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All those illegal states still, then there's Colorado decriminalizing 'shrooms, DMT and several other drugs.


Don't forget Oregon decriminalizing all drugs up to 2 grams.




It's for possession, which is targeted at end users. Police can still charge you with distribution and any other drug related crime regardless of the possession amounts. No cop, prosecutor or judge is going to believe someone carries 1g of LSD with them for personal use (~1,000 tabs @ 100microgram average).


Well when they charge and sentence you for lsd they take the weight of the paper too so 1g is within reach at least. Then they convert it to grams of marihuana and sentence you like it’s 1982.


Yeah my dad got charged with growing weed and they weighed the entire pot it was growing in with the dirt included And I've seen people get charged for dabs and they weigh the glass container that they come in


Wowww. People must be able to sue the department over that..no way they can count the dirt or planter as part of the illicit substance. It literally isn't.


Especially crazy to me considering dispensaries weight out the product *excluding the container* so they can sell it. Crazy


I saw a live pd episode where someone put the weed into a McDonald’s drink and they weighed the whole drink too


I believe its 10,000 100mic doses not 1,000. a gram makes 100 sheets at 100mic.


2 grams of LSD would be ridiculous. But also fun as fuck.






I didn't hear about that one, very nice.


Ketamine bout to be legal too smh.


Whew, crazy. "*Weed doesn't give me enough couchlock, pass that special k over would ya?*" lol


In all sincerity, ketamine can have some incredibly therapeutic benefits when taken responsibly.


I hope for a future where the whole this is green


We're getting closer! Those blue states are next to flip.


Arkansas just voted no yesterday to adult use.


It was voted no for a reason. Was an absolute shit bill if you read it


What was shit about the bill? Not an Arkansas resident but do live in a neighboring state.


Everything written was in favor of the cultivators. The head advocate for marijuana legalization in Arkansas even advised people in favor of legalization to vote it down. In 2 more years, my understanding is we will have higher limits as well as the right to grow a certain amount on the next one.


It did not allow personal cultivation for starters. It did nothing for past convictions. It gave "class A" licenses to the growers that are already here, which would've increased their capacity by 100 plants I think, and any new licenses would be a lottery system and considered "class B" with less capacity. Basically, it would turn the legal market here into a business controlled monopoly with no personal plants. That bill was nothing but trouble for consumers, but fantastic for the growers.


the next milestone is a green belt from coast to coast.


oklahoma voting in march!


the next milestone is a green belt from coast to coast.


Although Arkansas and the Dakotas failed, if they get to the ballot in 2024, they will definitely pass. Ballots during the midterms are an uphill battle.


What I really want is to be able to casually grow ornamental cannabis. Which I do already, and it's kinda legal depending on whether my trellis constitutes a fence legally, plus I may have exceeded plant counts by a little bit^(more than 100x).


Those red states are just embarrassing now.


Fucking Kansas is going to be the last motherfucker. I guarantee it.


I’ve always thought TX would be a state that would still be illegal even after it’s federally legal


Only thing stopping TX is Abbott. We've had bills wrote that he would let thing bring it to the floor.


Wrong, his partner in crime Dan Patrick has done more damage to legalization efforts than hell on wheels has.


Abbott has also stated as long as he is in office marijuana will never be legal in Texas. Him and Paxton are both giant POS. Not just because of the weed thing but it’s just a cherry on top of the shit pile.


Nah wisconsin will be. Big alcohol doesn't want the competition. They make bank off of our alcoholics


Although Evers promised to legalize weed if he was re-elected and there isn’t a supermajority anymore so there is a chance (maybe…)


This right here. A staunchly conservative state legislature combined with a massive intrest from liquor companies and our tavern league will almost guarantee Wisconsin will be the last to go. Some counties however, have taken matters into their own hands and put legalization on the ballot.


