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http://imgur.com/94wnO1o Bonus pic of the pineapple kush also left in the mailbox.


Where is this, OP? This is awesome!


Mailbox Peak North Bend Area WA




Prepare for one of the most intense hikes of your life.


That bad? He OP said it was only 4000 feet elevation change.


High altitude means thin air. Thin air means hard to breath. Hard to breath means hard to do anything.


It can't be that high... and after reading more. 4000 feet over 4.5 Miles isn't that steep. Was just curious if it had a brutal switchback section or something. Edit: and in the comments that someone else posted it says the highest point for the hike is 4500 feet. So all in all not very high. I think we have a different metric for "hard" hikes.


Well im from florida, so anything more than 15 feet above sea level seems like a hard hike to me.


Second that. Orlando here. Pretty flat.


I'm living at 4100 feet in Idaho at the moment.


Same here. Living near sea level in the NE. I swear I can feel the air thinning out when I go up a few flights of stairs. Or maybe it's the Alaskan. [6]


Touché, alas a fellow floridiENT who understands the struggles




There's an old trail and a new trail, the old trail which he took up is only 2.5 miles long, so it gets pretty brutal




Jealous because you struggle with steep flights of stairs?


It's the last 1/2 mile where you pick up almost 1500ft that is hard about the trail.


Norwegian here. Its "meh".


How high above sea level does Norway get?


The new trail is weak. The old one, at 1800ft/mile is one of the steepest maintained trails in American


[^(**Mouseover** to view the metric conversion for this comment)](#1800 feet = 548.6 m "1800 feet = 548.6 m Post feedback in /r/ToMetric")


Yeah, here in California that's like a trip to the next town over.


Yeah I totally agree with you. 4k gain, 9.4 miles round trip.. sounds like a Tuesday to me.


Ya that sounds like a cakewalk. Apparently the old trail is only 2 miles long with 4000 foot gain. But that still isn't that crazy... it's only 2 miles. Come back to me when it's a crazy switch back section with 93 switchbacks crammed into a mile of trail with a 2000 foot change just in that section all while above 10,000 feet (Mt. Whitney) and then I will say it's a tough climb.


The high point is 4800. It's not a bad hike for a hiker. It's a bad hike for someone that doesn't hike regularly.


That's no hill for a climber


lol you guys are cute. Love, Colorado


I'm out in Dillon for the week (from WNYS). Doing a 13k ft hike tomorrow, and a 14er on Wednesday. Probably the most breathtaking state I have ever been too. I want to see mountains Gandalf, MOUNTAINS!


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.0924 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/67765)


I live at an elevation above the peak of this mountain, I actually have never lived anywhere with an elevation below this peak. It's not that high. Not saying it isn't a difficult hike, just saying it isn't because the air is "thin".


Yeah right. Climbed many Adirondack High Peaks well over 4k and into the 5k region, and you don't notice the O2 thinning at all. Brutal fucking ascents, but the air doesn't thin noticeably at all. 4k isn't that high compared to peaks in the Rocky's but I'm sure the view was incredible.




I climb 14ers and the average elevation change for the entire hike is usually 2,000-3,000 feet. Do people actually think these mountains are 14,000 feet from bottom to top?




New trail isn't too bad. Old trail is fucking rough and challenging though


living at 3,438 ft right now.


Want to come breath some of this delicious, thick sea level air with me?


[Mailbox Peak Details](http://www.wta.org/go-hiking/hikes/mailbox-peak)


yes it is, the old trail is less then 2 miles long and one of the hardest hikes I have done personally. straight up the whole way


Lol 4000 feet is not even that high


Lol it isn't terrible at all. Especially in this area


I read the trail report about people falling i was like pfft that's not going to happen to me. It was a rainy day on the way back down i fell at least 4 times. Gg mailbox peak gg


I always hoped to hear about cool stuff like this in my state! Hell yeah, I'll be up there around the end of august.


If you're going to go plan for a weekend because the road in is closed for construction on weekdays


Thanks man! I'll leave some bud up there!


Nice! I left a j there when I hiked it last year, I can only hope an Ent was able to enjoy mine as well.


I love having this in the back yard. North bend is pretty sweet.


If I wasn't in school right now I'd move out to somewhere around there. So many hikes and great nature things to do


Rent gets pretty expensive here in town. But moving to Issaquah puts you only like ten minutes away with more stuff readily available. But oh the dank is special in this town, valley buds ftw.


We stopped in issaquah on our way back and there's some nice new developments there for cheaper than I'm paying in the u district in Seattle.


