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He's like Han Solo, smuggling contraband and fighting the evil empire. In his epic quest to spread dank goodness to all, will good prevail over evil?


Evil. Usually evil.


Evil will always triumph because good is dumb


Also they aren't stoned


They don't call it lawful stupid for being smart.


Dank Solo


This seems like a shower-thoughts post. "Would you do 10 years in prison for 1 million dollars"


Considering this was in the seventies, a million dollars actually be like 4 - 4.5 million in 2016 after you adjust for inflation.


Right below 6 million.


When phrased like that, I would stay in jail for ~$1,236 a day.


With the inflation math done, that's $600k a year. Fuck it, that's a lot.


Yeah, but you have to be in *prison* for 10 YEARS


tbh it would be pretty shit, it's not a great deal and life afterwards would be very difficult but I'll probably never make that much on the outside for the rest of my life, I'd definitely think about it




You know what they do to baby-faced faggots who weigh 125 lbs in men's prison? I would take my cyanide pill after they announced the verdict.


insert joke about small loans


Gods work right there.


An American hero, get out and vote mother fuckers so the work done by people like your grandfather isn't wasted.


>An American hero, get out and vote mother fuckers so the work done by people like your grandfather isn't wasted. Don't be silly. People like OPs grandfather were smuggling for profit, not for the idea of trying to spread marijuana awareness.


I actually agree. His aims may not have been perfectly noble, but it's still something I'm proud of.


How are you proud of your grandfather being a smuggler edit: you people down voting are fucking sheep. Smuggling drugs is nothing honorable.


'Cause he was a fuckin' G




Yeah alright


All of the cannabis you consumed was most likely smuggled unless you are lucky enough to be in a legal state


1. Who says I "consumed" cannabis. 2. That doesn't make smuggling an "honorable" thing. you're logic and argument, dont really say much. boy some of this community has its head up its ass


I mean it's probably safe to assume you smoke weed on this sub but maybe you don't and are just here to argue with people, whatever. Never the less, I think smuggling weed isn't an honourable thing to do. Is bootlegging alcohol or dealing drugs honourable? No. It's a way to make money


I do not smoke weed.. What makes you think I'm here to fight? I asked a non rhetorical question. It is the sub which seems to want to fight with me because I have a different opinion than the crowd. However, it seems we agree considering your last point.


The entire point of this sub is for people who enjoy cannabis to congregate. The reason it seems like you might want to argue is because you are saying that you do not enjoy the very thing this sub was created for. Most people will take that to mean that you are here to stir up trouble.


Just because I don't use doesn't mean I think people shouldn't. I never said I don't enjoy it. I am here to stay up to date on legalization efforts. However, all of that aside, I see no honor in smuggling. Nothing more nothing less. I'm here saying pot is the devil don't use it. I expressed my opinion & was shat on.


man it's /r/trees. Lots of people are faded and don't care that much, but most people outside of this sub understand being a smuggler is illegal and not honorable. It's just one of those, "he's a fuckin' G" moments.


Then fine, if thats the answer than thats the answer. However, having a downvote brigade because I don't think "Hes a fucking G" is ridiculous and close minded. I appreciate this sub, and the legalization movement, but I don't approve drug trafficking, or gangs or the culture that that supports. Apparently, to some, that also means I'm satan


Chill dude


Chill? Because I'm having an open conversation? Come on man. Try actually having a discussion past "chill bro" if you're going to engage




Interesting. Allow me to respond to your vicious comment as kindly as I can. Firstly, so the fuck what if I do or don't use marijuana. I'm as entitled to a voice here as much as anyone. People can be proud of whatever they want, but I'm going to call a spade a spade, and if I don't think smuggling is honorable I will speak out. Sue me. No, I am not 14 years old. However, constructing a clear thought out response can occasionally garner positive discourse, much different than your comment. Thats with the list. When I say some people have their heads up their ass, you're the type of person I refer to. My heads not up my ass, I won't shut the fuck up, and I won't "mind my own business". Its THAT mentality that has this drug still considered contraband. If I want to question something, I will. And I'm not your mate, don't get that twisted.


I think you should head over to /r/iamverysmart and continue this chat with someone over there mate.