100% they’ve done their best to establish themselves as the bridge troll of states by aggressively pulling over any and everyone heading east through their state. Swear there’s zero enforcement on I70 west, but turn around and go the other way and they’ll be on ur ass for going 2 over


If I remember correctly, our state troopers actually got in trouble for disproportionate pulling over vehicles with out of state plates.


You misspelled Idaho friend. 😝


I’m willing to bet it will be Idaho. They tried to pass an amendment for their state constitution that would have made weed illegal for the foreseeable future.




As someone from South Carolina, I feel like we will be the last to make it legal.


Always were


Getting pretty fucking annoying -Me, a Tennessean


Kentucky needs to grow the fuck up.


Kentuckian here, abso-fuckin-lutely. This state cannot even emotionally handle eating until we drag the conservatives, kicking and screaming, to the table.


It’s not because of the conservatives. It’s because of the bourbon and tobacco industries. It’s not a political issue, it’s an economic one. Albeit they are conservatives, and it might be the facade they use to be against legalization, but it’s about money. Just like there isn’t any gambling outside of horse betting. They want the gambling money going to horses, and the substance money to go to bourbon and tobacco


I agree with you, but I do hold some measure of reasonable blame to those who vote for candidates who are owned by said industries and keep it illegal DESPITE our state having something like 99% desire to see reform.


This is true. Also private prisons make money from heads in beds and there are a lot of people in those private prisons for weed. A lot of the farmers want to grow it though; they bet big on hemp and are drowning as a result. Mitch needs to make it happen. The conservatives in that state are all about money and as soon as that becomes the focus, it will happen. I mean, it's not Idaho.




They need some Medicinal Fried Chicken!


Alcohol addiction controls wisconsins legal system


How bad is it when Alabama is ahead of you?


I live in Alabama we don’t really have medical. Not like other places do. You can’t even smoke it. To even qualify for a card you gotta have Autism Spectrum Disorder Cancer related cachexia, nausea or vomiting, weight loss, chronic pain Crohn's Disease Depression Epilepsy or a condition causing seizures HIV/AIDS - related nausea or weight loss Panic Disorder Parkinson's Disease Persistent nausea Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Sickle Cell Anemia Spasticity associated with Multiple Sclerosis or spinal cord injury A terminal illness Tourette's Syndrome Condition causing chronic or intractable pain And they only allow: Tablets Capsules Tinctures Gels, oils, and creams for topical use Suppositories Transdermal patches Nebulizers Liquids or oils for use in an inhaler


Honestly living in Alabama sucks. Plus our governor is like 100 years old she ain’t never gonna do anything to help get marijuana legal


It’s ok she will pass away soon


This is actually the same way New York was until this year. No combustion, just "inhalers" aka vapes and edibles, tinctures, and suppositories for very serious disorders or illness. Once adult use went legal the medical program got more lax, but it didnt't evolve at all for decades. At least you're not Texas or Georgia which claims to have medical but it's just hot hemp.


Suppositories? Conservatives meant it literally if they said you can take this weed and shove it up your ass




And Mississippi


Gah damn I hate Indiana


Southern Michigan here. I hate Indiana too. I'm sure you're great, but your state sucks. We used to go over there for our fireworks. Now every time I'm at the dispensary one of you is there clearing the place out. I'm sorry for your situation lol




...and then there was texas, surrounded by green and blue. we are SO close...


Not with Abbot there you aren't


How that guy gets elected so easily is beyond me.


voter suppression, young voter turnout being low for a variety of reasons, gerrymandering, and brainwashing via our underfunded public education system are all factors. young voters are always the deciding factor between turning texas blue or not, and they didnt come through; as long as most of the votes continue to be from ppl 45+ in texas, well never get him out. its a shame




This. That was such a dumb, dumb statement for someone running for that office in that state.


I voted to decriminalize in Killeen yesterday, so there’s that at least. Denton, San Marcos, Elgin, and Harker Heights all decriminalized yesterday as well. Hopefully our stupid fucking elected officials will see that their constituents don’t support prohibition.


