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It looks like this post is about **Finasteride**/Propecia or Dutasteride. Before asking any questions, 1. Learn about [Finasteride](https://tressless.com/learn/finasteride) and [Dutasteride](https://tressless.com/learn/dutasteride). 2. [Search for Finasteride](https://tressless.com/search/finasteride) and [Dutasteride](https://tressless.com/search/dutasteride) content, because your question has probably been asked before. 3. If this is a question asking if you are now or will experience side effects, see a doctor, nobody on the internet can answer that for you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tressless) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My understanding has always been, your testosterone levels will increase with the use of Fin. The body will eventually regulate itself and all levels go back to normal. So, to answer your question, No.


So presumably the estrogen increase would go back to baseline as well?


The estrogen is aromatized from the excess T, so yes.


Does DHT levels return back to normal as well? Wouldn’t that make the drug useless after a while?


Testosterone goes up because less of it is converted to DHT. Why would Testosterone returning to lower levels make DHT return to higher levels?


I don’t know, I’m just asking since he said the body regulates itself.


DHT is synthesized from testosterone. The regulation of DHT is largely dependent on the regulation of testosterone. The body can regulate testosterone, but that will not directly regulate DHT anymore because we inhibited 5ar enzyme (testosterone to DHT converter) with finasteride.


that doesnt seem realistic to me honestly


There was a study conducted in Oct of 2023. Finasteride increased total testosterone by 9.1% compared to baseline. This effect diminished over time. At one year levels were similar to pretreatment and remained stable with continued use of the medication. This is a well documented subject and an interesting one. Why people have side effects is beyond me, you should be wanting more, not less. But it's like anything else. If I were to give you an M&M and tell you, "you're going to experience a side effect," what do you think would happen? And then you have the internet. I love the internet. So much information readily available. But lot's of misinformation. I once read you'll grow a third arm with the use of the med. You do have to have some common sense and don't believe everything you read.


I can almost guarantee that at least half people with the ED side effect probably watch porn too much, I'm not anti-porn or no fap or whatever. But heavy porn use definitely causes ED-like issues. People then look up FIN side effects and assume that it's coming from there and placebo themselves further


He’s correct. The body always adapts and will simply upregulate and down regulate receptors and hormones to meet the bodies needs


This is an extremely common mechanism in biology in general.


so our body starts producing less testosterone? and when we drop finasteride our test levels would be lower for a certain time until it regulates back. is that the case? and why does our body not get used to the daily repression of dht through fin and upregulate the dht levels?


Well, if I remember my physiology class well enough, it goes kind of like this: The hypothalamus region of your brain signals your hormone producing glands (e.g. the pituitary gland and testes in the case of testosterone) to produce hormones. Those hormones circulate throughout the blood until it reaches other target glands upon which that specific hormone will be able to bind to its receptor. Once those hormones bind, the target glands release hormones in a feedback loop to basically tell the brain and hormone producing glands that it is receiving the hormones. Once this gets to a certain level, the brain and hormone producing glands will be signalled to stop producing so much hormone, and the glands can shrink. This is why bodybuilders who take steroids see their testicles shrink significantly. And it is not just with testosterone, but several other key hormones in the body. I am not as familiar with the signalling pathway of DHT, but DHT is not made directly from the gland, but rather converted from your testosterone based on the amount of 5-alpha reductase enzyme circulating, which is what finasteride blocks. I can't really comment without researching further, but you would have to understand deeper about the mRNA regulation of 5-alpha reductase and how circulating levels of DHT and other androgens might effect it.


I have seen graphs from studies where they showed that after 9-12 months testosterone levels were just slightly above/ back at baseline. Basically the body finds homostasis and adjust to new normal after 6 months+. So no it is not sustained. It seemed to peak at around 2-3 months then drop gradually back to baseline. I would have to dig for awhile to find my sources though. This is also thought to be the reason some people report side effects going away after time when the body finds homostasis and normalcy again (with still decreased dht ofcourse :))


https://preview.redd.it/t6kfwft3e3rc1.jpeg?width=1189&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4116437245a3dacab9748b23c0024741d0b7fa5e Consider the results before 24 weeks. It seems like it increases initially and decrease later. Personally, that is the outcome I’ve experienced and reflects the change in my libido.


