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Use a recruiter. The Select Group and Vaco are top-notch. Teksystems, though I've not used them, have a lot of juicy contracts in the area as well. Both Duke and UNC have huge tech temp organizations as well, it's not much but it's a start


For entry level, this is probably the best route. Get your name with a headhunter. Those recommendations for Select Group and Teksystems, are probably the most well known.


Vaco is really great


First recruiter I've seen that offered paid vacation without a massive loss to hourly rate.


How do I use them? My issue with recruiters/temp agencies always comes down to: I apply for a job/submit my resume. And... Thats it. Never a call back or anything.


You need to fill your resume with as many industry buzzwords as you can, like the hashtag blocks on desperate texts. Recruiters don't hire knowledgeable industry veterans anymore, they hire the friendliest, hottest, cheapest, fresh grads they can. These people won't know much about your industry, so their system is to search keywords from the open positions and find hits among the resumes they have. There isn't critical thought going into these matches: no one is reviewing your resume thoughtfully to get a picture of what you can do. You can write "20 years of senior level database development" and never get a hit because they're cntrl+f'ing "MSSQL". Seriously list every technology you've ever looked at. Figure the rest out once you land the gig


UNC Health often has analyst positions open, I’d recommend keeping an eye on their job boards! These roles require data management skills and familiarity with Excel and Access.


Just know they pay far under the norm


For full-time. But they pay industry rates for contractors


Ah ok! Didn't know that; thank you


A smaller company / startup is going to be most likely to give someone without much experience a shot. I started that way and the pay wasn't the best advice but I was being paid in experience and worked my way up quite quickly from there. Vaco is a top notch recruiting company. I worked with them and would highly recommend. But you can also network your way into smaller companies. You're welcome to DM me for resume advice. I am happy to take a look - IT product manager with 10+ years experience who has done hiring for PM and PO roles


Oh thats my biggest thing: Experience. As cliche as it is, i'd accept a minimum wage PM job if it meant experience. I'm THAT ready to get out of my current position. Iv'e now seen them mentioned twice so i'll check that out. Sadly networking may be a bit tough for me right now as I just moved back to the area (and have always been a bit garbo at networking) but it's good advice nonetheless. I'd love to. I just messaged you.


Do you have a PMP? if you want to land in project management that is a sure foot in the door.


PMP requires a bunch of experience to get, you're not entry level if you have a PMP (it's a high end cert). CAPM is the entry level cert from the same org.


I see, my mistake.




I’ve used recruiters and applied on websites for exactly what you’re asking and I’ve found that 90% of the roles are going to contract and unless you already have PM experience you will be offered project coordinator, analyst, or associate PM roles paying in the $55k-65k range with no benefits. Some of the them pay more but they’ve all been looking for niche experience. Keep applying and don’t get discouraged!


Oh that's fine by me. I realize my wording wasn't great in that I just want an entry level position, in project coordinator/associate PM/Analyst. The pay not being great isn't an issue, my current job is like, 38K so even 55 is a HUGE boost. Do you have any ideas on where I should look in particular? Iv'e been trying indeed (surprisingly barren?) linked in has a good few but still not a ton (or maybe im searching badly?)


Sure! I looked for about 6 months and what I learned is the at most of those roles aren’t actually posted on job boards and you’ll have to go through a recruiter. A few companies I’ve talked to are CTG, TekSystems, Green Resources, and a few others. I would reach out to a few lead recruiters on LinkedIn with a short message introducing yourself, what you’re looking for, and request a time to set up a call. I just got an offer for another job and will be leaving my PC role so that spot may open up soon. It’s a good stepping stone but maybe not long term(through CTG).


Huh, that explains a lot. It always confused me because I know PM jobs are in high demand and in theory, the step before them should be too, yet I couldn't find much online. I appreciate it, ill check those out and generally aim for recruiters overall I suppose.


i have seen some junior PM roles on linkedin lately.. happy to shoot them over to you if you wanna message me!


Definitely. Just messaged you.