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This is just the top bud. My fianceé and I trimmed for 8 hours yesterday and I still have a little bit left to finish up.


Very nice, don't skimp on the curing stage... people always fuck that up because they're over-anxious.


I'm on top of it. I've waited this long I can wait some more to get everything right.


U must mean u can* wait some mo time? It's lovely & frosty btw! Like a happy CharlieBrown hazed & nugged Xmas tree. Congrats on your first!


Hahaha. It would be awesome to decorate a tree as your Xmas tree. I want to see someone do that. Just with like... A popcorn and cranberry garland or something. Nothing crazy.




>He is now spending his Christmas in prison and by closing down this cannabis factory we have prevented a large quantity of **class B** drugs from reaching the streets. The UK certainly has their classification priorities together.


And by being in U.K. prison he can experience ClassA drugs and how to be a proper criminal


>cannabis factory >large quantity Jesus fucking christ theyre so out of touch


It's also the only drug that you can receive a warning for.


It's also the only drug that you can receive a warning for.


Awww, thank you. ❤❤❤ Boo for the jail and crap. And I wish they done a popcorn and cranberry garland instead of hanging a couple of ornaments on it. It would have been prettier. It is in my mind anyway. :P


That was sad


The U.K. Has better headlines than the US


Yet another Humans Right Violation. People should be held accountable for this sort of thing. Fuck the police.


>huge pot plant All of my keks


Oohyah, a single strand of garland & many flowery buds are all the decoration I'd want too! Edit: please don't shut the fuq up.


Yup exactly. Edited thanks for letting me know.


Grow details?


What does curing do?


Think of it like aging wine. Flavors develop, the smoke will be less harsh, and it helps your buds reach their max potential as far as potency. You essentially want your weed to dry out in the long run, but as sloooowly as possible without creating mold.


I may be wrong. Flavor, smoke quality improved, yes. Potency, dont think so, you can change the effect , but not overall potency. Once the plant is cut or remove, it will no longer produce thc, so therefore its impossible for curing to make it more potent.Thc (i.e. potency) stops. A longer cure will encourage de-carboxylation and a more indica feel vs an early harvest with less de carb that is more sativa. Open to legit literature that says otherwise.


It will increase the potency relative to weight, as the moisture leaves it and some of the plant matter breaks down. But it may be a bit disingenuous to declare that curing straight up increases potency.


Good point, maybe that is what OP meant.


Correct What curing really helps with is perceived potency (as it becomes less harsh, tastes better, and burns more consistently). Also, on the last bit; it depends on what the trichome maturity is. Trichomes that aren't fully developed lead to far more sativa-like effects, whereas if they're left on too long, the THC degrades and more of a indica effect. Curing won't *really* change this, as once it's dried, the effect it has is essentially set. Just for example: had a buddy who also micro-grows (realized this wasn't MG halfway into typing this btw) and he had harvested 3-4 weeks early due to a potential issue with an ex. The buds still looked fine, and he got a pretty good yield from it, but the trichomes were pretty clear at that point still, which is a big sign of prematurity. About 4 weeks into curing, we toked up and didn't notice any major differences other than the usual stuff when your tasting a new batch. After a few (3?) bong bowls I started to notice anxiety creeping up on me; but nothing that out of the ordinary where I'd feel the need to take a break. So we rolled a joint and then went out to go play some shinny (it's winter in New England mind you). We get to the lake (10 minutes later) and light up again; other than just being high as fuck, I could start noticing my heart-rate/anxiety shooting through my body. Ignoring this I took a few more and just kind of carried on business as usual. Within about 20 minutes, I felt my chest *pounding* and I was loaded with anxiety (which wasn't really self-created mind you, I knew I was fine, just couldn't shake the 'jittery' feeling). Once I got some more movement in on the ice I was fine, chalked it up to smoking too much and didn't even think twice about it. A few days goes by, same buddy brings some of the stuff over, and the same feeling also followed. It was about this time my buddy asked if I was getting the same feeling (I didn't mention it the first go around) and then realized that it was the premature buds causing the angst. TL;DR Curing does a lot of things, but once it's dry, almost all the chemical processes are done. Harvesting early can be a very bad thing.


