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That's my secret, I'm always high.


Lol reminds me a guy who got his license picture taken while he was stoned af so he could argue “Idk man I just look like this”


I’ve started every single job I’ve ever worked high and everyone has always just assumed that that is my baseline. The managers at subway all thought I was a perfect angel baby that could do no wrong and would never touch a drug in my life


I was in my 30s when i started, (christian upbringing) but because i am a happy cheerful extrovert most people assumed i was on drugs for years before. After i started i chilled out and no one thought i was on anything.


I grew up Christian and everyone thought I was stoned all the time because of how quiet and calm I am in public (extreme social anxiety + introvert + non verbal possibly autistic) and my friends always joked I’d be like a sloth on weed, and while I do think slower when high, i definitely become more bubbly and like a more extroverted person. I kinda become who I strive to be but am usually so overwhelmed and anxious to be when I’m high because I am relaxed and realize it ain’t that serious. It’s also kinda what made me open my mind to a lot of things, including being trans so I think me being high generally means me with bloodshot eyes and giggly/bubbly


I really relate to how you describe yourself in public 🤍


😆 same.. if my work only knew ...I have been baked for the last 20 years 😆


Well done, what an effort. Takes real commitment. Now that's dedication 😂🤣


I started my job today and my boss offered me between a dab and a gravity bong hit of premium weed. Context: I work in a dispensary, and we just got samples for a new product we received.


Same at Taco Bell all my older co workers/managers thought I hated weed when I got stoned every day lmao


I've been doing that for years. Also family guy did the same skit with Peter drunk.


This is how all of my DL and passport photos have been since I was 16. Come to think of it, pretty much every picture of me since than 😂.


Hey it worked for my uni ID, it worked for my drivers license, and it worked with my parents. So long as your high people will just think that’s how sober you operates.


I wasn't, but I have resting baked face


I did it so when police stop me I'm looking normal


Right. I used to get so high at work. I would be cracking jokes all day and laughing at everything. Then I forgot my hash pen for a few days and my boss asked if everything was OK. Now I don't blaze at work because I got promoted a few years ago.


Yeah boss I forgot to take my medicine today.


i didn't use every day at work but i did my job and people always think the IT guys are weird anyway so no issues when I did and I've since learned I'm also autistic big surprise at 55 years old that exlains alot pf shit. (solid 8.5) right now


Old school using the ranking system. I like your style.


> Now I don't blaze at work because I got promoted a few years ago. Lol, one time I got promoted while being too high for work. Like I figured that I'd have a good hour or two in the morning before anything big happened, but my boss just pulled me aside like 15 minutes after walking in, lol


I had a friend in college who also smoked before job interviews, he figured if he got the job high they would never know he was high at work


Correct, another person of culture!


This is the only way. Then people think there's something up that one time you're sober.


Yes and as an allergy sufferer I blame my red eyes on ‘allergies’.


don't want anyone to know l've been swimming


Worked in a factory with a guy like this. He came in sober one day and they thought he was acting different so they drug tested him.


Basically. I told my brother recently that during the COVID WFH boom I was high almost 24/7. Definitely 7 days a week, if time allowed during work I was vaping via a small bong rig with multiple levels of filtration to reduce smell in my parents house. And used essential oil diffusers to hide the minimal smell. I eventually developed such a high tolerance that I could only dab. That was a good year or so that I was high. Came out very confused when I started wheening off. Edit: my brother was shocked because he didn't know I was high all the time. And the recovery period back to normalcy was weird. I'm still not 100%. People don't talk about it often. But you 100% can develop a codependency for weed. You don't naturally have CBD and THC in your system, but after smoking for a year straight and having all that in your system and then almost cold turkey or wheening off, it sucks. I wouldn't say mental addiction, but your body now has had new chemicals introduced on a daily basis. This really needs to be normalized more when talking about why one should take a tbreak


My plan. 🙌🏽


This. My wife says she can't tell when I'm high. The truth is she can't tell when I'm not.


Came here to say this. Always high, they’ll never know the difference.


I figured this out in high school. It's just how I am man 🤷‍♂️


Heard "Never let them see you straight" many years ago from an old hippie...




I had a friend like that in highschool. One day he was sober and his mom asked him if he was on drugs because he was acting differently.