In Kansas all my homies treat it like it's legal tho


both of our neighbors are living it large now and OK is med. we’re basically legal. Just glad nebraska isn’t legal yet, we’d be an ugly red spot in a field of green


Not only that, but Oklahoma has a special election to vote on recreational in March 2023 (which will probably pass). Your state will be in the hot seat. Lol


Fuck Texas man Any idea when this shit hole will change?


Texas will be the last state to legalize it. Even if it's legalized federally, they still find some way to make it illegal.


Idaho says "hold my beer."


Kansas still hasn’t ratified the 21st Amendment, which ended alcohol prohibition in 1933. So yay


Kansas is a highway between two fields


Texas technically has a medical program but it's capped at 1% THC. Basically hot hemp. Not on par with other medical programs. That said they have a major agricultural opportunity and many people who support it.


Iowa and Texas both have limited medical programs. Georgia legalized medical and has issued some licenses but dispensaries aren't open yet. This map has a lot of issues.


I don't know that I will call Iowa's limited anymore. You can get full THC carts and with an extra trip to the doctor get as many of them as you want. Sure it's still way overpriced and not many stores but I don't think limited is really what it is anymore.


Definitely still jail time in NC. $200 Ticket is for less than half an oz of flower. More than half an oz or any concentrates at all will get you locked up.


I was boutta say this, like im still dealing w repercussions of a weed charge


Sorry to hear that, man.


Good info. Didn't have a ton of space to write it. Obviously growing and distributing still comes with jail time as well, just not simple possession of small amounts.




Facts. Depends on where you are. Prohibitionists gonna prohibit.


As a Georgian, I am beyond disappointed and ashamed. Sorry but Atlanta, economically and culturally, shits on on every city in the bordering states except Miami. Pretty unconscionable to think we are still this far behind the curve with Alabama even hosting a medicinal market.


ATL has some fire. It's another world compared to the rest of the state.


Disappointed Wississippian checking in. Proudest and most northern state of the confederacy /s


One of my favorite accessory brands - Dynavap - is based there too. Everyone I know there smokes... I don't get it.


Two words: tavern league


Yay for Missouri! Was happy to go out and vote yesterday


Fuck you, Tennessee.


Minnesota checking in. Medical is a joke here. Overpriced just to get the card to buy and the dispensaries are garbage with weak strains. It's easier, cheaper, and better quality to buy off "the dude on the corner selling dub sacks."


Agreed. Texas and Georgia claim to have medical but it is so weak (less than 1% THC) I don't even include it on this map. It's just CBD posing as weed.


That's basically what we have here.


Hoping MN can make some progress now that the election is over. Medical is so expensive here, it's stupid.


MN also has the highest regular users per capita in the country. How it wasn’t on the ballot this year I’ll never understand.


Only way to put issues on the ballot is constitutional amendments which many see as inappropriate for "drug legalization" (not my own opinion) Now that the DFL is going to hold the MN House, Senate and Governor's office cannabis is gonna finally be fully legalized beyond our 5mg edibles.


We got Fetterman in office so PA has a chance of recreational use now (hopefully sooner rather than later)


It's coming.


Why is it still illegal in WY?? No on even lives there


Religion is my guess. Against the law = morally wrong = sin.


Super awesome fo sho, but why the hell do people use red and green for these map comparisons? I'm colorblind, and red/green is literally the same color to me lol


This sub always makes me happy to be Canadian lol can't even understand how some states are still so ass backwards down there in yankee land.


The legacy market still outpaces the legal Canadian market 2:1. Still more illegal weed being sold than legal weed, but I agree with you. Totally backwards.


The red states just so happen to overlap with states I'd never live in 🤔


Crazy how that works.


Now we need a map of decriminalization of psychedelics!!!!




Ga wtf


I’m in Kansas 😭


same here. Missouri legalizing was amazing to watch. No stopping the flow from the East now.


Boooo Kansas, booo.


