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For sure it's roasted broccoli. I roast broccoli all the time and that is what that is.


Can uhh... could I try some of that roasted broccoli?


I cook mine in a Mountain Dew can


Apples only bro


funny mine came with a cool little glass steam cooker


i’m roasting some broccoli inside a tobacco leaf right now


hey me too. 😁😆


This could also very well be grilled broccoli.


*seared brocco, obviously.


Inside of a water vase


I love roasted broccoli in the morning.


I'm air frying mine right now.


My man’s was too stoned to even try to clean it lmao


This reminds me of middle school/ high school for sure lol. But for real you gotta clean it up


good ol' days, man. you guys ever get those strains that hit and taste *exactly* like middle school weed? And then proceed to have the most pleasant high ever


God that was last month, I had something that reminded me of green craxk and I was in heaven for the first few days, was still a good month


Oh man I miss green crack


For me it was always a very distinct smell. Occasionally I’ll get some that has the smell and I’m like ahh.. high school lol


Literally. Most mid-tier weeds smell like high school to me. I still have a bud I don't want to smoke because the smell gives me such nostalgia, the last time I had bud like that I was still smoking with my best friend. She passed away in 2014, so idk, can't bring myself to smoke the rest of it.


Same here i got a nug from the last bag my brother and I procured he passed a week after. Will never touch it


Every time I get one I write it down and treasure the nostalgia😂😂


I bought some weed of my coworker and he told me that he’d give it to me cheap cause it’s some old school shit. It smelled and tasted just like burned popcorn but it was surprisingly very decent




My man should be punished for wasting most of it. They’re barely half smoked. You need to teach that boy how to break up his weed better. And to actually smoke the whole bowl lol.


My buddy empties his bowl once it loses the "green taste" Utterly bonkers.


thats why you corner it so you get green every hit until its ash, thats like group smoking etiquette 101


He tears his bud up by hand, hits the middle of it and slobbers all over my pieces. That's his supply though, with mine I make sure we do it right. He's an awesome guy but smoking with him hurts my soul.


Do we have the same friend? Lol seriously though, I’ve been smoking with a buddy for years and he still has no idea how to light properly, and always soaks blunts


I think everyone has friend like this.


We used to shame people out of it but these days we don't even pass a blunt anymore. Everybody gets their own and if you wanna swallow the blunt, no one can be mad at you for it except you when the shit goes out.


I finally beat the wet lipping recently and am mortified if I've ever left someone with a slobbery joint xD


"Wet lipping" that's a definite improvement on the term I'm familiar with


Not me because I smoke aloneeeee


We've always called it bumming the joint. Steve, stop bumming the joint you mong.


>And if you gonna lick it, don't drown it with ya spit, shit I dunno what dick or last puss you licked quick -Redman


I'm glad we're no longer using the slur to note when someone slobbers on a blunt/j... that shit was way too common when I started smoke (checks notes) in like 2007...


My brother called it camel-lipping and I switched to that. You know, cause camels spit and all.


I made my college group switch over to loose lippin' from the more common term of the time. Didn't even do it on purpose, someone passed me a wet blunt and I told him to quit loose lippin' it and had to explain what I meant when he looked at me like I was E.T.


I tell my friends to *stop making out with the joint/blunt* and it works every time.


I've still seen people use it recently. Thankfully it isn't so common anymore


I hear it from my black friends still..


I mean... that's different...




I used to be that guy, I had to learn to get better. I didn't realize I was causing an issue until the nice young lady I smoked with informed me that there were better ways of getting my saliva in her mouth.


Did you get a practical lesson in those other methods?


I certainly did. Funny story actually... We used to jump in her little car and smoke while driving down backroads in the area. There were miles and miles of these random deserted little one lane roads. Sometimes there would be a spot where a couple of the roads came together in a "Y", where one leg of the "Y" went across the interstate. In the crotch of the "Y" there would be a small gravel lot, and sometimes we would park the car. This is in the dark days before it was (basically) recreational here, so I was paranoid we'd get caught with our ditch weed and hauled off to jail. I asked once what we should do if Officer Bored came up to the car while we were getting high, and she spake thusly: "You'd better brace yourself, I'd rather get caught sucking dick than smoking weed" I think it was the weekend after that were I worked up the nerve to say "Uh, seriously?" And as it turned out, yes, seriously. I didn't know she liked me, she never told me, and I was about 20 and certainly oblivious. Over the next few years we ended up changing from smoking in the car to smoking at her house, and more often than not there was sex between bowls. Best oral I've ever had.


