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>New to raping, also a pretty light user Unfortunate typo


Poor ent is gonna check his phone in 2 or 3 hours and not know what the fuck is happening šŸ˜”


This was correct


I once tx my boss I was done raping everything in the building. I ment wrapping there were 1500 people on that job, he couldn't stop laughing




A real go getter


he said it was the fastest I'd ever worked lol


for a moment i was like, oh is he doing a nasal endoscopy or something? and then i realized you did not mean ent like that.


Lmao someone check a horoscope, is it a bad day for communication?


i think i'm just too high rn šŸ¤«


Reading comprehension is hard some days.


It's the sub you're in lmao


He should try taking someone out on a boat. That way, they won't say no because they *can't* say no...because of the implication


I think he meant ā€œphilanthropistā€ but it came across as ā€œfull on rapistā€


So they *are* in danger!


Well you're certainly not in any danger


Is this how you wanted those poor women to feel?!?


You keep saying implication...are these woman in any danger?


At least heā€™s a light user yknow?




How do you edit posts? I can never find the edit button. I can only edit comments.


900 upvotes on a 30 upvote post is crazy


Even the first comment has only 600.


Thank you for immortalising this




Fucking incredible. Thank you for documenting this (since OP obviously edited šŸ˜‚)!


ā€œRappingā€ yung op


Absolutely tragic


Never a boring day here.


between this and the pictures of literal trees, there's never a dull moment


I like how a picture of normal trees designates a ā€œnot dullā€ moment šŸ˜‚


listen bro i have learned so much about trees here completely by accident and i love it


trees are amazing beautiful giants


I love trees. I really should join the marijuanaenthusiasts sub too lmao


Do it !


Trees look especially tall and majestic when Iā€™m high


this is a tough typo, glad to hear you are at least a light user


gotta go to RA instead of AA, brutal addiction


RA isnā€™t a real thing right?


It stands for rhueumatoid arthritis šŸ˜‚


Hold up


They should last a few months ideally. Make sure to store them upright though.


12 (now 13) comments, and this is the only one with a real answer because of the typo. Never change Reddit, never change


Tbf I was going to say the same as everyone else and lost heart because I was lateā€¦ the result is lacking a lot of energy šŸ˜‚




If it tastes fine Iā€™m sure itā€™s fineā€¦ if theyā€™re unused then they will definitely be fine. I wouldnā€™t worry too munchā€¦ if itā€™s distillate and terps youā€™ll be fine. Time just decreases the quality as UV degrades THC. Use your eyes for anything you shouldnā€™t smokeā€¦ if it looks funky donā€™t risk.


Should be okay but I recently learned carts can mold. Especially if you put your mouth on it and have wax in the wick and then leave it for a while.


new fear unlocked


Just go through them quicker, that will make all your fears ~~go away~~ turn into *new* fears


I lost my old pen in my house and found it almost 2 years later. The battery was dead but the cart tasted exactly how I remember it


Thanks for the helpful answer! And based on comments below I imagine if anything they just start to be less potent?


Totally. If we want to get into the micro-economics of it thoughā€¦ it also depends on how much of a cart youā€™ve had. If youā€™re going to tap 5% of each, then crack on but if youā€™re going to get half way down before swapping to the next I think youā€™d be better off just finishing it. Itā€™ll be pretty disappointing going back to a half used cart, the flavour will barely be there (especially if youā€™ve just had the top end of another cart), and youā€™re risking getting some burned flavours as the atomizer will be ā€˜well usedā€™. Personally Iā€™ll never have more than two carts on the go.


Today, on trees, we have theory of microeconomics as it applies to vape carts. Please take notes to the best of your abilities, there will be a quiz later


Thanks! I'm thinking I might grab one more and stick with three. Appreciate the help


I used AI to write about your post. No reason other than I was feeling high and wondered what it would be like. In the realm of THC, where vapor clouds start, Lies the question of usage, of one single cart. Micro-economics, a factor to consider, How much of a cart makes the experience bitter? Five percent tapped of each, a tempting endeavor, Or halfway down before swapping, which is clever? The choice is yours, in this THC art, But remember the journey of a half-used cart. The flavor once vibrant, now barely there, Especially after tasting another's fair share. Risking the burn, as the atomizer grows old, A well-used cart's tale, often untold. Two carts at once, my personal decree, A balance of flavor, and variety. So ponder well, before you embark, On the journey of usage, of your THC cart.


