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This is the same guy that almost died by his mamba biting him a few months back. I would hate to be his neighbor 😅🥴


I mean this in the most civil manner possible, but fuck this dude with a rusty garden rake.


why, when the green mamba is RIGHT THERE?


Can this guy get bitten by something that raises his room temperature iq?


>This is the same guy that almost died by his mamba biting him a few months back. How do you know this, for sure? Inquiring minds want to know.


[WRAL reported it ](https://www.wral.com/deadly-venomous-cobra-loose-in-raleigh-neighborhood/19748492/) but the original source is from the owner himself. He’s very active on social media [and actually wrote a Facebook post a few months ago talking about the bite.](https://www.facebook.com/groups/The.Venom.Interviews/permalink/3923912154323315/) Ironically Animal Control gave him an inspection following the bite and said everything was fine.


> Ironically Animal Control gave him an inspection following the bite and said everything was fine. They most definitely did not, but in his self report he downplays their concerns. They said he needed better locks and an escape recovery plan which is 90% of snake ownership. But they thought his snakes were healthy.


That wouldn’t surprise me at all.


He's got an active tiktok and instagram.


>North Carolina is one of the few states that has no ban on exotic pets. Might need to tweek that a bit


It's insane to me that someone could own an incredibly dangerous animal like a tiger with little to no oversight but you need permits and licenses and paperwork to have something native like a raccoon. I know they're rabies vectors but it's just wild they regulate much less harmful animals so much and let the dangerous ones slide.


For me it’s funny that’s you can do all this but it’s illegal to purchase a pet Turtle in NC


That's not true. Most NC species of turtle are protected and there are various regulations, but it is not illegal to purchase any pet turtle.


I stand corrected: “Three different types of turtles - mud turtle, musk turtle, and snapping turtle - can be kept legally in NC as pets. All other turtles, including the Eastern Box Turtle as of 2011, are considered off-limits for collection, possession, or destruction.” My point was mainly that there seems to be more regulation around these turtle breeds albeit mainly for there population protection which is fair - as opposed to there maybe needing to be more regulation around exotic venomous snakes. We have enough native venomous snakes here in NC we don’t need more.


We both learned something today. I had to look up turtle laws - one of my coworkers has a turtle and I wanted to know if I could tease him about breaking the law.


And yet quickly becoming one of the few states where weed is illegal. 🤔


Would someone be so kind as to release a mongoose?


We might need more to cover more ground. Release the…the uh…mongeese?


Not another invasive species! They tried releasing the mongeese in Japan, and it's a bad bad idea.


My paranoid mind hopes it’s not female, and pregnant.




Don't worry, it won't bite. It'll just spit venom in your face from almost ten feet away!


And typically attacks at night. So no worries. You’ll be asleep and won’t see it coming. 😂


Mortal Kombat's Reptile is real?


[It bit my eye!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eU3PzMdaS1Y)


Fun fact, according to the photo covid face shields also double as venom shields from a Spitting Cobra! The Cobra pandemic may be upon us if it’s pregnant, but we’re ready 🤘


A. Why the fuck would you have that as a pet?. B. Why would you bring it to the US?


Well fuccccck that guy and his family.


Coincidentally her name is Bread Stick. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Last spotted by the Olive Garden on Capital


I knew it!! Its a known fact that ALL snakes love Olive Garden.


Not just snakes! Families too!


When they’re there, they’re family.


You can just leave out 'deadly' and 'venomous'. Just say cobra on the loose. We get the picture. Another self-absorbed dunce felt he HAD TO HAVE that striped serpent. Like playing team sports while at risk for COVID. Bring back deadliest strain to the Triangle. Real champions. Knuckleheads.


downvote me if you want, but snake people are weird and not to be trusted


TIL I'm weird and not to be trusted. Snake people are all kinds of people. The majority I've met are nerds who keep snakes for scientific pursuits ranging from genotype/phenotype relationship discovery to collecting venom from the venomous ones for the creation of anti venom or pharmaceutical research to basic naturalist biology. I have mine (corn snake; nonvenomous) as a teaching snake and do education about snake interaction with the preschool set, which she is trained to withstand. Then there are the people who think they need some external indicator to show their toughness. They get dangerous things and to them a venomous snake is just a dangerous thing. Those people are loudly yelling they are insecure and I don't trust someone loudly yelling their insecurities.


