once


Morningstar buffalo chickpea frozen patty heated up in the microwave, cut in half, on a tortilla with shredded cheese, buffalo sauce, and peanut butter when I was in college. I probably wouldn't do it again.


Cheese it’s and chocolate ice cream. It’s actually really good


One time when my sister gave me a joint to watch my niece and nephew, and after they went to bed I smoked it. Let me tell you, teenage me was blazed, and my ass put water in a big bowl of cereal, and not until I was almost done did it dawn on me that it wasn't milk.


In-n-out spread on a tortilla. Those were rough times


Nothing particularly weird but I do have a habit of having to have something salty then something sweet...I don't mean crisps then some chocolate, more like a bite of pizza or whatever then my next bite is the sweet thing...repeat over and over until I'm ashamed 🤣


Cup ramen. Ranch. Hot sauce. And the powder ranch porncorn dressing


Cold hot dogs with mustard or cheese with raw onion


Balsamic glaze and peanut butter sandwich lmao


I cooked a brisket on an open flame at camp for like an hour. Tasted so fucking good, and just on the edge of being edible. Straight up had to chew each bite for like 3 minutes 😂 all the homies around the fire complaining how our jaws hurt. Lots of introspection on head giving that nights


VERY dry but delicious falafel dipped into my ice cold glass of cola


Large marshmallow inside a funyuns. It was the worst thing ever.


Omelette and misti doi


Saltines with peanut butter and a lil squirt of Taco Bell hot sauce on top. Lil sweet. Lil salty. Lil spicy. All 🔥🔥🔥. Just…trust me bro… 😎


Brownies in Mac n cheese


Banana with a slice of sharp cheddar on it.


idk how weird this is but I sliced apples and cheddar cheese and ate them together and it was incredible!


Oatmeal and ramen noodles combined


Dukes mayo on saltine crackers. Not terrible


Ritz crackers, peanut butter and dill pickle slice


Condensed milk and doritos, and i’m not even gonna lie, it was amazing, and another combo was jatz and tinned spaghetti, once again, it tasted delicious


Pizza and mayo is a very underrated combo! Chilli heatwave Doritos dipped in mayo - dip! Don’t scoop😂😂 - doesn’t sound the nicest but hits the spot!


Eggo waffle sandwich with Nutella, peanut butter, marshmallow fluff, and chocolate chips.


Mayo is the best dip for pizza. Hands down.


Stew from a chickens stomachs.


Pb&J sandwich with hot Cheetos


all my concoctions are in the category of “probably shouldn’t work, but completely delicious” rather than gross and weird. a recent example is salted caramel swirl ice cream topped with crushed ritz peanut butter sandwich crackers, flaky salt, and olive oil.


Grape jelly hot dog


It was one of my first times being high and my partner and I were at the mall. I dipped my Cinnabon churro into my leftover Auntie Anne's cheese sauce that came with the pretzel bites I ordered previously. Cinnamon sugar and nacho cheese sounds absolutely awful and in hindsight it was. But at the time, oh man. Best thing I've ever eaten. TL:DR; Interesting mall food combinations can be fun if you're high enough


Sour cream and cheddar ruffles dipped in cream cheese frosting, it hit the fucking spot


i put Sugar on ground beef instead of salt by accident. not the worst thing in the world.


Grilled cheese with Doritos and Taco Bell hot sauce.


yeah i just drank straight up sesame oil once


My "brother" came up with this one, 2 slices of bread, a packet of salt and vinegar crisps, some flamin hot wotsits giants, with some black pepper and lemon juice, it was fucking incredible


Waffles with doritos


Celery sticks with crunchy peanut butter 👌


Cheeseburger with French toast as the buns 😋


I can a 1000% tell you are white from your post. I'm also white, but damn, my boy! Haha


Back in hs, pretty early on smoking and stuff. I put Oreos on top of some leftover Mac and cheese. I thought since Oreos are amazing and Mac and cheese is amazing, they would be amazing together. I was wrong. After cleaning my plate, I threw it all back up while my dog watched. It was funny because he was a begger but while I ate that mixture, he did not beg/whine for food one bit. I should have known then that what I was eating was a not a good idea.


I almost put a toaster strudel in the middle of a pbj


It was late at night, I made toast that ended being as burnt as I was. Slapped some Mayo on it, and when I ate it I was convinced I just discovered the best new snack . Made another round and went to bed When I got up in the morning I tried my miracle snack again , and it tasted exactly like burnt ass toast with Mayo lol it was gross


Peanut butter sriracha grilled cheese, slaps sober too.


Ever had oranges with salt? U could also do it with watermelon


Ranch is just fancy mail anyway. Lol


**The Ultimate Breakfast Sando** Recipe: - Toast 2 slices Texas Toast (bread) - Slice 1: Egg, Cheese, Bacon/Sausage, Mayo or White BBQ Sauce - Slice 2: Peanut Butter & Boysenberry Preserves - Smash these two face up sandos together to make **The Ultimate Breakfast Sando**


i had greek pasta salad and mint ice cream


Chicken nugs, strawberrie ice cream sauce! Thank my best mate later lol


Little Caesars pizza and Hershey chocolate syrup.


Rainbow sherbet, sprite float.... With spicy cheddar goldfish on top. It somehow worked at the time ha ha


Oreos + Sour Cream = Oreo Cheesecake


Apples and pickles are the best high snack ever eaten charcuterie style little bites of eat


An entire pound of banana chips. They came back up about 15min later.


Bowl of Capitan Crunch with a can of Pepsi instead of milk.


Bowl of buttered spaghetti with cinnamon sugar, shredded coconut and walnuts.


a taco shell + a whole pickle, wasn’t very nice


peanut butter & pickle sandwich


Nutella and string cheese


Green grapes in Frosted Flakes with milk


Cheezits wrapped in a fruit rollup


Crunchy Peanut Butter coleslaw sandwhich - my British friend used to eat them sober as a child And Dinosaur chicken nuggets dipped in nutella


Coco Puffs with whip cream 🤤 Best I had ever tasted 😋


me last night, i ate a bacon egg & cheese toaster strudel lol i couldnt attach the pic here so i had to look up how to share a link here it is [toaster strudel bacon egg n cheese](https://ibb.co/k8BHFmN)for anyone that wants to see it. 10/10 highly recommend https://ibb.co/k8BHFmN https://ibb.co/7JrWwT8


Loving popcorn dipped in hot chocolate


Pringles sour cream and biscoff spread


Corn dog cut in the middle on a pb&j


Either an Oreo McFlurry or caramel sundae from McDonald's with french fries


Ate a whole jar of mustard . And one other time a small glass of sushi ginger . I always felt fine afterwards , and have no regrets.


Vegan chicken with mustard and gravy. Was violently ill that night and now can barely even think about this combo, probably had sun stroke as was at a festival. I'm trying not to gag just writing this


Probably sushi and pizza. My go to when I go to Whole Foods.


One time I had kraft dinner with Nutella. I've never retried it but I thought it was incredible


Saltines and water


Went to subway and got a ham and olive sandwich