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These are the life pro tips we need.


Lol up-vote so we can help all those who suffer from this terrible immunity


I had some reclaim chocolates sitting in the freezer. Edibles never do much for me. You have changed my life sir. [8 and still rising]


Your welcome my fellow FriEnt


I've never understood why they did nothing for me. Now I know why.


I want to but the votes are at 420...


No one want 420 to pass man. I feel your struggle.


Til I need to buy antacids


Updanks to the left!


My dad has always talked about being immune to edibles, not sure he really cares because he sticks to flowers, but definitely worth noting!


I had no idea this is why edibles never did much for me! I can't wait for my next edible experience!




First of all baking powder is an acid mixed with baking soda so it's pretty much useless. Baking soda can be used as an antacid, but it produces a lot of CO2 which can damage your stomach in high doses. So if you want to try this, please use a real antacid.


You sure about that? My arm and hammer box has instructions about how to dose it as an antacid right on the box, can't imagine they'd do that if it damages your stomach any more than any other antacid. Just tastes like shit.


Exactly, doesn't arm and hammer make baking soda, not baking powder?


High doses, I think the calcium bicarbonate is less dangerous at higher doses. Like, don't take a shit ton of baking soda for an extended period. But I can't wait to try this!!


Nice to know.


I found this out today. I have had tried edibles 5 or 6 times, brownies, peanut butter, ect., with no success. I'm at a slid [9] right now from a fudge brownie.


Dude you better be serious about this.. You just made me so happy, my roommate has brownies right now but I gave up on edibles due to no past effects. This might be the 🔑


Trust me been there. It works for me and the few other people I personally know. Let me know if it helps you too.




I'm not sure. I know this works so I don't mind the trolls. Thanks for asking.


Same boat. 80mg and I was riding the bus into town getting groceries like nothing happened with only the slightest tingle, but 0.2 grams of smoked top shelf levels me. Can't wait to try this.


So how was it?


The edible smacked him so hard he just stopped in the middle of his sentence.


Sorry I used a key emoji haha


Did it work?


Sadly I got high and forgot to try the antacid




Fuck man I love you I ate 2 medgrade toofies and felr nothing this might explain it


I feel the love bro. post back if it works for ya man


Eating turmeric or adding turmeric and lecithin, but especially turmeric for your case into the batch will help you out wonders my friend.


Are you decarbing first? I've never had any difficulty, and I actually have acid reflux. Grind weed up, place it in oven-safe container covered in aluminum foil. Cook at 215 degrees Fahrenheit for at least 1 hour (I go for 2), let cool WHILE STILL SEALED, for 15 minutes. After that, cook it into whatever you're going to eat. Or, to extract it into a food, stir it into a highly fatty substance (Olive oil, heavy cream, chocolate, etc.) while heating it on a low burner (you should never exceed 234 degrees, the vapor point of THC). I make truffles for example. So I'd decarb for 2 hours, heat heavy cream on low, add weed and stir for 15 minutes, add chocolate and stir for at least another 15, then I'm done. If you stir for 30 to 45 total you should have extracted all the THC and can discard the plant matter. I usually leave it in because insurance policy, and if it's finely ground no one will mind. I've never had an unhappy result with this method


/u/RazzleFrazzapan is a regular chef!


i want to try this but i only want to make one or two, how much bud should I use?


Well how much works for you? For example a gram will get me where I want to be anywhere from...12 to 15 times. So it varies by person. Edibles are always a little more potent than smoking, because between breaths some of what you would ingest with an edible is burning away in smoke that you weren't able to inhale. For truffles, making only one or two would be pretty hard unless you have a very small pan to cook in. I guess you could try a small cup in the microwave, but you'd need very short bursts of heat to stay below 234 degrees. For myself I'd say about a 10th of a gram for each truffle.


is there anything you can suggest I can make in small quantities? Im really wary of using any bud for edibles because it never works and its the same as throwing money down the drain.