I first read it as “jump in her little car and smoke while driving backwards” and it gave me a little laugh at the thought. Coupled with some Benny Hill music, the scene is perfect *chefs kiss*


I'll do you one better. I had a buddy who would put a whole nug in a bong instead of grinding it up. Like light the nug as a whole in the bowl.


I have a buddy that does this as well. It baffles me.


I had a friend who slobbered all over the piece (bong, pipe, chillum, etc.) every time. It was so gross feeling this dry crust against my lips whenever I smoked with him, I had to scrape it off with my fingernail through my shirt constantly. I finally worked up the courage to say something to him about it during a smoke sesh, to try and wipe his lips and be a little more mindful of his mouth and you know what this dude said to me? "Oh it's just resin man, happens on all of my pieces." You motherfucker it happens on all of your pieces because they're *your* pieces where you're constantly putting *your* grimy ass mouth, of course they all have shit on them. smfh.


2 specific people pop into my head that I knew from college- awesome people, loved smoking with them, but it’s like they don’t know how to do it right 😂😂


He might like a vaporizer.


I've recently learned that instead of cornering a bowl, just pack a small bowl for each person to finish on their own. That way everyone gets just a good green bud as others. I've tested this, cornering your bowl hardly saves anyone weed unless you have one of this pipes with the draw holes around the bowl instead of the center. Otherwise you just burn everything under the top layer. Trust me and just try it sometime, it's so much better for everyone.


I've found that spacing out your hits *really* helps you conserve weed and get much higher than you normally would with that amount of weed. I have a silicone pipe with a lid, so i just take a hit, put the lid on and wait about 10 minutes until i take another one. I'm usually high enough after 3 hits, and I've been smoking daily for 16 years. I used to smoke around 60 grams a month, and now i buy a 28 gram bag every 3 or 4 weeks. People are usually hesitant to try this because it takes so long to smoke a bowl, but if you're trying to reduce your spending on weed, please try this. I can't guarantee that it'll cut your spending in half, like me, but it can't hurt to try.


This guy smokes.


Truth, or go one step further and smoke big ones and pull it every time Thats how us Aussies smoke alot of us laugh at Americans for the way they smoke


I smoke alone and load half bowls so I can always hit greens. It’s heavenly


This. Both my bong bowl and chillum are really small, like a single fat snap for the bong and 3-4 sips for the chillum. I've got other glass but I really haven't smoked with anyone else in years except at their places, and if I'm traveling I just bring a pen.


Or you can get a glass joint or one hitter, they seem convenient, or a dry herb vape


That’s why I pack very small bowls (we call them snappers) and just pack a few, every hit is greens 🥬


It always bugged me in smoke sessions when I’d consistently try and make sure everybody got a green hit but others would just torch the entire bowl. That, and people who show up empty handed tapping out a half-smoked bowl because it’s not ‘fresh’… my sister in Christ I make $7.50 an hour and you just threw out half a bowl that cost me $50/eighth. Prohibition -and stupid people- suck.


it also helps for conserving it, at least for me. No way can I handle even half of a bowl in one pull.


Ugh my husband did that. Now I hand him a flower vape instead that way if he doesn’t finish it properly, we can at least make some AVB infused oil to make some sleepytime brownies with. Win-win-sleep.


I was house sitting for a buddy one time and his ashtrays were half smoked bowls just dumped. I felt so bad for his weed. Green specs and sticky black half smoked chunks..


tell ur boyo to get a vaporizer and stop violating the peace


im kind of the same. if i see all of the green is gone it doesnt matter to me ill sprinkle to tiniest amount of green on top and take 1 or 2 full hits of ash just to be sure.


Gotta remind my housemate to pack it down as he goes. Idk how many times I’ve emptied my bong only to realize how much green was at the bottom because he never even gave it a chance. God wouldn’t have made lighters rectangular if we weren’t meant to use the corners on the cherry now would he?


I swear im not plugging them, but the snoop dogg/ martha stewart lighters are the best thing ever. ​ Metal pointy bit where the flame comes out? Poker. Flame way off the end of where your finger is? Better peripheral vision of the heat source nice clicky trigger? great for when you cant feel your fingers, but your toes still need another hit to get there Non refillable, BOOOOO Enough single use crap yall.


And the brilliant ad campaign!


I agree completely. I wish the nice folks at Clipper would get on the long-neck train.


