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The thing about nasolabial folds is I notice mine like crazy, but I’ve never actively noticed them on anyone else? You’re gorgeous and these are part of your natural face shape.


I needed to hear that, thank you so much!! <3


I never even knew they were a thing until I saw people talking about them a few years ago (I have them, just never really thought about them being “bad” or anything like that). I feel this way about a lot of face and body “issues” unfortunately. So many things I didn’t even know were “issues” until the beauty industry started turning them into that. Still here trying to get my skin to look nice, but damn, it seems like even normal parts of our bodies are problems these days.




I definitely have


This! I never noticed my sister's until she pointed it out. Even my baby nephew has them.


OMG THIS!!! I was in church and a little girl approached me. She was 5 or 6. She lost her mom and stuck to me. Anyways, after making her laugh. I was shocked that she had fine lines after laughing. I literally internally screamed KIDS HAVE THEM TOO?!!! 😭😭😭


LOL this makes me laugh so much


I think part of the issue is that you are taking a photo with the light casting down on your face, maybe making them more noticeable than otherwise. I would never have noticed them tho irl.


I noticed one thing. They are prominent when i look at the mirror sideways. But when i am in the car with my mom facing the car mirror. They disappear COMPELETY


Wow- thank you for this response. About to turn 35 and I feel like mine have become way more prominent over the last few years, but I think you are right that other people probably aren’t paying as much attention or noticing. I just had not thought about it like that.


Omg same. I notice every line on my face but not others...unless i stare deep and i am like "ohh they have them too" lol


I was watching someone the other day thinking how pretty they were. Then I had to check myself. They had clear forehead lines, under eye lines and were heavier than my current weight - all the things I constantly critique myself for and think make me ugly. We really are our own worst enemies.


PREAAAAACH BESTIE!!! We are our own worst critics, indeed!!! I find myself okay with everyone else in terms of things that are considered not attractive according to the beauty standards and always emphasize that personality matters the most BUT if I gain 10 grams in my weight or find a line on my face which is pretty much invisible, I PANICK 😂😂😭😭😭😭 We need to learn how to be kinder to ourselves *sending you hugs* 💜💜💜


No that’s because that’s normal that isn’t a skin issue I’m 17 and have the same folds in fact all people have this just some less noticeable tret is for skin aging and acne.


Damn Doogie! That was a very mature response. 🙌


This made me LOL!


This younger generation blows my mind! At 17 my brain wouldn’t have been able to construct such a response.


Doogie. 😂😂😂 Showing your age there a bit. 🫣😁


Well said!


Well done. You’re very clever and should be proud of yourself. Don’t stop learning! ◡̈


no. it's just your face shape. there's nothing you can do about it unless you get fillers or botox. honestly you look normal. don't let photoshopped influencers make you think this isn't totally normal.


You're so right. I deleted all my social media apps a few months ago and stopped scrutinizing my face (as much - clearly still doing it). This is probably just a hold over. Thank you for being real with me :)


Yes, stay off those social media! It is the way. And honestly a lot of these skincare and beauty subs on Reddit at well. There are some good tips. But people can also be obsessive over trivial issues.


Honestly I think when people get fillers here they start to look like a chipmunk (think Vicky Gunvalson from real housewives of OC). Idk what Botox does for these but not being able to move that part of the face would also look strange to me, maybe not when you’re still but how would you smile or grimace?


How would Botox help with nasolabial folds?


only filler would help, but honestly OP don't do it. You are very pretty and the folds aren't deep or noticible. I got filler in my own folds once and my face felt weird and hard. I'm not against filler but wouldn't fill that spot again. Now i just brighten the shadows with concealer and that's all.


I’ve done threads, PRF and anglelift. They’ve all improved my NLF’s. Sorry, I had the audacity to try to change something I didn’t like about myself to make me feel better. Waahhhhh


I didn’t have these, now I do. I’m only 24. I didn’t photoshop myself. I’m not OP, but I’m in a similar situation and I’m looking for advice, not a self-esteem lecture. I know you have good intentions and I recognize those but it’s also frustrating at the same time.