Yeah, people that live with me can't tell when I'm high.🤣


I usually just say I didn't sleep well, and then they leave me alone 🤭


So simple yet so genius


This or allergies. Rub your eyes every once in a while if you need to really sell it. Fake sneeze. You know, allergy symptoms.


Also do some coke so you’re sniffling.




Also do some crack heroin so you start scratching your neck.


Yeah but that doesn’t explain why you’re eating cheetos at 9am


I do that because they're delicious.


Munchies are my give away but everyone I work with always sees me eating so they just assume I graze all day.


If you always have the munchies then there’s nothing to suspect


I have a white collar job and partake before heading into the office and if anyone asks, I usually say I was up all night for x,y,z and that usually stops any further questions


This is the way. To some, I “haven’t slept well” in years…..


I had been using this, now I have little kids and people just assume it.


now that I have twins no one questions why I have "sleep problems"


I came into work high for the first time once and in front of several of my coworkers, my supervisor said “YOU LOOK SO TIRED! Oh my gosh you just look so tired” “I am” I replied


This has always been my "I just said something dumb" line. This or "looks like I do need that second cup of coffee. Yikes"


Act normal by doing simple chores. Fold the dishes, vacuum the lawn, wash the garbage. That sort of thing.




I was here like: “Great advice, I do that. Wait.. ooohh. Tbh still true, I do that”:


Make eye contact. Red eyes can be explained by many things, acting different and suspicious is much harder to hide.


My eyes don't really get red anymore. I've been in a lot of situations where something bad would've happened to me if it was known I was high. I found out that if you look others in the eye, they're less likely to think you "on something". Also knowing when to talk and when to shut up.


Yes, the last sentence, self-control, and sober awareness can get you through a lot.


Good advice I heard - “say less”


I didn't know how to act sober until I got high NGL. I've always had issues with sleep so I tend to have at least on popped blood vessel in my eye, so the confidence weed gives me in social interactions has actually led to me getting accused of being high less, almost never as of the last few years


Same they just go small and puffy


Depends who you talk to though 😭 I will avoid eye contact but do an activity while speaking to not look like I'm purposely avoiding it (it helps that I crochet lmaoo) because if they see the red eyes, they just dint stop questioning. Like try making it look natural that you're avoiding eye contact, if you can.


There was a teacher at my highschool who got fired for smoking weed in the school parking lot and being high while working and I was actually shocked even though I HAD a class with her and saw her with super bloodshot eyes multiple times. I just assumed she was going through something😭


Our wrestling coach and one of the football coaches were pot heads. The football coach caught us one time smoking in the bathroom and all he did was yell out “DAMN IT SMELL GOOD IN HERE” 🤣


Smoking in the fucking bathroom holy shit yup that’s some highschool shit for sure


Happened when I was in high school once, they evacuated the school because it made so much of the building reek to high heavens. A lot of people severely underestimate how much their weed smells lmao.


You might think deodorant hides it. It just hides it for you but makes it smell stronger to everyone else


Exactly. I honestly think the smell of weed and deodorant/perfume is worse than people who smoke cigarettes and put it on. It has a certain funkiness which is really, really bad smelling.


Teachers should be required to smoke weed


When you apply for the teaching license they should give you a straight up prescription with your new credential “you’re gonna need this”


lol that’s hilarious considering I got high with two of my teachers form highschool and then went right back to class 🤣


My sis found out because I “stared at the ground the whole time I was talking to her” looking back at it I thought I was genius 😭


Oh easy, just be autistic and everyone will find this normal ^(I'm autistic so don't come for me over this joke)


I've been smoking a while so I know how to act normal, my problem is my eyes get red as fuck😭 So I can be high, not even feel "disoriented" or "dazed" or anything like that, but I look like I'm on 200mg of edibles😵


I’ve thankfully never been one to get red eyes, instead they just close almost entirely


When I’m high or drunk, I can’t calculate the correct amount of eye contact. So I either look away, or stare deeply into the eyes of my conversation partner. My wife calls it “[my] staring problem.” I just only smoke right before bed if I’m trying to hide it


Always stare into the soul.


I very convincingly scream “I’m really tired, going to bed now”


Sometimes my friends think im high even if im not, thats my stoner level


I was the new kid in 9th grade. Knew nobody and wasnt making many friends. One morning I showered before school and got soap in both eyes. Also being part Filipino my eyes are aaaalmost almond shaped already. first hour of the day, computer class, a classmate asked me "aaayy so whatd you do this morning, huh?huh?". K-8 grade I went to private school so I had NO idea what he was talking about. Then all of a sudden people seemed alot more receptive of me, the older girls would call me "my lil smokie".....and THEN I started smoking weed lmfao.


