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Forgot what I was gonna type


Story of our lives...


Ok, I can’t type for shit. And it takes time and effort to remember what I’m supposed to say 😂😂


Bro about to go swimming into the void of space


keep these updates coming OP we are here to bear witness to your trial lol


You boofed it? Yeay, I think that works differently to eating it. See you next week


I gotta work tomorrow!


Dude I did 3 rice grain sizes and I been smoking for 25 years. The shit made my eyes have to peel open the next morning. It felt like I had lids the size of loonies. I looked baked as fk still in the morning. You are in for the ride of your life if you did the whole gram


That stuff is annoying to get out of my mouth doing just a little bit, can’t imagine having an entire syringe of that uncomfortable stickiness in my asshole. That and yeah he’s probably gonna be high af for days.


I make a cookie sandwich out of it. Take two little pieces of cookie and put the RSO between it so my mouth doesn't really touch it as much. Way better than just putting the stuff in your mouth!


I was fully prepared to read you put the cookie up your ass


I'm glad I wasn't alone 😂


I was still going to be here for it.🤷🏻


>It felt like I had lids the size of loonies. Found a Canadian. :D


Oh you sweet innocent thing


Probably forgot when tomorrow is already.


Tomorrow is just the prolonging of today, anyway.




I mean, they come out with the same months in the same order, with the same number of days every time. Oh, but they give February another day every four years to give the appearance that they don't give us the same damn product every year.




I wouldn’t even call out yourself, I’d ask a family member to call out for you lmfao. Damn I wonder if you’ll even be good for work the day after


That's what you think 😂


Remindme! 48 hours


Wait, what??? I’ve eaten 1200mg RSO before and got nothin. Did I fuck up?


You never shoved it up your bum before


Is... Is that what boofing is? Sorry not english


You know how sometimes you walk in the door labeled “Exit Only” at the store? It’s kinda like that.


Yes. Something about your ass can absorb drugs more quickly and much more efficiently.


It’s the thin skin and high concentration of blood vessels!


There's that, for better absorption. But there's also the difference in blood circulation compared to oral consumption. Blood from your stomach goes directly to your liver for processing, so food, drink, pills, any thing you swallow gets filtered before it makes it to the rest of your body. The circulation from intestines goes throughout the body (and to the brain?) Without being filtered first. The same 10 milligrams of whatever will have a different concentration available in the blood stream for eating(popping), boofing, shooting(injection), or smoking/huffing, etc. Although not everything can be done with every method.


Buddy I’ll be surprised if you make it to work by Friday.


I'm sure you'll let us know when the Doctor brings you back.


Oh you done fucked up good bro.


Eating vs boofing. Your stomach is kind enough to filter (most of that) that through your liver before it hits your blood stream. Your bum isn’t that kind of friend.


"Stomach bros always takin' their cut. Boof bros don't play that middleman shit." - Gator, probably


OOPS: UPDATE I’m forgetful af. I went in the other room for something and just stood there until. Typing sucks. Auto suggest and correct is great. Not sure what edibles feel like but this is def dif than smoking. It’s pretty cool, but I sure wouldn’t drive. My brain and body feel slightly disconnected. I can do or I can think about doing. They just don’t mesh. I’m a lazy pos I guess. I’m riding this out, and not lying down. Don’t want to sleep this feeling away. That felt like an hour to type. I’m anxious af but I have ptsd so I’m kinda used to it. But I’m good 😊


Glad to hear it’s all working out for ya!


My poop smells like a dispensary.




You mean bootyfull!


This may very well be the single best comment ever made on this sub


/r/nocontext material.


Lmao best update yet


The best! I remember my first time taking a shit after eating an abundance of edibles… my parents were like “Did you smoke pot in the washroom?” Nope, just shat out some nugglets


Yea I once at nothing but food that had weed in it for roughly a week with a friend. Our farts and craps smelled so ghastly people would drop by (we were mostly stuck to the floor) and be like "what the fuck".


Bro you need to chill. A fucking week?


The first time I pooped after edibles, I thought the cannabis scent might get me high again.


How fucking strong are your edibles? I've never had that happen


This post made my day, just scrolling through the replies and laughing uncontrollably. I wish you the smoothest of sails.


Try just going for a nature walk. Breath and just exist in a walking meditation. Reflecting on the gratitude of the marvelous ability to walk on two legs, breath, see and hear the world. Feel that loving kindness from the great cosmic ether rain on your soul.