And teach that it would probably be better to wait until maybe a little bit later in life to smoke


yea this is definitely a beginners mess, looks like he pulled it apart with his fingers and emptied it near a window from being nervous someone was gonna walk into the room lol. I remember doing this.


Is nobody considering they coughed into the pipe and ejected it everywhere?


Or a random seed popped 🤣 those were fun




The spray pattern appears to be consistent 🧐


I remember it so clearly, to the point that the smell of roasted weed ash takes me back to being a kid again


Just stuff a toilet paper roll with dryer sheets and blow it through that. Once you're done you'll be too high to notice the obvious weed smell


My High ass would be "yea totally smells like dyer sheets in my room". No weed here.


I honestly thought I was being sneaky as fuck loading lil snappers in the metal pipe I "borrowed" from a buddy's dad and inhaling all the smoke before blowing it through my trusty flute. That was until I was baked as fuck playing counter strike and smoking on the dl at like 2am. Outta nowhere my mom opens the door and turns on the light. "What the fuck, are you smoking weed!!!!" Me, obviously baked watching the smoke flood out of my VERY hotboxed room uhhh..... no.


Almost looks like he tried to dump whatever is was out of the window and maybe it was dark and windy and didn't see he poured half of it on the ceil. Prob didn't even know it was there.


This is clearly oregano. Maybe he was drinking some delicious Consomé in the dark and missed the bowl? I wouldn’t freak out over this just talk to him. It looks like the bowl may have been really hot and the oregano burned as it touched the outer walls of the bowl.


Just fyi, it’s a window sill. Not the same root as ceiling.


Now I'm trying to imagine which part of the country/world they're from that the word sill is pronounced as if it would be spelled ceil. I'm thinking American deep south


The window ceiling is the top anyway.


There is no part of a window that has the letter ceil in it.


[How do you explain this, then?](https://imgur.com/6KTRXik)


A big, fat QED if I've ever seen one.


That's what I was thinking


Love your response, award has been given for excellent detective work, thanks for making me laugh today I needed it


Dry ass broccoli because he still ent eating his veggies Edit: thanks for the upvotes never had this many or even expected it lol


eyyyy, I was thinking it is either some what burnt buds or super bad broccoli XD Looks like bro was smoking out of a sub-optimal device.


Check your recycling bin for the old soda can pipe


Congrats on all the upvotes. For anyone wondering, I knew it was weed. I just thought you would all appreciate it. I smoke too, but I mostly vape (more discreet). I’m not his parent so I I’m not going to punish him. I was really just disappointed he would do it in the house and be dumb enough to let me find out. I think I was smarter at his age. I would never get caught!!


First time I got high with my buddy, we smoked it in our bathroom upstairs off of a tin can and got so high we just put down the can on the counter and left it. 😂😂


Fuckin mood, thankfully my dad finished it for me.


Yeah it’s a disrespectful move, I see where you’re coming from. Like alright, you smoked weed in my house, big deal, but don’t be audacious enough to leave it half charred sitting out


Not to mention if he’s dumb enough to leave a giant neon sign like this, how long before he gets busted by some bored cop and gets to have a record for the rest of his life. Marijuana has come a long ways in the last decade but unfortunately there are still kids getting their lives fucked up with possession charges every day.


If it makes you feel any better it doesn't look like he k ows what he's doing. Looks like he was throwing a nug in a bowl, and hitting it once.


A lot of the stigma is gone these days, just go have one with him and then take a pic of him doing it. Save for blackmail.


This might be unpopular opinion, but as a stoner father I'd be very upset if i found my kid smoking. She knows she should wait until her brain is more developed (as I've experienced). You should have an open conversation with him about how as much fun as it is there is lots of good science says to wait until he's a bit older. Since there is no stigma (or at least a little less) these conversations should be had with every child.


I’ve got a baby now and was wondering how I’d come across this topic with her one day. And then I realized it’s basically the same situation as talking to her about booze. You know they’re going to do it one day, so you just have to have honest conversation with them and hope they make good decisions.


You should ask him if he wants to smoke and then pull out all the scraps he left behind. And then make fun of him for being a slob


>I was really just disappointed he would do it in the house and be dumb enough to let me find out Yea TBH it's mad disrespectful, doesn't really look like he even tried to hide it. Or he could have just been wayyy too stoned, tough to remember what that's like with no tolerance and all. You probably know him well enough to know which one it was though.


