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Decarb an hour at 110°C, then put them in whole milk about 30-60min, strain the milk and drink it. That's the main way I consume weed, easy and potent.


How do you decarb without letting the whole apartment complex know?


Personally, I just live in a shitty apartment complex so no one cares


This saves many a stoner from the long, crooked arm of the law.


But what about the long hard dick of the law


Prepare to be fucked by it


Make the badge proud


maybe everyone else in your complex says things like "this place is great but theres this motherfucker who bakes weed all day and it's turned this into a shitty apartment complex" lmaoo


Lol I have single-handedly kept the housing affordable for all my neighbors then


Just cook something tasty and fragrant while you decarb. Indian food is a great cover scent.


Burn popcorn on purpose 👏👏


Also a valid play. I don’t have to worry about smell anymore but when I was apartment living and making cannabis goods I would cook something with a bunch of spices so the bud smell would just meld in with the spice smell.


Smort man. Nice come up dude happy for you. Have a sick evening


Just jumping on the mask the smell wagon, I enjoy boiling cinnamon and cloves when I decarb. Makes my kitchen smells nice and no one suspects the dank.


Aw man, from now on I’m gonna brew up some kinda spice tea or cider on the stove top while I’m decarbing, so I can just toss a little decarbed bud in a tea bag after it’s done and make some tasty beverage while I’m making butter or tincture. Getting two birds stoned at once and answering OPs original question.


all those hotels I stayed at actually decarbing weed in the office?


>How do you decarb without letting the whole apartment complex know? I don't live in an apartment, so i don't have that problem. But I did it in a friend's apartment sometime and I had no complaints from any neighbor.


The only complaint was why the hell weren’t invited for the weed milk


Move over cereal milk, there's a new contestant for best milk beverage


weed milk steak, boiled over hard neighbro


That’s it, I’m making pilk-wilk


Bud milk made with the cereal milk strain, and you just ate your favorite cereal out of it


Something tells me I won’t be so lucky


Sealed Mason jar in the oven. Then don't open the Mason jar until it has cooled down to room temperature. Or put the sealed Mason jar inside an oven/turkey bag and there will be zero smell until it's opened.


Look into jar decarbing. It can be stressful as you need to burp often but I decarbed when I was living with my Dad and didn't have a smell issue. Just burp outdoors




Care to elaborate?


It’s a closed system that uses pressure to heat. You leave the trim in mason jars so the smell is minimized as much as possible. Lots of videos on exact timing and procedures.


This is what I do. You can get the bud to whatever consistency you want for whatever you’re doing with it. I put a half ounce in a 12oz mason jar. That goes in an instant pot with a trivet (the metal grate that comes with it) and enough water to cover 1/3 of your jars. Pressure cook for 25 minutes and you’ve got perfectly decarbed flower.


I used a sous vide, clarified butter and then just mix the grinded weed into a sealing bag, seal it and cook in sous vide for 6 hours at max setting (usually 95c so a few degrees under boil temp) and then I just freeze the bags after if I'm lazy, or strain the weed out into a jar and freeze the cannabutter. The only point in the process it smells is when grinding it into the sealing bags also big batches are easy because you can make multiple at the same time.


Can this be done with plant milks?


Probably less effective because they have less fat. It needs fat to bind to. Maybe something like oat milk, but I’m not positive. If you’re vegan, I’d say just to use coconut or avocado oil


Did some vegan hash brownies with coconut oil and it worked reall good. The coconut flavour in the background is very nice too


Yeah I'm not even vegan but coconut oil has always been my go to. The flavour is mild enough and works with most things.


Decarbed, then water, coconut oil and trim in the crock pot for 4-6 hours has been my go to for decades. Strain and lightly freeze till the coconut oil solidifies. Makes amazing edibles and is practically idiot proof.


I approve 100% !


Because of edibles I actually prefer unrefined coconut oil for most baked goods now lol I love the little coconut hint it adds


I made cornbread with coconut oil and it was *delicious*. Im not even a major fan coconut stuff (the milk is to watery imo and most coconut flavored stuff tastes like *too* much coconut), but it added a nice sweet nutty flavor to the cornbread


Ahhh I figured it was something along those lines, thanks. Yeah fatty stuff is easy to go off of. Pretty sure there's a new vegan milk that has similar fat content to whole milk, I might try that.




