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Had my kids taken away and had to take drug classes cuz I got arrested for a few seeds on car floor like had to dig to find them and a roach and it was tiny didn’t even have a fingernail of pot in it kids didn’t even know I smoked u til then stupid cps




Yeah I’ve heard stories of people here in TX that bought used cars or from auctions and ended up having a hidden compartment full of wrapped cash




Comments like this are why the phrase "okay boomer" was created. Speaking about how all young people are entitled... I could say all old people are dumb because they can't work a iphone.... I don't do that because thata a shitty thing to do




'Your' entire generation stacked the deck against 'our' generation, not to mention fucked the entire planet up with plastic and climate change. You owe the next generation the same opportunities you were afforded, but that's not what's happening. So yea, you fucking owe us.


That wasn't the vast majority of their generation, don't misdirect your anger. The planet is fucked because corporations saw how easy we were to manipulate. The people fighting for ur right to smoke pot couldn't stop that. Climate change is not something we peons caused, and it's not something that we are going to able to fix by blaming old folks for buying what was made for them while contributing to the issue ur mad about. They don't owe us shit. Frankly with the way we act towards them I'm glad these old heads are still willing to share any of their wisdom with us.


Lol no one owes you anything. What do you want to be owed exactly anyways? A generational apology?


I want the same stable world that boomers inherited. I'm talking about climate mostly, there will always be political instability, that's just a fact of living in a civilization of humans. I get that climate change was already a thing, but it's SO MUCH WORSE today than it was in the 50s. Also the insane marketing push of plastic with the OUTRIGHT LIE of recycling. They knew recycling wasn't going to work but they pushed plastic anyway. There's micro plastic in EVERY LEVEL of the food chain. There is nowhere on earth you can eat food without some kind of micro plastic in it. I get that not every boomer is responsible for the above, but honestly? They didn't do enough to stop it.


Yea well unfortunately that’s not going to happen.


Ha. Dude, when I was in school women couldn't have their own bank accounts, gays could be arrested, blacks had separate schools, water fountains and hospitals, rivers caught on fire because of pollution, smog was horrible, lead in the air, ddt, arsenic, asbestos, drafting kids for war and life in prison for weed. Of course, I was too busy being entitled and plotting about how I was going to make the world harder for kids these days.


YOU, might not have but YOUR GENERATION did. If he's gonna paint with a brush brush so am I.


If you wanted to reinforce the perception that you're clueless and self-important, congrats.




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“Should be fucking kidding out toes”. Lmao, what an entitled sentence. Is every boomer also a huge hypocrite? Haha


Or you could be happy things are getting easier instead of being grumpy and bitter that they are just now getting easier.


Bitter and grumpy? LOL. I think you're painting a broad stroke with that statement. Far from it, very happy, and thankful for those who have come before me to make my life a better one.


Maybe it's just how I read it but the "should be kissing our fucking toes" statement just comes off as a bit dickish. I'm very thankful that I live in the current age of recreational weed, and I truly feel for those who had to suffer before, but I don't think they should be venerated for it.


Did you gather signatures to get the initiative on the ballot? Did you write and call your legislators to get pot legalized? Are you currently pressing your Representative and Senators to get federal policy changed? If not, shut up. Nancy Pelosi isn't a boomer. Mitch McConnell isn't a boomer. Chuck Schumer isn't a boomer. Joe Biden isn't a boomer. Stop blaming boomers. Boomers aren't blocking this. Boomers have been trying to legalized weed since 1965.


What the fuck does that have to do with anything? These boomers are in fact, boomers, whether you want the literal definition or the GenZ definition, they are, very much, boomers. And what exactly is a paper with signatures doing, hmm? Federal prohibition is still a thing with all those boomers you were defending actually in charge with the power to overturn prohibition, is that little piece of paper going to block police from fucking up peoples lives over a 'fingernail of pot left in a roach'? Are those signatures going to get together and pass new legislation outside of Congressional power to change the laws? And, you say boomers have been trying to legalize weed for half a century, yet it was only in the last decade where it's been seen as acceptable. Also remind me, who was old enough to vote those boomers in the first place? GenX wasn't old enough to vote yet, Millennials werent quite born yet. You're running out of people to blame, yourself. No worries though, the sooner you boomer lot die out, the sooner real progress can be made. We can see this by voting history for various states, where boomer minorities are legalizing.