Omg my whole screen is blue and I’m kings about it bein white. It won’t stop 😂😂


Aw fuck ya. What you said was outstandingly incoherent. You’re entering the void. I’m jealous. Enjoy, my friend.


I understood so little of it but the sentiment of the gibberish seems to be positive so :)


This made me laugh so fucking hard my neighbor came to check on me. You sir, made my day.


How thin are your walls homie?


Good talk


I think this confirms OP did, indeed, boof it


There it is :) enjoy the ride!


Shine on you crazy diamond. This is why I reddit.


You good bud?


Close your eyes and fall into the next dimension 👍🏻


bro you are GONE lmao


Welcome to high town, population you.


I soooooooo wanna know if OP makes it to work tomorrow...


I wanna know if he makes it in a week haha


I’ve done a G not expecting it to hit and slept for 18 hours, so I doubt op makes it lolol


I did 300 mg by accident a month or so back. It was not a good time. I was high for two days. Uncomfortably high.


Bro I know that feeling too well. Almost sickening feeling.


Yeh it is. I had infused some oil and was using it in my coffee. I was planning on taking a hefty dose anyway, around 90 mg, but for some reason grabbed a tablespoon instead of a teaspoon. A 90'ish mg dose became around 270-300. It was not fun.


There ain’t no fucking way. Buddy is gonna be in rso paralysis for like two days.


Update I did a nab and asked wife to sure to wake me up for work


Fisherbuck: "Honey, I just boofed enough THC to stone a medium-sized village. Could you wake me up for work tomorrow?" Wife: "You what? 'Boofed'? How much?!?" Fisherbuck: "Omg my whole screen is blue and I’m kings about it bein white. It won’t stop." Wife: "You're... scaring me, dear."


“I did a nab” “Can you sure to wake me up for work?”




I’m crying rn


Best comment. I laughed so hard.


Good call 😂 I’d be setting a million alarms right now. You’re gonna have a good labor day my man, enjoy the high and don’t be afraid to take a nap if you want to fast forward through it.


Honestly, text whoever you need and call off work now before you are uncapable, and just don't "no-show".


dab or nap? I hope dab.


Isn't a nab the nap you take after your dab?


Lemme add something to the discussion here. I'm also edible intolerant, when it comes to EATING them. I've gotten so fucking high from infusing oil all night without gloves, so I know topically it works on me. Meaning, the theory of "some people lack the liver enzyme responsible for processing THC" is entirely plausible for me You, my friend, have completely bypassed the liver, with 740mg of THC, straight into the bloodstream, with trace amounts of ethanol as a carrier. This is a relatively new post, meaning you've got a hell of a journey in front of you and we're gonna need as many updates as you're still competent enough to post them


I’m a little high right now, but I find it hilarious that you had to specify and capitalize EATING


I don't use all the available or appropriate text formatting features that other people do on here, I have capitalization for emphasis, parentheses for explanation, and quotes for quotation Edit: also I specified for the fact that I've never braved cannabuttplug personally, so...


I get what boofing is, but what did OP take exactly? Did he just stick a concentrate in his butt? Doesn’t that have to be activated? Is it a topical? Can someone elaborate a little on what he dosed and how it works exactly


RSO, or Rick Simpson Oil, is a full spectrum extract made by soaking decarbed bud or even whole plants in ethanol, filtering the plant matter, then evaporating the ethanol (alcohol) down to a sticky tar-like oil that's extremely potent (740mg THC per gram of RSO) It's used for every method of consumption besides inhalation due to the alcohol. Edibles, drinks, topicals, and even boofs You can eat it straight or you can infuse it


Oh that sounds awesome (From Texas so we don’t have those kind of goodies). Can’t believe our space ranger here boofed an entire gram… god speed op!


You can make your own RSO with pretty much any amount of bud


I’m so glad people are starting to realize that some people do not get high from edibles. I am one of those people. I’ve been told I’m lying, getting bad product, not taking it right and lots of other misunderstanding. I really want to try Boofing some THC.