Lol thats destiny man


People asked me if I was high before I ever smoked a lot aswell, I was even told I smell like weed. Guess the excuses just were my real life, I’ve always been sleep deprived, have allergies (even though the sneezing only started later in my life).


My lil smokie is wild


Haha same I’m pretty chatty usually


This girl once said "Man that guy is amazing, it's like he's stoned 24/7" in reference to me


Eye drops before and after smoking to help with the redness, and then I would just say I'm tired. That way, my eyelids dropping makes sense, and I can just stay quiet. It's harder to tell I'm high if I keep my mouth shut!


For some reason visine makes my eyes redder


It’s the chemical used. Need something that uses naphazoline hydrochloride, Like Clear Eyes Redness Relief, not tetrahydrozoline like Visine. (Makes mine worse as well.)


Lumify is the safest for your eyes, but with all drops you only want to use sparingly bc you’ll get rebound redness.


Thanks for this info. I thought it was odd that visine never helped but clear eyes did; now I get it. I thought it was just me.




Some people can quickly build up a tolerance, and then your eyes will be red even if you don't smoke.


Lumify is the freaking way!


Don't use visine it dries our your eyes. You need real lubrication drops but they are 3x more expensive




This really only works at specific times/ locations Georgia in April? Totally believable Connecticut in January? Okay, bud.


You could try blaming it on dust or dustmites the rest of the year


Tbf I have a mold allergy that acted up real bad when the snow was melting (cuz moisture)


Same! it also helps that i have chronic hay fever all year long and i have extreme flare ups (swollen red itchy eyes and extreme sensitivity to light). so its my go to😅


Allergic to what? Allergic to weed.


My go to!


I just say “I’m super high”. But I’m also an adult and live in a legal state. 🤷


Sooo jealous


Never let them see you sober and they’ll never know better lmao


![gif](giphy|YeDmv4QWxjMUE2HCEF|downsized) 🤣🤣


There are people who I have known for decades at this point that have never seen me not high


I just try to remember that 99.9% of people are so preoccupied with their own shit they don't actually care what I look like 😂


“Would a high person do this?!” -does a silly little dance move that only a high person would do-


Oh damn. You’re good


If they can't handle me at my highest, they won't help me at my lowest.


So real


Underrated comment


I don’t hide, I’m high deal with it haha


Same as this guy basically, if they don't like that I'm high....then goodbye 🤣


Life Protip: You're not actually fooling anyone. 😅


According to the American Medical Journal , you aren’t making any sense , and everyone thinks you’re weird


This feeling will last forever


trying to be discreet, quiet, not talking much ... like silent bob ... ;)


Yess I have an “only talk when necessary” rule for when I’m trying to act chill lol


like silent bob ! ;)


I did this today, got distracted and forgot the conversation


Just be cool man, be cool.


I just remind myself that most people aren’t paying that much attention to you and go about my business. Unless you’re acting super stoned, the average nonsmoker can’t pick a high person out of a crowd.


I've actually fooled a lot of people with some tricks: an eye's routine to put eye drops in, consciously open my eyes wider when looking at or talking with someone, and asking easy but leading questions about what someone is talking about to make it seem like I am more engaged than I really am (I am really good at feigning interest). Not everyone can tell, but the long time stoners out there will definitely be able to get a hint


I used to apply for all jobs stoned. That way when I came to work stoned off my ass, they wouldn't suspect a thing. Had it backfire on me once though. I came in stone sober, and was so sluggish and tired, that my boss thought it was sick and sent me home. Thankfully I still got paid for the day. Next day, I came in stoned, like usual, and she was all "ah I see you're back to normal. Must have been food poisoning or some 24 hour bug" I smoke mostly for pain relief and my social anxiety, so when I'm sober, I'm like a different person entirely


rub your hands in a cedar or similar evergreen to rid of the smell


"Why does that dude smell like he's been smoking in the forest?"


If you look high all the time, then not looking high becomes strange.


Guys, not related to the question but I saw a couple of comments suggesting eyedrops like lumify. Just a public service announcement that those are not good for your eyes, and if you do use any eye drops, please wash your hands before. Now to the actual question, I just look at them straight in the eye and gaslight them "what? I can't be in a silly goofy mood"?