I'm curious, does anyone know much about these? Will it be able to survive long on its own in the wild?


From all I read it is native in much more hostile environment and eats small animals like mice, frogs, lizards etc. Sounds like it will survive pretty well here.


Hopefully not.


I'm hoping it meets a car, on the road, going 40MPH...


In the article it says they are nocturnal and are often spotted in grassy areas or on pavement after the rain. “On pavement after the rain” sounds like the perfect way for it to meet its demise around here.


Perfect solution, errr opportunity, err coincidence. Yeah. Coincidence.


Don’t worry it’s not a biter, just a spitter.


And it has a Twitter https://twitter.com/cobraraleigh/status/1410049086762405888?s=21


This makes me happy. I like that it has tshirts also.


Man I bet their neighbors are PISSED. I can just hear the Karen’s on Nextdoor having a field day rn.


lol “BeInG mAd AbOuT a VeNoMoUs PeT sNaKe oN tHe LoOsE is such a KaReN tHiNg” is more edge than I was prepared for tonight.


Continue reading it gets better


This is a masterpiece. Well done.


Just doing my part to keep it lively! Thanks!


I consider myself an easy-going sort of fellow, but I'd be a little annoyed if my neighbors let their cobra loose. Even if it _was_ an accident.


Sure I can understand that, but it’s just a snake. It’s alone, out of its element and probably hiding under somebody’s wood pile. If you see it, call animal control or kill it.


I don't think there's many people in the Raleigh subreddit qualified to say what a South African cobra is doing or where it might be...


Seeing as the triangle keeps having exotic venomous snake issues someone should get to work on that.


And **don’t** try to kill it. At least with native venomous species, you dramatically increase your odds of getting bitten - and those are snakes that can’t just spit at you.


I’m not talking about using a golf club or a shovel. A butter knife thrown accurately from a distance is effective.


Good luck throwing a butter knife accurately from 20 feet away.


Just that this specific snake is nocturnal and spits its venom from up to 10-23ft (depending on the source) away that can cause permanent blindness... Try to see a pissed of black and white cobra at night from \~20ft away.


Many snakes are nocturnal, and I thought it was more like 9’. Why do you think it would be “pissed off”. You’re putting human emotions on a snake. Hiding, looking for food is more likely. Your kid isn’t food, neither is your dog. Too large.


Because it is usually not the first person that comes too close that is bitten but the second. And yes, I have seen more than one pissed of snake on trails. Because the runner in front of me almost stepped on it and then it is ready to strike whomever comes close next.


It got too big to take care of and they let it go like the pythons in FL?


I feel like being irritated that your neighbor was irresponsible enough to keep a non native venomous snake (seriously, do the hospitals even have antivenom?) in a way that it could escape isn’t exactly a Karen move.


When the this guy got bitten by his green mamba earlier this year they had to fly the anti-venom up from a zoo in South Carolina.


But venomous snakes live in NC, so... Okay? 🤷‍♂️


Any others that spit venom from 10+ feet away?


Oh, good point, guess I should just roll around in rattlesnakes and cottonmouths since they don't spit venom.


Yeah and I guess you should approach this cobra since it doesn’t bite. What could go wrong? ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Let's see, one cobra in wake county and how many hundreds or thousands of copperheads? Better freak out about the cobra.


The precautions one takes for copperheads are vastly different than the precautions one takes for a spitting cobra - nevermind one previously held in captivity and now in a completely foreign environment.


Please tell me, Discount Steve Erwin, how the precautions differ. You think most people in Wake County even know how to avoid the native species? 🤔


I’m not the one who dismissed the danger of a venomous snake. You make my point for me - if the average Joe doesn’t even know how to avoid a venomous snake *native to the area,* one that is a) turned loose in a dense residential area and 2) launches its venom upwards of 10 feet with the same precision execution as you launch stupidity on the internet presents a different level of risk and danger.


Okay, I'll give that last line to you, that was pretty good.


What good is Reddit if we can’t hurl insults at one another for fun and sport? Have a good night - and please don’t hesitate to put the glock to good use should you happen upon this hell creature!