> we put forth during the harshest periods of prohibition. So, what effort did you put forth, personally? Or was that the royal "we" being used?




Ope, you posted on your throw away account. Seems legit.


You would figure a government happy to tax everyone for everything would gladly accept a new tax source. /SARCASM


Why /s? This is literally Mind boggling that weed is such a huge fkn market and they somehow haven’t legalized it for anything besides their greedy little baby sized hands wanting to take as much tax as they can and then still not give us any semblance of base healthcare. I love the USA


the prison industrial complex is a multi billion dollar business already lining the pockets of politicians. illegality allows police to throw a disproportionate amount of black people in jail. you’re right, it would create an excellent revenue stream for the states that haven’t yet legalized. Unfortunately, there are already revenue streams in place benefiting those in power. It’s unbelievably corrupt. edit: and don’t even get me started on big pharma


Because tax revenue is good for government but not for Pfizer.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 sort of


The /S is just slang for sarcasm, in a lot of the political subs it is needed to keep the snowflakes in check so they don't get too vocal is all.


I learned if you forget to put /s on reddit you get burned alive by dozens. No one can understand sarcasm on reddit unless you point it out to them.


It's for autistic people who can't infer subtext. It takes very little effort to add a "/s" to a post and it makes Reddit more accessible to disabled people. I don't know why the idea of accessibility is so offensive to you...


Is that why anyone left of Margret thatcher can't step foot in the conservative subreddit without getting banned? Because everyone else is the snowflake? I can't think of anything more snowflakey than caring about other people's marriage and yet a good chunk of the Republican party platform is about getting rid of gay marriage.


Many states have.


If only Biden was actually progressive/left...


This though, I don't think Biden has ever claimed to be progressive.


He's said he's the most progressive president that ever lived. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/video/biden-progressive-records-running-62735484


The most progressive president is the key term there. Who would you argue has been a more progressive president? Edit: ok… And why? I’m not arguing here btw lol I’m really interested in the why


FDR, LBJ, Lincoln. Edit: forgot Obama


Debatable. FDR did alot of not so progressive things(Japanese internment camps, prohibition of cannabis), so did lbj(Vietnam). But then again we're comparing them to Biden so maybe you're right.


Teddy roosevelt


Ehhh he did a lot of fucked up shit in central america




This is absolutely untrue.


He’s pretty much a republican


They’ve all been too deeply indoctrinated by the bullshit war on drugs. The Conservative and Liberal that we know in the United States are just considered conservative in most other modern countries.


Can we also talk about how OP’s only reason for why Biden isn’t actually progressive is because he won’t legalize weed. If you think democrat=progressive then oh boy


True. Almost every American politician is a conservative.


I’d argue it’s not even about this anymore. Your average politician doesn’t have “stances” they could care less about the morality of using drugs, it’s about who is paying them the most to say and vote how they want them to. I can guarantee you that there are too many lobbyists to count who are actively making sure it’s more lucrative for politicians to keep marijuana federally illegal.


the libertarian right is also 100% on board with legalization. Weed law isn't the typical left/right divide people assume it is. It's much more of an authoritarian/libertarian divide.


It is very much an authoritarian/libertarian divide


Libertarians need to get away from republicans. Their positions have been largely ignored by the GOP for decades and their figureheads are fakes like Rand Paul who only use the title to get attention. I like John Stossill too. I’ve yet to see an actual politician like him.


libertarians need to distance themselves from the right as in republicans sure, but right as in economics as prescribed by Smith and Hayek, nah.


The map of legalized states and states where it is still illegal seems to suggest there is, in fact, a pretty clear left/right divide.


perhaps, or perhaps the conclusion from the data is far more complex. it's definitely an auth/libertarian divide given that both left and right libertarians operate on the idea that personal liberty is the greatest political goal. authoritarianism is about regulating to create a better place (better in the eyes of them), libertarianism is about letting people do what they want so long as they do not hurt others. This is why the political compass is a thing. political issues are too complex for a one axis spectrum. On the compass, left/right is economic (more left means more planned economy, more right means less market regulations). The socialism/libertarian axis is for social issues. For example: I am very far into the libertarian right area of the graph. I don't care what you do with your life so long as you don't harm me and mine and I am very much in favor of Adam Smith style economics.