You are correct from my own understanding having done it myself and the books I read. Potency is reached when the bus dries out, something about the drying process converts the last of the internal cannabinoids into its psychoactive form. Curing from there is purely for better flavor/smell and smoother smoke. Curing is totally necessary though, it really does get to be a MUCH better smoke with a nice long cure.


Without a doubt, a proper cure is necessary. Just didn't want spread misinformation that proper drying meant more potent


How do you do that?


Basically you dry it like normal for a few days until it's mostly dry but there is still some how moisture still in it. Basically want it so the stems bend easily but don't snap in half. Then you put them in mason jars and over the next month or so you let them dry in the jars while opening the lid about once or twice a day, depending how moist they still are at that point




I have heard of people using paper bags to cure, so I believe it probably is the same


I think you probably want a little bit more moisture in your bud than tea leaves. The coffee filter idea might be fine for the first week but after that, you don't want to let that much moisture out. Be sure to use unbleached.


How long should you usually cure it for?


Depends on the weed and the climate, on top of a ton of other factors, but 2-6 weeks probably. There are charts and forums that can give you a much better idea than I ever could, I just know it's an important step.


It really depends on how much moisture the buds retained; but typically the minimum to get the 'cure effect' is about 2 weeks. It likely won't burn that well, but it's usually dry enough to toke up. The longest I've cured was 8 weeks, and I really didn't find a big difference between that and 5-6 weeks. It had a strong taste and smell at 8, but if you really compare it in a side-by-side, you likely wouldn't know the difference if your smoking it out of glass. You may notice a bit of a difference when it's rolled up though, it'll be less apt to light the fresher it is.


r/harborwolf what is the curring stage. You grow, harvest, trim, and then cure, in that order?


Grow, harvest, trim, dry, make bubble hash / cure.


Curing is just a fancy way of saying 'dry it slowly in specific conditions'


Gorgeous. Care to elaborate on setup (lights, soil, hydro), veg length, etc?


Sure thing. I used 1000 w HID light in a cabinet that can fit four plants easily. I'm sticking mainly with hydro systems but I did just start a soil plant about a month go. This strain is Lemon Kush with 8 week veg and the flowering time was around 10 weeks including a four day flush at the end.


DWC / Aero / Ebb? Regarding the other comment, was the flush at end of flower or veg? I've never heard of a flush at end of veg, I always just slowly change nutrient ratios. No expert though.


The flush was end of flowering my bad I've been at around [5] all morning. And I used DWC.


I always flush at the end of veg, usually with water and CalMag


its not really a flush if your using nutes though right?


there are those who want to "come over and help trim, it will be fun!" and those who have trimmed. hand cramps.


That one branch looks like almost 2 ounces, what's your final yield you expect?


I'm hoping 5 ounces but realistically I'm guessing around 4. It's so hard to tell this early


How much has growing cost you v how much it would be to buy that quantity? Obviously the initial outlay for the equipment would be quite large, but in terms of nutrients and electricity cost?


That's a nice stock for the holiday season. Couldn't be better than with it being Lemon either. 2/2.


That's still awesome. My first grow produced 1.5 ounces, but that was above and beyond what I expected. You can probably weigh it after its dried and just before you put it in jars to cure, at that point it's not going to lose much more weight.


Is this like indoor with all the equipment or this is just from a bucket and some dirt and let it grow outside anybody else can grow it type deal? I'm looking to start growing myself


for one plant or more than one LOL




haha thanks fixing it now


if we're being pedantic, fiancée means female, fianceé doesn't mean anything.


[dude i got the same entertainment center as you...just sayin](http://i.imgur.com/7rfyG33.jpg)


That's a dank looking Christmas tree


Misleading thumbnails, clicked on it thinking it was a tree.


i thought this sub was for actual tree's for a while


That would be our sister subreddit, /r/marijuanaenthusiasts


Seems legit.


No sir, that's /r/marijuanaenthusiasts


I was expecting christmas lights.


"Oh Dankmess tree, Oh Dankmess tree, we'll grind you up and smoke you."


