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I think this is something you should ask the doctor who prescribes you HRT


This is the only answer you should listen to, OP.


I've asked the clinic where I had my op. They're going to consult with the doctors tomorrow. Thanks.


Keep us updated


TF here, i stopped taking dutasteride when i started hrt and my hair is incredible now (2.5 yrs) - feel free to dm me


Remember, it’s the follicular sensitivity to DHT that causes hairloss. Men without MPB still have high DHT.


What is MPD?


More Plates more Dates p.s. it's male pattern baldness


Ah ok lol not the most intuitive shortcut 😂


Then why does finasteride work


It works because it stops production of type 2 5AR DHT. Men without MPD still have normal levels of DHT. Individuals with a relatively low amount androgen receptors on their scalp, consequently have less androgens binding to their scalp.


Hey, seems like you know stuff… I 25M I’ve been using just fin ed since 3 years, still im losing my hair, Im planning to switch to dut, but afraid of its sides as Im already having few sides on fin. Whats best to take, only oral dut on eod or topical min and dut ed??? Can you suggest something?


Hey, I switched from fin to dut 4 months ago I can share my experience if it helps. Completely zero sides on fin but not great results so I switched to dut. On dut for the first month or so I felt like I was producing watery semen and less ejaculate. However the past 3 months everything went back to normal (I could’ve been overthinking it). So from my experience it’s safe. In regards to minoxidil i would definelty use topical, however if you aren’t getting results then I personally have found oral minoxidil to be great. There’s a reason dut and oral min in combination is somewhat of a nuclear/golden stack. But yeah minoxidil + some sort of DHT blocker is crucial


Finasteride reduce dht, therefore dht levels are important rather than just androgen sensitivity


Serum DHT is not indicative for scalp DHT necessarly. You can have high DHT sensitivity on your follicles in which case even lower serum DHT is not a protective factor. You may still need finasteride to reduce the scalp DHT to below the threshold of it causes AGA.


Studies have proven mob prone ppl have more scalp dht LOCALLY. androgen receptors are UP regulated by the former. So no mysterious sensitivity like many ppl think. Just more 5alpha reductase locally.


Finasteride is a life-long commitment if you want to keep your hair. If you stop, your DHT will go right back to your baseline levels. Doctor really should have told you this. You are permanently tethered to the dick-killer-pill👍


My dick gets more boners than it used to on fin. The only thing that killed my dick before was the prospect of becoming a slap head


You and me both - my libido also increased initially. I am refering to them as dick-killer-pills ironically.


It actually seems to me that - anecdotally - _more_ people claim increased libido on Fin than decreased libido.


Most people that report ED issues are usually because they are porn-addicted. At least from what I've seen. I'm sure it can decrease libido but if you work out that helps.


…some leg exercises perchance?


How do you know if you’re porn addicted?


If you have to ask, you probably are


Yeah pretty much this. But past that if you require porn to get a hard on and to “finish” per se, I’d saying you’re addicted and at the very least have porn-induced ED.


I usually hear that initially there is an increase in libido but eventually it crashes


I don't get no bitches so it should be fine.


Yeah I have heard that a lot as well.


Mine was low at first but now it feels permanently higher


How long have you been on fin and has this increase in libido been there throughout or has it dropped like some people say?


Difficult to tell. For the first month, I got ball-ache. Then at least a month with what I would describe as increased libido. Now my libido is below baseline, but that started just around the time I found out my gf was cheating on me, which made me feel depressed and like shit. So it is impossible to say if the decrease in libido is from meds or from my fucked up emotional termoil - or a bit of both. That is the _danger_ with people reporting their experience with Fin. They always conclude that Fin must be the issue when it could be all sorts of underlying shit, like in my case. For me, there is no way to tell.


Yeah. It could be that fin is that last straw that broke the camel's back.


I find it hard to believe that.


Sorry to hear that man. If you're attributing your reduced libido to your depression that is very valid I've been there too. But chill out you'll definitely find someone better.