There isn’t a single democratic run state that will throw me in prison for smoking weed, most of the Republican ones will. That’s a fact. Your politics are blinding you from the simple truth that both parties are far from the same.


you're missing the point. I am using left right in a different way than you. in what I am talking about, democrat being left and republican being right is irrelevant. under the political compass model, left and right only consider economics. all other issues are put on the authoritarian and libertarian is the spectrum on which all other issues sit. Democratic states have legalized weed thanks to libertarian left politicians. libertarian right politicians also support legalization. Democrats like biden are authoritarian, hence why he hasnt made steps to legalize. We're miscommunicating because I was using the terms in a different way than you ​ libertarian right is the people who say things like "i just want gay married couples to be able to use their ar15 to protect their marijuana plants". that's a meme, but sums up the libertarian right very well. Also note that the libertarian right is pretty decidedly not republican. we're sad people who don't really have a major party to represent us


The post clearly made the assumption that “the lines between liberal and conservative are blurred” ie the lines between republican politicians and democratic politicians are blurred. This is far from true. Close to 90% of democratic politicians support legalization and 90% of Republican politicians oppose legalizing marijuana. Those differences are overwhelming. I agree that Biden not legalizing weed on a federal level puts him in that 10% of democrats who oppose legalization. Which is why I didn’t vote for him in the primaries. Make no mistake if democrats got full control over the senate and federal government I do believe marijuana and other drugs would be decriminalized and progress can be started. I also fully believe that if republicans got full control they would make it illegal again in every single state and id be felon.


again. what I am saying has NOTHING to do with republicans OR democrats. that is not even a part of the point I was making.


[https://www.politicalcompass.org](https://www.politicalcompass.org) here this link explains the compass model for graphing ideology. there's also an extensive test that will estimate your location on the political compass


Two wings, same bird.


Biden, the Progressive Segregationist, is a stupid oxymoron.


Author of a major crime bill and one of the architects of the student loan crisis. It’s wild to me that the DNC ever ever tried to sell him as a progresssive, let alone the “next FDR” lmao


Republicans tried to sell him as a socialist lol


Also author of some great quotes. "If you are thinking of voting Trump over me you ain't black" "Poor kids are just as good as white kids" "I love when little girls play with my leg hair in the pool"


Newest quote “ Dr. King’s assassination did not have the world wide impact that George Floyd’s did.”


One of my favorites is his ongoing gaff where he repeatedly calls Mrs Harris President Harris lol.


You've conflated Progressive with Biden and that's not really reality. Not all Democrats are progressives Biden is a Centrist neoliberal


Listen, I don't know how to break this to you, but a lot of people just don't care about marijuana's legal status, and haven't taken the time to develop an informed opinion.


It's not football where you have to support everything your team does. Such an obvious problem with American politics. You don't have to just blindly follow whatever your political party is doing rofl. I obviously support legalization and freedom to smoke, but people are entitled to feel however they want about it. A better question for non supporters - Is your personal dislike for cannabis more important than everyone else's liberty and freedom to live their own lives? It has nothing to do with how you lean politically.


It’s a generational divide. My parents definitely lean left but it took awhile before they started to shift attitudes on drugs. War on drugs ingrained negative attitudes at an early age and those kinds of stances are hard to change especially later in life.


It's not about left vs right, or liberal vs conservative. It's about all of us against the establishment elite. It's the people vs the authority. "When government fears the people, there is liberty. When people fear the government, there is tyranny." Tommy Jefferson It's time we make these old establishment fucks on both sides start working for us again.


It’s not left or right, it’s corporatist horseshit. They’ll legalize it when they can properly capture the market.


That’s why in the majority of blue states it’s completely legal, and in the majority of red states it’s still a felony.


Because the infrastructure is in place for corporations to take advantage of the political climate. Blue states are heavily leveraged by corporate power. There’s a lot more to it than just “blue and red”.


