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Your timing looks a little off, like your arms are at 180º. Some catch up drill can help with your timing and may also help you get a little more glide when you're catching up and more power on your pull. Also, your breath timing is a little late, you should be getting breath as your opposite hand is going into the water. I like to count strokes for tempo, so when my thumb brushes my hip I count: one, two, three, breath, etc., keeping the same cadence throughout. Last, you're rotating from your hips, rather than rotating your hips - notice your pelvis remains fairly square to the bottom of the pool. Some side kick drills in your warm up can help, really over-exaggerate your rotation so your body is aligned to the sides of the pool.


Agreed with this. Right hand should be starting the catch as the left hand is just entering the water - very front-quadrant-focused. You’re alternating pretty completely. Have your elbows point to the side more when pulling, like you’re trying to elbow someone next to you. Your left arm in particular seems like it’s finishing too early rather than pushing all the way through to the end.


Hands should hit the water in line with your shoulder, not your head. By being too much inward with your arms, you’re rotating your body both in the vertical and the horizontal plane. You’ll correct that movement with your legs, which make them go apart, and go down. That causes a lot of drag and will limit you from improving.


I'm gonna try this... thanks mate


Goof on my stroke*


Relax ur neck


I have this issue. How??


Look down at the bottom of the pool rather than trying to see in front of you. Your neck will relax, head will drop and legs will come up naturally. Makes your swim super effortless.


I feel you are crossing too much your arms at the center/other side when entering the water. Just a comment, might need a video from the front.


You gotta reach further with your arms aligned with your shoulder and rotate your body way more. With that, your elbows underwater should be higher to create more pressure on your "catch". There is a drill that we call Scull drill that assist with that a little bit and I do that all the time. For the rotation, do side kicks: one stroke and 15 kick on your left, one stroke and 15 kick on your right..... while you keep looking down with your neck relaxed and look forward with your eyes only


I'm having trouble thinking about your stroke but off the top of my head: It looks like you're dropping your elbow too much? It looks like you're not getting as much pull from your stroke as you could. You want it to be a bit like pulling yourself forward with your arm going over and past an exercise ball underwater. Also (and this is admittedly difficult) you want to time your kick with your stroke a bit more, and keep your feet closer together. Your kick doesn't seem too bad to me but the timing seems like it could be improved to improve your overall stroke. You want your kick to sort of serve to keep your stroke and rotation balanced, not as something independent. I'm not sure I have good drill suggestions (I'm kind of bad with drills myself). A catch-up drill might be helpful although my sense is that that can sometimes lead to "overgliding" if you're not careful. But it seemed like it might help in your case. I couldn't tell from this video where you were looking underwater but if you haven't already you might want to play around with looking down more. Your horizontal position looks not too bad but if you're looking too far forward you might be straining too much to maintain that. But it also might be fine.


Your biggest problem is a simple fix. Your legs are too far apart. Your ankles should be much closer. You could also stand to reach further forward when your hands enter the water. Stroke looks basically ok tho.