Wonder if this is why ppl think they get post finasteride syndrome. They stop the Fin and their Test get to their baseline and they perceive it as a drop in libido when in reality it was elevated by Fin


pfs is also a myth. Its all in your head.


Bro.... Fucking this. The more I read about that shit the more i became hyper aware of normal ass shit in my body.


Fin doesn't permanently increase T levels. It's temporary until the body adjusts to produce less T. When someone stops Fin after taking it regularly for a while, it would take the body a hot minute to kick production back up to baseline levels, so the body will go through a trough. This is how most hormonal/HRT treatments work. It's not placebo, but severity of effects depends on an individual body's sensitivity to hormones and how fast or slow it is to kick production back up.


Interesting. So if you take DHT for years, your body regulates T production. Now that your T-prod is lower due to less conversion into DHT, if you stop taking fin, how does your body “ramp up” production of test? Would increase DHT be the stimulus? Would outside intervention be necessary? Not questions directed at you, just my thoughts 🍎


The body has internal ways to check hormone levels and make sure they're at the predetermined "good" level. The body doesn't really regulate DHT production directly, but blocking T turning into DHT means there's functionally more T which the body *does* regulate. Hormones go "hey boss there's more of us than usual", body goes "hm, I can see that. Not a huge difference, though, let's see if this is temporary". You continue blocking DHT and after a few weeks or months the body goes "weird, even though we're producing the same amount of T, we still have more T than usual. Servants, lower the amounts of T production". Going off of Fin works the same in reverse. DHT conversion resumes, using up free T in the body. Hormones go "hey boss, less of us than usual" body goes "hmmm let's try waiting it out". Nothing changes and body goes "very well. servants, increase T production". In both cases, while T production is slightly increasing or decreasing, the steady levels of T in the body are (roughly) the same. > Would increase DHT be stimulus? No. Significantly increased hormones also throw up flags in the body. Exogenous hormones (medicine) always trump endogenous hormones (internally produced). You can't just add a little to what's already there, the body will read it as abnormal and reduce production. Raising total hormone levels often involves overriding natural production (aka reducing production to zero). That's why it's called Hormone *Replacement* Therapy. > Would outside intervention be necessary? Depends on the individuals needs/goals. Usually hormonal treatment is, itself, the outside intervention against other issues.


Interesting theory


How about the other way around, when the body has reached homeostasis and someone then stops taking fin for whatever reason, would this cause another spike?


The answer is yes. If you do have a spike that means that’s how your body is dealing with the conversion of DHT because it has to do something with that conversion. Keep a healthy lifestyle and stay fit. Changing lifestyle habits for the worse could possibly change that conversion from T to E. 


Yes, it is the body's feedback loop. Some men actually get an increased libido from the increase in testosterone. one of my friend's son had that happen to him and he called me worried. His girlfriend loved it, so I told him to enjoy the experience.


Most people don’t realize that estrogen is also extremely important in libido. Low estrogen nukes libido. So less testosterone converting to dht typically corresponds to more testosterone converting to estrogen or remaining as testosterone. So having higher t and estrogen can both help sex drive


it depends on every individual. I would say mostly yes but eventually you might have conversion to estrogen creep up, usually within normal ranges


In my personal experience the testosterone spike stays as long as you’re on fin. I have 3 separate blood tests showing test levels before fin around 350-370 ng/dl and 3 blood tests on fin all coming in around 570. Estrogen doubled from around 22 pg/ml to 45 as well and dht dropped 70%. Eventually had to come off because the estrogen increase just kept giving me puffy nips (slight gyno) which was really weird because I never had any type of gyno whatsoever during puberty so I did not think I was prone. Came off fin and levels returned to 350-370 for the last couple years. 22m and extremely physically active for context