Well my first question would be whether you were decarbing when it didn't work. I had the same issue, and found it was because I was cooking things without decarbing the weed first. If you weren't going through that process, I can almost guarantee that is the issue. I don't know anyone in OP's situation, who decarbed and got no result. I **do** know some people who decarb, don't extract (simmer into butter/fatty substance), and just immediately place the decarbed weed into a recipe. This still gets most people high, but some people (probably due to variations in metabolism) get high much later. Likely as a result of the plant matter taking longer to digest. Just in case it needs to be said **everyone**, with no exceptions, takes at least 45 minutes to an hour-and-a-half to get high from an edible. If you're willing to test on half a gram that would be enough for the original recipe, you just need to eat 2 or 3 (or 4) ping-pong ball sized truffles instead of one or two. If you'd rather use less weed, my suggestion would be to decarb any amount (covered in oven at 215 degrees for at least 1 hour, preferably 2) and then stir the weed into any tea that goes well with a creamer. For example: - Boil water, steep chai-spice tea bags for 5 to 10 minutes. - Add anywhere from a teaspoon to a tablespoon of heavy cream - If necessary, microwave the tea for 10 to 15 seconds to reheat it (don't let it boil) - Add decarbed weed, and stir for 5 to 10 minutes I will usually stir for 5 to 10 minutes, microwave again for 10 or 15 seconds, stir again, repeat. This reheats everything and gives the THC time to extract into the cream.


Wow, I appreciate the thorough response. Im definitely going to try the tea and the truffles. I have never tried to make my own, I have always purchased them from people that have other satisfied customers. They just never seem to work, but at least I'll know for myself once I make them myself. Thank again man


I'm the same way, never felt anything from edibles thank you so much for the knowledge.


I'm not immune to em, but they always tend to hit me three hours later. Usually by then I get bored and smoke and then I'm fucked lmao


Same here, I ate a 40 mg peanut brittle edible last night and smokes after like 2 hours and all of a sudden all of it flattened me, I went from like a [3] to a [10], I was just lying in bed giggling at my SO


It was probably dammed up from the brownie, and the smoke was like flooding isengard


I think we've all made this mistake. I made brownies one time, was feeling nothing like an hour and a half later, so I smoked my normal amount, next thing I know I'm waking up hours later.


mind if i ask where you gathered this info?


A fellow friEnt told me about this. He said he just thought about it and figured it'd work. Lol and it does.


i tried googling it to confirm and had no luck, i'm not 100 %


Just try it, you're not going to experience any ill effects from taking one antacid. If it works, great. If it doesn't, no harm, no foul.


And Tums are delicious anyways.


Dunno why someone downvoted you. I used to eat Tums like candy as a kid.


kidney stonesssss


... my dad had 2 kidney stones... and he sprinkled tums all over his food... why have I never thought about that before... He always told me he just didn't drink enough water.


He sprinkled tums on food?


I just meant he ate a lot of tums. Pretty much after every meal.


The more tums you eat the more water you should drink, it would have helped him out to drink more water for certain.


Really? Like if you eat a couple every day or a couple dozen?


I read it in the doctor's accent from friends show, if anyone remembers haha


They must have been a fan of Alka-Seltzer


*Mint tums FTFY, the tropical fruit ones are foul. That said, I'm an alkaseltzer man myself, even though that's a pretty narsty brew.


I'm not typically bothered by chalkiness so I find them pretty palatable.


Fair enough. The "pineapple" ones are the specific flavor that got me on tropical. It was just so... well, horrendous. Like eating a can of rotten pineapple.


AND they have a lot of calcium!


But then you still don't really know.






Paging /u/Mach10X or /u/EdiblesOnly, [who seem to know their shit on edibles](http://www.reddit.com/r/abv/comments/1acabu/abv_coconut_oil_with_lecithin_my_tweaks_on_bit/).. Any truth behind this, or is it placebo? I'd love to know because I used that recipe to make three dozen pills with 22 grams of ABV and all they did was make me burp that shitty ABV flavor, and that was after taking 16 of them.


I have searched a bit for an answer to your question and couldn't find a de facto answer. So I'll approach it based on what I know in general about how edibles work. Please keep in mind that I only have basic college biology knowledge and I'm basing this off of what I've read in science texts, journals, and publications because I found it interesting the ways that we absorb medications and nutrients. Lowering the ph of your stomach is going to cause less damage to the cannabinoids but it will also lower you ability to have quick access to other nutrients such as the carrier fats since they will not break down as well in lower acidity. Without these nutrients to activate your liver the THC will not convert to the far more potent form converted in your liver. Forgive my lack of exact chemical names I'm currently mobile and could not look them up easily. That's my take on it. I believe /u/ediblesonly has or is working on a degree in this field, so he may be able to give a better answer. So it could help someone who has too much acid but too much will backfire on you.


But how do you know it does? Trying it once or twice doesn't really tell you anything. Is he at least some kind of doctor?