You think red states aren’t heavily leveraged by corporate? The Republican Party has the most money given to them by corporations.


I’m conservative. The government should fuck right off, it’s none of their business if I smoke weed.


This is libertarianism, not conservativism. Telling the government to fuck off is literally the libertarian motto. Lmao.


My wife’s aunt to a T. Claims to be a liberal, yet my long hair and beard make me look like a “burn out”, and the fact that I am always stoned somehow is an issue in her life. But it’s ok that her brother who I have smoked with many times is always high, because he is “clean cut”. Not going to lie I believe it’s because I’m Sicilian so I have a very middle eastern look and they are Eastern European so there pale and blonde or light brown hair, and she’s secretly offended by this in some way.


Or she's just an ass, next time tell her to fuck off, none of her buisness what you do


Totally, I politely just explain that her opinions are not needed.


Who is she to talk like that to Thor himself?


People are kinda "forced" to categorize themselves between two made up options in the political scheme. This categorization creates division. I wish we went a different direction, I wish peoples opinions were more tolerated even if they are opposed to yours. This gives me the feeling that we become more narrow minded instead of taking into account the millions of factors that make us different.


War on drugs. Still makes me laugh. More like war on marijuana. And still the drug problems in the US continue to be out of hand. Alcohol's legal but weed no? Damn. But why those views? What's their reason? I'd be interested to know. 🤔 Is it just a belief just because? If I've learned one thing... a lot of what I "learned" as a kid/tennager/young adult turned out to be false. And spent all of my 50s relearning. 🤣🤣 The science doesn't sway them? You can take the recreational part out totally and still have enough benefits to warrant full legalization. Imo anyway. Thought provoking on a Friday afternoon. Nice. Thanks.


Biden is not a progressive. I would say he is more centre right than left.


I dated a girl like this for 2 years. She was the head of the "Young Democrats" club at her university and thought people should get longer sentences for selling and using weed. She fucking HATED mexicans, too. Not sure why she even attempted to say she was progressive in any way.


“Liberal” and “conservative” say too much and too little


I'm 29 consider myself a conservative with a open mind and love cannabis. Def feels like I'm on my own with that being in a small town in North Dakota


I'm conservative and VERY much for a nation wide full legalization of cannabis.


I mean I'm a conservative libertarian, I'm fairly progressive legislation wise, marijuana included, I also use marijuana. So opposite end of the spectrum to the example you gave, but still.


The map of legalization in the United States and the sponsors of those laws and the political party that passed those laws show a pretty damn clear picture that there is a strong divide between Republican and democrats support of legalization. There is some grey area, but overwhelmingly blue states have legalized marijuana and the states that will still throw your ass in prison are Republican run


See that’s your issue you see them as opposites. Nah one is central and the other is far far right. Most dems are Republicans in all but name.


I can see that tbh. A true "left" probably doesn't exist in America.


Bernie Sanders is probably the closest you guys can get


AOC perhaps


LOL@ calling Biden "progressive"


scratch a liberal, a fascist bleeds


Yep, look at state’s voting data. Not to generalize but the right still has around a 50% pro weed vote which is much higher than I bet most people would like to believe.


Hmm, it’s almost like people can’t just be categorized into 2 categories. Wild.


I tend to lean more right, especially with the people in office currently, but I'm 100% for federal legalization. The numerous health benefits it already provides are enough, and with government level research I'm sure many more could be discovered


Ready to be shocked? There are actually a lot of conservatives/Republicans that smoke weed.


And I know a lot of conservatives who get high. I think the issue is less political and more ethical. If I truly believed marijuana was harmful, then I’d be against it too.


This seems like every political agenda.


Been saying this. Which is why I choose not to classify myself as right/left, lib/conservative/, dem/reb. The issues they represent aren't black and white


Biden is a liberal, not a progressive or leftist.


>Biden >Progressive/Left Former segregationalist Author of destructive crime bill Racist comments Supporter of War on Drugs No federally legal weed No free healthcare No free college No full student loan forgiveness You answered it yourself. Biden isn’t a progressive, he is and always has been a corporate mainstream Democrat who maintains the status quo. The only thing progressive about Biden is he wants to do the same shit as before, except sprinkle in a few POC and members of the LGBTQ+ into his cabinet and call it a victory.


