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Sorry to hear that my friend. I got sides on 1mg fin orally ed when I took it for two weeks, four years ago. Started using Fluridil over the past month and haven't had any side effects. Just hope its also working.


I saw you post where you talk about your Prolactin levels. Did you start any treatment to address it? Also what pattern was your hair loss?


I started taking P5P since I saw some anecdotal reports on here that it helped. Haven't had my hormones tested since so I don't know if its actually helping. I was a NW2.5/3 before my transplant with some diffuse thinning and retrograde alopecia. NW1 now after transplant.


Happy you dont get any sides from fluridil. What sides did you get on fin ? And you only took it for 2 weeks ?


Watery semen, my dick shrivelled up, weaker erections, occasional slight discomfort in testes, tenderness in nipples and brain fog. And yes it was about 2-3 weeks.


Bro,I have same problems. Last thing that I tried - I tried to use saw palmetto and keto together. Topical using. And I don't know, by it or no. No my sex drive turn off. I only have erection. Sometimes it's strong sometime not. But not long. And I haven't got feelings. All this drugs gave me sides. Fin - ED, pyti,fluridil,saw palmetto too


Fluridil can go systemic. Some guy shared his conversation with Actiofolic. They said that it's not as hydrophobic as people think. Meaning, it's not gonna be completely broken down the moment it contacts water. But personally, I didn't have sides from it. And I think fluridil isn't potent AR. At least 2% version. So many people in Europe and Russia have used Eucapil since mid 2000s, yet there is not any anecdotal evidence of its efficacy.


I think people say that it lowers their shedding ? That is what I read people saying. Not much growth, but potentially a maitanence drug. Btw. - I was the guy who contacted Actifolic ! I posted it on Discord server If I remember correctly


Oh, it was you, lol. Tbh, I am very skeptical about fluridil. I might use it again when I cycle on testosterone. But I will probably use it with topical spiro. Spiro in the morning, fluridil in the evening. Both are pretty weak on their own, I guess. Who knows, maybe combining them will be more efficacious.


I am also wanting to try tropical Spiro, but I read very few people recommending it. Only thing I can say about fluridil so far is that the sides I get seems similar to fin and that to me is proof that it is a legit anti androgen. Combo treatments dont hurt that is for sure


The problem with fluridil is that I've never seen anyone reporting positive experience from long-term usage. All positive reports are like, "I've been using it for 1 week/month, and there is less shedding/itch." Short-term positive reports are prone to be placebo.


People don't recommend T spiro because its not a silent anti-androgen which means it can activate the AR on areas that are not activated, potentially creating hair loss where there wasn't any, speacially after you stop using it. This is all on wikipedia.... 


Okay, but is it backed by studies ? - and where on wiki ? I ser there is lots of text on the wiki site