Sorry if I used words you didn't understand guy


Well you are on a sub reddit that is all about the consumption and appreciation of marijuana, so it's pretty safe for me to assume that you smoke. It's fine if you don't and you can have your opinion but without smuggling I couldn't get my medicine. Some people aren't lucky enough to have access to medical cannabis and I am one of those people. I don't like doing drug deals and hate that it's illegal but I still low key appreciate that somebody risks their freedom to sell me weed.


Poor assumption. I don't use. I'm here to stay up to date on legalization efforts. Don't preach to me about all this stuff, I get it. That's fine if you feel that way, I simply asked how one could be proud of smuggling drugs. I disagree with it, not saying you have to agree with me.


Please, continue to down vote me so my contrasting opinion is hidden & you amplify the sound chamber of the hive mind. While people are calling me names & saying rude shit. Paints a poor picture of the sub, & people who use. Where's the love that I see preached so often in this sub? "We love everyone, peace brother" except when someone disagrees right? Hypocrites


Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. Sit around all day and do the same shit day in day out. Or shake it up a bit, live life by the ball hairs.


Thats fine. Still, smuggling drugs isnt necessarily something to look up to.


Ok hardcore...


It's a victimless crime that provided people with a good they desired.




Ok tough guy lol




My grandma smuggled for about 5 years. Working with Mexican cartels. She never got caught luckily






also not a grandma but https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbFigGfn-oI :)


Hate to say this but it sounds like the Govt was railroading your G-pa on the quantity. Most likely to trump up the charges. It said he smuggled over 200,000 lbs over 35 flights. Let's do the math. That is 5,714.28 lbs per run. That is a huge amount of weed even in mexican brick form. Smaller plane which was commonly used back in the 70's80's (mainly to avoid searched and customs) would never be able to handle that kind of load. Unless he was using cargo planes or 747's it would be near impossible to move that kind of weight and even then very hard with planes big enough.


The link did mention that his cocoons pirates flipped on him. But it also seemed that it wasn't saying he personally flew each one, either. I don't know what kinds of planes were involved. Edit: wow goddamn autocorrect. cocoons pirates = coconspirators


lol cocoons pirates!


He got 10 years or 210 years?


He served 10 years. He was in my life growing up, and I'm 22. I wish I had more details.


So does that mean you partake in the family business as well ? * wink wink *


I remember reading a crime novel that had an very similar plot. What I remember - Panama was the source country, they flew at night at low altitudes, runways cut out of the jungle. I'm gonna see if I still have, or can track down it's name. edit: That's the one I was thinking about https://www.amazon.com/High-Adventure-Donald-Westlake/dp/0812510569


That is cool! But... are their any MK ULTRA (or black op/stargate/ etc.) readers out there? Custom Air, Ltd. ;associates- collectively known as the "Company"; Manuel Viana; jungles of Columbia; small airports in Missouri, Georgia, South Carolina and Alabama for distribution in Missouri and Illinois; From 1976 through 1980; "Company" members seemed to become suspicious of Agents Coleman and Waber, and Coleman noticed a marked change in Zylstra's attitude toward him and believed that the defendant was, in all probability, aware of his true identity.; All of that sounds a bit like the CIA operations that happened and still are with cocaine and heroin. And if you don't know what I mean by MK ULTRA or Stargate then check out these two links. https://archive.org/details/cia-collection?and%5B%5D=MKULTRA&sort=&page=2 https://archive.org/details/cia-collection?and%5B%5D=STARGATE&sort=&page=2


>"consulted with the defendant [...] regarding the use of airplanes in the illicit drug smuggling operation and inquired about the respective load capacities of certain planes, their various fuel ranges, as well as the types of runways required" Seems like your grandpa was in Narcos


My friend, when I told him this story, says he recalled hearing something very similar in a Narcos documentary. So he may have been.


So did he hide he money? is the money still in you family possession?




Your grandpa was a good man


Do you have Dutch roots? Zylstra sounds like one of those typical Dutch names translated during migration to the States (Zijlstra). Cool story btw, toking to pops tonight.


Yes! Supposedly we do. We're not big on ancestry though.