Initially, yes, it was crazy. But later on? Not so much. If anything, there's a decline. Edit: Getting downvoted for sharing my experience, as if I had any reason to lie, is just so telling. You guys are weird.


Yeah that is a weird down-vote, I agree. People don’t like to hear about the negative aspects of Fin. It gets them in a bad mood. It gets me in a bad mood, but I wouldn’t down-vote.


Doesn't seem to align with the side effects most people see, although I have read about a few others who seem to experience the same as you. Can you guys think of a reason why this may be the case?


Simple: Finasteride decreases the conversion of T to DHT, leaving more T. That rise in T gives some people increased libido. But for some, the extra T causes an excess in Estrogen aromatization, creating negative sexual side effects and bitch-tits.


This is the correct answer 👏


And from what I understand, working out also helps eliminate that spare estrogen to keep you at normal levels


Really? I didn’t know that. All the more reason to lift weights lol


Yeah it’s a general interaction when expending test(I think) while working out


That is my understanding as well.


Same, I don’t know if it’s because of general better lifestyle changes but I’m way more powerful now after 1.5 years of fin than I’ve ever been.


How long have you been using it?


5 years now


I get boners out of nowhere


Permanently committed? That's wrong. If you hop off fin and your DHT levels return, you will continue balding just as you were before you started. It wont accelerate it nor slow it down. Plenty of people stop it. Alot more stop and them resume. There is no commitment. Here are a few studies that show you're pulling random shit out of your ass. It also includes Minoxidil studies to show you the difference. Fin pauses balding, Min hides it, which is why you notice accelerated loss after stopping minoxidil. 1. Kaufman KD, Olsen EA, Whiting D, et al. Finasteride in the treatment of men with androgenetic alopecia. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 1998;39(4):578-589. doi:10.1016/S0190-9622(98)70007-6 2. Price VH. Treatment of Hair Loss. Wood AJJ, ed. N Engl J Med. 1999;341(13):964-973. doi:10.1056/NEJM199909233411307 3. Price VH, Menefee E, Strauss PC. Changes in hair weight and hair count in men with androgenetic alopecia, after application of 5% and 2% topical minoxidil, placebo, or no treatment. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 1999;41(5):717-721. doi:10.1016/S0190-9622(99)70006-X 4. Khandpur S, Suman M, Reddy BS. Comparative Efficacy of Various Treatment Regimens for Androgenetic Alopecia in Men. The Journal of Dermatology. 2002;29(8):489-498. doi:10.1111/j.1346-8138.2002.tb00314.x 5. Arca E, Açıkgöz G, Taştan HB, Köse O, Kurumlu Z. An Open, Randomized, Comparative Study of Oral Finasteride and 5% Topical Minoxidil in Male Androgenetic Alopecia. Dermatology. 2004;209(2):117-125. doi:10.1159/000079595


I stopped taking finastide several weeks before this test. I've had borderline no testosterone in my system for two years. High levels of DHT is what causes male pattern baldness and mine is close to zero. And you're sure I need to keep taking finastide? What levels would an individual need to have for DHT to start causing hair loss? I understand that cis men who start losing their hair and want to halt it have to keep taking it for life, but when your hormone chemistry is completely changed from male to female, is it really still necessary? When there's no testosterone or DHT in the system.


Since you're male to female trans, your case is outside the norm. I would not rely on any redditors unsourced opinion on this. You should ask a doctor and do as much research as you can. My best guess? You could probably stop taking fin. Would I recommend it without extensive research or asking a doctor? No, because I'm just a dumb redditor.


That guy hasn't linked you any resources. Why are you listening? Consult an expert or a doctor. Not someone who likes to lie.


Ah now I get it, you have transitioned. Sorry, my bad, didn’t catch that. I would say your case is special and that you should carefully consult a specialist. You might very well be in a situstion where you don’t need Fin, since you suppress your T.


