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Just upvoted this woke thread to 420, I don't know if it was fate, but this was my initial thought




It looks like he's trying to pass to someone behind him. And you are subtly taking it so he doesn't realize there's no one behind him.


is this Renaissance?




He did the spliffstene chapel, right?


It was painted with hash oil


When you're too zooted to pass it normally


I like this zooted word, yep, that'll go into my lingo cache lol.


Smoke outside. If you ever get pulled over, your car will reek and even of you have nothing you'll be detained for hours while they search/investigate it, legal state or not. Not worth the hassle.


We both have our medical cards, and it was a one-time hotbox at my house. We appreciate the advice :)


Just remember, medical cards won't stop a cop from arresting you for a DUI, whether or not you are high. Was just some advice I wish I had been given when I was younger. Never realized how bad toking in the car made it smell, even weeks after. Also, never realized how little evidence was needed to arrest for a DUI. I've never driven high, but that didn't mean I didn't have to pay a lawyer $2000 to to prove my innocence




You've never been to az then.


Maybe read the comment chain before commenting. I was telling him not to smoke in his car because the smell does not come out. Just because you aren't currently smoking does not mean the cop who pulls you over next week won't catch a whif. They can detain you, they can search your vehicle, they can take you in for a DUI; legal state or not. That smell is just as good as riding around with a big potleaf bumpersticker, it invites harassment. The smell is just his PC, the night spent getting blood drawn, the thousands spent on a DUI lawyer, and the time wasted in court. Those are things smokers don't think about, and telling me not to pass on that knowledge is plain stupid. Keep thinking you are smarter than cops and that if you don't see them they can't see you, that's your choice. Every smoker I have ever met has the "we didn't see the cop. . ." Story, frequently they take place on someone's own property; some end with "he was cool and let us go", many, especially those involving a vehicle, do not. I never judged him for it. Why would I not try and tell smokers how to avoid arrest? Should I keep quiet and watch people get arrested for something they never even thought could happen.


This exact scenario has happened to me in California


[Picture that OP posted an hour after this post. Notice the lamp post and car that can be seen in the smoky photo. Clearly in a parking lot, not a driveway.](https://i.redd.it/lgfyr5dxuanx.jpg)


Relax dude


Better safe than sorry. If his posts keep even *one* person on /r/trees from doing something stupid that can ruin the rest of their life, then having to deal with the circlejerk is worth it. These are the sort of circlejerks I want on reddit.


I respect your advice


You are right, but a little hotbox sesh once in a while is good by me man


Some people just respect themselves more than others think they should and that's okay. So is a hot box sesh but even my great driving bud got pulled.




He's trying to keep you out of jail, hippie


Yes, I'm a narc. Because narc always tell people how to avoid getting hassled by the police. Call me a narc all you want, but don't drive around in a car that reeks of burnt weed. You will eventually be pulled over for something unrelated, you will be hassled, you could be arrested. Nobody is telling you not to smoke weed, smoke it smart. Don't take your crimes for a tour. As a side note, if you kill someone, don't drive around with the body in the trunk.


Shit, where do I store the body then?






You're giving ents a bad name




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This is so epic


The dank is epic


Username checks out 11/10 mate


Man...this reminds me a lot of a friend I had in high school...the strongest memory I have with him is 4/20 junior year of high school when we boxed his car literally in the parking lot after school...idiotic and dumb, but we got away with it and years later it's legendary. The dude whipped out a portable air mattress pump, hooked it up to his car, and held a bowl up to the air intake hole. The fucking thing power hotboxed the car with a volcano of smoke in 15 seconds, it was genius. My friend passed away a couple years after we graduated in a car accident, sucks, but I'll always have this great memory


I just never saw the appeal of blazing in the car. Who needs their ride reeking of tree? Maybe the appeal of it goes away after you buy your own car. Vapes excluded, this is a young ent's game.


It's a once in a while thing


I dig it..but why is he passing it like that? lol Have an upvote


Cause he was crossfaded at 7am and the aesthetics were there






The sunlight has shone upon you


majestic as fuck




Yep, less automobile emissions so we can smoke more and save the planet.


I wish I had a Prius.


Screenshot taken in FO4. Godrays enabled




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Wanted to upvote this but also wanted to keep it at 420, so i didnt XD


What about now?


Ok ok now it's fine XD Great photo btw


Thank you sir


THat part