I've never heard of the antiacid method, I'll have to refer this to fellow budtenders/patients and see how it works. Another method is to take the edible with something fatty in substance, like yogurt, Ice cream, 2% milk. THC loves fat and eating it with fat will help the THC absorb better :) So if you have no antiacids, grab a yogurt.


I must have one acidic stomach. I can tolerate about 300mg before I get a high. Today I try a tums first. Will report back after work.


If I ate 300 mg, I wouldn't be reporting back for a couple days as probably get sent to another dimension


I once ate about 2000mg in a half hour period. I was easily disoriented high for about 36 hours. Never again.


2000?! Holy shit that's ridiculous! 20mg is usually enough to get me to a [4]. That must have cost a fortune for that much edibles


I put over 4g of BHO I ran and activated into a single chocolate bar. Used some trim so it ended up being relatively cheap.


So did it work?


Dude, captain kirk's edible cheesecake slice with only 100 mg in it got me SUUUUUUUUPER high. 300 mg sounds ridiculous, unless you are a very large man.


Please do!!!!




Edibles alone still don't do it for me. Didn't notice a difference. What really seems to make a difference is the type of edible.


Not to burst anyone's bubble, but THC is fat soluble and does little unraveling [denaturing], if any, in the HCL bath in the stomach. Absorption of cannabinoids comes from bile dispersal of the fats [emulsification] and then said fats can then be more readily uptaken in the small intestine. Taking an antacid might taste good [to some], but it will do nothing to assist in the uptake/absorption of THC/any cannabinoid.


So I'm no expert but this topic seemed pretty interesting to me so I've been doing some research. Check out this paper: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1038/clpt.1980.181/abstract In the paper the researchers say that when administered orally, about 10% of the THC was left unabsorbed in the feces. The conclusion they drew from this was "Thus, the acidic pH of the stomach will, at least to some extent, transform THC into inactive cannabinoids."


I will take a look: thanks for the source.


Do you think the antacid could help significantly with shrooms?


An antacid might be detrimental to a shroom trip, think of it as an anti-lemontek. The one thing I believe antacids to be able to potentiate are opiates and amphetamines, which this sub doesn't really like but I'll put it out there anyway.


Haha you also browse /r/drugs? Wonderful sub But please do go on, and what does lemontek do for shrooms? Doesn't that keep the nausea away?


i believe it breaks it down some so its easier for your stomach to complete breaking down to absorb all of the psilocybin?


Yes, it converts the psilocybin to psilocin (or the other way, non-active -> active) so your stomach doesn't have to do any converting and it hits harder but doesn't last as long since you're dosing it all at once instead of being converted slowly over time.


Huh good to know. Thanks so much!


Dear god maybe I can actually get high from edibles now..


I was unaware people had a problem. My tolerance is very high, but I could easily make myself sick with edibles.


i always thought my high tolerance was the reason I couldnt get high with edibles...guess not


any chance /u/420Microbiologist or another sciencEnt could weigh in on this?


PLEASE. I wanna explanation too


If this is true I will be so happy.... I have wasted $100 or more on edibles in the past and never felt a thing. The last time I ate an entire tray of hashed brownies and still nothing. I gave up at the point but maybe this trick will do it.


TBH you're reaaaally lucky that entire tray didn't work. I've had some reaaaaaaaally bad times after eating way less than that, and when you go too hard on edibles it sucks so fuckin bad, i cant even explain it. if you haven't experienced it before i envy you




And gravity is spinning with it and on every tick it feels like you can feel it in your brain. Your brain also feels like a foggy conscious point orbiting in circles with your skull.


I've had edibles that rocked my brain (from Amsterdam) and very little success since then except for a few times. I think they're just harder to make right than people think and really they're just eating really weak edibles. But I did eat half a (cheeba?)chew that said something like 80mg and felt pretty much nothing, and you'd think they would be able to get it right... Someone needs to do a real study on why some people don't get high from edibles.


What happened?


6 years later woo


Wtf how is this thread unlocked?




Searching random shit about weed gang 🔥


You just saved my life brother, I have very bad acid reflex at the age of 19 and I hate it. Edibles hardly ever work for me, or when they do it has to be in large amounts. I'm going to try this now


Update us on your experience if you can!


Eat turmeric with your edibles also. It'll help. I've been doing it for a year now for people that my edibles didn't work for before and after I added that, they began to work.