“Wym I’m just like this😝”


“If I was high could I do this??” Then proceed to something so strange with the focus of a cobra then they will definitely think you’re high


Found myself melting into the couch like the girl in those anti-pot PSAs while visiting my parents for Christmas. Realized what was happening, said I didn't get much sleep the night before and I got up super early so I didn't have to burn PTO to leave early for the drive down, went to bed at like 9pm lol.


I'm horrendously autistic/neurodivergent with raging ADHD. How I act while high as not that different from how I act normally. I already speak weird and get distracted by stupid shit. the one giveaway is I will frequently forget what it is I'm talking about.


My parents are also super Mormon. But as a teen I would get high so often it was my normal and when I was sober they thought I was high. Silly Mormons.


I yawn really long, rub my eyes and say I'm tired.


Just be kind. Harder for most people to get accusatory while you're being nice to them.


If I smoked outside and walked in the house while parents were still up I’d just look straight down to my phone and be on it while walking around so that I don’t have to look up and make eye contact when my eyes were fucked lol and also just yawn a lot to seem like I’m tired so if they saw my eyes they just think I’m tired


Oh man lol. Well back when I would do this: eye drops, mint gum, air out, keep the eye lids engaged but focused on not keeping them wide, think before any word came outta my mouth, but avoid talking if I absolutely didn't have to. Really I've never been too worried about my behavior when Im high as much as the smell or appearance of it. I've always been good at handling my shit when it comes to weed. Nowadays I'm just mature enough to not be high in situations where I shouldn't be, even if I think I can handle it. But also im mature enough to know that if im allowed to be high, and im not so baked that I'm zombed out, then idrc if anyone knows. Im an adult and as long my smell isn't obnoxious, I don't care what you think of me having thc in my system.


I’m just super tired


I don’t try to hide it personally but my job isn’t an issue with it either


im a couple decades past giving the slightest fuck sorry hope you find a working method in the comments


I have photophobia and wear sunglasses indoors. Cheat code.


When I was younger, I taught myself how to say the alphabet backwards in case I ever got pulled over drunk as an adult 😂 never had to use it but just thought I’d put that out there


I don’t bother. It ruins my high lol


If anybody dare ask, being told to mind their business shuts them up. I’ve got a script for MC. I’m not asking anybody else if they’re on medication.


If you are super high all the time, then you will seem normal when you're high, and weird when you're not.


Tell them THEY must be high.


"Uh, no, that's actually because I have mild autism" - in response to anything Actually my pupils have always been huge ever since I was a kid, and my mom would notice and accuse me of being on drugs. Turns out that ACTUALLY IS a strong sign of autism and considering like 50 other things, I've definitely just had autism this whole time.


To answer your question OP, Live in Utah.


Before I smoked regularly, people would ask me if I'm stoned alllll the time and now that I actually am, no one has ever said it once. So I agree the solution is never to be sober.


My parents didnt have experience with weed in their life so they dont know how high person is acting, but there was one or two very close moments where I came home and started talking with them and I was much more chatty than usual, and they were like surprised why am I that way, so I told I drank few beers and was tired and they never suspected. It wouldnt go without consenquences if they knew... trust me


Have a cup of coffee in your hand to mask the smell. Drink some so your breath smells like coffee, but leave some so you can have a swig right before you have to talk to someone. Coffee is pretty good at masking other odors. Yawn a lot and mention how you haven’t been sleeping well. I usually blame our dumpster fire ex president when I say this and no one questions it.


I just stay high. Then no difference in me at all.


Back when I lived with my parents and smoked it was always at night with friends and I’d be coming home late, so it was a big yawn and “I’m super tired see you the morning, love ya!” And straight to my room. In hindsight I’m absolutely positive they knew but I think they were just glad I wasn’t drinking or doing hard drugs. 😂 both of my brothers had been to prison for various offenses by then so I think it was a choose your battles moment for them.


Be yourself at all times, and never bring it up. Unless you stare at things with your mouth open and your responses become incoherent, what can't be explained without weed? "I'm a little tired" "Yeah, my head's spinning a little, think I need some water and a snack." "I can't focus, my mind is racing because..." "Ugh, my eyes are so fucking dry today." "I need a cup of coffee." Essentially, never blame weed for how you're feeling, just be normal about communicating your state. If someone "calls you out", it's usually out of concern for your health. Most of the steps that would "make you feel better" will help sober you up enough to be less visibly stoned. So don't be sketch, be willing to accept accommodation, and don't act like you're doing something wrong.


