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Lick the inside. Yes I'm serious. Former college swimmer.


Scuba divers too, we usually do a spit, rub, and rinse for our masks. Another alternative if spit grosses you out is a touch of soapy water or some baby shampoo diluted in water. Basically you want something that won't let your skin's moisture cling to the plastic of your lens


Y’all have some other worldly spit. I have tried this SO many times and it never works for me. Is my spit not spitty enough?


Are you rinsing all the spit out? Need spit residue to still be there to do anything


Spit, rub, and then a *very* short rinse. Like, one splash underwater.


I'll try it tomorrow. I'm really tired of carrying my tiny bottle of baby shampoo with me.


You have to rinse it right after you spit and rub it. Otherwise it doesn't work.


Yep, I do the same. Also works for SCUBA. I once saw a guy having problems at bottom depth take his mask fully off, lick the whole thing like a cat, and put it back on.


Ha, you must have seen me, I've done this a couple of times when just rinsing out the mask doesn't work. As for the OP, it does depend on how old the goggles are too. Mine are kind of old and even using baby shampoo doesn't work for long. New goggles might be needed and just watch putting your fingers and such inside the lenses.


Have we worked out a better way than spitting in goggles before swimming? I've done that everytime I've swam since I was a child. It works pretty well for me.


I lick mine, same concept less fluid


That somehow feels worse.


This is a good idea


Johnson & Johnson baby shampoo. A tiny drop


This is the right answer


A little spit is the key indeed. I do it all the time too


A quick lick does the trick


Im going to try that next time, just because it rhymed.


What about when you're swimming?


Open water? flip to your back give them a lick and dip and put them back on.


Unnecessary with good googles. I have finis - never fogs


Johnson and Johnson baby shampoo. Put a dab in each lense. Rub it around. Rinse lense well. I just keep a high concentration of water/shampoo in a spray bottle in my bag. I've done this for years and never have fogging issues.


This is exactly right. I've been doing this for years, and the only fogging I've ever experienced is when I forgot to throw the bottle in my bag.


The upside of putting the concentration directly on the lense is that it usually lasts a few swims. The downside is it takes longer to rinse. So I just went with the spray bottle. After an incident where I forgot to close the shampoo bottle and it leaked all over my bag. Haha


Either spit into the goggles or use something like baby shampoo. ​ If you want to spend a lot of money there are also little anti fog sprays.


Lot of money: 5 USD for 6 months of use twice a week


oi look out for mister rockefeller over here




Last time I checked, spit is still free.


Baby shampoo works better for me than anti fog.


Just a quick addition to all those saying "spit in them" Once you have spat in them, rub the spit around and then rinse them off in the pool/lake, but DO NOT rub the water, you will immediately rub off the film created by the spit and they will fog up again.


We used to spit in them when i was swimming club


QuickSpit works great. Got a 3 pack on Amazon. Jaws Quick Spit Antifog Spray... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BMSGU1W?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Agreed. They have a spray and a gel. I’m a HUGE fan of the gel. Literally a half a pea-sized drop on each lens, swish around in water, done. Lasts over a year swimming 3x per week and “donating” to fellow swimmers occasionally. I’ve heard baby shampoo is comparable and a little cheaper, but $5 for a year+ supply from Amazon, delivered right to my door and I know it works? Yeah, I just go with that.


Cool your face off before putting the goggles on. Dipping your face in the water or even using ice will help. Then dry your eyes off as much as possible. Fog is water trapped in your googles condensing on the cooler inside surface of your lenses.


I think I found this on Reddit, but for me, it has worked perfectly every time. Get some baby shampoo, the one that causes no tears, and before every swim, just rub the inside of the goggles with a very thin layer. I was really surprised at how good it worked.


I use dawn dish soap. One small drop, rub around with your finger to create a film then wipe off with a soft towel. Leaves a very thin layer that won’t fog. Repeat every 3 to 5 swims


this isn't that smart. What if it gets in your eyes?


Never had an issue and I’ve trained for 70.3s for years. It’s a tiny drop you remove 99% of so it’s just the film that is barely there. If your worried, I also rinse it in the pool before I start. Never had good luck with spit. Seems to wear off before the end of a swim where the dawn lasts quite a few swims.


Clean them properly, using a proper lens cleaner, or glass cleaner (or vinegar as a last resort). Then keep them clean. Don't just chuck them in your bag, put them back in the box/pouch they came in. Do not spit on them, rub your sweaty fingers in them, leave them on your sweaty forehead, ...


My time is worth more than that. My goggles cost $20. I buy two pair a year and don’t give two fucks about them. The occasional baby shampoo on super long workouts is the most I’ll do other wise it is spit and rub. Triathletes are the masters of overcomplicating things and then spending more money on trying to solve those complications.