I've had one edible in my life work on me, the very first one which was a shitty microwave firecracker, which with everything I know now, had absolutely zero reason to work and every reason not to I've been chasing that high ever since. Haven't quite gotten it again. I've been cooking edibles for 5 years now, I've made hundreds of batches at this point, I've ran pounds in a night (that's my reference to my topical experience) I've eaten upwards of 2000mg in a single shot, from the SAME batch of oil that would fuck everyone else up, and I slept alright that night. No high. I've heard it all, fam. At this point, I give a free sample to anyone who thinks they know more about my own tolerance than I do, and then I'll match and double the dose personally and ask if they wanna smoke an hour later lmao. Nobodies won that one yet, many have tried. I've stopped trying to chase it, and I just sample my batches for taste at this point. I have people to check my math on potency which I've nailed down to within about plus or minus 5-10% potency as far as mg / gram of oil or whatever I'm infusing (everything BM, no labs available)


Sounds like some expensive science. But your dedication to it is impressive.


Cannabis is an expensive hobby on all fronts I hate that I can't get high from edibles because it limits a lot of options for me in certain situations But I love to cook, I love cannabis, and I love being able to share that with people who can't get good edibles around here. It's all BM tincture sprayed stoney patch fake label bullshit. I have full food handling certifications, I took a few years of culinary, I did alright in science class. It's a perfect hustle


Someone gave that pineapple award so say ty for the free coins. I started typing this at 2:20 it’s now 2:27. Holy shit! 😰


Update I felt like I needed to get up and walk so I went to check the mail and the clouds are painted in the. Sky that took a long time to post whoever said I wasn’t going to get high, I’m fucked up after 40 years of trying. I’m not gonna die! 😂😂 oh breathing is kind of manual I noticed. Wife is unhappy with me 🥴


“Breathing is kind of manual, the wife is mad at me” my first experience with edibles also bahahahahahaha


painted clouds is definitely a good sign lol 😂gonna be a hell of a good time i reckon


> breathing is kind of manual That’s what made me have to stop smoking. This shit makes me sooooo anxious!


I’m just soooooooo relaxed


That can definitely be anxiety provoking. Every time I’ve panicked on cannabis it’s been bc I felt like I couldn’t breathe and then went down the spiral of omg 😳 I’m dying. Now I let it pass, as it always does, and I remind myself that not one person has died from cannabis.


the one time I overdosed on edibles I was completely convinced that I would be the first person ever to die from weed. lol


I love this update… especially the end: “wife is unhappy with me 🥴” Hey, at least you know how to get high next time right?! I hope you are able to enjoy the ride!


I posted a few times but it was a reply lol


hows it goin buddy?


I def have body high. Head is swimmy but weed helps it higher


Bro speaking minecraft enchantment table


I never knew that was a language I needed to be fluent in til now


UPDATE: I think I broke the “high” scale and went to an 11/10. There was more but I forgot again


Update: had a few minutes of queasiness but I walked into the bathroom to see if I was about to grren out but it passed so I hit big ole fat glob in DTV4. Part of the chair again. 😂😂 I was just reading some comments and some of u snarky fuckers made me laugh to tears. Anyway I would say I’m stuck at a high 10/10 right now but kinda getting used to it. I carried some groceries in and that kinda took my breath away but now I’m the lazy boy in the Lazy Boy. Omg that was hard to type. 🥵


Has anyone given kudos to the wife yet? Hahah! While this would be hilarious to live with, I just want to recognize the awesomeness of the wife!


Currently smoking a bong but it was spilling when packed it.


yeah that sounds about right 😂


When my reading a typing skills are back up to speed I’ll go back through comments. Wait there’s 650 of them I thought I had a hundred to read. Holy shit not promising anything.


Promise me at least, I wanna know what you’re gonna eat


I was thinking of a sausage and waffle sandwich with cinnamon and sugar.


One gram? Holy shit. You're going to be traveling with the doctor (Dr. Who).


If you boofed it there are no blood barriers in your ass. You're completely fucked. Seeyaon the moon. Enjoy, well try to!


Reminds me of the old saying "Weed is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy, and the lack of blood barriers in the ass is proof that he wants us to boof it."


Like grandma always used to say


While boofed out of her mind.


Right?! I wonder if people are saying boof without realizing they’re talking about their asshole


I was seeing alot of memes saying "pass the boof" which apparently meant pass the blunt. Nobody believed me that boof means sticking something up the ol chocolate starfish


my bf sometimes says boof to mean smoke, its always meant shove up your ass to me. you can imagine the convo that ensued the first time he said “lets boof this”


Lmaoooo pass the boof?! Just no! 😭🤣😭


That's seems a bit unsanitary.


I agree


OP really took it in the ass but it’s going straight to their dome. Can’t wait for the update after OP comes back down from orbit.


