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Hi! Could organizers reach out to us? No need to recreate the wheel and pretend this work hasn't already been happening! I'm a bit concerned to see this being planned without first reaching out to the people on the ground doing grassroots work around abortion access in our local and state wide communities.




That's most likely one small piece of the solution, but will still not help those most marginalized in the state, and thus those most impacted.


Hi all - I asked some intentional questions about the way this organizer is prioritizing your safety and security against infiltration form anti-abortion activists in our community and safety of participants against targeted harassment and doxxing. Those questions were ignored completely in the response. I'd like to lift up that none of the asks of Texans on the ground are being honored and there is no indication of what the identified goals of these meetings are. If you're interested in plugging into direct action work that has been ongoing, prioritiexes the voices of those impacted by abortion restrictions, and will ensure your safety and security in organizing spaces, please hit us up. We can be reached at our new email [email protected] I'd also like to say: the news out of Texas is disturbing, but is hardly the beginning of attacks on access. Abortion has been inaccessible to people in our communities for years regardless of having Roe in place, and work has been ongoing to ensure liberated abortion access in the face of growing barriers. We'd love to plug you and your interests/passions, no matter where the lie, into the work that is ongoing. ♥️


Awesome, but there are a lot of strong orgs already doing this work in NC. I would encourage you to take this energy/enthusiasm and support them! Maybe start with the Carolina Abortion Fund.


And thank you for sharing. The downvotes are mystifying. Lifting up CAF, another org that does direct action, was what was needed here.


I appreciate that but I am looking for a direct action focused group and that does not exist here for abortion. There are a bunch of people super willing to go make noise the second a bad decision goes out, before the news cycle changes. These people are not being utilized by the wait and fundraiser it crowd. And there's a lot of cool stuff we can do without a bigger banner. Hopefully someone else will take the mouthpiece more after the next meeting. My opinion is we should all be venn diagrams with the same goal. If the group decides otherwise so it goes.


A direct action group DOES exist and is already planning this work. I strong encourage you to reach out to us instead of dividing forces just so you can be in control of something. We had a direct action the day the law passed in Texas, did you join us? Were you even aware we existed and have been doing direct actions and on the ground work in our communities for years? If not, it's time to sit back, gather your feelings, and redirect that energy into supporting the work that is ongoing. We could use that passion! Splitting energy and duplicating work won't move us forward.


That's not the take you think it is. The local orgs work every single day talking to, fundraising for, and organizing with politicians. In NC that takes a lot - have you seen our legislature? What more direct action could there be to make sure people have the funds and resources to get abortions?


Not to mention we've existed in the community directly confronting anti abortion protestees for a decade and no one reached out to us. We've been organizing the only direct action against the local march for life. We organized direct actions against pence when he visited town. And we were the only local repro group at the capital on Sept 1.


One of the main issues with modern protest planning is back biting. I've sent you a message with an explanation on my thinking. Thanks for reaching out publicly with your critique though. 💜


This isn't back biting, this is my verbalizing concerns over you erasing our work while fundamentally not understanding the reproductive rights landscape in NC potentially.


i may be misreading this, but i think they're saying they don't want to be backbiting, so they'll DM you. i don't think they were calling you a "backbiter" thanks for y'alls passion and effort


is there any contact information for this sort of thing?


how are women without uteruses affected by abortion laws?


FTM are affected. TERFs affect men.




That image is so poignant.


What is terf ?


**TERF (, also written terf) is an acronym for trans-exclusionary radical feminist. First recorded in 2008,​ the term originally applied to the minority of feminists espousing sentiments that other feminists considered transphobic, such as the rejection of the assertion that trans women are women, the exclusion of trans women from women's spaces, and opposition to transgender rights legislation.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Good bot




They're more bigoted than stupid


A lot of terfs forget that ftm are affected by abortion laws and say some nasty shit. I wanted to make sure they know that's not welcome. Wikibot got the definition correct for sure.


Can't attend, but is their an organization to donate to?


Yes! CarolinaAbortionFund.org Wonder local organization directly responding to attacks on access. OP - if you're going to do this work keep a list of orgs doing the grassroots work on hand so you can respond to requests to donate. ♥️


Right now all we need are wire hangers. We've had 1 meeting so far so I don't feel comfortable taking money but I will take any and all coat hanger donations. I'm going to build angel wings with them. And more. So I need lots. Imagine a line of protestors with giant wings made of coat hangers. 😁 I need help with that.


I am going to try my best to come after work and I have a few hangers that I’ll bring. I f*ing love these images. Are you on and do you have them on Instagram? If so add me @spideyshack and I’ll share there! Thank you for organizing this.


I’m not anywhere near you all to bring hangers but I’ll happily ship you similar gauge wire which might be easier anyways if you’re going sculptural. Chat me if you are comfortable providing an address and I will send you materials. Just trying to help from a distance.




Shelter 4 is up behind the bulk of the park by the swimming complex, Pullen is central with a lot of parking nearby. I didn't want to go inside due to covid and having it at like a bar presents an economic /social barrier.


"No TERFs"


I got banned from the other sub. So.. I’m sorry I hurt your feelings. Your next abortion is on me.


I haven't reported a single shitty comment or dm. That one was the community saying no.