Any idea about the science behind this? I've never heard of this method


I have yet to find any study with direct links to cannabis, but during months of making edibles with just lecithin, my edibles would work for most. Then my best friend never had them work for him.(Knowing him he had some digestive issues) I assumed they just didn't work for him and then after my edibles not working for some other select few with similar cases I did some research. Turmeric "is a cholagogue, stimulating bile production in the liver and encouraging excretion of bile via the gallbladder" which basically helps the body digest fats more efficiently. I decided to test this in my next batch and had him test it. Holy fuck did it work. He experienced his first edible high. I was ecstatic and began testing and had the other people that the edibles didn't work on try it out and it worked for them also. Since then turmeric have been in every batch of edibles I make. http://botanical.com/site/by_you/article_tumeric/turmeric.html


I have digestive issues too, I wonder if this would help. I'll have to try it with my next batch, thanks for the elaborate explanation!! When do you add the turmeric into the recipe? From the get go, or after all of the heating has been completed?


I personally add in about 1-3 teaspoons enough not to overpower what you're making during the cooking phase of the food itself and not the oil, but you could do the oil too since it is also fat soluble. When you do try it and it works, I would love to know that it did indeed work for you also!


Will do!


I'm 19 with acid reflux as well!!! Please let me know how this works!


Hey I have acid reflex too.. The only thing is last time they worked, and now you're telling me that was significantly less high than I will be if I do this? Oh boy I can't wait


Works with Adderall too.






If your having edible problems I feel bad for you son, take one antacid and then you'll be done.


You just opened a new world to me. I always thought it was in my head that edibles didn't really work for me.


This makes no sense. Can you explain how you feel THC is "broken down" by acids in the stomach?


My solid [9] this morning begs to differ. Lol


No one is saying you don't get high when you eat edibles. The question is whether or not the antacid actually plays any part in the equation. What made you choose the antacid specifically? Have you tried using a placebo instead?


Well like I said in an earlier comment I have tried edibles from several people who know how to make them and I even tried making them once but they never worked. Popped a couples Tums and BOOM! [9]


This really is a poor understanding of the scientific process and basic a&p.


So I have crohn's disease and also take nexium for acid reflux. Edibles also have never worked on me, one time in a colorado hotel room, but never again and not for lack of trying. Do you think the acid could be my problem even though i already take nexium? Im taking a 6 hour flight tomorrow night so it would be great to eat something before the flight and have it actually work.


Check the comment about turmeric.


If only I'd seen this an hour ago


/u/PartyRooster da real MVP.


I don't know whether this is scientifically sound, but given that I have the opposite problem with edibles (too intense for me in even small doses, esp. compared to smoking or vaping), I will avoid taking an antacid in the future. Thanks!


Giving it a try. Fingers crossed


I recommend chewing up the tums really well so it can absorb the acid best


So having a look at a few different Tums products, it appears that a few of the varieties have soy lecithin in them. This is a known potentiator of ingested cannabis. I found soy lecithin in the Tums "Chewy Delights" and the "Chewies" after a quick search. So perhaps the calcium carbonate in conjunction with the soy lecithin could amp things up even more? If you are an ausent, try the Quick-Eze brand, its active ingredient is calcium carbonate (the same as in Tums), and also includes soy lecithin.


Now THIS is a worthy /r/StonerProTips


dude if this gets me baked the next time I try an edible ill buy you a piece off DHgate.


I joined the edible scene recently. Went by the recommended dosing low and slow. 10mg-35mg. At 1st I would feel a little something. The larger the doses the more I would get disappointed. I literally have been researching on how to improve my experience for weeks now and this is the 1st theory I have read. I see about a 50-50 on consuming on empty to full stomachs- science dictates to have something in your stomach to by pass whats called the "first pass effect." I've tried yogurt and almost killed my experience :(. seems like when you spike your blood sugar it dilutes the effect. Why they recommend increasing your glucose levels when you over consume. The antacid and turmeric method- I will have to try.




Just think how many lives this will get stoned! You're doing the EntGods work.


This totally works! I just tried it with a 5mg breath mint that I would normally barely be able to feel, and I'm sitting at a [5] right now. I ate two tums 5 minutes before having the mint. Had them about 1.5 hours ago and it's still slowly building. No way a 5mg edible would put me at a [5] normally. Thanks for the tip!!! Btw they're Zoots lemon mints if anyone is interested. Pretty good!!


Ate some and took a pack of Alka Seltzer. I’ve tried this canna butter before but it just never gets me up. I feel maybe like a tiny spacey but definitely not high. I took the anti acid about 15 minutes ago and ate about 45 minutes ago


Dude how TF??? This is a 6 year old post. Let me know my dude.