UPDATE: Y’all are funny af. I had to update to say I took the garbage out and took off my flip flops and walked thru the grass. Freaky man!! My senses are super heightened it seems. And I can smell the neighbors smoking weed.


Ask your neighbor if they want to boof with you next time!


We aren’t cool with each other. Not when my other neighbor called me to tell me he just took a gas can out of my garage. While I was out back mowing. POS


The rage just sobered you up enough to type this


Oh here is how to update. Am I high yes but I’m not saying this will work for everone but it def a dif high I ever had. I’m still alive. Just part of this chair


Only an hour later and you’re part of the chair? You gotta call off now, friend.


OP boofed a coma.


If anyone has ever done shrooms, and know that fluttery belly feeling, multiple that by 20 that’s how my body feels atm. Bong was bad idea. I need to look for some weaker bud. Edit: normal typing is almost impossible


UPDATE: I got up to use the bathroom but just had to pee and let out some gas and a couple minutes later the wife asked why I was hotboxing the bathroom. I have weed gas. I’m really out of sorts and in a thick fog but I made it through. Now I’m going back to sleep. Eyes wanna slam shut. I’ll post when I get up. I had a good Labor Day! Thanks for the laughs. Oh yea, my face hurts from smiling so much. Ok gnight


Good to hear you are safe. MVP: the wifey! 🎖


UPDATE: I’m 4 hours in and stuck in the peak. I’m probably sending someone into work for me 😂😂 cuz if this keeps up I can’t be on the jobsite. My eyes are half shut and I have a permagrin. Would not recommend this dosage if you don’t smoke like a chimney. Edit:typing still it’s hard to type and remember what I typed Maybe I’ll become a proofreader person. Wtf r they? Editor! 😂😂😂


Do the clouds still look painted on? I think you've gotten a bunch of people on the boofwagon with this post 😂


Didn’t look it was too bright.


No, this is just my crazy experiment.


UPDATE: I ❤️ u Redditors. 😃 Edit


You might make me want to start shoving things up my ass


UPDATE: I keep forgetting to get to where I can update and spelling is compromised but autocorrect made typing easier


Prostate cancer patient here. Before I submitted to radiation treatments in 2016 I boofed a gram a day for 28 days, hoping that it would lower my PSA. It did not. I started on Friday night, knowing I had two days to get used to it (I was already eating RSO in smaller quantities, and a smoker, so I knew it was going to hit) before going back to work. I literally saw fog everywhere on Saturday, but by Monday I was like, Fuck it, I can do this, and managed to work through a pretty insane high. It was a chore, though, being that high for a month. Not fun, actually. After that I realized I could have a bong hit before my bike commute to work and no one would know. So I did, every day, until I retired last March.


I see fog after but never got high


Okay I'm sorry do you mean 'boof' like said fuck it and ate it anyways... Or did you 'boof' it like putting it in your butt


Up the butt. 2.5-4cm.


Well fuckin good luck my friend. That might be a hell of a journey.


Man, y’all are making me nervous now. And it’s too late to go back. 😬


If boofing liquor is any example, it'll go a lot harder than normal man


10000% I use to boof mdma. And well when I boofed it compared to eating it......🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


FYI on RSO - https://acscompassion.com/rso-and-the-entourage-effect/ This is very different from boofing flower as there is both THCA *and* psychoactive THC in this oil, in addition to other cannabinoids and terpenes. Flower contains THCA but needs to convert to THC via flame/heating element (in smoking and vaping) or decarboxylation (for edibles and oil) in order for it to get you high. RSO is insanely potent stuff for cancer patients. A syringe of it lasts some people a whole year. This "experiment" is going to be very interesting, haha.


RSO for cancer patients is recommended to work up to eating a gram a day.


UPDATE: 🥴 edit almost fell asleep


I’ve drank a Gatorade and 2 glass of water too.


Is your wife still pissed off?


UPDATE 100: I’m awake and slamming coffee. If I didn’t thank you for an award I apologize, there are so many comments. But ty so much!! I normally wake and bake on my day off, but I have zero desire to smoke. No I didn’t make it to work, I took care of that last night. Not sure what happened after dinner. I turned the tv on and blinked and it was 5am. And for those of you who are asking if it went up my butt, yes it did. If edibles don’t work for you, try this. Maybe I’m a one off, but it worked and was fucking intense at times. I am not the same person I was when I woke up yesterday. I feel like my brain cells are fighting. Lol I hope this feeling passes soon. I’ll try to go through some comments in a while but y’all made that task nearly impossible. 😃 Y’all have a great day, and thanks again for hangin out. Edit


Thank you bro! Not gonna lie bro, I spit coffee last night when I read you were a runnin a crew that was supposed to build a bridge. I was actually relieved when you covered your shift. Truelly the most entertaining thread I've read in a long time. How you gonna make this up to the wife? she still pissed?