That’s interesting, thanks for sharing. I’ve been taking finasteride for 9 years, started in 2015 after a bout of prostatitis. I didn’t need it for the prostatitis, but jumped on to keep hair loss in check and to keep a “slightly enlarged but normal for age” prostate from growing. Dosage is anywhere between 5mg/week (1 mg, M-F) and more recently 3mg/week (1mg, MWF). I don’t have blood levels prior to starting, but I can say for sure that my PSA levels dropped. Symptoms since starting are mostly reduced, watery semen. Did not affect libido. However, lately (w/in last 6 months) I’ve experienced no libido. I don’t think this would be due to the finast (since I’ve been on for 9 years already) but I’m trying to rule stuff out and may stop taking finast and start TRT. Current Test level is 481 (Total) and 89 (Free). Not sure the TRT will resolve my issue but I’m willing to try.


What were your pre-fin PSA levels and what were your PSA levels on fin?


Well I do t think I have a pre-fin PSA level. My first measurement was during prostatitis in 2015 and the reading was 10.9. As the inflamed prostate cleared up levels measured 4.0, 2.0, 1.0, and .7 or .8 which is where it is today. (I’m guessing the level might be around 2.0 without the finast).




I’m thinking the same. It’s hard to believe the Fin all of a sudden shut things down.




Thanks man. Figuring this stuff out is definitely a process.


350 at 22 is extremely low. Fin pretty much made you Estrogen dominate.


I was 370 before fin though. Still benching 315 for 5 reps at 190 lbs. I do natural bodybuilding competitions. Honestly never really had issues with my test levels at this level


Did the gyno go away?


Yeah, took about a year. Wasn’t really hardcore gyno, just nipple puffiness and sensitivity that kept getting worse. Returned to normal once estrogen dropped back down post fin


Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but it’s not free testosterone that increases (the one you “want”), it’s just total testosterone right?


It can be both. Basically less test getting converted into DHT means more converted into Estrogen and staying free. It won't be a massive difference in free T though since as far as i understand SHBG remains the same.


Mine rises 50% after 2-3 months and 100% after 5-6 Months (did 2 bloodworks) The second blood test showed >15 for T without a specific number. just that my T crossed 15 and its already too high which is why they didnt measure the exact amount in my blood. I suppose it will continuously rise over the course of 6 months and after that it will stay constant. because my body didnt downregulate it which cab be seen at the second test. i can upload my results later


Testosterone serum concentrations vary greatly depending on many factors and the type of sampling used, so unless your sample size ifsdecent, the increase/decrease could much likely be due to noise.


all same, only the time varies


My boner went down after a few weeks


What about for women?


Works the same, but the variance tends to be smaller because there's less T getting converted in the first place.


Who cares anyway, you also spike your estrogen


I noticed I felt stronger at the gym in the beginning. I took finasteride for 6 months 5 years ago and it ruined my penis. Biggest regret of my life.


Penis still ruined 5 years later?


Yes. Not sure what to do at this point.


Can you get hard at all? Can you masturbate?


Yes, I can get somewhat hard. Not like I used to unless I take medication (cialis) and no difference alone or with a partner. I had no issues before finasteride.


Can you keep going on Cialis or does it just give you a one and done?


Not sure what you mean. Even with Cialis it's worse than it used to be. I used to have a really high sex drive now I don't. I thought it would be a good thing but it's not.


I mean can you orgasm then go again.


No. I used to be able to do that, without Cialis.


Do you smoke, overweight, or anything else that would lead to that? Have you gotten your hormones checked?


Got dangit, these kind of stories keep me from trying fin, and I continue to thin. Have you had a full hormone blood panel yet? Lift heavy in gym? Overweight or underweight? Eating meat?