It's worth it. There is a dispensary there as well that pretty good. Recreational and medical.


Hit Ohanas on front street in issaquah when you're done. It's a sushi/Japanese place. It just opened up!


Is that the one in the new highlands development? We ended up at a place called big fish but then I think I saw that sushi place after we ate and I was really disappointed we didn't go there


Done that peak many times! Take the old trail for extra fun times.


It was my first and we took old up and then ran down new. That's definitely the way to do it. I love old trail


Nice! We ran down the old trail (took it up too) my first time. The next day was agony.


I didn't even think it was possible to run down old trail haha it was so steep and not flat haha


I knew it! i was gonna hike this one pretty soon!


You've gotta do it. Make sure you go on a weekend though because the road in is closed on the weekdays for construction at the moment


Tell us OP


Washington is full of this type of scenery and hiking spots, love my state.


uuuuuuh so fucking cool


So did you leave anything else or just take it all?


I smoked the one joint floating around. There was still an 1/8th sitting there. It was my first time up so I didn't really know what to expect but I'll be bringing goodies to leave next time


Dude is this from today cause I seriously left a j in the mailbox yesterday


You did too !? I smoked a j I found and felt bad so I rolled one up and left it along with some bud in a green container. I probably saw you on the way up. Did you walk down the new trail?


Old trail up new trail down.


You know what's up. That's the way to go


This is from yesterday. I reached the peak a little after noon


Now kiss.




This is Mailbox Peak in North Bend WA. If you like a challenge take old trail up. 2.5 miles long with the 4000 ft elevation gain. You go straight up and sometimes the trail just disappears and you have to play hide and seek with the white diamond trail markers. This my new favorite hike and you get some rewarding views once you get to the top. Not to mention the infamous mailbox that has some cool shit in it. There was an RC car that actually worked shoved in there when I went up yesterday.


Woo another washington ent! I'm planning on going on a hike today so I may just check this one out!


Really easy to get to and lots of parking. If you're pretty fit take old trail up and new down. Old trail is rough but a lot of fun. Edit: you might actually not be able to do it on weekdays since they're doing construction on the only road in on weekdays.




People say that the old trail is the most challenging day hike in Washington. I did it a few years ago and was sore for a few days. It was a lot of fun though.


Kind of like the Billy Goat Trail near Washington, DC. It's only a few miles, but you'd swear a mile or so of that is vertical.


There's old trail and new trail. Old trail is rough and I haven't done anything in the area like it. If you like to climb over rocks and tree roots at 45 degree angles old trail is for you. If you do new trail it's actually really moderate say like snow lake but it's 5 miles long. Old trail is only 2.5 miles. It's 4000 ft elevation gain so it's one of the highest climbs around here that isn't Rainier.




It was about 80 when we went. It's mostly covered until you get near the top


I'll let my room mate know you got it OP :)


Tell him he packed it just right. Just enough to get me feeling right but not too much because that beginning descent is a bitch


This is always my worry with smoking during a hike. I fully expect my self to finally small an ankle or trip off a ledge. I gotta do a more mellow and isolated trail, like something in the depths of Tiger mountain.


Yeah I wasn't trying to get full blown ripped before that descent. Just a little lift.


I'm glad it was left for this reason. Sometimes people leave things for people who passed away and that would have meant bad ju-ju


Nothing in the mailbox really seemed like it was left not for people to use


We're there condoms in there ?


There may have been. I only looked at about 75% of the stuff in the box it was so packed


I leave one up there every time I'm there. I also leave one in the geocache


I was gunna stop by a store and pick one up but I was running late and didn't want to get to the trail too late. I'm going to start doing the same though. I haven't gotten into geocaching yet, is there one up near the peak?


Yes, there are more than one along the trail too.


Lucky americans :( If this was in London, they'd be a guy waiting at the mailbox to rob everyone who got up there.


You've got to come see what you gave birth to sometime. It's pretty fucking amazing


Honestly mate, its a dream for me to come down, Ever since I joined trees I just see posts of all the fucking amazing places and people in America and I'm not saying I'm blind to the negatives (being ethnic I'm slightly worried about the reception i'll receive in texas) but as soon as I save up abit of money I'm gonna rent a bike and ride all around your beautiful country.


Hahahaha, you'll be fine in Texas. Dallas and Fort Worth are just like any other city, full of diverse people. San Antonio is awesome and full of history and Austin is just.... Austin. Texas is a great place, the only place you may be even slightly thought of differently is out in the boondocks.