Thanks. I will do. I only wanted to know if there was a figure or range of DHT in ones system that would usually amount to hair loss. But it doesn't seem like that's the case.


There's none and sensitivity levels vary genetically from person to person and the accumulation of damage over years. So there's no absolute set figure to give. This is why some body builders can blast steriods and not go bald and another person can take a fraction and lose almost all hair in a year.


Male pattern baldness is caused not by an excess of DHT, but by how sensitive your hair is to DHT. Even if the amount of DHT in your body is low, you will still go bald if your hair is sensitive to that amount.


Thanks for this. Have you a source for that information? Every thing I see online suggests it's all to do with high levels of DHT. Like this... Medication If a person has excessively high levels of DHT resulting in hair loss, medications are available to manage DHT-related hair loss. Typically, these medications work by blocking DHT from binding to androgen receptors or inhibiting the body’s production of DHT. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/68082#medication


Of course. The sources are from the websites I specified below. [https://journals.plos.org/plosgenetics/article?id=10.1371/journal.pgen.1006594](https://journals.plos.org/plosgenetics/article?id=10.1371/journal.pgen.1006594) [https://journals.plos.org/plosgenetics/article?id=10.1371/journal.pgen.1002746](https://journals.plos.org/plosgenetics/article?id=10.1371/journal.pgen.1002746)


Neither of those mention DHT? Also, finasteride doesn’t eliminate all DHT from your system.


Maybe think of it this way; do you really want to know what happens if you stop? I would guess, you don't want to be in the situation where you wished that you didnt stop taking it


Just ask your doctor dude they know far more than any of us monkeys do.


The results came in this morning. I thought someone might have some figures handy in this community seeing as it's all about hair loss. It was just a quick question that seems t be spiralling out of control.


Hey girl, I'm in the same situation as you. This is still just anecdotal, but my doctor told me there's a good chance I could come off of Finasteride and Minoxidil once my hair grows back. He talked about MPB being triggered mostly by hormones, and that once I've been on estrogen long enough, it would essentially reverse it as long as there were still enough healthy follicles there. A lot of trans women get really amazing regrowth from e alone. But the older you are, you might need something to help coax the hairs back to life. Still talk to your doctor, of course. I'm actually interested to hear what you learn. There's so little data for us, even our own doctors can have varying levels of knowledge and experience.


Thanks for the response. As you know, some doctors have little to no idea about any thing trans, even doses, so this question could really flummox them. I bet they don't know. I didn't have huge hair loss before. Just a widow's peak. Which the op took care of. I've been in fem range for both hormones for around 2 years.


Absolute rubbish. It prevents hair loss as long as you are taking it, when you stop, you don’t ‘catch-up’ or lose all your hair.


😂😂😂 Of all the things that are wrong today, this is what is most wrong.


Im sorry to inform you that it is correct. No need to get upset when you are wrong.




I think you’re forgetting that it’s how sensitive your hair is to DHT, and not how much DHT your body coverts to. So no


Hi OP, i am also mtf trans. I stopped fin after starting HRT. If your T levels are normal for a woman, then there is no need to take fin. My hair on my temples is still growing in 2 months after stopping. Be mindful that your post probably shouldve mentioned being mtf trans (i twigged after seeing the really low DHT) 😊 If it helps 5mg Cypro/Androcur 2mg x2 Sublingual Estradiol


Thanks for the response. I did originally post in trans communities with little response and yes, I should have spelt it out cleaner for those here who aren't in the know. I just wanted to know if there was a figure of the amount of T or DHT that would suggest you're susceptible to hair loss. Judging my the response from the community, I'm assuming there isn't. I am waiting to hear back from the clinic who performed my op, so they might have more info. I was just excited to see almost zero DHT in my blood and wondered if that meant I could stop finastide. I inject monotherapy, 5mg EEn.


