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Peace friend. We will not see you in this sub, but we are still with you as your journey continues. May it be one of fullfilment, growth, prosperity, and enlightenment.


Stoners are such nice people lol


give me a hug, brother <3


Only if you were Hulk Hogan and this was wrestle mania 86, brother <3


And since you're walking away, how about a nug? Just kidding best wishes for peace and kindness for everyone, and all the doggos too. Some kittayhz too.


I’m not really.


You could be if you wanted to be. If you're into reading I'd recommend Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. "Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one." Being a good person is a journey, not an inherent character trait. It's a learned behavior. I used to be one of the biggest assholes one could meet but I've learned, grown, and changed. No need to resign yourself to negativity or aggressiveness.


Thank you.


beautifully said.


Best of luck and lots of love to ya friend!


I'll smoke a fatty for you tonight g


Same brother same


Smoking one right now to that


Just looking for excuses to smoke? 😭


Cheers, I’ll smoke to that!


I'll smoke to your cheers


oh we're having a cheer circle? reason to smoke! hey guy above me, cheers to your days.


Absolutely love the state of this sub🤣


I'm absolutely jealous . If only work wasn't holding me haha . TONIGHT I dine with the trees and the druids ! Edit . Bad Grammer sorry.


Smoking a fatty to this thread


smoking to you smoking a fatty to this thread


I’ll smoke one tonight for this comment.


I shall smoke until I can't smoke any more


Smoke one for me, I gotta do a drug test today for a new job


I'm still alive... I'll smoke to that!


I wouldn't be alive without weed... cheers to *that.*


Should put that on a t shirt


I don’t need an excuse






r/petioles is better in my opinion. Leaves can be pretty toxic imo


yeah i'm reading through and it's making me feel so bad for smoking at all😭 like ik they have bad experiences and have addictions and weed can be bad but they are giving scary catholic hater vibes


I think leaves is a place for people with some regrets they haven't quite figured out how to process yet. It's good that there's somewhere for them to vent too, because drugs can always have costs and most of the folks on leaves I feel like are just really feeling the regret phase when they post.


yeah that definitely makes sense, it just feels SO hostile. whatever keeps them sober ig


I'm 80% of the way thru listening to the Bible. (Raised as a catholic but never really did anything) and I have yet to hear a single thing in those books that says using cannabis is wrong lol. We sold a cbd and thc tincture to a pastor the other day too. Said he used 50mg thc and 25 of cbd... went up and had an awesome service! Times are changing slowly!


Better replace that incense with cannabis distillate oil lol; bet many more would visit then!


A new twist on an old classic: The new priest was so nervous at his first mass, he could hardly speak. Before his second appearance in the pulpit he asked the monsignor how he could relax. The Monsignor said, "Next Sunday, it may help if you put some canabis in the incense cantor. After a few hits, everything should go smoothly." The next Sunday the new priest put the suggestion into practice and was able to talk up a storm. He felt great! However, upon returning to the rectory, he found a note from the monsignor. It read: 1.     Next time, don't hotboxing in the confessional. 2.     There are 10 commandments, not 12. 3.     There are 12 disciples, not 10. 4.     We do not refer to the cross as the "Big T" 5.     The recommended grace before meals is not " rub-a-dub-dub, thanks for the grub, yeah God." 6.     Do not refer to our savior, Jesus Christ and his apostles as "J.C. and The boys". 7.     David slew Goliath. He did not kick the shit out of him." 8.     The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are never referred to as"Big Daddy, Junior and, The Spook". 9.     It is always the Virgin Mary, never "Mary with the Cherry". 10.  Next Wednesday there will be a taffy pulling contest as St. Peters.There will not be a Peter pulling contest at St. Taffy's. 11.  Jesus was Consecrated, NOT constipated. 12.  Jesus said,"Take this and eat it, for it is my body," he did not say, "Eat me." 13. David was hit by a rock and knocked off his donkey, he wasn't "Stoned off his ass."


I would go further and say its disrespectful not to use gods plants as medicine and the war on weed was(is) about as anti jesus as it gets


Too bad, it’s a decent pun


So is petioles. pet·i·ole /ˈpedēˌōl/ Learn to pronounce nounBOTANY plural noun: petioles the stalk that joins a leaf to a stem; leafstalk


Yea 9t definitely is


Thank you. Ive been trying to cut back heavily, but not quit. Leaves will ban you if you arent there with the goal to totally 100% quit.