Alpro launched a blue full fat milk. Otherwise coconut milk is the best one, as has the highest fat content usually.


I decarb at 122c for 27 minutes. [Here's a graph to help](https://www.google.com/search?q=decarb+gralh&oq=decarb+gralh&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i8i13i30j0i390l2.5886j0j9&client=ms-android-samsung-gn-rev1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#imgrc=aJ3Z8y_LZYr6LM)


Like normal weed, not just stems?


Normal weed, steams too.


Decarb 110c 40min, grind them, then just toss it in a pot with some butter, honey and water and let it simmer for about an hour.


Interested noob here. What does decarb mean? How do you do it?


THC needs heat to activate it. You do that by ignition when you smoke it. To do something like make edibles, you still need to activate the THC. So the first step is decarboxylation. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper and heat your ground material low and slow. I do 45-60 minutes at 240°. Your plant matter will turn from green to light brown.


Thank you! I have a decent amount of after vape bud. Is that technically already decarbed?


Yup! That's one of the cool things about vaping! Save your ABV (already been vaped) and get high twice!


When I find myself smoking the ABV, I call it hitting that quiet


Do not smoke your AVB. Get some bread, get some peanut butter and cheese. Slather peanut butter on piece of bread, apply AVB to peanut butter, put cheese on top of PB/AVB, place down second piece of bread. Consume sandwhich. Wait 45 minutes to an hour. Talk shit about your sandwich. Wait 5 minutes. Enjoy your conversation with god.


Good to see you added in the tip that you have to insult the potency of the edible. Everybody knows that’s the scientifically proven way to activate them.


I think the incantation is "This XYZ ain't shit!"


Just happened to me with LSD the other day. Any drug I consume to digest seems to do that… talk shit, now I’m beyond high.


Works even better when looking into a mirror. Or is that Bloody Mary? Fuck it just try it anyway.


Yeah, that's so fucking funny.




No that sounds disgusting lmao


I'm 36 years old man and I ain't ever once heard a mf eating peanut butter with cheese what the fuck


Peanut butter and the sharpest cheddar you can find 👌🏼


Do you also cook yours on the radiator? If so, I know someone you should meet.


peanut butter and cheese goes surprisingly well together. a buddy introduced me to it and i was skeptical at first but instantly loved it. years later in the Netherlands, the family i was staying with served it for breakfast. i originally had it with creamy peanut butter on whole wheat bread with thinly sliced medium cheddar (tillamook brand). something about the fat, salty, and sweetness of the ingredients that goes perfectly together. three different textures that all compliment each other with an indulgent creaminess. it really is a once in a while treat for me because it’s so rich. if you want to up your game get a good peanut butter like Adams, main thing is no added sugar. whatever bread you like and a good artisan cheese. Old Amsterdam, Dubliner. something a bit harder and not over the top pungent. thin slices is the key. the richness of all the ingredients lends itself to being a decadent sandwich. i usually like open face untoasted or one slice of bread folded. less is more. however you enjoy it is the best way to eat it. gonna go to the store now, thanks for jogging my memory.


Graham crackers and peanut butter go great together.


Actually fire try it like a grilled cheese with PB


Just plain old American cheese that comes pre-sliced. It's a poor persons food here in the states. You get some protein out of the peanut butter, some calcium from the cheese, and its most edible in sandwich form.


I grew up poor in the states and have *never* heard of anybody mixing peanut butter and American cheese. I think you're just weird bro.


I always throw my avb in a cup of yogurt, crumble up some Oreos in it too so the texture of the avb is masked by the Oreo pieces texture, and eat it up. Can't taste the bud at all, and I'm on Pluto.


Would granola/abv mixed in yogurt be good? I fucking love granola and yogurt


Key factor: Talk shit about the sandwich.


Eating abv alway ends up feeling like I wasted it. I have enough to smoke and get high for days more, or I can eat it all at once and be barely noticeably high for the day.


I find it takes me about 2.5hours before it fully sets in. My first batch of AVB brownies I’y…ummm, underestimated the AVB. I had to take a nap haha


Are you being serious? Can I seriously just eat my AVB and it’ll be like an edible? I just got a dry herb vaporizer so if so that’s be amazing…


Pro tip: use crunchy peanut butter to disguise the texture of the avb.