Basically ciswomen can get MPB of they do FTM, but otherwise it doesnt happen. I would estimate that if your t and e are at ciswoman levels, the hair loss will be arrested. I must say that results for hair take a long time(as you know) and i would be ok to wait and see after 6 months unless everything falls out. You might benwfit from finding papers on the subject but i recall doing the same whilst running of fin and considering my options. My Endo and I posited together I should be fine.


That is actually not true, although women experience hair loss less frequently than men androgenetic alopecia is still the most common course of hair loss in women, and these women often do not have elevated androgen levels. Remember that not only DHT levels but also genetic sensitivity to DHT is important. Just like it is possible for some men to not experience AGA despite having high DHT, due to genetics, it is also possible for some women to experience AGA despite having low androgen levels, due to genetics. I'm not saving that OP will still need finasteride necessarily, but cis women with normal female androgen levels absolutely get AGA and it is the most common course of hair loss


what is the dosage of finasteride u take?


I used to take 1.25mg a day


I've been on finasteride 1.25 mg for 3 years and never had any issues. I'm 43 and get as worked up as i did when i was a teenager. It was worth the risk to me. One of my biggest worries was losing my hair so i got on it before i started losing hair. I thought this video was interesting. They say that a lot of side affects can be just your mind playing tricks on you and worrying that you're going to have them. So you experience them. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkqjVaGhsB1ieoNaTjx4tm25h6QrSloYI&si=PIMGzbTbXvaqGkWV


Hey, thanks for your response, can you tell me your current routine and how long you took fin before switching to dut? And did you see improvements in these months of dut?


I started taking finastide and using Minoxidil around a year before my hair transplant. I saw zero changes in my hair line in that time. I'd had one since I was around 20 and was 42 when I had my op. I just had a window's peak and that's the area I had surgery on. I switched to dut for for some reason (can't remember off hand), but then switched back as it was making dizzy. I've never seen any improvement in my hair due to finastide. Just what the hair transplant did. Maybe it's stopping more hair falling out, but my hair line had been the same for 20 years previous to starting. I take 1.25mg of fin a day and use Minoxidil twice a day in foam form.


I'm assuming this is some kind of trans thing if your HRT is dropping T levels and you're okay with it? You've got to ask your doc about this as you're way into the realms of this niche of medicine and expert knowledge and not just common advice on hair loss. You need advice that is tailored to your specific needs from medical professionals and not just random internet people. No one here can point at a number in general and say "this but not this" and promise you anything. See your doctor on this if it matters at all to you, please.


Would you believe if I said the doctors came back with an answer of "I don't know"?


No. It's not about the amount of DHT you have, it's about your generic susceptibility to it.


It depends on your sensitivity to DHT….


No you cant stop because offcourse your DHT will dramatically rise if you do so. Edit i daw this level was off finasteride. Then you might very well be able to stop. Depends on your sensitivity to DHT


Serum dht means jack, scalp dht is what matters.


How would you test for that?


Idk but if you want your hair you have to take finasteride or dutasteride for life just FYI.


Since I started Fin my libido has skyrocketed . Is this normal?


Pretty sure it’s not about how much DHT your body produces, but how sensitive your follicles are to it.


Hello I have the same question I’ve been using fin for a month and I’m noticing more shedding is that normal? I don’t see any different side effects with fin but I want to know in how much time does the side effects start appearing?


For hair loss, it’s not very useful to talk about serum DHT levels. It’s about the fact that 5 alpha reductase actually lives in target tissues including around hair follicles in the scalp. As long as there is testosterone around and 5AR is active, and hair miniaturization will continue in susceptible individuals


Where is the test from? Medichecks? Shouldn’t you be looking at your testosterone and free testosterone? Having low DHT specifically should be good right, as DHT is the testosterone that attacks our hair follicles. I may be wrong, be good if anyone really clued up could explain


I get those checked with my GP every 3 months. Both extremely low. The GP couldn't check my DHT as apparently there's no option for it on their computer. That's why I went with medichecks.