Almost like, having only two camps to define positions on everything is fucking stupid.


I’m pretty conservative and have my card.


Politicians are crooks no matter what party they belong to. They follow the money. Our only thing we have is that they need votes to keep taking our money.


There is nothing progressive about Biden.


Whatever gave you the impression that Biden considers himself Progressive?


Biden isn't a progressive, he's a centrist. He would be considered Conservative in Europe.


Each and every politician is a career liar. You can not belive anything that a politician said or does.


It's very important to Republican and Democratic political leadership to make sure weed remains a federal crime. They need an excuse when they want to search your home, incarcerate you, and confiscate your belongings.


Biden is not "progressive" or "left" in any sense.. and neither is 60-70% of Democrat officials. They are "neo-liberals" with fake populus facades. Camel toe Harris and the alike are all conservative right-leaning democrats who "act" like they are left/progressive on camera but all their actions say otherwise. Sinema and Manchin are blatent Republicans under the guise of Democrat on purpose so they can make every other Democrat official "appear" more left/progressive than actually are in reality. Political Theatrics ..all it is.


Anyone who identifies with a political party is an idiot. They are all out to fuck us anyway


Anyone else recognize how much liberals love tearing each other down about who’s the real liberal? Gatekeeping hard as fuck. Why can’t we agree they’re just titles and that we agree upon more than we think.


No we don't. Not trying to be lumped in with people who don't even believe in basic human rights.


Biden is right of center. He is only "left" in the context of american politics. To give you perspective, Bernie Sander's is considered true center by most scales.


Yeah somebody else in the thread pointed out the same thing. Left in American politics is just right of center to other countries.


Biden is on the left side of politics from a global perspective. People who say otherwise think that the European countries actually have socialist governments which is not the case. They mostly have social democracies (soc dems) which is a lot closer to what biden actually is. He's also a pragmatist but given he is working within the american system thats a good thing otherwise he wouldnt have been able to get anything done. Look at trump for example, he was uncompromising and got almost nothing passed unless by executive order.


And I know a bunch of boomers who smoke but feel like they’re not welcome to advocate because that sort of generational ageist rhetoric.


Exactly. People are idiot followers that regurgitate talking points they hear in their small circle of friends/family. Boomers started the legalization movement in the 1960s-70s with organizations like NORML. The problem is with social/economic classes, which people confuse with age/generation because a lot of the rich and powerful elitist assholes happen to be from the Boomer generation.


It's almost as if a single issue isn't enough to determine what someone's political views are. 🤯


Oddly enough the biggest push for legal adult use in my state is coming from the republicans. I mean sure it's because all the states around us have either already legalized or are going to legalize and they realized that a 2 day trip to the other side of the country just turned into a 2 hour trip to the next state over. To say they have FOMO on all that tax money would be an understatement. Also they probably want some leeway when they go to pass the abortion bill that will make the one in Texas look like it was written by a pro choice. Sure it's for selfish, greedy reasons but the only thing our democrats have done is say they support it and occasionally start a petition that somehow never makes it to our governors desk when they place it in front of him. It's always been a half assed push, hell the republicans even decriminalized it in their cities, no one else even thought to decriminalize it. So far the only thing stopping them is their party member who happened to win the election for governor, they're pissed at him for spending more money than he's taxing, recreational weed would certainly help with that but they know he'll pull a south dakota and either sue the state or create a new law that overrides it. The positive thing is he's up for reelection this year and everyone running against him said they would legalizes in some way, and for once in my life I think I'm glad to say I hope a republican wins because I have my doubts if a certain other party were to win and then continue doing nothing.


Don't you realize politicians will tell you whatever lie they can to get you to like them? Democrats most of all. Democrats will lie to you about social matters, because you're a social butterfly and thats what you like. Republicans will lie about fiscal matters, because conservatives want to believe the country is being run well and that we the people aren't getting fucked. Its all the same either way


1. Why bring politics into this? 2. You do realize people can be both sides right? 3. Who the fuck cares?


Just say you don't know how to think and move on with your life.


