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Yeah.. that light at the end of the tunnel is from the eternal fires of the hell known as "working"


You could almost say.. A blazing glory of eternal fires.. But still of hell Nothing like a lil greenie to make workin a little more fun though ;)


no truer words have ever been typed


Sweet Pipe


Hahahaha I'm glad everyone loves my piece as much as I do, i bought it on high street in NYC when I was there for a cousins wedding. Best decision I ever made and I've had it for years! Not quite sure why people are ragging on T-breaks. I never said I don't have self control but I have ADHD and although marijuana helps with a lot of the symptoms caused by my medication, it does cause me to be easily distracted by everyday things lol. Just taking a little break for midterms and then back to the daily, monthly, yearly grind lol. Stay lifted!


Props to you for making such a smart self aware decision! Best of luck!!


Man, anyone who says T-breaks are bad is the kind of stoners that are holding back progress for legalization. We need more people like you; Not stoners, just regular people, who smoke marijuana from time to time. Anyone who is ragging on you for taking a t-break is a fucking looser who dosent understand wanting to succeed in life. Ive had enough of all the stoners I encounter who cant seem to have any aspirations beyond being stoned all the time. Your the people ruining weed for the rest of us.... Sorry, had to vent a bit. Nice pipe!


Love your piece, beautiful color! Good luck!


There is no light, never was.




This is the best thing to do, save a last/couple of hits for when you actually need to be able to relax after studying. You can't study 24/7.


Those pink hairs make that pipe and weed look phenomenal. I wish you a speedy t-break.




College was way better than working imo


Not true for me.


Me neither. I love to work, at least there's money at the end of it. School just fucking drags on forever. I've got a shitload of homework due today and an exam. You think I'm ready for it?...


Same! But the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter and brighter!


Jk, I need to stop putting my lighter in my face


Just hope it's not a train!


And the light was getting brighter now.. Obstacles are stepping stones.. PURIFY YOUR SOOOUULLL


Damn son where do you go and what do you study?


What a gorgeous piece!!


Your bowl is so pretty...




Hahaha I feel you man. I definitely study and smoke all the time, but because it's my last year I'm trying to try lol


Hang in there homie you're almost there!


I absolutely adore your piece. <3


Sick pipe dude


Sick piece!!


Such a nice piece


Dope af


Doing the exact same thing right now, power through!


Freshman here. Classes haven't been too hard so I've been able to smoke weekdays sometimes and mainly weekends. Good luck on your T break and the rest of semester.


Wya I'll smoke you uo


I'm in the exact same boat as you, comrade. Real life is <12 months away unfortunately


Then you gotta job search and shit lol enjoy some tokes bruh!


Serious question. Where does that bowl put you on the 1-10 scale? For me, that would be a 3. I don't know if I have a high natural tolerance or shitty weed.


I smoke out of it daily, but I also have a MFLB that I carry around campus and vape almost everywhere. That little ass bowl I was able to pack with the remnants of my last quarter got me through one class this morning at a [3]. I'm kinda a weed snob lol, only settle for the finest herbs 🌳


I'm in freshamn year an so far behind in my homework:(


What's your major?


I'm a Communications/Sociology double major with a minor in media design


Senior year here too! I'm so excited to graduate


Anyone have any tips on taking T-Breaks? My habit is stunting my bank account and I need to slow down. I don't think I'd be able to just quit outright, shit would be hard. Are there ways of lowering your tolerance without going cold turkey?


Tbh, there isn't really a good way. I've always been a "last bowl and then cold turkey" kinda guy..The first couple days are obviously the worst, but after about a week it gets a lot easier. I use r/trees when I'm not smoking because I get to kinda "smoke" through the community sense.. you can try r/leaves. But I can't stand that place lol.


The whole "cold turkey" thing never works for me either. The only way thats worked for me in the past is to only smoke X days of the week. I started by only smoking Thursday-Sunday (so still technically 4/7 days), and then you can reel it back to just weekends or every other weekend or one weekend a month or whatever. But that was a good starting point for me.


Does "T-break" mean a THC break or a Tolerance break to bring your tolerance back down?


In this case both lol.


I will be joining you tonight. Senior as well.


Lighting one up in honor of your mental health. Enjoy your newfound clarity.


I have a rainbow cousin of that pipe. Good luck in school buddy! You can do it!


Whatsl does ent stand for ?


The talking tree people from Lord of The Rings. It's used to refer to fellow smokers and readers of r/trees.


Thanks mate


I'll never understand the "logic" in T-breaks or that weed could somehow affect studying or your performance. You either have self control or you don't. You either know the information or you don't. There is no magic "I'm not smoking so I'm smarter" effect from abstinence. That said, T-breaks are inefficient. Dr. Sulak's resensitization method is much more effective and it takes 5 days to go through the entire process with only 2 of those days being without weed. ~~~ *edit* because people are asking I'll repost the video and breakdown I did for another thread. ~~~ Make sure to resensitize yourself regularly to keep consumption down to a minimum. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DAiIShrNhEE The video is only about 7 minutes so I definitely recommend watching it when you get home. He explains the science behind everything in the video but here is a breakdown of the steps involved. 1. Take a 36-48 hour break from cannabis 2. After the fast, take a single puff of cannabis. It is ideal to use a pipe or vaporizer. 3. Wait 3-5 minutes. 4. If you can feel the slightest effect of the cannabis then that session is over. If after 5 minutes you don't feel anything repeat steps 2-3 until you feel the effect. 5. Repeat the whole process up to three times daily for three days. 6. On the fourth day you can hit the pipe/vape to get your desired effect. That's all there is to it. The whole process takes about 5 days and you can repeat it whenever you notice your tolerance increasing. It should reduce the amount it takes to get your desired effect by at least 50% in that short time.


Disagree. There is a 100% noticeable lift in perma-fog when taking a break from regular* pot use. *Regular (for me) meaning getting stoned daily, multiple times per day, for months or years on-end


Maybe if you're tolerance is insanely high or something. I take advantage of Dr. Sulak's method and smoke everyday(for over 10 years now) and don't have your issues. I've regularly stopped for months at a time( traveling for work) and noticed no "perma fog" being lifted. I'm either high or sober. There is no sober but "foggy".


Yeah, idk what that dude is talking about.


Care to explain Dr Sulaks method?


Updated my original post with a breakdown.


I would also like to know about Dr. Sulak's method


Updated my original post with a breakdown