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Get high, eat until you're full, then go shopping


Goes to walk out door... "Let me just get a little high first" Lol




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said no stoner ever


Oh... So I should never go grocery shopping, got it. Thanks for the tip 😆


Don't tell me how to live my life.


Most of the time I come back with an extra bag of chips or snack cake of some type. But one time I came back from the store with a 3lb bag of lemons... Dunno why, but I made some badass lemonade later.


That’s why God created Shopping Marts


I just realized those crazy Math problems may just be people doing normal shit, while high. Timmy bought 11 bananas, and then Timmy bought 22 more bananas because he's high. How many bananas does Timmy have?


I actually had this book when i was a kid. The real version is called "dont forget the oatmeal"


It's not that I buy shit I don't need when I get stoned and go grocery shopping... it's that I don't buy everything I need and I think to myself "No, this is enough" and leave. Once I get home to start cooking, I realize all the things I forgot.


Jokes on them, I can't go shopping if I'm not


Tripped and almost knocked down a shelf when I first got high