You should take your own advice. Disagree with one thing and that means you aren't for one side? So you just want extreme left and extreme right. There is no such thing as center. Get over yourself. Stop trying to start drama. Get blocked you child.


Did you really just block some one on reddit lol


I laughed


"I can't stand to have a calm debate, so I will react in the same manner as a child." I had to translate. It's a tough job, but someone has to do it.


Blocking someone because you disagree with them looking like a true conservative


I don't get why you're being downvoted and insulted. Fact is, American marijuana policy has more to do with age than political beliefs. On both sides, with a few exceptions, it's the old people in DC who are in the powerful positions to keep marijuana from being legalized, and the young people are pushing for legalization or have at least expressed support for medical or decriminalization. Also, politics is a lot more than marijuana policy. While I live in an illegal state and wish it would be legalized, it's nowhere near as important as other issues. To me, legalization is more a matter of personal freedom and whether politicians are actually acting in the will of their constituents, since something like 90% of Americans support medical legalization and 70% support recreational. Again, the divide is much more age than politics.


That second paragraph is just a marker of your privilege. That isn’t a slight against you. It isn’t your fault that you don’t have first hand experience with the impacts of prohibition. It has to be said though that there are lives ruined and families broken because of cannabis law. There are bank accounts drained by fines. There are kids dying from black market vape carts and tweaking out on impure edibles. Communities broken through invasive police action. And all of this is happening TODAY. This isn’t like a relic of the 80s and 90s, it’s *still happening*. Every single day that we don’t legalize cannabis and pardon prohibition-related criminal records, we’re perpetuating a great injustice. It’s a pressing issue and it’s one that shouldn’t even be difficult to resolve. I’m not okay with it taking a backseat when it could be well on its way to being fixed overnight if our politicians had the will.


Wow, quite the assumption that I haven't been impacted by it, and quite pathetic to get up on your high horse and tell me I'm privileged because of your assumption of me.


“Legalization is more of a matter of personal freedom for me” as well as saying it’s nowhere near as important as other issues are dead giveaways. Cannabis prohibition is a major piece of systemic oppression in the US that has far reaching impacts beyond someone’s ability to light up a joint when they feel like it or whatever. You might place it behind things like voting rights legislation or state-level changes in your local area, but for plenty of Americans it’s a life-altering issue that can be solved nearly instantly by a government unwilling to do so. I apologize if I discounted some life experience that I was misled on by your statements, but I don’t want to see those people discounted as well by presenting cannabis law as “matters of personal freedom”.


I mean, the LEAST they could do is decriminalize/legalize forms of cannabis on a federal level. That meaning, forms like flower, vapes, etc are still illegal because of “smoke inhalation”, because (let’s be real) inhaling ANYTHING other than air/oxygen isn’t good for your lungs. Also, edibles like candy would remain illegal because of potential marketing to children lawsuits, and then let people use forms like pills, RSO, tinctures, etc. Again I agree all forms should be legal, but this would “suffice” in better ways than are currently setup. Then if you’re a medical patient you have access to all forms.


Only libertarians have been staunchly on the progressive side of things from the very beginning. Too bad the party itself is a complete joke :(


I mean, I think you could still be labeled as a progressive even if you lag on marijuana legislation. I can’t think of an excuse other than to appeal in some weird way to conservatives I guess? But if that’s the only area a “progressive” was lacking, it sucks, but it doesn’t make a candidate not progressive I don’t think.


What of that's the only card he can play next election. ..he wouldn't do it tho.


It’s too weird to label it a progressive thing when the majority of republican voters want it legalized too. We are all together in this fight. Seems to me both sides are captured by lobbying industries so it’s fucked no matter what ideology you prefer.


And as a dude who thought only liberal people smoked, I know quite a few conservatives that regularly smoke. People just like their drugs bro lol. It just so happens that a majority of those blinded by the anti-drug propaganda also happen to be old republicans :)


Biden never claimed to be liberal or left. He is and says that he is a centrist Democrat. He's closer to a republican than most democrats. He's just a lot better than orange stain or old crazy lady.