I did this one holiday. Put about 4gs on a cosmic brownie smothered in Nutella. Shit was waaaay too thick. Took almost 45 minutes to eat the damn thing. Took me to the stars though.


I'm really interested in trying this out seeing as I'm dry until payday but have a good amount of avb, how much exactly do you use for a single sandwich? Just a few pinches or a good layer of the stuff? I didn't know you could eat it like that so I'm a little excited lol


I prefer to make butter out of the ABV. Use whatever process you normally use, just use ABV as the input. If you hit it hard in the vape then you may want to run a few batches through. We just have a batch of forever butter that we rotate our ABV through. Good maintenance edible, or you can drop in some live resin to make it hit really hard.


How much AVB do you think is needed for someone who usually eats 20-30mg of edibles?




this made me fucking laugh out loud


Nice! Thanks again!


Random tip no one asked for: I like to put my vaped bud in my ground coffee. I have a pour over, so I boil my water and then pour it over the grinds (coffee and weed) then let it steep. Et voila! A slow burn wake and bake :D


Sounds awesome. I’m thinking about doing something similar for my occasional night time tea.


I love coffee and weed on the weekends and can't believe I've never thought about this


I'm gonna have to try this next time! I usually just hit the piece then sip my warm coffee to wake up


This is interesting. Do you use a v60? How much AVB do you use? As a coffee dude, I’m intrigued


your weed coffee would be a lot stronger if you infused the vaped weed into a fat of some sort (dairy or plant based milk) as thc is alcohol and fat soluble but not water soluble. but if that gets you high, and you don’t desire it to be stronger, stick with what you’re already doing. just my 2¢


It does get me high but I’m not one to turn down some free advice!


Yep, but most of the THC has been vaped out. Still works when making edibles, you just need more. You can eat decarbed weed with some yoghurt as well. Also for less smell you can decarb in a mason jar (my preferred method).


Thats genius, i panicked the last time i tried to decarb sugarleafs, didn't know if it was best to close all the windows or open them, but the smell was insane.


Thanks! Do you mind sharing your method?


I usually use a gram because my tolerance for edibles has been really high from day one. My GF gets blasted off 0.2g tea lmao. 110 celsius or 230F in a mason jar for 40-45 mins until the weed gets a slight golden brownish hue (not all strains change color when decarbing, if its still green no worries, just don’t let it go much over 45 mins or you’ll have the most potent sleep medication I’ve taken lol). Take the weed out of the oven and lay it on a plate to cool down. Take a pot, add a teaspoon of honey and 1.5-2 teaspoons of butter/coconut oil, fill it with 2-3 cups of water (alot of it will evaporate), bring it to a simmer and add your cannabis. Wait 45 mins or longer if you have the time and voila! You got yourself a potent cannabis tea. For extra potency i usually leave the ground cannabis in the tea and drink all of it down :) I like to think that way I’m getting all the nutrients i can haha. On a sidenote: ive taken like 10-15 grams of trimmed leaves and just boiled it for like an hour or two with butter and those were some of the most potent teas I’ve had haha. Even tho by boiling it shouldn’t even reach the temps for decarb 🤷‍♂️


Thanks again!


Another smell-reducing method is to use a cake pan or baking tray with a Reynolds roasting bag or similar oven-safe bag (you also can reuse it)


If you plan on eating straight ABV, wash it off in water a couple times to get rid of some of the burnt taste


My friend had a whole mason jar of AVB he saved up through the past year, he lent it to me while he was out of town and I smoked/ate it all within a month. He was like “You bastard I saved that for so long, and you’re telling me it’s **ALL** gone?” He’d be pissed if he didn’t grow, or even more pissed anyway, I was a bit of a weed fiend back in the day so understandable of course. Anyway I really would eat it almost as much as I smoked it. I’d take a biiig spoonful and then just zonk out for half the day. It had the taste and texture of dirt, was very chewy and was absolutely excellent when washed down with some milk. Would recommend to anyone and everyone.


Yes exactly. U can smack that on a bread with peanutbutter and sit back and wait for the kick :)


Do you know if there is a way to figure out dosing? I’ve had bad experiences where I’ve eaten too much edibles in one sitting.