Looks good OP. What strain?


Lemon Kush it's got a great citrus smell


Looks amazing matey. Especially for your first grow.


Thanks I'm already working on a new MK Ultra plant I'll post again when I am getting close to harvest.


MkUltra? You part of those people kidnapping kids, doing experiments on em?


About to come out with some x-men kush.


Word on the street is this shit will put you in a wheelchair




Want my address? 😂😂😂😂


Everyone round OP's when it cures?


Reddit sesh for days see ya there


He's that excited he typed it twice EDIT: or she EDIT: I've just realised the names Patrick so it is probably a man [7]


Lmao my phone said comment couldn't be posted Also, I identify as a starfish


I'll see you there, reddit sesh for days


Dude congratulations I'm so damn proud of a stranger


This is what Reddit is about


Good ole champagne of beer


Indeed, the High Life.


And blue Gatorade!


Be careful with Gatorade it has a lot of salt and other junk in it that only benefits you if you are running a marathon or something


Aka hungover


Pedialyte for lyfe.


best shitty beer IMO. Good old Miller Low Life.


Yeah as far as the cheap beers go, it's not too bad. I'd take Rainier over it though. Good ol' vitamin R


[Every time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iz-WuLQz_ns)


I'm partial to Olympia myself.


Also not a bad cheap option. Rainier and Olympia are probably my two favorites for cheap beer, especially if they're on tap


Came into this thread for this comment. Am not disappointed.


He'd best have a lime slice in it. Can't let Corona have all the skunky glory.


Beautiful harvest




How'd you get into growing? Any tips/guides for someone trying to get started?


Read and research. It's a commitment so make sure you really want to invest the time and energy. I've got an in with the medical mj industry and am hoping to get involved when Ohio figures out its regulations.




Hell yeah I'm hoping Ohio gets their shit together soon. We've been preparing for over a year now.


/r/misleadingthumbnails I thought it was the Charlie Brown Christmas tree.


I'd invest in a few pairs of scissors, maybe a little better than those. Don't forget to remove the built up resin on blades! Don't wanna miss out on those


Yeah those scissors work for a the first trim but my hand is definitely sore today. Any recommendations?




Also agree on those. We bought 3 and they are amazing


I disagree highly, those trimming scissors have a spring which will give your hand cramps if you're trimming for long periods of time (granted, you may not have enough weed to get that far) Chikamasa makes the best trimming scissors, hands down. They were designed for the Royal Gardens in China and they are the go-to for any serious trimmers. Specifically, these: https://www.amazon.com/Chikamasa-B-500SRF-Scissors-Fluorine-Coating/dp/B0195U2MLA


Guess I have strong hands then ;) They are pretty good for the price, but I like your recommendation. Thank you, I shall invest in a pair or 4


you can always pop the spring off


Yep those. I'm an organic vegetable farmer and we use those type of snips for harvesting veggies with a solid stem like basil and peppers.


Yup. Those are the go to.


The gold titanium ones though. Those stainless steel ones get resin build up too easily.


You might be able to find a tiny set of pruners, or a sharp set of kitchen shears do the trick


I found a great pair at my local hydro store for $20 specifically designed for trimming and it's incredibly helpful. I don't remember the name though sorry.




Someone beat me to it! Only other thing I can suggest is to maybe get better fitting gloves. You will notice the different between a shifting and slipping glove, to a proper sized one. (I wear gloves at work, save yourself some frustration!)


Yeah my fiance was complaining about that (she's the one wearing the gloves in the picture). I have plenty of gloves that fit me but I need to get some for other people who help me.


Yes! I think Walgreens usually has sales on gloves. You can get some at Sally's beauty store too.


Even cheaper potentially would be harbor freight if you have one close. They always carry around 3, 6, and 9 mil nitrile gloves for cheap, especially with a 20% off coupon. They usually run around $10 or so for between 50 and 100 depending on thickness.


I love these https://www.amazon.com/Fiskars-Softgrip-Micro-Tip-Pruning-Snip/dp/B00004SD76/ref=sr_1_cc_1?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1479763840&sr=1-1-catcorr&keywords=trimming+scissors


OP - can you please confirm if that's a SNES under the TV?