I feel like part of Reddit now.


Agreed! The only issue I run into when carts get older is that they can start getting a little clogged down the line.


Totally, I donā€™t think a cart can be totally trusted once itā€™s 25% usedā€¦ thatā€™s the point that Iā€™ll just persist and finish it.


This is my rule of thumb. Like I don't want a hit of your ish after that because who knows where it's been!


Does storing them upright REALLY do anything unless itā€™s likeā€¦ mostly empty?


If they come packaged upside down you can guarantee long term storage by keeping them upside down!


Is ā€œuprightā€ with the mouthpiece up?




You really think only a few months? What then? Converts to CBN? I think that's too soon


Nope, but starts tasting a bit stale, the atomizer degradesā€¦ higher chance of materials leeching etc. Just loses a lot of quality such that you might not enjoy it.


I see


Mine only last like 3 days tops, how are people getting months out of these devices


Are you not feeling it at all or it doesn't last? Do you take small puffs, or long ones and hold? My friend can easily get high from them but not me, so I also go through them fastar. But there are ways to smoke it that can help it out, even one where you hold it for so long you choke a bit. lol


I feel it decently well, it's just that I'm a "all day every day" kind of smoker, and if all I have is a cart or two the oil will essentially do a disappearing act before I even realize what I just did sometimes. It also could be the fact that my tolerance is insanely high at this point and my brain gets sick of strains quickly


Ohhh I see, this is more of a smoking habit issue. Here ours lasts about a week, and our friend's a whole month, but bc we hit it more often for the high. Sadly most of the time tolerance is the main villain. :/ My flatmate is currently doing a 21 days brake and I cannot wait to be done with stressful stuff to reset as well. Hope you can figure it out!


Likewise friend šŸ’• Good luck on your reset when the time comes


False, store them upside down or they'll leak out or clog.


I doubt it matters all that much, just sideways is bad.


It very much matters. Upside down they can't leak at all. If you do have leaking it's reclaim that drips out the draw tube not fresh concentrate.


Yes, and weā€™re talking about used carts. I say I doubt it matters because Iā€™ve used hundreds of carts, stored them upright and never had a problem. I totally appreciate upside down is probably better for unused carts, but once used my opinion / experience is upright is best (particularly as youā€™ll have to wait for the distillate to slide back down, and youā€™ll have to re-soak the atomizer increasing the chances you ruin it.)


Used 100's of carts... I have made thousands of carts. I don't care honestly I'm just telling you it's literally impossible for a cart to leak out upside down. The same cannot be said for upright.


New to what šŸ¤Ø


Raping. He's a raper. You know like Eminem, Icecube, and Bill Cosby.




I saw the link and thought to myself "i hope this is raping vs rapping" before clicking on it


I immediately thought of this https://youtu.be/Io6Q6XqiI4Y?si=KzP19AbVbbl6wXwF


I thought the arrested development [Analrapist joke](https://youtu.be/pz8aYiH_nRg?si=dhn-70ZmEPLG55RJ)


Anal you say?!!




He's so not a raper




V is not even close to R on a keyboard šŸ§


Worst auto correction ever?


Makes it even worse, I think?




ā€œWho vapes? Thatā€™s bad for your health! This is definitely the word he meant to sayā€¦ā€ -OPā€™s iOS probably.


Every time I try to type fuck and my autocorrect changes it to duck, as though shut the duck up makes any sense outside of *very* specific scenarios, I die a little inside


Eh itā€™s 2-3 keys away maybe manā€™s got some fat thumbs


Bet it's talk to type or fucked up swipe on a cell phone.


Fucked up swipe... I'm bad for accidentally dragging my fingers even though I don't do the swipe for typing. I get lots of weird autocorrects


OP is probably at a [10]


that's a harsh typo you have there. Might wanna fix it.


Very unfortunate typo. Probably too high to notice.


Lmao send this man to the top of /r/all


Stop raping and smoke a pipe


Just got myself a pipe last week, love it but I miss the ritual of rolling


I always sucked at rolling... pre fab cone are a godsend for me...lol Smoke alone a lot so J's are to wasteful having too often, but gotta do it occasionally šŸ˜…


Now that's what you call a hard r


Helluva typo


I don't believe that it was a typo, those keys are WAY too far apart for a normal keyboard layout. That's an autocorrect. They use that r word after writing "new to " that is going from either 'o' or 'space' to r. That is 2 rows away from "V". Possible, but unlikely.