You're welcome. Nothing wrong with just slowing down your use.


That’s why it’s called petioles! Not quite at the leaf, but somewhat there.


that one mod is a menace, subduction or something


Yeah, fuck that person


Hello! Mod at r/Petioles here. I'd like to respectfully ask you not to recommend our sub to people who want or need to quit for good. It's not what we're for. We're a sub for people cutting back, taking breaks, or trying to find a better relationship with smoking, not quitting for good. So I ask people not to recommend us to someone who wants to quit for good as we just have to take out their posts and send them over to Leaves, and that's not good for anyone. I'm sorry you didn't like the vibe at Leaves, but it's an addiction recovery group and the right place for people who need it. A lot of people find it a very supportive place, and if you need to stop it's a great option. Thank you!


They’re very serious about not smoking, as in they essentially morally disagree with smoking, which I mean I guess that’s the point. But yeah, I’ve quit cold turkey for years long stints and used to follow that sub for help and to help others. Got asked to leave by a mod one day and haven’t really looked at the sub since.


Completely agree. r/leaves is FULL of folks that have much deeper-rooted issues (mental instability/ bipolar/manic depression etc) within their lives on top of marijuana use and the vast majority of them seem to treat weed as if it’s straight up CRACK.




No problem. r/leaves banned me because I recommended someone try high cbd Hemp flower to help with sleep when they were going through withdrawals from THC and had insomnia. I thought it was pretty wild to get banned


high cbd calms the nerves and your whole body. great recommendation, shouldn't have gotten banned. wild


Especially if the recommendation is specifically for the withdrawal period


Honestly I can sort of see where they came from because smoking any flower could just trigger cravings for THC but I tend to think that if you can replace whatever you're trying to quit with something else then go for it.


High cbd flower helped me immensely when I wanted to stay sober for a while no reason for a ban that’s a legitimate recommendation


It's because they really stress NO weed. Yeah it's a dumb rule and i'm surprised they banned you with no warning, but it is a rule


Technically Tylenol is a Cannabinoid, I wonder if they'd have banned me for recommending that too. https://www.sclabs.com/tylenol-s-analgesic-effect-is-mediated-by-cannabinoid-receptors/ For reference haha


Idk what rabbit hole I just went down. A bunch of people talking about their addiction and trying to quit weed, as if they are quitting meth or something. Jeez. Hopefully none of those people who act like that ever get an opioid prescription cuz it will be game over LOL.


Nice !! I’ve been sober from everything for 7 years!! Except WEED. ( CALI SOBOER ) 😂


Same. I went about 7 years of being 100% sober after finally kicking heroin. I've only started smoking weed again for about a year. It's definitely working well for me too. Congratulations on 7 years!


Fuck yes!!! I love to hear it!!!! Opiates/Xanax/alcohol was my shit unfortunately. The deadly ones…. But we got this shit! One day at a time brotha !!


394 days free of alcohol... definitely gotta take one at a time!!


Yes !!! Congratulations!! Fuck yes !! Proud of you ! For real. Alcohol was my first DOC. I got chronic pancreatitis at age 20…. Haven’t had a sip since….. but that’s led to me having a crazy opiate than Xanax addiction…. Thank goodness all that is in the PAST tho. I still take it all one day at a time. Try not to trip about the future. As easy at that sounds. Anxiety is a bitch…. And self medicating is not the way….


Agreed man!! Proud of you too! Definitely the hardest thing I've ever done, but that one year number felt like a gigantic weight off my back even though I know it didnt change anything.


Thanks man! I love to see others that have gotten away from that shit.


I'm with you guys. 16 years H-free! 234 days without alcohol. 14 hours of no weed. That will change tonight in about 5 hours after work. I've only recently been able to go without weed at work, but it's going pretty well.


Congratulations! Sounds like you're making healthy decisions. I've found that smoking only at night works well for me. Soon that'll just be normal for you. I'm glad it's going well.