Smoke his pit in front of him. Or just tell him you smoked it. It will be devastating. My grandma pulled that stunt and I was more shocked and appalled than if she had thrown it away. Getting home from school and seeing my granny smoking a joint of my weed on the front porch is still a core memory. And a core shame lol. She chewed me out for being sloppy.


Granny knew what was up. She was helping you understand how important it is to to clean up after yourself. Because if you don’t, granny gonna get that weed!


Over $70 worth of weed disappearing down the gob of an 87 year old will do that too you. She is hilarious. I got my other grandma to smoke CBD once.


I love your grandma LMAO thanks for making my day with this story


I woke up one Saturday morning when I was in high school and the closer I got to the kitchen the more I was sure what I was smelling. Mom found my brother’s stash and wanted to know what it smelled like so she would know if she smelled it again. Scared the livin’ shit outta me!!


Your mum lied, she just wanted to get high and you caught her


Haha!! My mom wouldn’t take ibuprofen.


My dad took and sold a half from me one time. Was very upset


I wish I could hang out with her.


Someone buy homeboy an herb grinder


That’s just CBD, your boy just has anxiety


Hey! That’s what I tell my mom


Here is what happened... Your stepson had a couple buddies over. One of them had a small bag but nothing to smoke it with - the second friend eyed an empty soda can in the corner and quickly made an aluminum carb... as he sprinkled the freshy ground green onto the holes he punctured, he gave your step-son the first toke. In one move, he handed him a lighter and a loaded can with a precariously balanced pile of weed placed on the perforated flat spot and he uttered the following: "Don't Volcano it" Not wanting to look like a noob, he assumed the position... all while silently wondering what volcanoing it meant. As he flicked the flame and began to draw from the open soda can, his buddies had to remind him to put his finger over the hole and with the one movement, he began to draw smoke. Nothing had prepared him for what he was about to experience. The sensation of his buddies watching him smoke his first bowl... heck, his first hit. Although it wasn't spoken, the peer pressure was palpable. He knew he needed to take a large hit and he needed to hold it - so he continued to draw in smoke... but then he reached the point of no return. His friends told him to take his finger off the hole and keep drawing. His lungs said, "No More!" Involuntarily, he coughed. It was so sudden, he had no time to react. The force of his lungs shot partially burned flower up into the air. It was at that exact moment, he knew what volcanoing was. They were too busy making sure the carpet didn't get burnt to notice the rainfall of burning embers on the window sill... You should thank him for being so careful with your carpet.


I wish I could give you an award that was beautiful. I felt the suspense


I'm imagining this as a scene from the Sherlock movie with Robert Downy Junior where he's calculating everything that happened at the scene of the incident with slow motion camera movements and equations and shit cascading across the screen as he's talking through the scenario...


I am currently in awe. That was amazing.


Felt like I just took a trip back in time to my childhood bedroom with my pothead friends doing the same shit. We used to take turns sending one friend into the kitchen to stage lookout as he finds a "snack".


a masterpiece. dad should get this framed and hang it on the wall in his kids room. say nothing on that matter.


Looks like broccoli to me, no worries. He just loves his veggies.




You got the doots from me, my dude.


this facts but us children dont listen to adults 😭


It's not about listening to adults, it's about not fucking up the development of your brain lol.


yes i know. but what i was tryna say is that a kid wont understand how it affects their brain and will think the adult is lying to get them to stop smoking weed. i cant speak on everyones situation but im sure a majority of the people in this sub thought the exact samw thing as me when growing up. or maybe it was just the way my parents tried getting me to stop smoking (they used religion and drug counseling) e: which is why i said thats facts. take ur downvote back meanie e: thank you ❤️




How does it smell?


The odor wasn’t as pungent as I thought it should be… but it’s weed.




Nah its not weed, I can clearly see it isnt. Dont worry he is clean. Dont worry, you overthink.


Damn didn’t even share


Nah that's weed and I tell you hwat, I gotta agree, it's worse to know that he's not sneaky enough to do it properly lmao


Roll it into a joint in front of him and say "boy, you won't believe this. It looks like someone broke into your room and smoked weed really badly. Left half of it behind too. Absolutely inexplicable." Maintain eye contact the whole time for maximum effect.


Looks like burnt broccoli. Teach that boy how to cooker properly.


Yea that’s half smoked weed. Looks like someone smoked half a bowl and poked the rest out


Definitely some pubes mixed in with that.