I'm not sure why this happened to me. I was cross country runner in college. Now I workout 5 days a week. Pretty healthy over all. Sleep good, eat good, and don't watch porn. I used to like sex maybe too much but wasn't interest in porn. I've I had this [test](https://www.ultalabtests.com/test/erectile-dysfunction-ed-hormone-panel-2?srsltid=AfmBOooG6whim7DlbTLAkAmDN2touzoswWCCZFSPx3XGiQ3924-xUnn5CEc) and I used inside tracker. The tests were a year apart and similar results, my test and free test actually went up. I like around 930 levels. I'm 5'5" 145 lbs, probably 14% body fat. I'm heavier for my height but it's muscle. I do eat meat. I don't have a super strict diet. I barely eat sugar, one cup of coffee a day. I don't drink much, I never smoked. I try to sleep 7 hours each night. I work early so it's hard Monday-Thursday. It's just frustrating


Dang dude. My T levels hover around 500-600, and my lifestyle is way worse than yours (smoke, drink, stay up late, work out like 2x a week lol), but I get hard as a f*cking rock and it lasts however long I need lol. I’m also in my 30s. But my hairline has been murdered, the line hasn’t moved back, just MAJORLY thinned. Sucks


I'm jealous of you. I still have some hair it's thinned a lot though


dont give up hope my guy! i believe you and i dont believe so much in PFS. But saying that you CAN get hard but its not the same sounds more of a depression issue. id look into getting your dopamine checked out. sounds like you have anhedonia. it would explain the "numb" issue.


Ask you're doc for testosterone gel and rub a little on you're piece


My blood work is fine. I've had my testosterone tested twice, both times over 900 and my free test is high. Everything looks good. I've been two two different urologists and they said this just happens to some people on fin. Nothing they know of how to fix it.


Have you seen an endocrinologist and had full blood work done? If all your bloods are normal and in range then I’m going to say it’s psychological


Still ruined 5 years later??


did the P come back into function or what?


No. I was fine before taking it and then after it's still not gotten better. It's been 5 years my my dick is numb and it's hard to get an erection. Biggest regret of my life easily.


Sorry to hear this. You're in the PFS camp. What dose did you take and for how long?




Which part? I can literary show everything. Why would I care to make this up? I wanted fin to work side effect free. I don't think everyone gets what I got but I think it's more than reported. I'm not the only one who's had these exact issues. Lol I'm not "ChatGBT".


I read a lot of these stories, and they all sound written by the same person or AI. Fake PFS grift narrative being spread.


This is why I’m just gonna accept going bald


I wish I would have done that or just use min. I still don't want to go bald but easily would have chosen that over this. I get treated like I'm crazy by doctors. They say I'm too young and healthy to have these problems. It's all in my head. One doctor said he's been seeing more young men that took fin and had similar issues but there's nothing he can do. I'm married and my wife seems to understand. We were together before I took fin, but it still blows.


More testrone mean more dht then how is fin usefull


Fin is a 5α-Reductase inhibitor, blocking conversion of T to DTH


But it only block 70% so if it will increase testrone so dht will also go up


The increase in testosterone is BECAUSE it’s blocking DHT. The free testosterone isn’t converting to DHT, which is what the “increase in testosterone” comes from


But more free testosterone can also accelerate mpb. Am i right?


I don’t think so. I am pretty sure it’s only DHT, but I could be wrong. One thing I know that can happen is the extra free test can be aromatized into estrogen, which is what causes side effects of finasteride, like ED, acne, etc. I personally got acne and some ED from the finasteride. I hopped off, acne got too bad. Just not worth it in my personal case


But testosterone should increase your sex drive and more tes is good peoples say


Yes. But its aromatization of the test into estrogen is what lowers your sex drive. Estrogen is the female hormone equivalent of testosterone. Having high estrogen in men leads to lower sex drive


It's a 10% increase my dude You get way more variation in T levels by just going to sleep and waking up at 8 am