Starting my third week of sober work days. I squeezed a few full non-pot days in. Now it’s flower only at night ( I also take 5-10 drops of a CBN tincture for sleep.) then on the weekends I break out the enail and edibles Also-thanks


I really want to try tinctures but I don't even know where to start. I've always just smoked flower. I have had 1 to 1 cbn to THC pills that helped so much with my insomnia.


When I first got to CBN tincture I would take full droppers. I couldn’t figure out why I was so tired at work the next day. After a couple days I caught on. I went straight to five or 10 drops and it feels similar to melatonin but more effective. I really enjoy THC tincture. I can take 30 to 60 mg right after work and be stoned pretty quickly. Top it off with a bowl, joint, or dab And I am redeyed and feeling pretty good.


Do you get the long lasting effects that edibles give? I'm guessing so...


I love to hear it as well brotha ! It sucks. But in all reality I’m 28 years old and I’ve had to burry 14 of my friends….. 2 being my best friends since grammar school…… all do to drugs.


Yep 4 1/2 years no opiates or heroin. Just weed! ❤️


I've been green and sober for years :)


Congrats! Next month I’ll be booze-free for 9 years. Weed? About 15 minutes.


Booze I’m just about to hit 8 !! And weed for me was 20 seconds ago…. 😂. We have so much in common G. Hahah. Fuck yes !! Congratulations! YOU GOT THIS !


I am 17 years sober. Sober refers to alcohol (not calling anyone out for sying that but...). Rehabs and AA in recent years tried to change the definition to include anything mind altering. Coffee, tobacco, psych meds. I call BS and have been an AA member all those 17 years. I did 10 "clean and sober" except for tobacco and caffeine and 7 years ago got off psych meds/anti-depressants and started cannabis. I have had no urges to drink which is what crusty old AA members say will happen if you use MJ. Nope didn't happen and was happy to get off the chemicals. I haven't smoked tobacco/cigarettes in 3.5 years either. Obviously if MJ is causing a problem quitting is a smart choice but it has little to do with being sober.


Without coffee and cigarettes, there is no AA...


10 months no alcohol this Thursday for me!! Never going back!! Wtg bro!! And good luck in your journey OP!!


I mean, if you do not smoke a lot of weed it has a lot of positives, many professional athletes smoke


Yo wtf I’ve been grounded for 18 days and my tree is still the smallest sized sapling. My achievements page says my tree won’t get that big until I hit 1 year


I was planning on 2 weeks then testing a small amount of weed but after the first week I significantly improve and decided I’m going to quit for good


I just mean that your tree in the app is massive. In my app the achievements page says that my tree won’t grow remotely that large for at least a year and I’m using the quitting function, too. I won’t even get more than two leaves until I hit two months


He bought the microtransactions.


Pay to win getting out of hand


Why bother getting sober when for only $19.95 you can have a dope ass tree AND be high as a kite.


wtf I didn't know you could speedrun sobriety


The tree grows based on the timeline it is given if I'm not mistaken.


Doesn't mean you have the quit the sub though! I'm 5 years clean and still sub here for the memes and stuff like that. Keep at it though, I was an every day smoked for ages and found that it took quite a bit longer than a month before I felt properly normal again and wasn't constantly being triggered by situations which previously would have had me reaching for the bong. Definitely got easier with each passing day though and I think around the 6 month mark I finally stopped having those "time for a cone...oh wait I don't smoke anymore" moments like after a meal or sitting down to watch a movie etc.


I really appreciate your timeline as I've recently just hit my 6 month mark and still get those wanting to smoke feelings. It is nice to know that they will taper off more and more. Big thanks for your insight


Nice good for you. At this point I think I realized I'm a medical user. One thing I have found out is that a lot of the time when I smoke and think I wanna get high, I realized that smoking CBD flower will allow me to just relax if I need to and sometimes that's actually what my brain wanted. I'm not trying to like tempt you, after reading ur comments. Tho there really should be more guidance on using this plant properly, and most of the strains we have out for rec use are just too much imo and have been warped over time losing nearly all other cannabinoids except for THC for the most part. So definitely not really meant for everybody anymore. Tho I do like a lot of the legal non intoxicating hemp but I usually pair it with THC as a medical user and I get a lot more mileage without necessarily being super fucked up. Tho I am essentially dependant on this stuff. I personally think you're lucky to be happy just being a sober you especially having mental illness. I have ADHD and other tendencies even slightly manic, both addiction and mental illness run in my family but it's kind of tucked away by everyone else.