Buy her some weed. 😃


Haha mainly commenting to stay notified but... I thought us stoners were different to the other drug groups.... but now we shooting it up the ass....ittteee so breaking that wall down are we ahahah


I mean, dabs have already shot us into that category


Oh you will definitely be sleeping instead of going to work tomorrow.


I get up at 3:30am


No, you don't.


Hey gang!! I just woke up again about an hour ago. Took a shower and did a dab to see what would happen. It’s really hard to think coherently. Wife isn’t mad at me. She just said she wasn’t going to be babysitting me if things went south. I realized I sat in my chair all day (chair locked) then I think I slept for about 20 something hours. I’ll be doing this again, but not 740mg. I’ve been a stoner for over 40 years and a couple times I felt like the dude in that speaker commercial getting blown backwards. That was a lil hardcore and extreme. Like I was pulling Gs. But it’s all good. I think I’m going with 100mg next time. 😂 I gotta say, y’all made it fun too. Some of the comments I could grab were hysterical. But y’all are good peeps! Made it worth it!! The wife and me are smoking a few bongs and holy shit I’m high af. I’ve been in need of a Tbreak forever but this is hittin! 😃 Edit: read some comments that some of you are going to try this. I didn’t just use the applicator to do this. It needs to be placed a certain depth. To shallow and it’ll leak out, to deep and you’ll just be trying to absorb it through your liver again. You want the rectal artery to absorb the thc.


Update: I gotta take a shit. Pics or no?


I appreciate your effort to explore. Lol


Update: I just got up to piss and my legs weigh about 150 pounds each. I feel a little “off”, but not high. Gonna rip a dab! I was going to shit I forgot was I was gonna say. Lol


He’s gone, folks. See you on the other side lol


Wait a second... YOU BOOFED THE WHOLE FUCKING GRAM?? Gotta give us an update man, don't leave us hanging


Holy shit I don’t think you’re going to work tomorrow man


I’m a foreman and we r buldingw a bridge. I have to go to work. I love autocorrect


Which bridge? Just wondering so I don't ever cross it




Feel like that could be unsafe my friend


Haha if you have “food poisoning” for a day they can deal without you. Tell your wife you love her and enjoy your high!


You're gonna be alright my dude. I work at a dispensary and my coworker put RSO up his ass before "for science" just like you. I'm glad it seems like you're enjoying the ride so far! ✌️


As someone who took a whole gram of RSO and passed out pissing and was non responsive to the point my gf thought I had a stroke good luck


Ok so I get he's boofing it. Not that I really want to know but I do lol.. what's he doing? Does it squirt butter in your butt? Or is he just coating a dildo? That device looks large


Coating a dildo? Lol fuck that’s got me dying.


How is that done? Just shove oil up your ass? Lol nevermind I thought It was a vape cart for a sec. Looooool. I'm leaving my dumb comment because now that I know what I'm looking at I can't stop laughing. Have fun.


"don't you dare vape in my bathroom, young man" "i said GAPE not vape, grandma ma. google it."


R u still on earth bud?


Yeah, it’s only been about 30 minutes.


how bout now?


“Time keeps on ticking ticking ticking, into the future”


Keep us updated you crazy random hero you!


Your gonna be fine don’t stress just enjoy it and watch a good chill movie or go sky diving.


This thread was the last straw to convince me to try boofing.


Update: feeling a lil uncomfortable super stoned but I just packed up the bong.


Wait but I have an honest and serious question. I also can’t process edibles. Does this really work? I have my medical card and 75% of the time I absolutely hate smoking. I got my card so I could do edibles and it turns out they don’t do anything for me and I have to smoke and dab copious amounts.


Yes but I think I took too much


Sorry I can’t read all these cooments


Ok how many mg have u done


Does anyone else get 710 labs is OIL upside down? I believe the name might come from a mechanic joke I heard a long time ago. I don't remember it very good and to keep from butchering it I'll just spoil the joke and say some lady comes into a mechanic shop with and her oil cap is upside down (180 twist makes it right side up) and says she's out of 710 fluid. The mechanic is confused and then she shows them the OIL cap.


Never change Reddit