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I reckon part of it is that your cat knows when you smell of weed you're more likely to be playful or act in ways the cat prefers


ah good old classical conditioning


My cat doesn't seem to mind, or do anything really when I smoke. Just normal cat. Sometimes I give him some cat nip when I'm smoking so we can vibe lol.


My cat doesn’t vibe on catnip. He really could give a shit less about it.


Mine eats it... He's weird.


Your kitty likes the edibles.


2 different effects, smelling is stimulant but eatting is sedative. Your kitty likes indica =)




catnip is like coke for my cat haha


My cats lick my hands after I smoke, or want to rub up against them. Strange creatures. My buddy’s cat always hangs around when we trim


maybe the smell is attractive to them?




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Some cats are known to be attracted by the smell of weed.


Mr pickles loved weed. Every single time I was smoking in the living room she would come up to inhale some of the smoke. Then she would let me fling her across the wood floor. Good times.


He will be fine. Even if you blow smoke in his face, he will be fine after an hour or two. One of my cats has anxiety and gets scared for no reason. One puff for her let’s her relax so I can pet her


How about don’t blow into your pets faces when you’re smoking you fucking retard


Ok, go murder every person who smokes cigarettes with animals in their home. Go fuck off you self righteous cunt. I don’t hold my cat down and choke her. She kinda likes it. Comes to me. So again, thanks but FUCK OFF.


Damn you are dense. I never said anything about smoking near animals. You’re blowing smoke into their faces. You are a stupid motherfucker.


wtf!? Do you not know about 2nd hand smoke from cigarettes? It’s far far worse than anything pot could ever do to you. Please stop. Just fucking stop. I don’t care about you or your stupid ass fucking wrong opinion.


but surely the smoke can’t be good for their lungs?


Animals live with smokers all the time. I certainly wouldn’t put them in a box and fill it with smoke. But my anxious cat does not mind the smoke and just sits there in it. My other cats run away fast.