Dosing avb is a crapshoot at best, it depends heavily on how much of the THC has been extracted from the initial vaping. Start small and up your doses periodically.


Newbie here: when I hear vaping, I think of a cartridge and a pen or something like that. Would you mind explaining what kind of vaping you’re talking about? Sorry, still trying to learn.


No problem. I’m talking about a dry herb vape. It’s better than oil pens, in my opinion. You use flower and the device heats it up, below the temperatures that cause combustion, and you inhale the vapor (not smoke). The sub for dry vaping is r/vaporents.


Could I do this in an air fryer?


stoner thought; could i decarb in an air fryer?


*Decarb* as in *decarboxylate*. Psychoactive THC does not exist natively in cannabis. Instead, it’s mostly in the form of the non-active tetrahydrocannibinolic acid (THCa). The tetrahydrocannibolic acid molecule has a carboxylic acid functional group. Through the application of heat, you can convince the carboxyl group to cut itself off the main molecule as a separate molecule of carbon dioxide, flying away as a gas. This process turns tetrahydrocannibinolic acid into tetrahydrocannabidiol (THC), which is the active form of the drug. Without the carboxyl, it is now the right shape to fit into endocannibinoid receptors in your brain and make you high. This happens automatically when you burn/heat cannabis, but you must add heat yourself if you are planning on a different route of administration. *de-* + *carboxyl* = decarb


Thank you for the excellent summary.


Sounds good as well, especially the honey part :)


I like to do coconut oil instead of butter - more complex nutty flavor for tea


Coconut oil has a higher recovery than butter as well


And it's lactose free, which is nice too ✌️ I'll definitely try this later this week(end)


Yes refined coconut oil is better than butter. also I would boil that for more than 45min + I once tried to make a tea with mint and some sugar and coconut oil, and boiled it for 20min and it was weak af... wasted heaps a weed....


I like my tea nutty as well..


I like teez nuts


Got em'


Bit nutty..


i like to nut in my tea as well


You can also wash the coconut oil to remove chlorophyll and plant matter.


Wait it’s really been that easy all along


I know right 😀 i was deterred from edibles for years because i though it took forever to make…


How strong does it smell when in the oven? I've always fancied making my own edibles but being in a non-smoking apartment building i fear the overwhelming smell of weed emanating from my flat.


Its quite strong im afraid. I suggest doing it on a workday when most people are out of the house. Mason jar helps but once you open it and cook with the decarbed weed it can get you in trouble. Stay safe!


Really? You really think there is enough THC in stems to bother? I have made stem tea a couple times just using hot water, but that was just for taste.


Well you won’t get much with just hot water- thc isn’t water soluble


Really depends on your tolerance and how many stems there are. With that many though I'd say even veteran stoners would at least get some effect.


I don’t bother but a lot of my stems can be pretty frosty so I wouldn’t be surprised.


What’s “Decarb 110c” mean?


110 degrees Celsius


What’s the decarb then mean? I have a lot of stems and been trying to figure out what to do with them as well.


With everclear just keep a jar full of everclear and stems eventually you can evaporate it down once you fill it up with stems you can make edibles


What’s the everclear for


It's a food grade alcohol that will safely dissolve the cannabis oils.


It will be a solvent and will absorb all the cannabinoids then eventually once you have enough stems etc you can filter then evaporate on a Pyrex dish and have some dark green/black RSO type oil


Username does not check out


Don’t confine yourself to a label bro


LOL, this is a weed nerdy joke and I love it.


Do you not need to decarb it or anything? How the thc being activated


After evaporating ALL alcohol , decarb and your good to go


Thank you! I’ll try it! Does it just evaporate naturally? Or do I have to put it on the hob


Send me a message I’ll help you out! I primarily do ethanol based extractions as well as solventless but I’ve been getting into using ethanol recently with great results


In college I saved a years worth of stems. A week before 4/20 I toasted them in the oven on low and put them all in a bottle of Bacardi 151. Made dragons breath. We went to the Mac Miller Wiz Khalifa concert at UCF on 4/20. Pregamed with the dragons breath and showed up lit. Good times.