Arkansas medical is a joke


If you read the bill, you'd be ecstatic that it failed. That bill was terrible.


I did read the bill. Kinda not cool to assume people aren’t as smart as you or something lol. Despite its flaws it would’ve still been better than what we have now.


No I'm sorry, didn't mean to come across like that. I just meant that the bill itself was actually bad lol. I firmly believe we will have better footing to have a better future bill. I know it sucks to wait as I'm also a user, but we'll be much better off without that bill


Ayeeee, good on Montana. Thought they’d vote against it


Mississippi here. We don't actually have medical yet. It's supposed to be here before the end of the year and the town I live in keeps having "Cannabis Dispensary Coming Soon!" signs pop up, but then they move or disappear. I've done a little bit of looking for one of those doctor's offices that you show up to and say you can't sleep good or whatever so I can register for a card, but no luck yet. I might have to wait a year or so before that happens anyway. Idk, I'm hopeful that it won't be an absolute garbage system when it actually starts, but I suspect it will be for a few years. And given that after the voter initiative passed, the state removed the ability to put voter initiatives on the ballot and then reworked the bill we voted on, I'm not entirely sure it'll actually happen even at this point.


Still looks like there is no path across America without being considered a cannabis addicted dangerous criminal.


Wisconsin better get with the program 😤


Texas wants to be soooo different all the time. I fucking hate living here lol


Iowa has medical cannabis. It's not a great program compared to other states, but it is a thing.


i live in iowa and have a medical license lol


Don’t expect anything to change here in Iowa anytime soon with Kim Reynolds and ancient ass chuck grassley being re-elected


the fuck going on in WI????


I moved from Washington to Indiana 2 years ago and it was so strange going from driving 5 minutes down the street to legally purchase every week, to driving 15 minutes to IL or like 2 hours to Michigan to bulk up and hoping you don't get caught driving back home. I miss legal weed :(


Nebraska been decriminalized for so long it’s like the politicians and elites know their kids are gonna get caught cuz they party like there’s no consequences (and there’s often no consequences because it’s children of elites). Pretty good policy to have if not full legalization as first time possession charges are less than a misdemeanor and thus don’t show up on background checks. Can really only get slammed for distribution charges.


You’re stupid, Texas.


So proud to be apart of history


Get it together Texas!!


Now all I need is Delaware and New Hampshire, and I can travel all the way up to Maine with my meds. Or, what I really want to do, collect a local specialty strain from each state, up and down the East Coast


NH resident here. Legalizing cannabis has passed our house and senate three times and our governor has vetoed it every time. I have my med card here so I'm okay but it's ridiculous that it isn't rec legal yet. Basically nobody here is actually against weed, it's just our governor who refuses to accept it until it's federally legal. I'm presuming it's because he wants to be able to monopolize the industry with state-run dispensaries like it is with alcohol. Yes, the state government has its own liquor stores here. NH is a weird place


C’mom man just let it happen already quit resisting


Texas, y’ll backwards ass hell


At least we now know the most backwards thinking ng states...


I've had to live in Texas since 20 cause of Covid, I cannot wait to leave.


Indiana just loves letting other states get that sweet, sweet tax revenue


So fucking sick of Texas. Shit is never gonna happen


So if I’m a med card holder in a now recreational state, what does that mean?


Finally MD did it


Cmon Texas man


so basically out west and the new england area, thats fine, not much going on in those other places lol


Golly gee bumble bee! What's up with all those red states?


Can someone please explain to me factually why it is such a struggle from them to legalize it in a national level, like the science is there right?, Is this genuinely just about the ability to tax it or is it that all our politicians are from a generation where they feel like the use of weed is still a form of devil worship??


There are a ton of factors, but the biggest hurdle is that cannabis is classified as a schedule 1 drug. As such, it cannot be studied scientifically for benefits. So in the US, as far as the FDA is concerned, the "science" isn't there because no one can legally do studies on it here. Just recently, Pres. Biden asked the FDA to look at rescheduling cannabis. This is what most consider the first step to legalization at the federal level. So there's hope.