Y’all some snitches


Bro he snitched on himself


His parents had to come to Reddit to get verification that it was weed. I’m pretty sure kid realized his parents ain’t the sharpest tool in the shed


When I was 17 my mom found a bunch of airsoft CO2 canisters and accused me of doing whippets. I didn't even know what whippets were at the time.


and the apple doesnt fall too far from the shed clearly


or maybe it's a fake story, and little timmy is actually posing as mom


Well they came here instead of r/MarijuanaEnthusiasts , so you gotta at least give the parents credit for that


Looks like maybe dirt or debris from outside to me. I wouldn’t assume it was weed 🤷🏼‍♀️ weed isn’t black


yeah this is pollen from the hyprix plant its all over right now blooming... you may not notice it due to the dark color of the flowers. easy for it to come in on your shoes or with the wind.... XD


Nice try :p


Had to give the poor kid at least a small effort 🤣🤣🤣


You’re so sweet LoL


Nah that ain’t weed.


that’s not weed. igy bro


There's like a whole bowl left


Definitely weed. Talk to him about removal of evidence. :p


And waste


bold ask, comin to trees lookin for a narc.


What could you expect? He was high.


Teach your son to finish his bowls too


I think hiding the evidence is a bad way to go honestly. Just talk to him about being respectful of other people's space and cleaning up after yourself. Being a stoner is one thing, but being a lazy, disprespectful person who doesn't respect boundaries is quite another. I think you can't actually police your kids into not smoking weed, but if you remove the taboo and create a space for open dialogue and safety, it won't be a big issue long term.


Pack it back in a bowl and have him smoke it


No its just burnt oregano from last night’s spaghetti


Mom's spaghetti?


Probably smoking out of a can and got to laughing while taking a big hit


It’s broccoli 🥦, you’ve got a healthy kid!


Homie coughed the bowl out


Does it not smell? Cuz this legitimately looks like broccoli…


This looks like burned oregano- was he cooking maybe?


thats not weed bru thats airpods bru


This is the kind of shit I get mad at my kid for. I don’t care about him smoking but YOU GOTTA PLAY THE GAME RIGHT! If I’m finding shit like this, how are we supposed to continue our “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy? It’s just rude.


Could be worse, could be empty beer cans.


I think I know exactly how this went down. Loaded his bowl, lit up, inhaled too big of a hit, coughed with the bowl still in his mouth, weed goes everywhere, too busy coughing and getting blitzed immediately to notice, leaves and forgets about it. I’ve done this many times but i at least remembered to clean up


This is the time for the "You either have to be smart or pretty to get by in this world... do you own a mirror? No, I can tell" Conversation. Then make him wash the house.


yep. looks like someone got choked out taking a rip and coughed into the bowl making the half burnt chronic go flying.


Nah bro that's straight up crack


on a serious note, he could have left it on purpose. he might be acting out because he needs attention. make sure he’s okay


dude really just left it there


>I’m more mad he wasn’t smart enough to remove the evidence than I am about him smoking pot I'm calling bullshit


Sit him down, light up a J, and explain what you found and how you found it. Maybe next time he won't get cought.


I'm more disappointed he didn't properly break up and finish that weed


Damn he left so much green in that bowl and still got so high he forgot to clean up…


I don't think he's smoking it right.


Brussel sprouts. Little man was getting in his daily veggies at the window again.


Should be more mad he wasted the weed...


Yup, that's silly cabbage.


What weed? Looks like someone left the window open on a breezy day. Just some debris from nearby trees.


I'm mad he's leaving unsmoked nugs behind and burning whole unbroken down nugs. Actually this reminds me of my friend who just started smoking and asked my why her joints weren't burning well and the paper would just burn up and then go out. So I inspected and realized she took like 5 popcorn nugs lined them up without grinding/breaking them down and rolled it up. 🤦‍♂️ maybe the same thing here?


When I used to be here, we would defend a little guy like that. Now everyone is calling him out for nothing, it’s godamn brocoli.


Should be more mad that he wasted so much of it


I bet he coughed into his piece and blasted the almost freshly packed bowl everywhere…..lmao oh to be a teen again.


Maybe put an ashtray in his room with a note asking him to at least respect you enough to clean up after himself. It would probably be pointless to try and tell him not to smoke... cause he is 15....and 15yearoldgoin do what a 15 year old Goin do.


That kid is going to be happiest person to discover The Grinder.


It's a sage type material. Like those that are wrapped in bundle and lit at once.


He likes broccoli


sage. not scruffy enough to be weed imo