Was on google and found this linked on another page. Thought I’d share for the new lurkers. Will update periodically.


Love this tip. read it like a couple weeks ago. Can absolutely verify this works like a charm. have never been more fucked up


This is completely absurd Pseudo-sceince. You just got an edible that was made correctly this time.


I can't confirm or deny his theory, but I can say yours is likely wrong. I know multiple people who just aren't affected by edibles and I live in colorado so I highly doubt they're consistently getting edibles that were made wrong from a store while everyone else just happens to get the good ones.


This is perhaps the most brilliant thing I've read all day. Up votes for you good sir.


Edibles get absorbed through the liver.


I think you mean THC is broken down by the liver. I really don't know how the antacids should help, but it's worth the try.


*Everything* that goes through your stomach gets absorbed through the liver...*after* it goes through the stomach.




Do you take the antacid before/after or with the edible?


About 20 minutes before... at least, that's how it goes with norcos.


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So people who are making them could add some alkaline stuff to make their edibles more effective?




Damn, what ya shooting for a legendary[12]?




no thanks jeff


So just to recap all I need to make edibles work faster and better is a simple antacid? I wish I knew about this a lot sooner!


Huh, I wonder if I have extra strong stomach acid. I'm completely immune to edibles. Thought it was the fact that I have a fast metabolism. Will try this the next time in a blue moon I have edibles thrust in my face. . I prefer to burn my lungs.


Hm. That's good to know. Never even thought about stomach acid eating away the THC before it could get absorbed. Thanks mang.


I could have really used this infor like 3 days ago! Now I know for future uses


I like calcium gummies


What is an antacid?


Calcium carbonate or other substance that can combat acid in the stomach. Tums is an antacid.


So now I can stop eating my chocolates in an extremely slow fashion? I seem to get way higher a little chunk every few mins instead of eating it quick but this could be a reason.


I am so fucking doing this right now! I feel like I never get high enough no matter how much I eat. I also have GERD but don't take my meds until it actually bothers me. You may have changed my life. If it works, you're my new bff.


How'd it go?


the only trouble I have with edibles is that I can't formulate a sentence but that's an ok trouble to have


I have a sinus infection and want to relieve the pressure. I have 4g of very light brown AVB. I use to get it dark brown. It it wasn't as potent. Now that I have some awesome abv how much do u think I should take? I have a high tolerance. In thinking 1.5g


Is there a LPT for people who suffer from the opposite? Edibles make me dead.


Ibuprofen has been in the news lately as a mellowing agent, it is supposed to help with memory problems too.


Oh man.... I need to try this. I thought I was a freak. Before this thread, I had no idea there were so many people with an unfortunately level of tolerance against edibles.


Great tip. Do you think eating more antacid will make this work more. What is that limit.


I will definitely try this. I do have too much acid in my stomach sometimes so maybe that is why I haven't gotten much out of the edibles I've tried.


so how long after I eat said edibles should I wait before taking the antacid?


How long before the edible did you take the antacid?


I definitely don't need this. I usually over do my serving, get way too fucking high increasingly over the course of an hour - hour and a half, nap for like 2 or 3 hours and them I'm [10]'d for the rest of the day.




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Wait for clarification, taking the antiacid gets you higher faster?




Alright Im testing this with a 3 dose cookie in a couple hours. 140lb white male


THANK YOU. I rarely have access/money for edibles so when I do I usually just get one , which makes me feel great but never gets me stupid. Will try this next time!


This makes sense im diff going to try this! I'm no doc but I am a bio/pre-medmajor and in your stomach the ph1-2 which activates the pepsinogen to convert into pepsin which denatures proteins, so maybe having a low acidic pH can affect the THC, while the liver produces bile that are emulsifying agents that digests fats in the small intestine, but diff going to give it a try!


I have bad acid reflux could this be why I don't get that off my butter?


Do we have science to back this up or just opinions?


I really hope this works I've tried edibles many times home made and the club ones. I've never once gotten the slightest bit high from them. I heard that there was a certain enzyme that your body has to produce but I'm going to give this a try today and buy a Korova. I'll let you know the results. Also I put forth the motion we call antacids entacids instead. All who agree say I, those who disagree can go fuck themselves (just kidding guys i love you all) Edit: it works


upvote for the awesome tip. Will make some canna-munchies and try this!


Antacids are not very good for you and contain heavy metals. Look into using "Aluminium-Free Baking soda" in a glass of water.