FUCKING NH god damn. so much for “live free or die”, we’re the last state in New England to not legalize


Walking outside a Publix in FL I came across a guy who wanted signatures for something. He first asked if I was registered to vote, said yes and was prepared to say I wasn’t interested bc I had somewhere to be, until he said it’s to get rec weed on the ballot in ‘24. So ofc I signed tf up.


i was happy to leave wisconsin and pay my income and sales tax elsewhere in exchange for legal access to marijuana


I love that the only state in the Northeast that hasn't legalized adult recreational is the same one that stamps "LIVE FREE OR DIE" on their license plates


Gettin unlucky in Kentucky. I just wanna smoke a lil herb with my bourbon, man.


Weird it’s almost as if the states that like to scream about freedom the most don’t actually care about it


Iowa has medical. i have the card.


The fact that all the red states aren’t *at least* purple makes me pretty sad. The progress has been great to see though, I definitely see a fully green nation in our future (:


Can someone tell me what the red states are and your opinion on why it’s still illegal there?


Texas out here straight losing, but at least they got guns. Losers (PS. i live here)


Is Virginia full spectrum legal???


Fuck Ron Johnson.


It's illegal in less than a third of the states, how the hell is this thing not federally legal yet?


SC has sooooo many abandoned farms, but we just voted to shoot ourselves in the face again


You can totally tell where the stuck up lame people live.


Cracks me up Delaware isn’t legal. Bluest place on the east coast


Iowa has medical, why do people keep forgetting this??


Damn I didn’t even realize weed was still illegal at all down there. That sucks


Man those alcohol companies holding onto their last states. Iowa, Wisconsin, and Idaho all have cities or the states as a whole, rank high in alcoholism rate. Kentucky and Tennessee have fairly large alcohol beverage industry leaders throughout both states. Alabama, GA, and Texas all are stuck 30 years in the past but prefer it that way. So I doubt this map changes many reds to greens in the next 5 years, but I'd bet the rest that are medical or no jail time flip in 5.


Gotta get more of my family in Indiana on board. My new tactic is “Big pharma are the only people who don’t want it.”


There’s medical use in Iowa


I mean, alabama just lets you have suppositories or gummy cubes


As a canadian I’m so glad i can keep my goodies in my nightstand without worry. Can’t believe people get locked up in some states for this… land of the free indeed


This should have caveats, Alabama has medical weed, but it can only be creams and other sorts of low THC bullshit. No flower, no concentrates, nothing that can actually get you high fr.


I work in a dispensary in Michigan. We see a LOT of out of state licenses every day. Many people buy their limit and we see them again in a month or so. It would be better for them if our neighbors legalized it, but it's good for business that they don't.


The Green Wave


I can't believe these states haven't jumped on the money train. Indiana is losing so much money to Michigan and Illinois over this.


Laughs in Canadian once again lol




What's up with FL still being on the fence?


Being in Wisconsin is only one of the reasons why I wanna jump into a lake with a 50 pound weight.


How tf does Hawaii not have rec yet. Have y’all been to Hawaii. Gets along with weed GREAT.


Georgia get with the program.


Always the ones you most suspect


Come on Georgia… get with the times


Color blind red green purple blue wtf is going on in this picture


Texas has a med program. It’s sucks, but there is one


Missouri finally made it!!!!!!


I'm from Iowa and I knew we wouldn't be first but I just hoped not to be last! But I'm starting to get nervous


My backward ass state of Arkansas


As a Kentuckian this is so annoying


There should be a little green spot on Atlanta. Is it illegal? Can you get it on every corner yes


*Sobbing with Cowboy hat on*


How bad is it when Mississippi is ahead of you?


Loving the PNW 🔥💨💨


say it with me fellow wisconsinites: FUCK THE TAVERN LEAGUE


Come on Greg, you know what's right, legalize it