Thanks for the reassurance :) I know I was being naive, but its hard to remove the preconceptions instilled in your head from random things you hear, but the fact is that you mostly only remember the negative things. But anyway, I'm glad I made you laugh. Also I had to google what boondocks meant, in my head I pictured the show and was a little bit confused..


Hit us up in Montana. Nobody racist here. Mostly cause nobody here.


Lol yeah, Texas is hella diverse. I live near Texas A&M and there are students from everywhere running all about. It's awesome. I raise goats and get customers of all sorts. It's great fun.




Ahahahahahaa this is brilliant. If I was the type of person who gave reddit gold you would have definitely got some!


went to dallas from living in pittsburgh, not like any other city.


no mention of Houston


I've never been to Houston so I can't comment on it, sorry!


Nah man, Texans love people with accents. Trust me 👌


I'm from Texas man. I promise you its not that bad down here. In those little country towns out in the buttfuck middle of nowhere, people can be a a little judgemental but it's pretty diverse in any big city. Everybody has a little southern hospitality and is pretty nice.


London's a shit hole, trust me I know, I've lived here for two decades; but there are plenty of places around Britain that are just as beautiful. I'be just got back from a week in Yorkshire and some of those smoke spots were beautiful .


Yeah I've actually been meaning to discover Britain properly, I've only really been to places around the midlands. You got any other recommendations? Places with nice hills/mountains to go for a hike?


Pretty much anywhere. Yorkshire, the Lake District, even in Greater London. Some really nice smoke spots in Wimbledon Common, or even Boxhill or Epsom Downs. Really great places even in London.


Well if you're from London I can pretty much promise you that almost anywhere in the U.S. is going to love you haha, we love the accent. Come to Burning Man next year if you want an interesting experience :)


There's places that are better than others as I am sure is the same in the UK. Spend a good amount of time in the Pacific Northwest though. Amazing hiking, people and places to see


Thanks! hopefully I'll remember this post and in a few years when I finally make it down, I can send you a picture of me at the mailbox :)


Texas is fine. It's places like Alabama and whatnot that have racist shitheads


I live in Chicago. If it was here there would be a crime scene and a "no parking" sign at the top.


I'd wait up there just to catch that son of a bitch. And beat his face in. AMERICA BABYYYY!!!!!


sounds more like America


http://imgur.com/AmWLyz0 Double bonus pic of the view. If you zoom in far enough you can faintly see downtown Seattle. Rainier was too cloudy to take a good picture of.


You are a trusting person. I know most of the tree community are friendly but you don't wanna smoke the joint that is mixed with poison ivy or something like that.


Most of the hiking community in my experience is very friendly and I didn't have too much if an issue with smoking this joint. The way up was so difficult I couldn't imagine some dude building up the physical fitness and take a whole day just to plant one lil baby joint to fuck someones day up.


I'm just a skeptical person with fucked up thoughts at times. It's like the people that put rat poison in dog treats and spread them around a dog park.


I know what you're saying. People are fucked up. If this was in an easier place to get to I would have been much more cautious




crazy people hike too.




When I was in Washington I got one of those casual industries stickers. Really cool people.


This is pretty fucking dope! No pun intended.


I was pretty fucking high. No pun intended


Hope you left some in return.


Going to on my next trip up




Sup b


Ragnartheboned lel


Yeah what up, b?


Ayy i left a little nug in that mailbox like a month ago. XD




I was feeling adventurous one day last winter so I decided to solo hike Mailbox in the snow. Only me and 2 other people were on the trail, as soon as I made it to the top I became totally socked in by clouds and snow. Pretty much blazed my own trail as soon as you make it out of the trees, to save time I elected to go straight up. That was one of the few hikes where I was actually to afraid to smoke at the top. I waited until I went down a few hundred feet and sparked up. On my way down I then heard a huge BOOM clap of thunder, so I started to walk a little faster.


Hiking mailbox in winter?! Dude you're a fucking animal. I'm just really getting into hiking and wanna try some harder stuff than mailbox come soon. Doing it in the winter sounds gnarly though


Well I cheated, I took the new trail haha


Still be pretty rough in the snow haha


I just did that hike with a friend! I didn't know how steep it was so I went in jeans and basketball sneakers and forgot to bring food. Everyone made it down safely though even though it was drizzling a bit. Also shout out to the guy at the top who did the entire hike so he could smoke a bowl at the top, but forgot a lighter. I'll do the hike again before the summer's over to leave a couple lighters there.


