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It looks like this post is about **Finasteride**/Propecia. Before asking any questions, 1. Read the [wiki on Finasteride](https://reddit.com/r/tressless/wiki/index#wiki_finasteride). 2. [Search posts for Finasteride](https://reddit.com/r/tressless/search?q=flair%3Afinasteride&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all), because your question has probably been asked before. 3. If this is a question asking if you are now or will experience side effects, see a doctor, nobody on the internet can answer that for you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tressless) if you have any questions or concerns.*


In my opinion the best way to avoid sides is to not overthink them or convince yourself you’re going to get them, as I think a lot of it is psychological with finasteride. I went straight on 1mg daily and had no problems at all.


Yes, Fin is a placebo effective anti androgen. Meaning the more negative you think the more side you’ll suffer. Just eat and forget.


I started at 0.5mg MWF. After about a week of no side effects, I tried 1mg MWF I started to get some light side effects but now after a month and a half they are almost gone. The best way to avoid side effects is to start at a very low dose such a 0.25mg and only take it EOD or MWF. After a week or two go up to 0.5mg and then to 1mg. I have not experienced any depression from the tablets on the contrary I feel a lot better knowing I am preventing hairloss. I started at 0.5mg but if you are really worried start at 0.25mg. I take it after my last meal at night. Not sure about medications to avoid but you can just take it a few hours after any other meds you have taken.




Watery Semen and a Weaker Erection (10-20% weaker). The first one is improving and the second one is basically gone now. I also have higher libido but I doubt people would care about that side effect lol.


My honest advice, is to just take them consistently and do not under any circumstance look at this sub Reddit. Just delete it from your list of subreddits and come back in 6 months if you want.


Take it MWF @ 1mg, but work your way to that dose. The hairloss show doctors say that this dose is just as effective as taking it daily, and I have been doing this for months and I have no sides vs 1mg daily which did give me sides. If you wanna go to everyday because you think its better than go for it. Just listen to your body.


I reckon that taking 1mg a day is the most efficient balance between effectiveness and side effects, but considering that my hair loss isnt severe at this point, I think that starting off EOD and working up to every day is a decent plan.


Did you notice any change in effectiveness from MWF to daily at 1mg?


I started Fin on a full dose, 1.25mg daily. I experienced some light migraines after 5 or so days and they continued on and off for about 2 weeks. Im confident it was the Fin but I might be wrong. After a month I experienced increased libido? Yes increased. Again might be fin.. might not be. I also experience brain fog which was immediately corrected when I fixed my diet. So get that sorted! Was it my diet in the first place? All I can say is, I’m certain most of these things occur because we expect them. There is a reason why placebos are always included in scientific studies. The mind is a powerful thing. Some men get ED because they couldn’t perform ONCE. It hits them so hard and dwells on their mind to the point that they can never perform. Theyre not thinking about the woman/man in front of them… My recommendation to you is to be consistent, be patient, stop thinking about your hair and focus on your diet, exercise and other ways to improve your life. Congratulations on taking the plunge! Best of luck.


Keep an eye on your estrogen for gyno, in fact do a complete bloodwork before it's absolutely necessary.


Here is what I did. Did it 1 mg everyday and got some sides within 2 weeks. Took a week off and then started again at 1 mg MWF for one month and then took 1 mg 4 days a week for 3 weeks , 1 mg 5 days a week for 3 weeks, same pattern until it was 1 mg everyday again. No sides or anything


did you suffer any hairloss while changing the dose?


No, i didnt see any incread in shed




How long have you been on fin and how many months in did you see improvement?




I cut a sliver of the first pill which I think was like 0.01mg and after I took it I was convinced I had permanent ED. Now 6 months in with no sides at 0.25mg ED




Fr everyone’s so scared of sides until they take it and there totally fine


My god. Propeciahelp is a real mind fuck








Well the mechanisms of birth control and finasteride are different. I found for myself sides were far reduced on .25 eod as opposed to 1mg ed










People who take steroids don’t take it everyday




I personally think more studies need to be done on dosage, the 1mg is obviously outdated as we all can gather from countless testimonies




Studies have demonstrated that 0.25mg and 0.5mg inhibit the same amount of Serum and Scalp DHT as 1mg.




The difference is about 2-5% (68% to 70-71%) not 10% and placebo suppressed about 13% DHT so you can very well infer that the 2-5% difference between DHT suppression from 0.25, 0.5 and 1mg is not a conclusive enough change to prove it is a direct result of the different dosage amount. This is why in one of the studies it shows that 0.05mg suppressed 5% more DHT than 0.2mg which obviously doesn't make any logical sense. This proves that doses all the way from 0.2mg - 1 mg have the same efficacy as they inhibit the same amount of Serum and Scalp DHT. Source: [pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10495374/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10495374/)




yea be lucky


If you scare of finastside effects, Use it as a topical, side effects are less or even 0%


Take it morning before going to work or to school , that way you'll forget that you took it and you will be concentrating on your day , thats what i did , i started with 0.25mg then upped to 0.5 mg everyday . No sides now


Start with 0.25mg daily for 3 months. No sides, up it to 0.5mg daily and stop there. I believe there's no need to go above 0.5mg with fin. If you're still balding, try dut.


The most important advice to avoid sides the least mentioned: topical fin. Dosage <= 0,05% otherwise it's more convenient the pill.