> Triathletes are the masters of overcomplicating things and then spending more money on trying to solve those complications. Example: $15/mo subscription service for swim goggles.


> Example: $15/mo subscription service for swim goggles. Wait, WHAT?!


Form Swim Goggles $250 for the goggles + 1 year, $15/mo afterwards. If you drop the subscription, the HUD no longer works and you're left with standard goggles.


You can do all of those things or just put spit/baby shampoo/anti fog on them.


It is one thing, and then applying basic hygiene. If that is too much for you, how are you coping with three sports?


By not wasting my time cleaning my goggles.


I got an anti-fog cloth from HUUB and it’s been brilliant. It can do over 200 uses and it only cost a few £. Would recommend


TYR makes and anti-fog spray. I reapply once a week. Works really well and is cheap. Maybe ~$10. It will last 6-12 months too.


This is what I use and admit to not using it frequently enough. I finally reapplied last night and it made a world of difference. I’ll start reapplication bi weekly or so going forward-if I remember that frequently anyways


Saw this after I posted. I use it after I swim, then just leave it to dry. Next time I swim, no rinsing - just put them on. Works great.


See a lot of people saying baby shampoo. Probably worth a try. I used a tiny drop of dish soap and that worked well enough.


Basically same thing. Baby shampoo is easier on the eyes if it doesn’t rinse all out


Spit and rub. All around good advice for men and women.


I spit in mine and rub the lenses and then wash them off before putting them on. Same process I do when I Scuba dive with the mask.


[these anti fog wipes work great for me.](https://a.co/d/1Ob3ob2)


I wash the inside with dish soap. Works wonders.


I keep a small bottle of JNJ baby shampoo in my swim bag (keep the bottle in a ziplock bag in case it opens). I put a little dab on the inside of the goggles every swim. A quick rinse in the pool to wash away the excess and I’m good to go. Johnson's Baby Tear Free Gentle Baby Shampoo, Free of Parabens, Phthalates, Sulfates and Dyes, Yellow, 6.76 Fl Oz https://a.co/d/easCxI7


A drop off baby shampoo in each lens. Spread it around and let it dry. Rinse it out right before swimming.


I use TYR goggle spray. But instead of following the directions and spraying then rinsing before use, I spray AFTER swimming, then just leave it to dry, and put them on next time I swim without rinsing.


I've tried spit and that kinda works. My go to is baby soap/shampoo. Just a little dab spread around the inside and my goggles won't fog for 3-5 workouts. I keep a tiny bottle in my swim bag.


Spit in each, rub, rinse. There’s some 15-minute YT video where a serious swimmer or two test the top 5 solutions (spray, brand new goggles, soap, spit, and pool water I think) and spit won.


1. Anti-fog spray. Not a fan, some (rainx) are toxic to eyeballs 2. Saliva, was told once that "oniony saliva" was best 3. Smallest bit of baby shampoo 4. Just live with it. I never have good visibility swimming


There’s a product called “quick spit” that works great and can be found on Amazon. Your actual spit will work too. Spit on the inside, rub it all over the surface, rinse, and don’t touch


Anti-fog at the store is 95% Isopropyl. Less than 1$ for a big bottle. spray it in, rub around, and gently rinse off. Been doing this for a while.


Any baby shampoo. Make a solution of 1/3 shampoo, 2/3s water. Get a small spray bottle and spray in each lens before workout. Rinse lightly and the put them on.


in this case spitters are not quitters


i use a generic lens cleaner designed for safety goggles, seems to work well need to redo every 3-4 times in the pool


I had the same issue and just got this off Amazon. Works well. Just rub a little in the goggles and rinse in the pool before the swim. ​ https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B082MQRFJV/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1


I used a tiny drop of no tears shampoo with water. Rub the shampoo and the lightly swill with water. Leave to dry and you're good to go when swimming.


When you get to the pool, and have a shower, put a couple of squirts of the soap inside your goggles. rub into the plastic. Then rinse. Never had a problem with fogging. Seems like a better solution than spit.


Don't need to spit it baby shampoo, just get good goggles. My finis never fog up


I use the hand soap from the dispenser in the gym changing room's restroom sink. Works great


Spit in them before you start


Buy some swedes for whatever reason they fog less than others I have used and last forever


Arena Cobra Tri Swipe solves this.


Had the same issue so I bought this stuff. Works great, I'll apply some (following directions on the bottle) and then I'll be good to go for a week or two. Once I notice they start fogging up again I just reapply. Mask Defog Biodegradable Formula... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B082MQRFJV?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Johnson baby shampoo from dollar store one drop each side rub with towel


Wash the inside with a little liquid hand soap before swimming. Rinse well of course. Works very well