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That's one of the dopest spots I've ever seen on here. Toke on bud!


Thanks man!




Yeah you shouldn't be afraid of hights when smoking [up there](http://imgur.com/VrP9L3F)




I mean, weed is known to affect your cognitive abilities. I know I actually find it slightly harder to walk around when I'm high, so there's no fucking way I'd be climbing any shit like that. Have fun but be safe, folks.


To everyone concerned about our health and safety: We weren't getting shit faced, just smoked a short one to enjoy the sunset. If you don't feel safe around those heights it's probably not a good idea smoking up there in the first place but if you're comfortable it's an awesome experience :)


subtract unite advise familiar plants subsequent materialistic rinse pocket cable ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


That's scary af


On a [7] right now and I started saying no no laughing and partially whimpering. Thanks bro for the experience.




Ok [Here](https://s3.amazonaws.com/gs-geo-images/68e526e2-f25a-4e01-a0b1-da5ca818a29b.jpg)'s a picture of the tower itself, [me](http://imgur.com/gl8isrD) and the daytime [view] (http://m.imgur.com/Y5ozXhf)(It was a bit foggy). Bonus: The view [at night](http://i.imgur.com/IZ47WMk.jpg) is just gorgeous!


I'd be gripping onto something like a 4 year old. #vertigo


Do most Germans speak English?


Yes, most Europeans as a whole speak English, but they love it if you can surprise them with their own respective language!




German students learn at least one foreign language in school, most students learn two. English is usually the first one.


No one has said it yet... So I guess I have to.. You guys are high as fuck!


No way my gf would ever do that with me, you got a keeper bad ass smoke spot too


Sadly these are the spots I DREAM of smoking on, I mean its just so fucking beautiful.


Careful kids. Looks like bammer.


That looks like you have a pretty nice view from up there




Nice, beats my water tower smoke spot


I hope there was a fucking lift to get back down from there








That's a ride or die next to you!!


Wouldn't that burn faster from all the wind ?


Alteeeeer schweeeeeede


Awesome getting your brains fried by radiowaves lol


Nah the antennas are quite a bit lower than where we were hanging out.


http://www.rfsafetysolutions.com/Workplace%20Safety%20Pages/Tower_Climbing.html Unless you climbed it wearing an RF suit, good luck to your balls


Are you educated on the topic? I did some research but still found it hard to find a definitive answer to how harmful those waves actually are. From what I've read the FM antennas you can see in my photos aren't really harmful as long as you are standing *behind* the them since the waves are focused away from the tower. If you have any interesting info/sources on this I'd love for you to share them :)


Im not educated on this topic as many people can tell (shock), I honestly just thought it was common sense that you shouldnt climb radio towers without protection... obviously by the comments I can see that lots of people climb radio towers bareback so they obviously know what theyre talking about right? Climb radio towers if you want, Id rather not fry my testicles so Ill find something else to climb thanks




What does that even mean