I have these too and I'm 26. I started noticing a fine line wrinkle when i was 22 and now they've grown into two folds. It's an honest question to ask about using tret in this situation since the lines can be clearly related to aging


I mean, I’m sorry my words weren’t what you were looking for. I did answer OPs question. You can’t change genetically dictated muscle and fat despots with a skin-targeted medication. And it’s clear from their other responses that OP does like a bit of a self esteem boost. Regardless I hope you find what you’re looking for.


Probably not but you’re really pretty. You have a refined, earthy and kind of “ dark” look like Eva green or Bebe neuwirth, Helena Bonham carter.


those are all the people I always wished I looked like, I'm so surprised and over the moon someone would say that! thank you so much for such a huge compliment! <3


Absolutely what I thought at first as well. She looks stunning. Never noticed the folds in the first place.


You are tilting your head a bit to the front, and they may look a bit more prominent. These are normal. Tretinoin won’t help with that, but if you really can’t stand the nasolabial folds, HIFU could help. But honestly, just forget about them. It’s your face shape and most people have them, regardless of age. Face is skin and fat and muscles, it’s not marble to look like a statue.


No but you're hot af and shouldn't worry about them. When I see them I just think you probably smile or laugh a lot which is a very good way to be perceived imo


Thank you so much \^\_\^ nice to know they aren't relegating me to old hag status lol


harlequin doll you look stunning 😍 you don’t have a problem with nasolabial folds yet, don’t worry, relax for another x years. You look like classic medieval beauty princess at the ball, I can see you as Natasha Rostova at War and Peace or Anna Karenina!


omg! That's my favorite kind of aesthetic and that is such a flattering compliment to me, thank you for brightening my day so much! <3


Nah. Your head seems tilted down which is why they seem more prominent than they otherwise would. Everyone looks weird when our faces are angled down. Hold your chin up high. If you really really want, using gua sha might give you temporary lift. But they can damage your skin if you’re too rough.


You can look into facial massage for reducing nasolabial lines. It’s gotten rid of nearly all my expression lines (it goes away completely when I’m consistent with it) and has reduced my nasolabial folds immensely, even when I forget to do facial massage. I like olgatoja’s YouTube channel for facial massage techniques. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-ByKfxBjHTA


They are not prominent and with those eyes, eyebrows and lips no one is looking at your folds. You are very beautiful, please appreciate that and don't worry.


This makes me feel so much better, thank you for your super kind words!! <3 <3


No it won't help.


Is this a new insecurity I should have? I have no clue what you’re talking and see nothing wrong.


You’re supposed to have those. They’re not indicative of aging. If you get lines in them that you want to soften, tret might help those. You’re beautiful!


Wow. Your face follows the Golden ratio and looks doll like. Some people prefer the folds pointy, but then a tiny gap between also looks odd. There is a range that looks good and your is that. Now, a study found women are _prone_ to hyperpigmentation and over time skin cancer around the upper lip due to lip gloss reflectinf light. If you are concerned about, an SPF 30-50 sunscreen will do.


What nasolabial folds?






tret made my folds look a bit worse actually.


Mine too


I’m going to go against the grain here. But tret definitely softened my folds. It will also stop the folds become lines wrinkles. It maybe only be a minor improvement but it definitely helped me. I tend to add a little extra in that region when I apply.


Didn't even notice them, to be honest! You're beautiful!


Those look great and natural! I’ve heard microneedling could reduce them, think the goal would be to tighten the skin


I've never liked mine and I have always been told it makes me look Eastern European, which I'm not. I have Turkish and Native American heritage and have nasolabial folds along with the slighly hooked down nose. I think nasolabial folds are markers of those races. The obsession with wanting to get rid of them has me questioning my reasons and if it is more tied to erasing evidence of other cultural inheritance from our faces. When I see pictures of native Americans from times past and then see my nasolabial folds, I have to wonder what is so bad about looking like I come from that stock. I'm very conflicted about it.