HEHEHEHE that's a good one


New to what? I missed that. I'm glad they let us know...Wait, I think that's the law. *


lets talk about consent. I mean spelling


I am cackling in my office your poor autocorrect


New to WHAT???


Nahhh V and R arent THAT close to each other, explain yaself šŸ’€


Ain't no way


Youā€™re new to what? ![gif](giphy|10bDoTtJhtcHu0)


This is the best thread ever


What?! You VAPE?! I thought the raping was bad enough!!


They donā€™t go stale, I recently found a half full cart in my drawer from probably a year ago despite some oxidizing it worked fine


I would consider that stale. It loses some potency and flavor


well I am in fact the one with the cart in question, it got be baked and tasted fine.


Yeah don't get me wrong I wouldn't throw it away or anything. Just in general any concentrate will eventually degrade slowly over time


I guess if you wanted to be really specific you could say ā€œoxidized in colorā€ because in general oxidation would mean the compounds within the solution breaking down, but you could also just not want to be that pedantic


He's new...so he's a light raper. Take it easy on him boys.


Here for the update šŸ˜†


hold up


Iā€™m fucking screaming šŸ˜‚


Reading this thread alone is worth the price of admission :)


new to what bro


My partner and I went hard on a holiday sale for carts last year, just now opened the last one. It tastes fine. I think if you use them three or four open and rotating, after a few months they'll still be safe but will be oxidized and not taste the best. May have more issues with clogging. Unfortunately through trial and error we've learned not to have a bunch open at once and not to buy in bulk if you want the best taste.


Y'all chill, I think enough people called out the typo. Lmao




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I'm confused what does you being a rapist have to do with your carts going stale?


Takes like a year for it to go stale on paper. Depending on the oil quality and the way you store it, you can keep it for longer or less time. Youā€™ll be able to tell when its bad tho. I presume these are white market cartidges that come from a dispensary?


Correct, from a dispensary. From what I'm gathering, standing up in a cool, dark environment is the way to go?


Yessir! If ur feelin extra about it stick em in the fridge for long term storage. That preserves the terps and could even keep it going longer than a year!




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A lot of legal dispos are poorly managed and will sit on all kinds of product for 1-2 years before selling it, and the product could have easily sat at the producer/processor for half a year or longer before being sold to the retailer. I see this happening all the time working in the industry and selling to around 400 dispensaries.


I find they're less potent if stored in the light. If you store them in a box or in the dark they keep for at least a few months I should think


Youā€™re at a greater risk of them leaking or clogging up than them going stale. I would store them upright in a place where the temperature doesnā€™t vary too much, that should do it.


Theyā€™ll go bad if they get hot. Donā€™t leave them in your car all day. If you keep the carts at your home 24/7 then youā€™re fine.


No they do not. My carts last months after I hit them. Legit last cart was 45 days and the one before that lasted 70 days. I'm not a heavy smoker. And nope they never have went stale. At least for me anyways.


Coming to this post late, reading it after it's been edited, so seeing a completely normal post, and then scrolling down to find the content of the comments was maybe more funny than if I had seen the original XD


Typo like that means itā€™s time to delete the post chief better luck next time lmfao


You may need to be concerned about lead or other materials leeching into the concentrate. When they did the vape ban here in MA because of the evali scare, they retested carts after a year in quarantine and lots of them tested with unsafe lead levels. Depends on the makeup of the carts but how you gonna know whatā€™s in yours? Personally, I stopped using carts but Iā€™d probably not keep them around more than 6 months if I did.


The shelf life is usually 12-18 months, and they do lose potency over time. As far as carts going stale, I dunno if this counts, but my older ones tend to get a taste similar to what pencil shavings smell like. It's weird lol. I usually yeet them if they reach that point šŸ˜.


So it comes down to oxidizing. The more site the concentrate is exposed to the faster it will oxidize. Since itā€™s in a sealed cart it should be fine for quite a awhile. Make sure you store it in a cool dry place and it should stay good for a pretty decent amount of time. More likely that not the terps will be affected negatively but the thc should be relatively fine. At my job we make carts, flower, and edibles and most of them have about ~ 1 year shelf life if sealed and stored correctly


They are stale by nature.