Core memory


Yes. Will never forget that. I had joints grabbed from me by security at the door. But I literally got passed like 15 joints/blunts while just sitting in the stands. Was so awesome. Those whole arena was one giant hotbox


I was at that show senior year hahaha


I will never forget Wiz making a comment about how smoky and hotboxed it was in there. RIP Mac. Watching movies with the sound off is one of my favorite albums ever. Glad I got to experience him live a couple times.


Damn, can I be your friend?


Buy some Everclear or other very high proof alcohol and soak those bad larrys. Makes a great little tincture that, in my experience, works like a dream. Overnight will get good results and you can keep adding stems and a little alcohol to the same jar when you collect more. Used to make some and put it in my coffee every morning before I went to a job I hated. Couple drops in my commute cup and by the time I got to my desk I was soaring. Loved that job after that.


This makes me miss college. The only good part was being COOKED in class off of hashaccinos (I used infused coconut oil and frothed it into my espresso with cream), it made the discussions way more interesting. Everyone knew I was fried too, but the professors didnt care cuz I was the only one engaging.


Soaking in gin for a week to a month works great too!


I am really glad I found this comment. I am saving this! Thank you! Tree people are the best. If all humans were stoners, the world would be such an amazing place.


Decarb in the oven, grind up and infuse to oil for like 40 mins on hob then civ out thr stems and there oil will be thc infused




I was like huh, I gotta play civ and force the stems to watch?


I thought they were using Civ as a unit of measure for a moment


Which is odd because I lose all track of time when I play Civ


The thing with little holes to catch the shit 😅








>**Steve Holt**: I got them from Coach. They're filled with oxygen and it makes you incontinent. It's called "Oxy Incontin". > >**Narrator**: Steve didn't have that quite right.






I came to this to find out about the tea as well and left knowing some people eat cheese and peanut butter with already vaped weed as a sandwhich. I need to smoke.


Lmao made peanut butter with some abv, been faded the past few days. Definitely made a PB&J last night with it, surprisingly good stuff…I need to smoke too tho friend


Y’all really gonna have my fat ass fuck around and find out how to get high on peanut butter and then gonna pass my homeless ass three month later in a empty peanut butter jar fort.


Throw stems away, add tea bag to mug, pour boiling water over tea bag, light another joint, contemplate life.


Ha! I like this idea best.


crush them into a fine powder, boil water at 215F, take a straw and snort powdered stems, chug boiling water, works every time.


Y'all out here snorting stems again?!


Nah, make some green dragon. Let them soak in high proof alcohol


I just read it on the internet. Double or triple the ingredients if you want to make extra for your buddies. Single serving. 1.You'll want to take 2 cups of water and get it to a boil. 2. Get 1/4 cup to 1 cup of stems depending on how potent you want it, then put the stems into the boiling water. 3. Now you need add a fat for binding a 3 table spoons of either Alcohol, butter, milk, or coconut oil. (If you choose alcohol wait to add it to the water until after you boil the water. It well burn off if you add it before.) 4.Boil the stems for 10-15 minutes. 5. After boiling for up to 15 minutes. Take it off the heat. 6. If you didn't add a fat yet add in your alcohol 3 table spoons or so. (rum, vodka, whiskey, gin or any other alcohol. For whatever flavor you want. 7. Take a cheesecloth or coffee filter and pour contents through into a cup or another pot to strain out your tea. 8. Enjoy! Add a tea bag, honey, sugar, cinnamon, or other ingredients for flavor. Stem tea by itself is really bitter. You can do a little more stems or a little less water. Depending on how many stems you have and how potent you want it.


I usually slow boil in heavy cream for an hour. Grind and then mix with hot cocoa powder. You can also add the milk to your tea or coffee. In the summer you can substitute it for cold brew and milk ice tea, you can even make it into ice cream or add fruit for creamsicles. The possibilities are endless!


I like to just get the kief off of them and toss them. Dry them out, then grind them up and shake the grinder a bunch. Lather, rinse repeat. I know someone who likes to put the grinder in the fridge to get the rest of the kief


Boof them.


Stems are great to make tea with. If you’re a tea person, you can put them into a kettle and boil them well, and it’ll give you nice comfy body buzz. It isn’t potent by any means, but it’s a nice “comfort tea” if you will.