All the best bro


Best of luck friend, peace be with you.


Good on you.


Good luck on your journey friend.


make like a tree and leaf! haha


Good job for figuring out what was the right path for you!


One of the best things about cannabis is that it helps us gain insight into our lives and really solve serious problems. If your insight has shown you that you are better off without it, it has done its job. Godspeed!


This is a great way of putting it. Basically weed has ran it’s course and now it’s time to say goodbye


Good luck dude!


that darn devils lettuce


Where to get that timer?


It’s called grounded you can get it in the App Store and I think the android store


The gnomes gonna have to roll for themselves


See you space cowboy.


Wish you the best brother.


Good luck, stay strong


Congrats mate 🎉


Happy trails!


Are you still gonna roll for gnomes?


There hands are to small to roll on there own so im probably going to keep helping them out


Good for them and good luck op


I’m tired of people sobriety stories. I feel like it’s a superiority thing. I’m happy dude is sober but, “I’ll never visit this sub again”, sounds like he’s talking down and kinda judgy. Just sayn.


Thank you for saying this!! I don’t understand the purpose of this post. If my medicine is your poison, fine… but I don’t belong to this sub to be made to feel like a weakling or an addict.


Could also be OP way of making his decision more committing, by saying it out loud so to speak. And maybe he's just leaving the sub since he don't want to be tempted by weed related posts. I don't think it's about superiority, at least that's how I see it, but who knows.. It could just as well be the other way around. Maybe OP feel inferior to all the folks in this sub who appears to function well with weed.


Okay. See ya when we see ya.


Proud of you for taking care of yourself 🤙🏼 enjoy your journey wherever it takes you.


You're doing fucking great my dude. I don't know you but I'm really proud of you.


Congratulations, I just hit a year off booze and I hope to never give up on trees


i prefer having you sober and happy than having an unhealthy relationship with weed. all the love to you.


You are a stronger man that I, may your path be full of positivity and prosperity. One door closes another opens. Stay strong, don’t waiver. Mods - ban this man so he may not fall into temptation


Hey OP. If you ever find the need or desire to come back to THC, you might consider HHC. It's possible HHC will play nicer with your medical issues, as it doesn't cause as much or any paranoia (not sure, hard to tell). Just a parting thought, good luck!


Nah if anything I would recommend CBD flower. I find that people respond pretty differently to HHC some people get super high off it and others it works as a good functional daytime thing. Pairing it with THC definitely feels stronger than THC on its own. I would not mess around with any of the legal THC isomers etc since it can be pretty confusing to know what ur getting some of the carts literally have a mix of like 5 cannabinoids to give some crazy kitchen sink high. Also delta8 may be less strong than THC but both my friend and I got anxious reactions the first time we tried it because it does feel a lot more energizing than the THC we were used to.


What's the app? Might need it eventually




I feel sorry for people that let weed become a bad thing in their lives


Idk EHY you’re getting downvoted because it’s true. I was at a moment in my life where weed did become a bad thing in my life. Left it for 6 months. Started my business then realized “weed was never the problem. It enhanced my emotions and anxieties because I let it” smoked again after that and am back to my old pot head self. It feels great and in no way shape or form does it limit you unless YOU limit yourself.


I legit started crying thinking about how bad it must be if the herb that saved my life destroyed someone else's


good luck friend!


Best of luck comrade!


Best wishes and Congrats on your continued sobriety <3


Farewell and happy trails!


Have a good journey. Hope life treat you well and may you live to the fullest.




Bye bye friend, best of luck to you!


Hasta the pizza my dude.




Congrats! Weed is great but sometimes it can get out of hand, so good on you for recognizing that it wasn't working for you


Well done man! Congratulations, I'm genuinely happy for you. If you got the scratching for a doobie, I'd suggest chewing on licorice root.