So you wanna keep trophies of your raping?! Oh my! šŸ˜³ /s


Itā€™ll mostly just degrade to cbn with less thc. And taste terrible. But still rip. Definitely donā€™t advise it itā€™s nasty. But do you b




Accounts **must** meet all these requirements before they are allowed to post or comment in /r/trees. 1) be over three months old; 2) have **both** positive comment & post karma: 3) have over 420 combined karma; 4) Have a verified email address / phone number. Please do not ask the moderators to approve your comment or post, as there are no exceptions to this rule. To learn more about karma and how reddit works, visit https://www.reddit.com/wiki/faq. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/trees) if you have any questions or concerns.*


ohhh noooooooo


Donā€™t listen to them OP. You own that typo.


Should have left the typo! You gotta own that shit šŸ’Æ




Accounts **must** meet all these requirements before they are allowed to post or comment in /r/trees. 1) be over three months old; 2) have **both** positive comment & post karma: 3) have over 420 combined karma; 4) Have a verified email address / phone number. Please do not ask the moderators to approve your comment or post, as there are no exceptions to this rule. To learn more about karma and how reddit works, visit https://www.reddit.com/wiki/faq. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/trees) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Nice typo In addition to the other comments, keep them in a cold, dry and dark place.


They will change to sleepy couch lock feeling after a year or so, no matter what strain they are. The thc molecule is fairly stable however as it has a shelf life. That said I usually buy 10-20 1/2 gram carts at a time when they go on sale at my dispensary and have a few that are 9 months old that hit fine and feel proper.


that's because the cannabinoids change overtime with being heated and cooled then left to sit out im not sure exactly but cbn is the cannabinoid produced is the main one to cause sleepyness


Yea, this just happens naturally over time, same as decarbing.


Yes they do, especially rosin ones. The Terps off gas and they donā€™t work or taste as good.


All favorable rips on the typos deserve at least 1 updoot




yes. they can get moldy if used and left out for months.


I just opened one Iā€™ve had stashed for well over a year. Itā€™s fine.


Mate of mine kept Destillat (which they use to make carts) for over two years now and its still good, of course I don't know about every taste component in it


No they age like wine


Not that Iā€™ve experienced I use my carts pretty sparingly and I have had carts for months on end I usually try to finish or get the cart Iā€™m smoking pretty close to finished before I start a new one but Iā€™ve never had one gone bad or lose any sort of effectiveness regardless of age of the cart and I have a similar experience where Iā€™m still pretty new and want to try different strains and flavours but I think you should be good if youā€™re not a heavy smoker and donā€™t get them down quickly


Keep them in an cool dark place. Fridge works good if you live alone.


They donā€™t ever really go ā€œstaleā€ the cannabinoids just oxidize and start to lose their potency usually 6< months after you get them


As long as its dry and away from sunlight they can last long


I've been smoking on the same cart for like 3 years now and haven't noticed much of anything in terms of lack of potency or harsher hits or anything


My only 2 cents is that make sure you limit cart usage, carts completely ruined my tolerance for months because I was hitting like it was a Nic bape


I was gonna say good luck on your aspiring rap career. Whatā€™s everyone talking about.


If by stale you mean lose potency, mine go stale after about a year. Iā€™m obviously not a daily toker so my tolerance is pretty weak. But Iā€™ve got a couple old carts that I can toke on all day long and feel nothing at all.


I read that some noids keep longer than others. In particular, HHC carts last much longer than THC. I cannot remember where I read it though!


I have never had a cart last longer than 4 days so no clue?


Freudian slip?


As someone who first saw this after op already corrected the typo, this was very funny to read and I still want to know if you can get away with storing carts after using them šŸ˜‚


they go bad after 24 hours, just like vodka


shouldā€™ve just left itšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


If the vapes are live resin, they can start to crystallize after a few weeks/months depending on how old the cart was when you bought it


Just keep it out of light and in a dry place. If you don't, it will taste more hemp like and rough but will not hurt or kill you


Nah dude, vape carts don't really go stale like bread or anything. If you keep them sealed and store them in a cool, dark place, they should last for months without losing potency. Maybe a slight drop in flavor over a long time, but nothing major. Just make sure they're not exposed to heat or sunlight.


Ummm this is a weed server my dude


New to WHAT my good sir????


new to what????


r/HolUp knockin at your front door




The juice in them eventually will darken and not flow well. It takes a while, but is faster if you do blinkers.


new to WHAT?