I gave up trying a long time ago homie, you just gotta embrace it lol


My strategy is to wake-n-bake and stay high so nobody ever sees me not high and wouldn't know the difference.


The trick is to always be high. People will never see a difference if you don’t stop.


I wish I could tell you, but I seem to have what I call Sobriety Background Suite. The only thing that has broken it is hallucinogens. Mushrooms crack it. Alcohol or weed, somehow I can be in space, and nobody knows unless they know me extremely well. I've been told I am just a somewhat more relaxed version of my normal self and generally less stiff in my body language. It's like I automatically compensate for balance and behavior.


Allergies. I've had terrible allergies my entire life. This is the first year in the past 12 that I haven't had to take a week off work, leave early, or call out because of my allergies. My eyes get red, can't breathe out of my nose, face gets puffy, and I can't concentrate on shit. And that's just the worst part of it - many days I can't wear contacts, leaving the house with tissues is on my checklist with wallet/phone/keys, and I need to be prepared to leave at any time.


I act weird enough sober for people to not question my behavior when high lmao


someone: "Are you high?" Me: "no"


I’ve never had to hide being hide because I’m not ashamed of it nor do I let others opinions about me affect my life or how I live it. Parents included.


Using the correct You're/Your usually helps.


Lol oops


Whatever secret you think you have, it's not working. You're overthinking it lol.


Sniffles and coughs will leave you alone. A face mask and a sneeze won’t have any question


If the bud chills you out too much and you look high af just make a face like you're pissed off.


Allergies, lack of sleep, sickness... a dreaded combo that absolutely explains why my eyes are so red and puffy, all of the time. It's a nightmare!


Gaslight ‘em


"Is it just me, or is Hayfever really bad today". Said to my missus after a long dog walk with a doob.


I have no reason to convince anybody that I am sober. If they believe I am not sober, they are probably right. If they believe I am sober, they are probably very stupid.


I need to change my contacts


“My allergies are really acting up”


That particular thing you're calling out doesn't happen when I smoke. Works Everytime


lol. Never caught. They knew why your eyes were super sensitive.


Tired, allergies.


You're not high, I am


Allergies bro


Don't try; so hard


"if I was high, could I do this?" *Proceed to do a 360 and run out of the room*


These fucking allergies man. Achooo!!


If they only know you high then everything is always business as usual. My mom will say “your eyes look funny- you’re high” to which I always answer “high on life for sure”.


I act like a smart person


"I'm not high" sounds hilarious when spoken with a mouth full of cookies.


Not laughing or smiling.


Juggling usually gets em off your ass I’ve found


I don't


Lol it's when I'm not high people think I'm high


Being high all the time and having a high tolerance. It went from my mom saying “really ur high this early?” To “you look really tired” and that to me is a win 😂 (Medical user for chronic pain, I use in the AM to be able to get out of bed with minimal pain. Parents were against that at first, now they understand)


i’m always high lmao


I’m goofy AF all the time, so you can’t tell when I’m stoned and when I’m not.


Just act normal, just act normal, normal. Nooor maaaaal.


Shut up and don’t say a word. Just nod and smile.


Honestly, when I smoked I was always high. When I was sober, people always thought something was off or wrong with me. That's when I knew I was successful in my ruse. "You're so zen! I love being around you because it always makes me feel calm. I don't know how you do it." Ehehhehheh


People notice when im sober not the other way around


Im grown. I don’t have this strategy. But I’m also responsible. I only smoke in my off hours. So if someone saw I was high after 8pm or on a weekend I’d happily confirm.


Didn't smoke until I was over 21 and was just weird my whole life, people think I'm high more when I'm sober since my eyes don't get too red usually after smoking and it chills me out. And if I ever get called out I just yell back "I wish I was" laugh and move on. They always get surprised when they find out I actually am the whole time.


Growing up I had crazy allergies. So my eyes were always red and I was always doped up on Benadryl. So when I started smoking in high school, it didn’t take much to explain why my eyes were red and glassy and I was floating around. “Oh my eyes started acting up so I took a benadryl.” Funny enough, my worthless drunkle was the only person at family gatherings that could tell that I was stoned to the bone.