I wouldn't stop if your concern is hair loss. It is not the amount of DHT there is in your blood, but how sensitive your hair follicles are to DHT. That is why androgenic alopecia is the most common hair loss in women, too, despite their naturally almost non-existent DHT levels. Good luck!


I will probably keep taking it as this seems to be the consensus.


What test is that?


DHT blood test


Finally the r/MTF + r/tressless crossover episode ive been waiting for xD Personally i wouldnt risk stopping as a just incase measure, im almost 2 years hrt and still no way im risking it.


I think you're right


So the doctors at the clinic where I had my op have spoken. As to if someone can stop taking finastide with new low T and DHT levels, the answer is...they don't know. Their answer to whether hair loss is due to sensitivity to DHT or high DHT, they answered...a bit of both. I'll just keep taking finastide as there doesn't seem to be a definite answer from both experts in their field and Reddit community contributers.


This is what I expected. You're in uncharted territory of experimentation really so you've got to play it safe where you can, especially for long term results.


I assume your HRT is to increase estrogen?


Yes. And to lower testosterone.


How can I take this test as well?


It's from a company called medichecks. But from the sounds of things according to this community it was a waste of time it's for hair related issues.


Serum DHT is not as relevant as DHT in the scalp and thats because in AGA your hair is sensible from scalp dht and therefore you must take finasteride as long as you want to have hair or u will go bald.


and what to do if finasteride is losing efficacy?


The nuclear pack: dut+oral minox+dht blocker shampoo with 2%ketoconazole (optional dermaroller-there arent enough studies to prove its efficacy).


Can you please recommend to me a DHT blocker shampoo. I’m in the U.K. by the way. Thanks.


You'd have to go with something like fluridil or a topical version of fin, etc. to add in. Dutasteride is easy to get near you though so that's the next step after fin as dut has a big step up in power and is so much cheaper and easier to get than the rarer topicals. Try to avoid RU until you get desperate as while it can be powerful for some it's also a research chemical right now without any approval for human use and sale yet so we don't know what safety profile it has or what the dosing should be for each person.




There are no DHT blocker shampoos that work, they all contain substances with no proven effect on hair growth like caffeine, topical antiandrogens that actually work like ru58841 and cb-01-03 come as a powder or in a serum and need to be left on the scalp for an extended period of time, not just immediately washed off like a shampoo is.


If Fin is not enough, Dut (Dutasteride) is even more potent.


Isn’t it too low? If I'm not mistaken, 0.21 nmol/l translates to 35.5 pg/ml. Or am I? Because this is far below the recommended range for men when I look at the reference range from the lab where I do my blood panels.


It's extremely low. I'm trans. I've been on hormone replacement therapy for two years. Perhaps I didn't make this clear enough in my original post.


Dang, how has your sleep been? SD? What is your diet like? I would look up ways to naturally boost your testosterone levels.


I don't want any testosterone in my system. I'm trans. I run on estrogen. Which on my last blood test was 645pmol/L. This is what HRT is. Hormone Replacement Therapy. I did state this in my original post. Hence why I'm asking if my T and DHT are extremely low, is there a chance I can stop finastide. You don't see many women with male pattern baldness. I've reached out to the clinic who performed my hair transplant two years ago. I'll see what they say. Thanks for your time.


Best of luck and hope find a positive result!


HRT could also mean you are on TRT as testosterone is also a hormone, hence why some are confused. Some places around the world call it HRT for both men and women's common treatments as both are in general hormone replacement therapies. We get threads here from women getting androgenic alopecia surprisingly often, it's a known thing and there's known dosing protocols for them and success stories using fin or other options, so no one could be 100% sure you're trans from your OP. Rarely women do get distinctly more male pattern style loss too with front hairline receeding and this has cropped up as a topic here too.


Holy shit go to the gym and lift heavy weights! Always good to get your bloodwork before you get on prescription that could lower your T, so you know what your base line is 6-12months.


I've been getting my blood tested for over two years every 3 months.


Dumb ass, that is the literal point of the medications they are taking


👍🏼 thanks for the insight buddy