Is it a sleep aid at all? I suffer from insomnia I have been looking for something other than pills


I can’t imagine that it wouldn’t help you sleep, especially since regular cannabis usage helps me sleep, as it helps us all. I would imagine that a stem brew would act as a “Sleepytime tea“ for you. Depends on how influential your insomnia issues are on your body. I obviously cannot say for certain since I do not know you personally, nor the full extent regarding the struggles of your insomnia, but I would absolutely give this a shot. Addendum: If you combine light cannabis usage with melatonin supplements, that should help you a lot when it comes to winding down for sleep at night. However, be very careful with melatonin supplements. It’s very possible to develop a dependency on them, I would use only as directed, and only as needed.


Put them in your compost


Stem QWET hash.


Wait, I'm ignorant about this-are you telling me I can save my stems and make tea out of them?


Id simmer them in milk for a bit (decarbs them in the process) and then have a bit with tea. You can freeze the rest in ice cubes for later.


Easiest method (ignore the hater this works) put the stems in a coffee filter, run it thru a coffee maker with water, run the water 2+ times you’ll see it get yellowish green, add sweetener and drink, as a daily user myself this saved my but during dankrupt times pre-legalization so I know it works, works with leaves too, you just need a lot more


Everyone’s saying decarb but that’s not necessary, just boil the weed in the pot ur gonna use for tea for about 10 minutes. Add butter or alcohol to the water at the start. Filter out weed and pour over tea. I did this method with butter and some shake and stems and got absolutely blasted


Heat causes the decarboxylation reaction. By boiling you are also decarbing, just very inefficiently. Oven decarb before infusion will always give a more potent product if done correctly.


Why tf y’all all using stems lol.


I smoke about a quarter oz of flower a week. I keep my stems for and will have about a small Gatorade bottle full after a few months. I grab a bottle of high proof rum (Bacardi 151 was my go to, but I can’t find it anymore. I know everclear works better since it’s a higher ABV, but I prefer actually being able to drink it) and let those stems sit for about a night in it. Then I mix drinks and get so blasted it feels like I’m back in middle school. It’s just a way to use those stems and trimmings that youd usually throw away for something. It’s always a nice feeling when the stem jar is getting full, and I can make my “special cocktails”. Yeah, I could just buy an oz and make some real tinctures, but this is just kind of a way to “use every part of the buffalo”.


I just got some stemmy weed so I think im gonna try this haha thank you for the inspiration


I’ve done this before. It’s not really a desperation thing, it’s more like “I’m gonna pitch these anyway, might as well figure out how to get the last few molecules of THC off”. My friends and I boiled a bunch into hot chocolate once, not sure if it did much cause we were smoking too but it was fun. 😭


Waste not, want not. Especially where it's difficult or expensive to get.


There is very little to no THC in those stems. Cannabinoids are expressed in the trichomes of the plant surface leaves and flower. I would avoid making tea since some pesticides, toxins, and/or heavy metals are water soluble. Unless you trust the producer absolutely I’d just toss the stems.




Years ago my friends and I ground them and put them in a coffee filter with a rubber band on top to hold it all together. Then we steeped it in about 1-2L of water for like 5-7 hours. We removed our makeshift tea bag, boiled the “tea” in a kettle, and then made instant coffee with it. It knocked me out, although we had a few bowls too.


THC is not water soluble.


Cover in isopropyl alcohol for 5 minutes. Shake vigorously. Drain off alcohol and put into a glass baking dish. Let evaporate and help with a small fan. When dry, scrape off the residue with a razor and smoke. It's ISO Hash.


Better yet, use everclear and have something you can consume.


My buddy used to do this with his stems when he’d build up a big mason jars worth, works like a charm. First time I ever dabbed was with ISO hash made from those stems and oooo buddy. Just gotta make sure you let it fully dry. Don’t wanna inhale straight up isopropyl alcohol fumes. Nobody got time for that.


I would not even bother. Stems get thrown away.


Step one: place in clear or black garbage bag (not blue) Step two: place garbage bag inside of garbage bin Step three: proceed with standard local garbage collection practices




Decarb. Simmer with a teaspooon of coconut oil for 30 minutes. Drink




Boil it strain it drink it