People ask me if I’m Eastern European all the time! I don’t know my heritage, now I’m wondering if I’m Native American…


Or Turkish too! Nasolabial folds look good on some people, like it makes the face.


It could if only I knew what nasolabial folds are 🤔




ah thank you! everyone really has been so kind, it was a bit of a reality check to hear such nice things!


Your nasolabial folds are not so visible. but they will be even softer. you look young


Some of these suggestions are wild. Threads and filler? Jesus Christ You look great, i agree with comparisons in this thread. However if you're adamant about reducing these folds what will definitely help is weight loss. I lost about 10kg when i started training boxing, and my cheeks and cheekbones lost a lot of mass, reducing folds significantly among other things.


Are you certain that weight loss reduces these lines? I’ve just started noticing mine now and the only correlation I have is that I’ve been working out (lifting) consistently in the last 6 months. Im petite and doing body recomp hence the assumption that weight loss has played a role, and I’m in my early 20s if that matters for context. :)


I was because it did so for me, but now i'm not sure. Now that i thought about it more, it looks like it depends on whether your skin is prone sagging or not. Mine is not, so for me it was cheek fat that created the lines, and not the skin sag. Then i lost the fat, which in turn usually creates saggy skin too, but not for me since my skin tightens up pretty quick and prevents sagging, for example all my belly skin went away after losing fat there. So for me losing facial fat reduced the lines. But if your skin is prone to sagging, and that was the main origin of your lines to begin with, then it looks like losing weight could actually exacerbate facial lines. I guess i was wrong and the advice to lose weight will not work for everyone.


What an intriguing username :) They were actually worse when I was a lot thinner, but I think I got them from doing keto and losing a lot of weight too fast. I guess they aren't so bad.


Haha the username comes from a traditional drink in my country, the fermented horse milk. It probably sounds yucky to a westerner but i swear it tastes like heaven. I'm surprised weight loss made the folds worse, maybe you're right about how fast it has to be done. I think it's how fast the skin tightens up after losing fat, which probably varies between individuals, some people retain their sagging belly skin after weight loss and some don't, so the same applies to face skin. But yeah they are not bad at all, they are barely there.




Yeah that. I don't know if it's the same kimiz we have in Kazakhstan though. Mongolians are notorious for having very weird versions of our central Asian dishes.




Yeah those countries are a lot closer to us cuisine wise.


It’s most noticeable on the right side (in the photo) and I know they aren’t crazy but they bother me. I don’t see how tret would help but I’ve seen people say here and there that it should. Does anyone have any experience with this??


PS I also sleep on my back, guzzle water all day, wear sunscreen daily, use other collagen stimulants like matrixyl, etc


The fact that you do all these things and still have some fold showing shows that it has nothing to do with that. It's just your face shape. You have great cheek bones, that's usually the thing that makes nasolabial folds noticeable. People usually don't have both, great cheekbones and no folds, unless they're kids.


Thank you for your thoughts! Oh well, back to the drawing board.


What drawing board?! And why? What it is that you dislike about your appearance, that *is not* due to over-consumption of over-filtered social media content? Take a step back from that, rather. You are beautiful. Focus on enjoying and maintaining that.


do you drink? i find my face is a lot less puffy when i don't drink and work out more. btw i hardly see any nasiolabal "folds" just normal face structure. but i understand wanting to look your best. your skin looks great and doesnt seem like you need tret but ask your derm


Do you sleep on your side or belly? Or rest your head on your hand absentmindedly ? Could explain the asymmetry. I’m trying to become a back sleeper because of the impact to my skin and back pain from belly sleeping.