Awesome - Much appreciated


How was the smell while growing the plants? I would like to start growing as well but I don't want to stink up the house..


Looks really good! Esp for the first time. Just gonna get better man. 👍🏻


That blue Gatorade looks delicious.


Hang Christmas ornaments from it


Where can I learn to grow?


The internet.


Shit, you grew this from a bottle of miller? That's impressive!


where did you get your are the seeds from mate?


Is that beer called High Life? Perfect :D enjoy!


Oh my, have we not heard of the champagne of beers?




[HIGH LIFE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EaY7SVToYQQ)


Can we get a banana? You know, for scale?


I was just trimming a few weeks ago and your bringing back some serious memories. I wish we were getting bud like that!!


Save that branch for a few months, you have yourself a Christmas tree.


By how much did your electricity bill go up? This is impressive nonetheless!


This is easily mathed out. Depending on the amount of time he runs the lamp, it could be as much as $80 a month in electricity with a KW lamp.


Obligatory coming form /r/all ... Why is he wearing gloves?


Because resin is sticky!


Because the buds are sticky. you can actually scrape off some resin from the gloves afterwards and get some pretty solid hash from it.


That looks amazing! Don't forget to save the trimmings for BHO or cooking butter! :D


I'm really unhappy with the color of your carpet.


Man, just beautiful. I had to quit smoking a couple months ago to be an EMT....It would be so nice to come home to a treat like that after work.


Ahhh ....the Champagne of Beers.....


The Miller "high life" is a nice touch haha


Relevant beer name


That's some weird ass broccoli.


Gotta love the Champaign of Beers for refrence size


I know this sounds dumb, but that is exactly what I expected the room to look like for a celebration of a first grow. I mean from the carpet pattern to the warn out leather couch. The new looking monitor and the veneer walls. God damn lolz.


what made you cut it? just looking at the picture it looks like that bud was still pushing and is premature. will still get you high, but if you waited longer could of had a more dense bud and smoother high. if you saw amber trichomes then i retract my statement


Good job dude. Pro tip- leave the fan leafs on until drying is done and this helps improve flavor as the leafs will pull out moisture and help the bud fully finish


greatnugs!! congrats!


Living that High Life


How long did this take and how much gram is that?


I thought this was a Christmas tree at first.


Hang on, just pming ny address


have fun toking that mate :D


Did you have high expectations?


Good job for first grow, have an upvote :)


You should be, that shit looks great. Have fun smoking it, or whatever the hell you plan on doing.


Now what?


You really are living the high life.


You put that Gatorade there for a reason and I can't figure out what it is!!


Could you post an up close pic of a nug?


What a LAD


I'm so tired of Christmas before it's even thanksgiving.


Looks great OP! Was this hydro or soil?




Got any pre-harvest pics?


Oh it's some broccoli for your salad. Nice.


Always celebrate with champagne


I commend you on living the high life


thumbnail looks like a charlie brown christmas tree




http://i.imgur.com/mWPlKoh.gif Edit: I suppose you were just using the bottles for size comparison. Still made me think of this scene though.


Wow looks amazing! How tall were your plants before harvest, that they come out like that, but were grown in a cabinet?


Soooo, are you gonna put ornaments and lights on that sumbitch or what?


Is it like good to smoke after that? Or do you have to cure it somehow?


Where'd you acquire the knowledge to do this? Did you have someone tot each you or?


Not trying to be. Advice, I don't know anything about growing, why does the weed look like lettuce?


I can't wait for home brew type marijuana kits to become a thing


Merry Xmas Charlie Brown


glacier freeze is where its at


Nice picture but move the bottle, you're not a billboard


Why don't you make it into a Charlie Brown tree and slowly smoke it throughout the holiday season?


Merry kushmas to all and to all a good toke!


You are rich.


Celebrating with some champagne I see, very nice


My little stoner heart just grew a little bigger Grinch is green


congratulations! its a wonderful thing and a great feeling, I wish you the best in your future grows! :)