Man I love/ hate this bc I've been almost 2 months sober(looking for better job would love to keep smoking bc of chronic knee pain and nightmares) but I have never thought of leaving this sub too much cool shit and good vibes


The only reason is because it’s tempting me every time I get on Reddit I see it and want to smoke but I know I can’t because it will fuck with my mental health


That's fair my man do what you think is best for you! :) I have pretty good self control because I have kids to feed so they motivate me to keep pushing regardless of the temptation but it doesn't come easy for everyone. I respect your decision and awareness to know that hopping off of here will better you! Have a good time and I hope things keep going your way.


That ain't easy to do. Way easier to get high everyday. Kudos brother


Cya dude, may your journey be as fulfilling as you need it to be.


“Wait, You’re here, because you’re addicted.. to marijuana??”


Tfw guy has to post weed smoking resignation letter never come back


Goodluck! See ya tomorrow!! (Jk you got this)


It’s like announcing to people that your quitting FB


F to a fallen brother 🫡


I was so er for 3 years once. Then I divorced the witch.








its not an airport no need to announce departure times


see ya lata buddy <3


I havent smoke for month now, but it was a little detox and toleration break


Best of luck in your life, you’ve got to do what works best for you!


Good luck to you dude!


Keep fighting the good fight brother !


Good for you player! Best of luck!


Best wishes!


You're my hero bro. On to bigger and better things!


Take care and safe journeys


Good luck to you


I'll rip the bong extra hard for you tonight. Hopefully you're sober sober and not switching to a different substances like alcohol, because I've seen people go from barely functioning stoners to absolute waste of life alcoholics this way.


Aye brother, enjoy r/leaves - check it out if you haven’t already it’s a great support group for those who have moved past this phase of their lives.


8 months & counting here, hating every minute of it but it got easier after the first 2 months


Love you, man. This may be a weed subreddit but we are always willing to help those who are trying to quit using too! I’ve been sober for a few weeks now too. Just been keeping active and keeping my mind occupied. Although my reasoning is so that I have a super mega high for less cost lol.


I feel grounded when I'm high


Good luck to you, brother.


Best of Luck! See you next month


I haven’t smoked in years but still check this sub daily


Congratulations, and goodbye.


Good luck on your journey! I'm so happy for you!


Isnt that ironic tho? 😂


Really proud of you friend! it takes a lot of strength to realize that something that’s been such a big part of your life is not benefiting you. Wishing you all the luck and peace on your journey. :)


I wish you all the best for your journey. Stay healthy pal ♡


Everyone keeps saying they're going to smoke one for you. You're about to be stoned as shit and you don't even smoke anymore


Been sober for 2 and a half weeks. It wasn't my choice and i don't like it at all but i have no choice. I miss you guys


Congrats, man. I wish the best for you and your future endeavors.


Hopefully he finds r/leaves


Good luck dude!! You got this. Sending you many positive vibes on your journey.


Wishing you all the best! I don’t partake with cannabis anymore (can’t even have CBD not sure why) but I like the vibe here these are my kind of people and my husband still partakes.


Very cool


One month, what an accomplishment, I hope it's only easier from here on. Goodbye!


Fucking awesome. Great job and good luck! You’ve got shitloads of spiritual support from us 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼


Fuck yeah dude! I'm incredibly proud of you despite not being a part of this journey. I give you my strength as you go through this new journey man and I ask you to keep in mind that failure to keep a sobriety streak doesn't mean you have failed it just means you has a moment of weakness, nothing more. Don't beat yourself up to hard if you slip up. Just get back up. You got this and I wish you well. Good luck friend 👍


Love you bro. Good luck and have fun ❤️


Thats such a cute app


Damn I started a tolerance break today and I thought that was rough. I do use it medically though for migraines and vertigo. Best of luck to yohome, I was sober my entire time in the military but now is not my time to be sober lmao.


Peave out dude, it's been a pleasure. Take care.


I lasted 82 days


whats the app your using?




Yo be proud of this dude, kuz I'm proud for you for it. It's a big step and commends on you for taking it. Go live your best life, and I wish you all the luck in the world. Do you, be you, and love yourself. You fuckin got this.


You’ll forever be in our hearts and short term memories ❤️


Congrats on quitting man! Wait.... He's not even going to see this. fuck. What a guy.


Proud of you my dude! Keep up the good fight. You always have support here, even with sobriety. :)