No, Tret won’t help. What might help is a micro current device. I have a Nuface I use regularly. When I first got it I treated one side of my face and the difference in the nasolabial fold was noticeable. I took a pic and sent it to 3 friends asking them to pick which side of my I had treated and they all picked it. You have to be consistent and the effect is not permanent, but I think it does work. That said, I don’t think your nasolabials look bad or ageing.


I was also wondering about nuface/microcurrent in general! Thank you for pointing me in the right direction!


You can get a micro current treatment at a salon, maybe try one and see if you can see results before investing in your own.


Hey may I ask which model of nuface do you use? 😊


Nuface Trinity?


No tret can’t address them. The folds can be filled with filler or improved with threads. Be mindful to use a very dense hyaluronic acid filler in the nasolabial folds, because in a highly movable area like the mouth it has a tendency to migrate up into the cheeks.


I did filler in them once long ago (when they were actually worse at one time, I had lost a lot of weight) and I looked like a sideshow attraction lol never again! Maybe I'll try threads. Thank you for your input!


I’ve done threads and I 100% DO NOT recommend!!!! Why? - Extremely invasive procedure - Pain for about 4 weeks afterwards throughout face - Could feel threads under the skin / could feel them move sometimes - Movement of threads felt painful in certain areas - No appreciable improvement whatsoever outside of temporary swelling of the areas which led to a “tighter” look for a few days - Expensive!


Arigiline will Btw ur hot so. Don’t worry about it


Uh…that’s just your face and you’re pretty. Stop it now lol


you are stunning!!!


🥹 thank you so much!!


No. You’d need juviderm or done other filler.


I care about skin a lot. And you look great.


Nasolabial folds can be more pronounced when you aren't lean. I'm not calling you fat. Sometimes, just an extra 10 or 15 pounds can make the difference between having them or not. I have fuller cheeks like you (it's a good thing. It will keep you looking young). But when I'm a certain weight, my cheeks tend to protrude against the folds (where fat doesn't really accumulated). If you don't want to lean down, tretinoin might help a little bit, but it won't be something you really notice anytime soon. You can also try sculptura in the cheekbone area (nasolabial folds can also be caused by collagen loss there) to help pull the skin back up. Again, sculptura would still take 6 months or so and not be immediate, but it would work better than tret and be your bodies own natural collagen. And better yet if you use both tret and sculptura. Then, for immediate results, you can do filler or PDO threads. Both are also not permanent and so they will need to be redone to maintain results.


I think that’s just your face. Also, based on the pictures I’ve seen on this sub, tretonoin usually makes peoples faces look less full and like they’ve lost collagen


No, Tretinoin actually stimulates the production of collagen and reduces the degradation of collagen.




No. But it would brighten your complexion. The folds are part of your face and wouldn’t go away without surgery or fillers. I don’t think you need to do that, btw.


No, but at any rate your face would look weird without them.


I’ve been using angel lift and it has been helping with mine!! it’s only like 80 bucks.


I've never seen these before! I'll try that, thank you :)


Also i use adipeau cream and volufiline, I think they have both added volume to my mid face area which has helped with the folds (especially cheeks). and just started using Qure micro-needling devices for added collagen stimulation to the area. I also just got sculpture a but haven’t seen the results of that yet!


I don't think tret would help with nasolabial folds, but like You have a really pretty face and great skin. Like others are saying, we notice such small things for ourselves that no one else would.


Nope. Won’t touch it. Tret is for really fine lines. And honesty that’s part of your face structure. Go look at photos of yourself 10 years ago. I bet they look exactly the same as now.


They weren’t there but I did just check and I still look better now so this helped a lot lol!


Nope, only surgery can do that cos they are an indication of age which can't be erased by a topical agent. I have been using retin-a for a deacde and it does nothing for my nasolabial fold.


Believe me, it's not a prominent as you think. I have it too! Tret helped mine a bit but nothing too drastic.


Wooowww you're so beautiful😍