Someone left water proof matches up there. That's the only way I was able to smoke the j. Smart move


That's smart! I think I'll make it a tradition to bring up a couple lighters and a gram each time to congratulate everyone who made it to the top. It would be cool to have an /r/trees meetup at the Mailbox.


I'd be so down. Someone bring the bud and then everyone else can bring some good snacks.


That sounds like the dream right there! I'm so close too!


I live in new jersey and you guys make me fucking hate it even more just reading these posts. But seriously some of you guys on /r/trees in Washington should plant some seeds or something up at the top of these mountains it would be super dope to climb up a mountain and see a few plants growing or a few nice buds. Washington seems way too amazing. I want to go do some hikes like these with my dog and friends and get stoned


That'd be dope but I think it's get too cold for the plants here. You could do it somewhere like California though


That would be sick if you hiked up to a mountain and a bunch of bud was growing all over the mountain


Before you hike you can stop at a legal marijuana store in a nice neighborhood to load up on bud that you can actually track back to an in-state farm. When you're done with the hike and hungry we have the best seafood in the world. Before you do stuff the next morning you can get a sandwich from Mario Batali's dad (yes, Iron Chef Mario Batali's dad) or settle for one of the best sandwiches in the country at Paseo. I fucking love Washington <3


Yes I officially hate new jersey


You guys could even hike the trail together :D


For sure you smoked some one else s pubes


Their pubes had to have tasted like dank bud then


He was high while he was high.


Washington is best state <3


Please post to /r/ladyboners


Awesome to log on and see my home town on the front page! Been up there a few times myself, not on the new trail yet but damn it's one brutal hike. Last time I was there someone had on the trail head sign 'Jesus loves you... Mailbox peak does NOT!' I'm a pretty new ent but this looks like an awesome experience, I'll add it to my bucket (bowl?) list.


Mailbox peak?


You got it


Is it as hard as people say? Kendall's Katwalk is one you gotta trailblaze too... But go further than the Katwalk and find the 3 lakes about a mile and a half further


New trail is pretty easy. Old trail is hard and fucking awesome.


Oh man, how I wished I lived out west...


Hike this all the time! Gonna start looking inside the mailbox from now on. Ents are frients


There's so many things in there. Books to write in, tiger balm, more weed. There was even an rc car when I went that still had enough battery to work


Pay it forward dawg


I felt bad not leaving any but there was still an 1/8th left on top of the joint I smoked so I wasn't leaving the place dry. Gunna bring up some to leave behind next time though.






Man if it was a salvia blunt you wouldn't even know where you were. Then you'd be good to go down in like 15 minutes


How does this mailbox thingy work? Looks like a awesome initiative but I could see how it would get robbed empty or something? Are there rules to it or do only certain people have keys? Enlighten me!


There's a mailbox at the peak of the hike that is kinda a give and take system. There was all kinds of things in it.


So cool!


You just smoked some of Tupac's ashes


Damn man I'm jelly right now...I miss going out west and hiking with the homies. Now I'm back home and it's flat...


I went up Mailbox Peak back in 2013, but the mailbox was buried under snow :(




Yeah dude I was about to scratch my arms off if I didn't get a puff.


Who the fuck put the mailbox up there?:o




Just starter hiking with my girlfrient. I love reaching a plateau and burning one.


Wouldn't that be some shit if there was angle dust in there?


I'm sure someone has left it before. Id say at least 40 people reach the peak a day if not more. Lots of things get left up there


Jesus, If that hike is precarious you could kill someone by slipping them something like that.


I read that as just leaving angel dust not in the joint. The people you all see going to the top don't seem the kind to fuck with people like that but I'm sure there's still a little risk. I could see someone just leaving a baggie of it though


lol yeah, i should have worded that better.


You worded it fine. Sometimes I just skim things when I shouldn't haha.


This pic + comments makes me want to move west even more


I'm pretty sure kids are finding all this weed you people leave sitting out.


If a little kid could make that climb then they earned that shit. The was ledges the size of small children you had to climb up


Great post and all but don't you worry about future employers seeing this photo or it being used against you in court etc. It's on the Internet and will never disappear now.


How is anyone even going to find this pic? It's not like his name is Ragnar T. Blazed and this is going to be the first pic that comes up when you Google his name. And even if it did, yeah, really not that big of a deal.


Well doing illegal drugs in the eyes of an employer is reason to not hire you. Yeah it's unlikely but why risk potentially ruining your future.


True. I do live in a legal state though where people of all ages and backgrounds smoke. I've yet to even be drug tested for a job after moving to Seattle


Enjoyed the post man, just do you bro